Biggest Loser show chit-chat

I'm going through a lot of tissues watching each of the final four finishing the marathon!

I wonder who gained 2 pounds? Guess we'll know in a few minutes.

**They give away TOO much info in the previews!

So true. I had to wonder why they bothered with the cliffhanger before his number - hello - last one to weigh in, nobody got +2.....silly.

Heartbreaking, though, the reality of it. He's right - it is easy to gain while training for a marathon, no matter what Bob might say - it's counterintuitive, but it happens to a lot of people training for that distance, because of increased appetite, and a feeling that "I ran all this way, I can eat a lot now." Breaks my heart that it was so much night eating for him, and clearly emotional as well.

His time for the marathon was VERY impressive, though. VERY. Hopefully finishing and in that time gives him the strength to change whatever is going on inwardly.

Did anyone notice that they are charging $.99 per text vote? :scared1:

As for the Ashley/Michael question, I think it's one of two things and I'm not sure which it is!!! Maybe we'll find out next week.

Koli's head also seems to be in a weird place. I am most concerned about him and Daris.

As in previous seasons it was , very fun to see returning champs on the Marathon course! It was nice that they had some back that had regained a bit and some that looked the same as they day they won.
Daris put in a good time for a marathon.

The two I want to win are the two below the line. It is a hard call but I am going to give my votes to Koli. I don't really have any problem with game play and have to go with the person that still managed to lose weight over a month instead of gain it.

If it is Daris that makes it instead of Koli I wouldn't be all that disappointed and whichever of the two makes it in is the one I will be pulling for.

All of them managed to lose more weight that I weigh. That is impressive but losing it and keeping it off are two different things. Other then that one lady in pink everyone that was on the course today looked like they put back on at least some, and in one case most, of their weight. I think too many of the contestants don't address the root causes for why they put on so many pounds. Bob and Jillian try but I think some of them need to see an actual psychologist.
I think of the returning former contestants, only Ali Vincent has really kept her weight off. But then she is working for them, shilling all the stuff (BL resort, the books, the protein powder etc etc).

I tried to impart a lesson to my DD regarding the marathon: Koli "ran" the whole way, finished in 6:08. Michael and Ashley alternated walk/run and finished in 6:26. So walking did not hurt them at all really, probably helped them quite a bit. Guess that Jeff Galloway guy must be on to something huh;):rolleyes:

The nighttime eating, Daris was at least honest about it. And I understand the "can't lose weight while training" mentality. You rationalize your eating with "but I ran 15 miles today". Been there, done that. Plus quite honestly, how much more weight does the boy need to lose? He is at 195/197, where does he need to be-like 175? Just like Sam, he is small, losing is hard.

I am voting for Daris, just cause I like him better than Koli. Koli just seems like his head is in the wrong place (but the same can be said for Daris too). I honestly think that Michael still has the best chance to win, since he still has the most to lose.
The only potential upside to both Daris and Koli going below the yellow line is there's a good chance 1 will win the biggest loser and 1 will win the at home winner. Of the former contestants, Matt we had seen previously and had put on weight but doesn't look bad. Mike looked good maybe put on a little weight, Ali seems to have kept almost all of the weight off. Sione is the one that looked like he had put on the most weight. Some weight gain is almost inevitable especially for the finalest. They lost this weight by working out 8 to 10 hours a day (or more) and being on an extremely restricted diet.

As far as Daris gaining weight, as I was training for my half marathon, I had an appitite that wouldn't quit. I only lost 3-5 lbs in 5 months of training. Daris decided to use his month to train for a marathon. Sam I thought was the least prepared for the marathon especially with the goal to run the entire distance. Veronica hit on the same thing I was thinking. Sam ran the whole distance and finished in 6:08 and looked half dead at the finish. Michael and Ashley who are both significantly more overweight Walk/Run the distance in 6:26 and looked in reasonably good shape at the finish Plus they took the time to stop and hug everyone along the way. Sam though also probably didn't pace himself properly. He talked about how he want to keep up with Daris in the beginning.
As far as Daris gaining weight, as I was training for my half marathon, I had an appitite that wouldn't quit. I only lost 3-5 lbs in 5 months of training. Daris decided to use his month to train for a marathon. Sam I thought was the least prepared for the marathon especially with the goal to run the entire distance. Veronica hit on the same thing I was thinking. Sam ran the whole distance and finished in 6:08 and looked half dead at the finish. Michael and Ashley who are both significantly more overweight Walk/Run the distance in 6:26 and looked in reasonably good shape at the finish Plus they took the time to stop and hug everyone along the way. Sam though also probably didn't pace himself properly. He talked about how he want to keep up with Daris in the beginning.

That would be Koli. :)
So true. I had to wonder why they bothered with the cliffhanger before his number - hello - last one to weigh in, nobody got +2.....silly.

Heartbreaking, though, the reality of it. He's right - it is easy to gain while training for a marathon, no matter what Bob might say - it's counterintuitive, but it happens to a lot of people training for that distance, because of increased appetite, and a feeling that "I ran all this way, I can eat a lot now." Breaks my heart that it was so much night eating for him, and clearly emotional as well.

His time for the marathon was VERY impressive, though. VERY. Hopefully finishing and in that time gives him the strength to change whatever is going on inwardly.

Did anyone notice that they are charging $.99 per text vote? :scared1
Corinna - as usual, you seem to have the same thoughts I do on the show.
Insane price on the texts!

I was bummed at Bob & Jillian's reaction to Daris. They were so hard on him, when in fact it's not easy to lose weight while marathon training. Running hours a day on the 1600 calories he is supposed to eat is ridiculous. This isn't to excuse Daris (he obviously ate too much), but to criticize Bob's response. The show pressures them to run a marathon with minimal training. Daris really wanted to achieve a good time, which distracted him from his weight loss.

I may vote for Koli, if I vote. I like Daris okay and I'm very impressed with his running, but I never really clicked with him. I think Koli can win this. But I guess of the people left, I'll be happy for whoever wins. Sam was really my only fave this season, and I don't dislike any of the people that were final 4.
So true. I had to wonder why they bothered with the cliffhanger before his number - hello - last one to weigh in, nobody got +2.....silly.

Heartbreaking, though, the reality of it. He's right - it is easy to gain while training for a marathon, no matter what Bob might say - it's counterintuitive, but it happens to a lot of people training for that distance, because of increased appetite, and a feeling that "I ran all this way, I can eat a lot now." Breaks my heart that it was so much night eating for him, and clearly emotional as well.

His time for the marathon was VERY impressive, though. VERY. Hopefully finishing and in that time gives him the strength to change whatever is going on inwardly.

Did anyone notice that they are charging $.99 per text vote? :scared1:

As for the Ashley/Michael question, I think it's one of two things and I'm not sure which it is!!! Maybe we'll find out next week.

Koli's head also seems to be in a weird place. I am most concerned about him and Daris.

As in previous seasons it was , very fun to see returning champs on the Marathon course! It was nice that they had some back that had regained a bit and some that looked the same as they day they won.

Corinna - as usual, you seem to have the same thoughts I do on the show.
Insane price on the texts!

I was bummed at Bob & Jillian's reaction to Daris. They were so hard on him, when in fact it's not easy to lose weight while marathon training. Running hours a day on the 1600 calories he is supposed to eat is ridiculous. This isn't to excuse Daris (he obviously ate too much), but to criticize Bob's response. The show pressures them to run a marathon with minimal training. Daris really wanted to achieve a good time, which distracted him from his weight loss.

I may vote for Koli, if I vote. I like Daris okay and I'm very impressed with his running, but I never really clicked with him. I think Koli can win this. But I guess of the people left, I'll be happy for whoever wins. Sam was really my only fave this season, and I don't dislike any of the people that were final 4.

First of all Hi Corrina!! Long time no talk!!

I just wanted to comment on one other thing with Daris that struck me (maybe this has already been mentioned...) But, what is his Body Fat?? He is already 195lbs how much more can he lose? And, if he was traning for a marathon, he may have turned some of that remaining body fat into lean muscle. I remember the first season (or second???) they measured body fat and they do not do that anymore. I think that is a very important piece that we are missing....Daris just may be at his best weight, in which case good for him!!!

I too think Jillian and Bob were far too harsh. I think the self-sabatoge comment was way over the top. It makes for good tv for NBC I guess.....
First of all Hi Corrina!! Long time no talk!!

I just wanted to comment on one other thing with Daris that struck me (maybe this has already been mentioned...) But, what is his Body Fat?? He is already 195lbs how much more can he lose? And, if he was traning for a marathon, he may have turned some of that remaining body fat into lean muscle. I remember the first season (or second???) they measured body fat and they do not do that anymore. I think that is a very important piece that we are missing....Daris just may be at his best weight, in which case good for him!!!

I too think Jillian and Bob were far too harsh. I think the self-sabatoge comment was way over the top. It makes for good tv for NBC I guess.....
If I recall correctly, Daris mentioned in the previous episode that he had 17% body fat. That was before he went home for 30 days and trained for the marathon.
First of all Hi Corrina!! Long time no talk!!

I just wanted to comment on one other thing with Daris that struck me (maybe this has already been mentioned...) But, what is his Body Fat?? He is already 195lbs how much more can he lose? And, if he was traning for a marathon, he may have turned some of that remaining body fat into lean muscle. I remember the first season (or second???) they measured body fat and they do not do that anymore. I think that is a very important piece that we are missing....Daris just may be at his best weight, in which case good for him!!!

I too think Jillian and Bob were far too harsh. I think the self-sabatoge comment was way over the top. It makes for good tv for NBC I guess.....

Hi Amy! It has been too long! How have you been, girl??

I agree, I miss the body fat testing. I can't imagine they aren't doing it anymore, I think they probably are just not sharing those % numbers. Darris knew his %, so they must have access to that info.

I tried to impart a lesson to my DD regarding the marathon: Koli "ran" the whole way, finished in 6:08. Michael and Ashley alternated walk/run and finished in 6:26. So walking did not hurt them at all really, probably helped them quite a bit. Guess that Jeff Galloway guy must be on to something huh

Yes, Galloway definitely has some things going for his method Agreed, Koli did not look well during the second half, and probably could have paced himself more carefully/benefitted from walk breaks. But I do have to point out that while it might not have given him a dramatically better time than Michael and Ashley, and not to take anything away from the accomplisments of those who walk or run/walk a marathon, it is still a distinct accomplishment to run an entire marathon at whatever speed, especially for someone who at the same time last year weighed over 400 pounds.

I don't really care which of them is in the final 3 - I don't think they stand a chance against the greater potential losses of Michael and Ashley. But who knows. Each one of them "deserves" it.

Also, regarding the voting off of Sunshine vs. Michael, no way to tell what Sunshine would have done with that week, but Michael definitely "needed" to be there - evidenced by his freak out. He really seemed to be in a better place after that! It's good he was with Bob when it happened.

Finally, regarding the previous players losing the weight vs. keeping it off - definitely two different things. I have never thought that Biggest Loser was a great model for healthy, sustainable weight loss. Of course, what is? I've read somewhere that something like 95% of people who lose weight will gain it back at some point - talk about depressing! If they are finding people to be on the show who are that large, odds are most of them do have some sort of food addiction/issues, and the campus is like being in rehab - yes you can get them clean and slimmed down in that environment, but unless they learn to manage their addiction and have ongoing support etc. it is going to be hard to stay on that path long term.

Koli's statement that he never wants to go back reminded me of a similar statement I made to an uncle at my wedding 14 years ago, prior to which I'd lost @60 pounds. The problem is, being at goal weight is like standing at the top of a slippery slope and it takes a lot of work to stay on top of it, no matter how much you say you want to. Unfortunately, maintaining is not as dramatic as losing, and it gets relatively little attention. There are thousands of books, websites, threads and support groups for losing. How many are there for maintaining? I have found 2 books on maintaining weight vs. thousands on losing. Some weight loss programs have like WW, or OA have a "maintenance" component. That's the extent of it, from what I can tell. We don't even have a specific "weight maintenance" thread on the DIS, unless I have missed it. I am grateful to be able to continue on with the BL challenge thread as a maintainer, though.

Not long now and we'll be at the finale!!! Should be interesting to say the least. I hope we get some answers on Michael and Ashley!!
Just thinking about this show today. I agree that many of the former contestants who returned for last week's show looked like they had gained back a decent amount of weight.... but like someone mentioned, maintaining that "pre-final" workout and eating schedule is impossible to keep up for the duration. Plus they are trying to hit a super low weight before the finale... probably a low weight that would be nearly impossible to stay at. I know if there was money on the line for me I would just try to KEEP LOSING and not bother to stop at an actual "goal" weight. Even the former contestants that still look fit, look like they are up at least 10 pounds from their "finale" weights. It only makes sense.

That said, it makes me so SAD to see so many of them still battling the bulge and not winning the battle! I think that those 1-19 weeks that they spend on the ranch are just not enough REAL LIFE. I know personally it has taken me two years to lose what most of them lose in just a few months... but I have learned SO VERY VERY MUCH about the journey along the way! And I think (at least I hope) it will make me more successful in keeping the weight off in the end. It is hard to re-learn an entire lifetime of bad eating habits in just a few weeks or months.....................P
It will be interesting to see how Shay looks at the finale, as well as the man featured a few weeks ago who had lost several hundred pounds.

Hey - are we going to start a new chat thread for Jillian's new show?
I guess I am going to miss the final. I have a wake to go to. I think the final show is pretty boring but it is nice to see how everyone looks. I should be home in time to see the final three weigh ins though.
I guess I am going to miss the final. I have a wake to go to. I think the final show is pretty boring but it is nice to see how everyone looks. I should be home in time to see the final three weigh ins though.

Just set the DVR, no one actually watches TV live anymore. How else do you skip through the commercials?
Just set the DVR, no one actually watches TV live anymore. How else do you skip through the commercials?
I watch very little TV, and The Biggest Loser is about all I watch! I don't even know how to use the DVR - assuming we have one! :rotfl2:
That said, it makes me so SAD to see so many of them still battling the bulge and not winning the battle! I think that those 1-19 weeks that they spend on the ranch are just not enough REAL LIFE. I know personally it has taken me two years to lose what most of them lose in just a few months... but I have learned SO VERY VERY MUCH about the journey along the way! And I think (at least I hope) it will make me more successful in keeping the weight off in the end. It is hard to re-learn an entire lifetime of bad eating habits in just a few weeks or months.....................P

I know, I have been thinking about this too, pjlla. I think it would be great to lose so much weight so quickly but really it turns out that it just like a fad diet where you gain again as soon as you stop. Our way might be slower but we have a much better chance of getting it off and, more importantly, keeping it off the slow and steady way. :goodvibes

It will be interesting to see how Shay looks at the finale, as well as the man featured a few weeks ago who had lost several hundred pounds.

Hey - are we going to start a new chat thread for Jillian's new show?

It might not be a bad idea to start a new thread. We do have folks on here who aren't part of the summer challenge and don't want to lose anyone. :thumbsup2

Just set the DVR, no one actually watches TV live anymore. How else do you skip through the commercials?


I watch very little TV, and The Biggest Loser is about all I watch! I don't even know how to use the DVR - assuming we have one! :rotfl2:

You are lucky that you don't live at our house where you have to negotiate for DVR time. ;) I get 2 hours a week for BL.

Who do you think will be the BL? I'm thinking it will be Ashley! :hippie:
Who do you think will be the BL? I'm thinking it will be Ashley! :hippie:

Agreed. I either think it will be her or Mike. I'm kinda pulling for Ashley though. She's been one of the few "neutral" people. Not that much drama from her. Just steady numbers.
I went to the wake last night.

The top 3 just came out.

All I can say is Oh My God

My dh was walking through the room as Mike came in and his comment was "That's not the same person is it?"


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