Biggest Loser 9 Spring challenge -- Part 2! HERE WE ARE! :)

As our Spring Challenge comes to an end, what is one thing you learned that you think you will carry forward in your life and in your ongoing weight loss/maintenance journey?

Accountability. Motivation. Inspiration. Support. Encouragement. It CAN come from people you've never met, and make the difference in keeping on track!

My dream job - this is hokey but getting paid to be a mom and wife. I feel like a traitor to my liberated sex but I do love it! The liberation is what gives us the choice to stay home right? :goodvibes
ITA!!!! Congrats on putting down the chips! We have had several gymnastics with that foot problem. Hope DD is well soon!

Home from my sprint with Redwalker. We got in about 5 miles and several people commented on our walking!
Great job!

Just wanted to stop by and show off my new clippie...

You wear it well!

Good luck tomorrow. I'm looking forward to the new challenge, but before we switch over I wanted to thank everyone from this challenge for all the amazing support. You all are the best! :goodvibes

I agree! I am looking forward to continuing with you all. I must admit, the sheer size of the participants, knowing I am coaching beginning June 4, is intimidating! I have loved the support, encouragement, and motivation from this group!

Cooked some sirloin and veggies for dinner. Ate a little more of the sirloin than I had intended, but still kept to around 4oz. Lots of peppers and onions, and munched on cauliflower while I was cooking.

I am getting more comfortable for how I look, except for this flabby belly, and a little bit on my arms. I just don't know what it will take to lose it. From behind, I rock. From the front, as long as the gut is sucked in, it's still... flabby. Someone asked me at work if I was going to keep going until I am a whisper, my reply was, "I'll know it when I see it." I'm almost afraid of how much more weight it will take to get it off, since you can't spot reduce flab, and that my face will end up looking sick.

Any advice?
I've been missing in action this week. Last Wednesday I was eating a salad with Hellemann's FF Honey Mustard Dressing and I noticed my lips went numb. Didn't think anything of it. The next day at work I ordered the same salad with the same dressing. This time my lips went numb and it traveled up my cheek and into my throat. Thank god I work for a doctor and was immediately given a shot. The following day I noticed that my left hand was numb not the arm though. It's now a week later and I'm still having the numbness in my cheek as swell as my other cheek too. It's beginning to freak me out. This past year I've noticed that my speech is a little off. I will go to say pen and it comes out pencil. It's too the point that my children have noticed. It's really freaking me out. I finally decided to make a neuro appt but can't get in till June 4th. I had a brain MRI last year, it was normal. I'm starting to get really nervous. I know this is way off topic but I'm scared. I had a cousin who died at 18 from a brain tumor and that's all I think about.
I've been missing in action this week. Last Wednesday I was eating a salad with Hellemann's FF Honey Mustard Dressing and I noticed my lips went numb. Didn't think anything of it. The next day at work I ordered the same salad with the same dressing. This time my lips went numb and it traveled up my cheek and into my throat. Thank god I work for a doctor and was immediately given a shot. The following day I noticed that my left hand was numb not the arm though. It's now a week later and I'm still having the numbness in my cheek as swell as my other cheek too. It's beginning to freak me out. This past year I've noticed that my speech is a little off. I will go to say pen and it comes out pencil. It's too the point that my children have noticed. It's really freaking me out. I finally decided to make a neuro appt but can't get in till June 4th. I had a brain MRI last year, it was normal. I'm starting to get really nervous. I know this is way off topic but I'm scared. I had a cousin who died at 18 from a brain tumor and that's all I think about.

:grouphug:Sending good wishes your way that it's nothing to worry about. It is so hard to wait. Think good thoughts and take good care of yourself for the next two weeks. :goodvibes
WOOHOO! I made Lisa's top 10 list!!!!!:rotfl2:

DD1 and DH won their soccer game 3-0! Played well and DD1 was so close to scoring a goal but the other team had a really good goalie the first half!

Got in 2 more miles after the game so I did 9-10 today. Hoping I didn't blow it this afternoon with the popcorn, M&Ms and a piece of DD1s small bbq pizza and a few chips. Still drinking my water so hopefully I can flush all that crud out tonight!

Watching Gray's Anatomy right now! OMG!!!!!! I was going to watch it tomorrow but one of my friends posted something about it! I will not spoil it for anyone though!

I am going to get up at 5:15 and do 4 miles and then another 3 at 7:30. I have a client at 11 so I will go into work at 9 to prepare. After school I'll take the kids to the park for an hour or so since it's going to be nice. Grilled swordfish for supper with pasta salad that I will cook up when I get home tomorrow. I bought Wacky Mac and some lite Italian dressing.

Have a great night and good luck with everyone's weigh in tomorrow!
Oops! Forgot to answer the QOTD!

QOTD: I have learned that it is true what they say about the last 10 being the hardest! I've also learned that I can do this no matter what! NEVER GIVE UP!
Have a FABULOUS trip!! We'll be thinking of you running around the World! And good luck with the new can do it!

oooooo... prizes! I don't usually get involved in the COW during the school year because I have a hard enough time keeping all of my balls in the air, but I had been thinking about jumping into it again for the summer. This might cinch the deal!

I actually found a light ice cream that is only 2 points per serving. I have been enjoying it this week, so I totally understand the ice cream thing!

I would PASS OUT if DH suggested a Disney trip (that said, he is the one who suggested that I take DS to Disney for our Mother/Son weekend). I'll be excited to hear about the planning if you decide to go.

Well HAPPY THURSDAY morning everyone! I finally get a chance to hop on here early.

I never answered yesterday's QOTD..... maybe because I don't have a good answer. When I think about the things I would like to do I come up with things like organizing (both things and people), scrapbooking (so something creative would be nice), reading (love to read and even like to do some research), planning (love to plan things... parties, vacations, etc).

I guess my dream job might be some sort of party planner/event organizer (I've always loved planning big birthday parties for my kids and I ran VBS at our church for two or three years). That would involve the organizing, planning, research, and creative aspects. Although since most of these events would probably be weekend events, I would have to work weekends, which I would not like.

I have given some thought to going back to school to do something in the nutrition field (although I KNOW I wouldn't like all the science) or to become a professional organizer. I guess I'm sort of all over the board on this.

I had a sneak peek at the scale again today and I LOVED the number I saw!! If I can hold on to that number until tomorrow I will be thrilled!!!!!!:cool1: We'll see..........

I have not been nearly as diligent with my exercise this week as I should be, but it has been a super busy week. I am SO looking forward to school ending so we can relax just a bit!

I need to get moving. DD is having a bunch of Rainbow Girls over this weekend for a sleepover so they can work on the scrapbook for their Grand Assembly. I need to get the house really cleaned and then set up a bunch of my scrapping supplies in the dining room for them to use. My cleaning list for today is about a mile long and includes steam cleaning the living room and dining room carpets and the stairs! I guess I better hit the ground running! TTYL...............P

ETA: DUH... I never posted today's QOTD! Here it is.....

As our Spring Challenge comes to an end, what is one thing you learned that you think you will carry forward in your life and in your ongoing weight loss/maintenance journey?

For me..... SLOW AND STEADY wins the race!! As many of you know, I have struggled and struggled for many months now with these last few pounds. There are moments when I wanted to throw in the towel and just hit maintenance.... but I haven't. And I finally feel like I can HIT THIS GOAL!

I've learned that I want to maintain, and I'm good at it, unfortunately I need to lose and I can't keep enough of a focus to do so. Hopefully I will learn more in the next challenge.

I've been missing in action this week. Last Wednesday I was eating a salad with Hellemann's FF Honey Mustard Dressing and I noticed my lips went numb. Didn't think anything of it. The next day at work I ordered the same salad with the same dressing. This time my lips went numb and it traveled up my cheek and into my throat. Thank god I work for a doctor and was immediately given a shot. The following day I noticed that my left hand was numb not the arm though. It's now a week later and I'm still having the numbness in my cheek as swell as my other cheek too. It's beginning to freak me out. This past year I've noticed that my speech is a little off. I will go to say pen and it comes out pencil. It's too the point that my children have noticed. It's really freaking me out. I finally decided to make a neuro appt but can't get in till June 4th. I had a brain MRI last year, it was normal. I'm starting to get really nervous. I know this is way off topic but I'm scared. I had a cousin who died at 18 from a brain tumor and that's all I think about.

:wizard:Brain tumors are very scary. Most of you know by now that our 12 year old had on last fall. The good news is that most of them are operatable. I hope that it is something much more simple:wizard:
:cool1: Howdie everyone :D
:surfweb: Just sitting here updating and saying I'm back to come and lost weight. I've been sick the last weekend and today so I'm still fighting that off, but I walked the treadmill and very proud of it :thumbsup2
Hi Everyone!!! Long time, no post!!! :wave:

QOTD Thursday: As our Spring Challenge comes to an end, what is one thing you learned that you think you will carry forward in your life and in your ongoing weight loss/maintenance journey?

Ive learned that maintaining a forward momentum is really tough and a week of being "off" can easily turn into five or six weeks off! Get back on the saddle as soon as you can! And, if you really, really need a break, go into maintance mode for awhile, but keep journaling. Everytime I try to get back OP right now, what I find drags me down is getting back into the habit of journaling. Mostly I need to decide if I'm going to maintain my 30 pound (okay, 28 :rolleyes1) pound loss or go for a weight loss week. And then journal!!!

I'm starting a new challenge at my gym. It's modeled a little bit after the Biggest Loser and it's called Body Fit Challenge (BFC). Mostly, I'm doing it to give me some extra semi-personal training while I start training for my DLR Half Marathon on Labor Day weekend. But, it would be really cool to win at my club level with the biggest body fat percentage loss, too! And, yet, the Chinese food from last night is calling my name right now. Gah!

I am still doing well with my running. I've done a couple of 5Ks now and I've been improving my time. I'm still not speedy McDermott, but getting better! I'm running 2-3 miles three to four times a week. In two week I'll be starting to add in a longer run once a week. The BFC trainer is really helping me by showing me how to implement speed intervals in my run.

I need to get back to reading all your wonderful suggestions on a daily basis. Especially the ones on how to fit excercise into a busy "mom" lifestyle. I'll tell you, between working three days a week, swim team practice and meets, violin lessons, ballet, trying to make a healthy dinner, keep the girls clean and get them to bed on time, and keep the house from looking like a complete sty, I sometimes wonder when I have time to breathe!

Just wanted to stop by and show off my new clippie...

*spinning* *twirling* *spinning*

Awesome clippie! I'll get there, too! Hopefully by the end of summer!

I also learned that I can get back on track when I slack off - the most important thing is not to let it get away from me. It's like I've got 2 frames of mind that I switch between - when I'm on track, I pay attention to what I weigh, I care about what I'm eating and how much. When I slip into that old mindset, I just want to ignore all of it - what I weigh, how much I'm eating and what the quality is of that food as well (i.e. more processed, packaged, takeout, dessert, snacks). I think it is going to be a lifelong struggle to stay more in the healthy frame of mind, and I've just begun to get the hang of that. It took about a year to ditch my excess weight. It's going to take at least that long to master the art of keeping it off!

Amen, Sister!!!
Good morning everyone.

Good luck on weigh in. I will weigh in later.

Went to yoga last night. At one point she had out stomachs quivering. My arms are sore this morning and I am sure that my stomach will be sore tomorrow. I am so glad that I started yoga. I realized that this is the reason I have lost some inches in my waist. I have been noticing my pant fit a lot better and it is all the stretching and twisting I have been doing. ANd yes my pants have gotten longer.

:banana:I made Lisa's top 10 list.

QOTD What goes in your mouth is one of the most important thing on this journey. Making yourself think about everything that goes in your mouth really helps. I read an article that just one yoga class a week changes your thinking about what goes in your mouth. I know this is true about me.

Have a great day everyone. I am looking forward to the next challenge.
4 miles down and 3 to go this morning. Not going to weigh myself until after the 3 mile workout. I didn't weigh myself when I got up as I didn't want to jinx myself.

Good luck everyone! I'll post again later!:flower3:
Good morning!

I enjoyed your top 10 list Lisa!:flower3:

I ended up 2.4 lbs below my goal for the challenge.:goodvibes I know I will probably put some on this week, but that's ok and I will start the new challenge where ever I'm at. My DH told me this morning that I need to not worry about it for a few days, and that I eat pretty healthy most of the time so it will be fine.:thumbsup2 Still thinking about what my goal will be for the next challenge. I can honestly say that when I started in January, I was a little unsure about whether I could lose this time. I was feeling so sluggish and lethargic, and was probably still a little depressed dealing with the whole empty nest thing. It's amazing what some healthy food, exercise and wonderful support can do for your attitude and outlook. So for anyone getting started on the new challenge--You Can Do It, Too!!!

Off to the Y this morning for some elliptical and strength training. Hope everyone has a great weigh in and a great day!
Kathy:hug: I wanted to tell you I always enjoy your posts. You have a really positive outlook on things. I know you can do this! And I agree sometimes I think maintaining is under rated.
Thank you Rose. :flower3:

So I am going to do a little top ten list of things that I learned this challenge and who I learned them from:

10. Always have a plan (pjlla)
9. You can always eat more calories than you can exercise away (corinnak)
8. You can never exercise too much (tigger813)
7. You can't go wrong with a positive attitude (happysmyly)
6. Drink your water. (sahbushka)
5. Treat yourself like a child and make sure that you are taken care of
4. Good habits will help you reach your goals (donac)
3. If you break a dish, don't throw the rest on the floor -- or get right back on track if you go off plan (LuvBaloo)
2. You are the only person who can make this dream happen for yourself (me)
1. Never give up (mikamah)

This list could have been much, much longer because I have learned something from each and every one of you. :flower3:
Lisa, this list is awesome! Thank you so much. And congrats on seeing a new number on the scale!!

It's hard to believe the challenge is over. I am .6 below starting weight, but on a good roll with 2 weeks of tracking my food again, and planning to continue.

One thing I've learned through this challenge is that everyone here is always supportive and friendly, and no matter if you post once a day or once a week, or once through the whole challenge, you are always welcome to come back and given support.

I want to thank Lisa, our organizer, SHannon, our awesome weight keeper, and Dona, the keeper of the cow for all your hard work, effort and time you put into these challenges. I sometimes have a hard time coming to post when I want to, and you all always find the time each week to do what it takes to keep the challenge running, and it is appreciated so much.:flower3::flower3::flower3:

I'm off to work early again, and hope to come on tonight and see how everyone did today. Good luck with weighins today.:)

I GOT MY 50 POUND CLIPPIE!!!:cool1::banana::woohoo::yay:

Woke up this morning with a monster headache, and soon thereafter realized "the reds had come to town to play". Put on my running shoes anyway. Word of advice: if you have a killer headache, do not try to set a PR for your workout to make it be over faster. It just makes the headache worse. Ended up barely finishing my 3 miles, after being under pace for the first mile!

Came back, reluctantly got on the scale, knowing what TOM usually does (adds 3-5 lbs), and had lost the one I need to get to 50!

Sorry for the book, but I am very excited this am!!! Headache has eased a bit, it's Friday, and I defeated TOM for the first time in my life, at least on arrival day!

I hope everyone has a MARVELOUS weigh in this am. This has been the BEST challenge, and I am so thankful to Lisa, Shannon, all the coaches, and all of the participants that have helped me soooooooooooo much along the way. :grouphug: to all of you! I hope you'll all join summer challenge, as I will definitely need the support, after a week in WDW on DXDP!

Rose- I am going to take the same approach when I am in the world in 29 days. I know I feel miserable when I really overeat, so hopefully it will only take a day or two to get that out of my system, and I can enjoy the trip without a lot of stress over food choices. HAVE A GREAT TRIP!

Happy Friday everyone!

I GOT MY 50 POUND CLIPPIE!!!:cool1::banana::woohoo::yay:

Woke up this morning with a monster headache, and soon thereafter realized "the reds had come to town to play". Put on my running shoes anyway. Word of advice: if you have a killer headache, do not try to set a PR for your workout to make it be over faster. It just makes the headache worse. Ended up barely finishing my 3 miles, after being under pace for the first mile!

Came back, reluctantly got on the scale, knowing what TOM usually does (adds 3-5 lbs), and had lost the one I need to get to 50!

Sorry for the book, but I am very excited this am!!! Headache has eased a bit, it's Friday, and I defeated TOM for the first time in my life, at least on arrival day!

I hope everyone has a MARVELOUS weigh in this am. This has been the BEST challenge, and I am so thankful to Lisa, Shannon, all the coaches, and all of the participants that have helped me soooooooooooo much along the way. :grouphug: to all of you! I hope you'll all join summer challenge, as I will definitely need the support, after a week in WDW on DXDP!

Rose- I am going to take the same approach when I am in the world in 29 days. I know I feel miserable when I really overeat, so hopefully it will only take a day or two to get that out of my system, and I can enjoy the trip without a lot of stress over food choices. HAVE A GREAT TRIP!

Happy Friday everyone!

woohoo! CONGRATULATIONS!! :cool1:

I weighed in this morning one pound short of my goal for this challenge. One stinkin', rotten, stubborn pound. :headache: Trying to stay positive because I've done so well overall (I did meet my initial goal before the final weigh-in date was extended). I just keep thinking if I wouldn't have started slacking off I would have been there. Now instead of taking next week off, I'm hoping to kill that pound (if my hormones cooperate) so I can start off the summer challenge with a clean slate.

eta: ya know what? I have two boxes of my favorite lemon cookie dough in the freezer that have been sitting unopened. (yeah me!) I had planned on awarding myself today. I'm going to reward myself anyhow despite that one pound. I'm so happy I can say just one cookie now and not end up eating a dozen. :)

After almost 50 miles this week I am up .4! Reminder don't eat anything super salty the night before a weigh in! I did it to myself and I have no one else to blame!

Anyone want a bad scale?

So I just broke down and had 2 small pieces of BBQ chicken pizza. Pity party over! That will be my only bad thing today and I will stay on plan all weekend. Not sure how much exercise I will get in tomorrow running the kids around everywhere but I will try and also eat right! I will have a small drink tonight! I need the drink as I did work hard all week despite the gain and to be honest I started the week up 5.8 after the weekend. Can't believe you can gain that much in days!

So I will just work hard next week to start the next challenge with my 50 pound clippie!

Congrats FLIPFLOPMOM! I hope to join you soon!

Later friends!
Tigger813 (with not so much bounce today, but I will get over it!)
QOTD Thursday: As our Spring Challenge comes to an end, what is one thing you learned that you think you will carry forward in your life and in your ongoing weight loss/maintenance journey?

This challenge, I reached maintenance. I've learned that maintenance is both easier and harder than losing weight. It's easier because I can be a little more flexible with my eating and exercising and keep the weight off. It's harder than losing because you're not focused on that goal and concentrating on weight loss. Letting other things in my life take focus while maintaining my weight is challenging.

Thanks for coaching this week, pjlla - great questions! :thumbsup2

You're welcome!! I enjoyed reading your reply to the QOTD since I am heading towards maintenance myself.

Just wanted to stop by and show off my new clippie...

*spinning* *twirling* *spinning*

It looks BEAUTIFUL! Be proud!

Good afternoon all! :goodvibes

Thank you pjlla for being our coach this week! :love: You had some great questions and that is no easy feat at the end of the challenge. :goodvibes

Please be sure and PM those weights to LuvBaloo and final COW numbers to donac tomorrow.

I have a number showing on the scale today that I haven't seen in a long, long time. I am hoping it is still there tomorrow! :yay:

I always have a hard time with the "just pick one" questions -- I can never pick just one! :rotfl2:

So I am going to do a little top ten list of things that I learned this challenge and who I learned them from:

10. Always have a plan (pjlla)
9. You can always eat more calories than you can exercise away (corinnak)
8. You can never exercise too much (tigger813)
7. You can't go wrong with a positive attitude (happysmyly)
6. Drink your water. (sahbushka)
5. Treat yourself like a child and make sure that you are taken care of
4. Good habits will help you reach your goals (donac)
3. If you break a dish, don't throw the rest on the floor -- or get right back on track if you go off plan (LuvBaloo)
2. You are the only person who can make this dream happen for yourself (me)
1. Never give up (mikamah)

This list could have been much, much longer because I have learned something from each and every one of you. :flower3:
Good luck to everyone for tomorrow's weigh in!

I LOVE your list! And it is sweet of you to list what you learned, specific to certain people! I am going to print your list and post it on my fridge!

Thanks Pamela for coaching. Great questions!

Good luck tomorrow. I'm looking forward to the new challenge, but before we switch over I wanted to thank everyone from this challenge for all the amazing support. You all are the best! :goodvibes

Your welcome! Thanks right back to you for your support as well. You are a GREAT addition to our group. Glad you are joining us for the summer!

I've been missing in action this week. Last Wednesday I was eating a salad with Hellemann's FF Honey Mustard Dressing and I noticed my lips went numb. Didn't think anything of it. The next day at work I ordered the same salad with the same dressing. This time my lips went numb and it traveled up my cheek and into my throat. Thank god I work for a doctor and was immediately given a shot. The following day I noticed that my left hand was numb not the arm though. It's now a week later and I'm still having the numbness in my cheek as swell as my other cheek too. It's beginning to freak me out. This past year I've noticed that my speech is a little off. I will go to say pen and it comes out pencil. It's too the point that my children have noticed. It's really freaking me out. I finally decided to make a neuro appt but can't get in till June 4th. I had a brain MRI last year, it was normal. I'm starting to get really nervous. I know this is way off topic but I'm scared. I had a cousin who died at 18 from a brain tumor and that's all I think about.

Are you sure that it isn't just an allergic reaction to something in the salad or dressing? I suppose that would have worn off quicker, but just a thought. Regardless, sending up a prayer for you.

:cool1: Howdie everyone :D
:surfweb: Just sitting here updating and saying I'm back to come and lost weight. I've been sick the last weekend and today so I'm still fighting that off, but I walked the treadmill and very proud of it :thumbsup2

Glad you jumped back in to join us. Are you joining our summer challenge?

Morning all! I have to be super quick. Sorry I was a bit AWOL this week. It has been a super busy spring.... I can't seem to catch a break. I ended up really enjoying the comedy show last night.... it was our first date in many, many years!! We had fun, but got home late for a work/school night. When the alarm rang at 4:30 this morning I wanted to die! But I got up and got moving.

Proud to say I believe I am at a new low this morning.... not as low as yesterday's sneak peek :confused3 (not sure why, since I ate UNDER my points yesterday and had plenty of water), but still a new low that I am happy with! So I am ending this challenge definitely DOWN.... just not sure how much. I will need to check my journal. I am just 2.1 pounds away from my goal weight (although I would like to maintain about two pounds BELOW that weight). Hopefully I can hit that goal in the new few weeks and hit my 46th birthday :-)scared1:) at my lowest adult weight ever. Wouldn't that be a great gift to myself?

I'll hop over here later.... not sure when they are planning to close this thread and move us over to the summer challenge thread... probably late next week. TTYL........................P
Good morning all!

Welcome to the final day of our Biggest Loser 9 Spring Challenge! Please take a moment and give yourself a pat on the back for perservering and sticking with us for the whole challenge. No matter what number you saw on the scale today, you are all winners for continuing to work on your goals, through thick and thin.

I hope to see each and every one of you in our Summer Challenge. Still lots of time to sign up, if you haven't already. :flower1: There won't be too much going on there until our final results for this challenge are released in a few days.

I want to thank, Shannon (LuvBaloo) for all her hard work as our weightkeeper and, Dona, (donac) for all her hard work as COW keeper. Thank you to all of our coaches who coached each week and kept our conversations lively, interesting, positive and quite humorous at times! ;) But thank you, most of all, to all of our participants. :flower3: We could not do a BL challenge without all of you!

Stay tuned to this thread until the results are released -- you don't want to miss them!

I was happy to see my new number stick around this morning for my final weigh in. I lost 21.5 pounds this challenge, which was a little more than my original goal. I didn't make my new goal but learned that I need to get to my goal before I set a new one next time. :goodvibes Considering that it took me all of last year to lose 20 pounds, I am very pleased with this loss this challenge. I am setting a very ambitious goal for the summer challenge because although it is a bit hazy and off in the distance, I can see ONE-derland and I so much want to be there by the end of the summer. :cool2:

Accountability. Motivation. Inspiration. Support. Encouragement. It CAN come from people you've never met, and make the difference in keeping on track!I agree! I am looking forward to continuing with you all. I must admit, the sheer size of the participants, knowing I am coaching beginning June 4, is intimidating! I have loved the support, encouragement, and motivation from this group!

I love this, too, Taryn!

Don't worry about the numbers in the summer challenge as we start off. It is a little wild the first couple of weeks but very exciting and motivating! :goodvibes You'll do great! :thumbsup2

I think that you are right and you will know when you have reached where you need to be. I think people mean well when they say things to you like "you look like a whisper" or "you're fading away to nothing." You'll know. I know you will. :cool2:

And your new clippie looks marvelous!

I've been missing in action this week. Last Wednesday I was eating a salad with Hellemann's FF Honey Mustard Dressing and I noticed my lips went numb. Didn't think anything of it. The next day at work I ordered the same salad with the same dressing. This time my lips went numb and it traveled up my cheek and into my throat. Thank god I work for a doctor and was immediately given a shot. The following day I noticed that my left hand was numb not the arm though. It's now a week later and I'm still having the numbness in my cheek as swell as my other cheek too. It's beginning to freak me out. This past year I've noticed that my speech is a little off. I will go to say pen and it comes out pencil. It's too the point that my children have noticed. It's really freaking me out. I finally decided to make a neuro appt but can't get in till June 4th. I had a brain MRI last year, it was normal. I'm starting to get really nervous. I know this is way off topic but I'm scared. I had a cousin who died at 18 from a brain tumor and that's all I think about.

:hug: lovedvc. Sending good thoughts your way. I would stay away from that dressing for awhile in case it turns out that you are allergic or it is a trigger.

I've learned that I want to maintain, and I'm good at it, unfortunately I need to lose and I can't keep enough of a focus to do so. Hopefully I will learn more in the next challenge.

Deb, maintaining is a lifelong task so the more you learn about it now, the better off you will be. Best wishes for a losing summer!

:cool1: Howdie everyone :D
:surfweb: Just sitting here updating and saying I'm back to come and lost weight. I've been sick the last weekend and today so I'm still fighting that off, but I walked the treadmill and very proud of it :thumbsup2

Hi Kailey! I was wondering how you were doing. Nice to see you back!

Hi Everyone!!! Long time, no post!!! :wave:

QOTD Thursday: As our Spring Challenge comes to an end, what is one thing you learned that you think you will carry forward in your life and in your ongoing weight loss/maintenance journey?

Ive learned that maintaining a forward momentum is really tough and a week of being "off" can easily turn into five or six weeks off! Get back on the saddle as soon as you can! And, if you really, really need a break, go into maintance mode for awhile, but keep journaling. Everytime I try to get back OP right now, what I find drags me down is getting back into the habit of journaling. Mostly I need to decide if I'm going to maintain my 30 pound (okay, 28 :rolleyes1) pound loss or go for a weight loss week. And then journal!!!

:wave: Hi Stephanie! Nice to see you! :flower3: Hoping to see you in person soon at DLR with 50sjayne.

Good morning!

I enjoyed your top 10 list Lisa!:flower3:

I ended up 2.4 lbs below my goal for the challenge.:goodvibes I know I will probably put some on this week, but that's ok and I will start the new challenge where ever I'm at. My DH told me this morning that I need to not worry about it for a few days, and that I eat pretty healthy most of the time so it will be fine.:thumbsup2 Still thinking about what my goal will be for the next challenge. I can honestly say that when I started in January, I was a little unsure about whether I could lose this time. I was feeling so sluggish and lethargic, and was probably still a little depressed dealing with the whole empty nest thing. It's amazing what some healthy food, exercise and wonderful support can do for your attitude and outlook. So for anyone getting started on the new challenge--You Can Do It, Too!!!

Off to the Y this morning for some elliptical and strength training. Hope everyone has a great weigh in and a great day!

I'm glad that you enjoyed the list. It could have been a much longer list because I really did learn something from each and every one of you!

Great job on reaching your goal, Rose. I will be thinking of you enjoying your time at WDW. Enjoy yourself -- you deserve it! :flower3:

It's hard to believe the challenge is over. I am .6 below starting weight, but on a good roll with 2 weeks of tracking my food again, and planning to continue.

Congrats, Kathy, on having a loss. It was a tough challenge but you stuck it out. And sticking it out is the sure way to get where you want to go. :flower3:

I weighed in this morning one pound short of my goal for this challenge. One stinkin', rotten, stubborn pound. :headache: Trying to stay positive because I've done so well overall (I did meet my initial goal before the final weigh-in date was extended). I just keep thinking if I wouldn't have started slacking off I would have been there. Now instead of taking next week off, I'm hoping to kill that pound (if my hormones cooperate) so I can start off the summer challenge with a clean slate.

eta: ya know what? I have two boxes of my favorite lemon cookie dough in the freezer that have been sitting unopened. (yeah me!) I had planned on awarding myself today. I'm going to reward myself anyhow despite that one pound. I'm so happy I can say just one cookie now and not end up eating a dozen. :)

This is a day to have your glass half full, girl! :hug: You made your original goal and almost made that second goal. Don't worry so much about what you didn't do and enjoy all the fruits of your hard labor -- and you're in the mindset where you can eat only one cookie as a reward and that sounds like a wonderful accomplishment! :cool2:

Thanks for all your kind words about my work hostessing the challenge. I really enjoy it and the truth of the matter is that I need all of you alot more than you need me!
Congrats to all you losers!!!!!!! I'm jealous. I was this morning, but I normally wwigh in on Sunday so I could be back down by then.
Happy last weigh in, everyone! It's been an amazing spring!

I didn't lose much this challenge - a pound? Two pounds? I am not completely sure what my starting weight even was at this point. :sad2: Not that I am complaining, mind you! I am back down .8 since last Friday - not a huge, dramatic, impressive loss (I didn't take the points down to the lowest level, after all), but a definite improvement within the maintenance range for me. Amazing how different my clothes feel with even just a pound or two difference, really.

This week, I have been working on weeding out some of my bigger clothes to donate. I still have my favorite size 18 shorts - I didn't get rid of them last summer even though they were huge because...well, I didn't know where I would be THIS summer. I decided I can't live like that anymore, though. I need to bank on myself and plan for the future I WANT to have instead of nervously waiting for a less desirable future to come and find me.

So are we moving to the new thread right away? It's a short break but is there any interest in an unofficial QOTD to get us through the next week?

Lisa - thanks for the shoutout on your list! That was a big one for me to learn, acknowledge and accept as well. Sad, but true, I can eat way more than I can run!

Originally Posted by flipflopmom
I must admit, the sheer size of the participants, knowing I am coaching beginning June 4, is intimidating! I have loved the support, encouragement, and motivation from this group!

I agree with what Lisa said about this - I'm guessing the summer group is not going to be nearly as large as the one that started in January (though we still have a bit of time before we start, I think people have a harder time getting focused on change in the summer). You will do great, I'm sure!
I've been missing in action this week. Last Wednesday I was eating a salad with Hellemann's FF Honey Mustard Dressing and I noticed my lips went numb. Didn't think anything of it. The next day at work I ordered the same salad with the same dressing. This time my lips went numb and it traveled up my cheek and into my throat. Thank god I work for a doctor and was immediately given a shot. The following day I noticed that my left hand was numb not the arm though. It's now a week later and I'm still having the numbness in my cheek as swell as my other cheek too. It's beginning to freak me out. This past year I've noticed that my speech is a little off. I will go to say pen and it comes out pencil. It's too the point that my children have noticed. It's really freaking me out. I finally decided to make a neuro appt but can't get in till June 4th. I had a brain MRI last year, it was normal. I'm starting to get really nervous. I know this is way off topic but I'm scared. I had a cousin who died at 18 from a brain tumor and that's all I think about.

:hug: :hug: :hug:


I GOT MY 50 POUND CLIPPIE!!!:cool1::banana::woohoo::yay:

Woke up this morning with a monster headache, and soon thereafter realized "the reds had come to town to play". Put on my running shoes anyway. Word of advice: if you have a killer headache, do not try to set a PR for your workout to make it be over faster. It just makes the headache worse. Ended up barely finishing my 3 miles, after being under pace for the first mile!

Came back, reluctantly got on the scale, knowing what TOM usually does (adds 3-5 lbs), and had lost the one I need to get to 50!

Sorry for the book, but I am very excited this am!!! Headache has eased a bit, it's Friday, and I defeated TOM for the first time in my life, at least on arrival day!

I hope everyone has a MARVELOUS weigh in this am. This has been the BEST challenge, and I am so thankful to Lisa, Shannon, all the coaches, and all of the participants that have helped me soooooooooooo much along the way. :grouphug: to all of you! I hope you'll all join summer challenge, as I will definitely need the support, after a week in WDW on DXDP!

Rose- I am going to take the same approach when I am in the world in 29 days. I know I feel miserable when I really overeat, so hopefully it will only take a day or two to get that out of my system, and I can enjoy the trip without a lot of stress over food choices. HAVE A GREAT TRIP!

Happy Friday everyone!

CONGRATS on your new clippie!! 50 pounds is awesome!


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