Biggest Loser 10 Fall Challenge -- for losers and maintainers :)

Hi Everyone!

It is 12:15 AM and I got home from the ER about 20 minutes ago. I read what I missed this afternoon and will reply in the morning.

I went to my PCP's office and the APRN I saw recommended X-rays. Then, based on the results, the recommendation was to go to the ER. I have a fracture in one of the bones on my left foot. I am now in a cast-like thing that cannot get wet and worst of all, I cannot exercise for at least 4 weeks. Cam, I don't know how you made it through without exercise. I can do upper body strength training, so that'll be my 20 minutes for at least the next 4 weeks. Oh well. I'm lucky it isn't worse. Still working on using crutches-I have a feeling that will take a few days.

Okay. I am exhausted and need to get some sleep. I will catch up on the thread in the morning. I have a great (IMO) recipe in mind too!

Thanks for all the concern today!


:hug::hug:Take it easy for a couple of days. Your body needs all your energy to start the healing process:hug:
Hi Everyone!

It is 12:15 AM and I got home from the ER about 20 minutes ago.

Sad about your foot, CC! :hug: Hopefully it will heal quickly and the time in a cast goes by super fast!

I am sitting here in a classic albuquerque restaurant - the frontier - across from UNM, and about to OD on the smell of their cinnamon rolls. They bake them from scratch 24 hours/day, load them with fresh melted butter & a thin frosting to serve. I MUST BE STRONG!!!!!!!!

I forgot to tell you I &/or my dogs almost died Monday night. Thank God DH was with us & had the pups. Crossing the street behind our house, with the proper crosswalk light, 3 HS guys came flying thru the red light, cars honking, people in cars screaming at them,(it's all down a LONG steep hill & they just resurfaced so perfectly smooth). 1st one blew past DH & pups w/in about 2 ft. 2nd one started weaving & as he would have hit me, he crashed, but still hit me with arm, leg & board hard enough to bruise my thigh & calf. He got up bleeding & took off. I didn't see where the 3rd one ended up. And there was a police officer in his car at the light who watched the whole thing & did nothing. If I had had all 3 dogs like the night before, one of us would have gotten hit. And it would have killed the yorkies & probably serioiusly hurt the husky. If he had hit DH, he would have gone down as DH has bad knees & back. SCARY!

Went to TJ's - got yummies!

QOTD - Tues (I think) - I don't remember any food from DL or WDW and haven't cruised DCL, but I do know that I wouldn't want to have any of my favorites available all the time. Too much of a good thing is rarely good!

QOTD - Wed - I'll try to shrink this down - a fav in my house is chicken enchiladas -

Use Canned chicken, drained, rinsed to get the preservatives/sodium reduced (I use all 5/6 cans at a time from Sam's/Costco)

Empty chicken into a pot & cover with chicken broth about 1-2" above the chicken. Boil til all broth is gone. Add green chiles(or any hot pepper you want) & shredded cheese.

Use tortillas - I use ww, low carb that are about 50 cal/5 fiber+ each. Put more chicken broth in a skillet, heat it and put each tortilla in for about 10 - 20 sec max to soak it before you add the chicken/cheese/chili mixture. Don't over fill the tortillas & roll pretty tightly. If making for non-dieters - use FLOUR tortillas, not corn.

After arranged in pan, pour a bit of chicken broth over the tortillas. cover with a prepared red/green or both enchilada sauce & cheese. Bake at 350 until the cheese on top melts.

Mine with the ww/high fiber tortillas & ff cheese, non-fat/low sodium chicken broth, and normal canned green chile & sauce are 3 pts each.

If I use the 5-6 cans of chicken from sam's it takes about 3 cans of chicken broth, 2 of sauce & 3 of green chiles. Makes around 20 lg (burrito size) enchiladas + 4 diet ones for me. And it freezes really well.

Ok, kids will be here soon. Time to bolster my will power. More later!

Put in casserole type dish coated with Pam
I'm still battling this stickin cold. I've had it for a solid 13 days now. The antibiotic took care of the sinus infection, but I still have a nasty cold. So much phlegm this morning that I was actually throwing up :headache: I ran a release form to school that my middle son had forgotten then headed back to bed for a couple of hours. I do feel a bit better now, but it's definitely not gone. DH has a horrible cold too, but he will never stay home sick. youngest son was better this morning so he went to school. We have open house/bbq at the elementary school tonight. Tomorrow night is open house at the high school. Busy nights ahead. I need to run to the grocery store to pick up beverages for tonight and I need healthy options for home since we seem to have only crap in the house right now.
Just returned from the gym.....40min elliptical session. I'm trying to get a workout in at least 5 days a week now....motivated by all of you here.

QOTD for Tuesday, September 21: What is your favorite food item or meal at Disneyworld, Disneyland or the Disney Cruise Line? And, if you could have that food item in your every day life, would you want it to be available?

There are a few foods from the DCL that I would like. I loved having egg beater omelets each morning and honeydew melon. The melon was always sweet and juicy....I can never pick good melon from the store. I liked the omelets because they were made to order and I would always ask for vegetables and walk away. After a few minutes someone would bring a delicious omelet to my table. It was fun to see what I would get and I don't think I got the same one twice. I would love to have someone make me surprise vegetable omelets each day with perfectly ripe fruit on the side.

The other thing I would love to have, but only occasionally, is from DCL Palo. It's the little chocolate mousse dessert at the brunch. It is chocolate heaven :love:

I forgot to tell you I &/or my dogs almost died Monday night. Thank God DH was with us & had the pups. Crossing the street behind our house, with the proper crosswalk light, 3 HS guys came flying thru the red light, cars honking, people in cars screaming at them,(it's all down a LONG steep hill & they just resurfaced so perfectly smooth). 1st one blew past DH & pups w/in about 2 ft. 2nd one started weaving & as he would have hit me, he crashed, but still hit me with arm, leg & board hard enough to bruise my thigh & calf. He got up bleeding & took off. I didn't see where the 3rd one ended up. And there was a police officer in his car at the light who watched the whole thing & did nothing. If I had had all 3 dogs like the night before, one of us would have gotten hit. And it would have killed the yorkies & probably serioiusly hurt the husky. If he had hit DH, he would have gone down as DH has bad knees & back. SCARY!

Oh my gosh:scared1: that sounds so scary. Im glad you all were not too hurt. Wow and the cop did nothing.:confused:

Your recipe sounds yummy. I think I might give it a try with regular chicken breasts. Thanks for sharing.
Ok, it's time to get moving. I told michael he could slap me offside the head if I didn't have the lawn mowed and the house vacuumed by the time he gets home. If I hurry, I'll be able to come back on here while I wait for the bus.

Have a nice afternoone. :)

Yay for your walk and your adult breakfast! I hope you have a productive afternoon before the bus arrives. It's so hard to be productive when it is so much more fun to DIS. :surfweb:

Julie -- OMG! That sounds so scary!! Those kids were on skateboards in the street and being reckless and the cop did nothing? :scared1: I am so glad you were all okay and that DH was with you (I know he usually isn't). Those poor furbabies must have been so frightened. :hug: Your recipe sounds delicious!! I think I'll give it a try when I have a house full of teenage boys hanging out with Andrew. :goodvibes
I'm still battling this stickin cold. I've had it for a solid 13 days now. The antibiotic took care of the sinus infection, but I still have a nasty cold.

I'm sorry you are still sick. I hope you feel better before open house, and it's a pity you can't just stay home and be a vegetable. Now would be an ideal time for grocery shopping on-line and at-home delivery. LOL! Not that I would ever do it, but wouldn't that be great?

Just returned from the gym.....40min elliptical session. I'm trying to get a workout in at least 5 days a week now....motivated by all of you here.

Great job on the elliptical, Kim! :thumbsup2 Oh, a "surprise" veggie omelet sounds so wonderful!! Oh, and you just reminded me about Palo's chocolate souffle. Delicious!! That vanilla sauce is to die for! Actually, my favorite item at Palo's brunch is this flatbread pizza they make with grapes and some kind of cheese. It is so flavorful and outrageously decadent tasting. (My mouth is watering. :) )

I didnt have time for my regular breakfast this morning, so I had a bagel thin with a slice of fat free cheese, some coffee w/skim milk and a plum. Since I didn't have enough protein I am so hungry! Lunch will be a flat-out wrap with roasted pepper hummus, lite microwave popcorn drizzled with EVOO, and an apple.

What is everyone else having for lunch?
I love Glee and it will be what I watch tonight. I actually don't watch BL as much as my skinny husband does. I usually start watching about halfway through and it's on in the background as I do something else.

This is my favorite week of the year. I love the season premieres of all my favorite tv shows. Last night I was giddy watching Chuck. I did workout on the elipticle while I watched.
I love Chuck! I think it is my absolute favorite show. I thought the episode was awesome. Especially the pictures of Chuck & Morgan in the different countries. Glee is great too.

I have to tell you -- I LOVE my Kindle!! I have spent so many hours on the treadmill and elliptical and recumbent bike reading my Kindle. I have the first generation one. I got it in October 2008 and it is my favorite toy in the world (well, it ranks right up there with my iphone and my Garmin forerunner ;) ).

I never thought of using the Kindle on a treadmill. That is a great idea!
Lisa (liesel) – Thanks! Don’t worry, I ripped off the rearview mirror so I’ll never see that 2 again :lmao: !

Rose – You did, and thank you for everything! As far as the facebook situation – trust me, I completely empathize with you - but I think sometimes it can just be overwhelming, maybe he just needs to unplug for awhile to refocus? I know it’s hard for me sometimes to see that nearly every person I graduated from high school with is happily married, for example, kind of rubs it in that I’m still single – bad analogy maybe, but I hope you get what I’m trying to say.

I’ve been thinking really hard about the Princess ½ and I just really don’t think I’ll be ready, physically or financially. I have put the Wine and Dine ½ on my radar for next year though, I’ve wanted to go to the Food and Wine Festival for a while now, and that race will really tie in a whole bunch of things together – Food and Wine, ½ marathon, seeing the Halloween decorations at WDW – so I’m working on a plan for that. Maybe I’ll see you there next year, Rose!

Connie – Awesome job resisting the ice cream! That’s so weird about the shoes :confused3 ?

Jen A – I found out yesterday that the MCM has a mud run in the summer - only 3 and a half miles, so not as challenging as yours – and I have marked the registration date on my calendar. Thank you for inspiring me to get dirty :rotfl2: !

Susan – Allergies have been really bad around my part of the country this season, if I don’t take my meds I’m miserable all day – I hope the allergy meds will take care of the headaches for you! Practically my whole family has murmurs, it’s scary to hear, but hopefully yours is nothing serious too. WTG on 80 lbs gone :thumbsup2 !

Okay... I'll bring the couscous salad and seltzer cupcakes..... Rose can bring the vegetarian lasagna, tigger813 can bring the booze.... she always has some amazing sounding cocktail on the menu! And we will be SURE that mikamah does NOT bring those carmelitas she made last weekend!! They sound absolutely decadent!!
Sounds like a PLAN, Pamela! I'm there!

Cupcaker – I think I missed you in my last post, sorry. Congrats on meeting your summer goal :cheer2: ! Keep up the good work and those last 12 lbs will be gone in no time!

Cam – Your chicken recipe sounds amazing! I might make that with the chicken I have thawing tomorrow – if DS doesn’t like it he can have hot dogs lol!

Michele – Your recipe sounds yummy too!

Connie – Thanks for the oatmeal “recipe” – I dislike plain oatmeal, but also hate eating the instant kind with all the artificial crap in it so I’ve just been avoiding it altogether. Maybe this will help me get back to liking oatmeal. Awesome job on the run! Hope DD feels better this morning!

CC – That stinks about your foot! Don’t let this derail you though – you still have control over your eating and can get in some exercising. Jillian says in a few of her videos that punches are good cardio when you have a lower body injury – maybe that can get your heartrate up without hindering your recovery? AND… Congrats on being our biggest loser :cheer2: :thumbsup2 ! You have worked so hard, I know that your foot isn’t going to keep you from reaching your goals!

Congrats to all of our biggest losers!

Julie and Taryn – What is “meet you at the pole”?

Shannon – It’s so exciting to pick out paint and stuff for the new house – I loved that part of moving, actually, that was the ONLY part of moving that I even liked a little bit! And ITA with Taryn, I would be intimidated by being the only one there – but you have a great attitude about it!

Taryn – Hope your tummy is better real soon!

Tracey – I would love to try your recipe too, unfortunately DS will not touch rice (he’s a weird kid, but honestly, I’m not a big fan of it either). I guess you could skip the rice and serve the meat and salsa in like a taco or something? I’m going to print it out and try it that way.

I’m telling you guys, this kid (my DS) really needs to broaden his horizons, I’m getting sick of eating the same old things every week! I made Manwiches last night (probably not the healthiest entrée, I know, but I had a can and a taste for it and I probably won’t ever get to eat it again), I know he’s eaten it before, but all I got after the first bite is whining about not liking it. I made him sit there and finish because I was just so frustrated with him, but it did not make for an enjoyable meal for me.

Lindsay – I do this with chicken breasts and the frozen grilled peppers and onions mix from Trader Joes, it always turns out really good and it is quick! Hope you get the word on that promotion real soon!

Lisa H – Your recipe sounds great to me – but definitely not something DS will eat. I’m printing it out anyways though, ‘cause I’d love to try it! You are on a roll, I know you’ll be joining me in onederland very soon :goodvibes !

CC - Another recipe that sounds delish – your way at least!

I so want a DVR, but I cannot justify giving the cable company any more of my money! I HATE commercials!

Julie – Yikes on the skateboarders :scared1: ! Glad you are all OK. Those enchiladas sound heavenly to me – I :love: Mexican food! I will not be printing your recipe out because I will no doubt sit and eat every last enchilada in the pan :lmao: !

Deb – Sorry you are still feeling under the weather. I hope everyone at your house gets better real soon too!

A coworker of mine and his wife and I are doing the 100 pushups and 200 sit ups challenges, we started this week – I’m pretty excited! I discovered that I am highly motivated by competition, which I am not entirely convinced is a good thing, so having someone to compete with is probably the only way I’d stick with those programs. I guess it’s good that I realize that about myself, at least? I ran/walked about 8 miles on Monday while DS was at baseball practice even though I wasn’t feeling all that great, so I’m hoping to get to 10 tonight since I’m feeling pretty good today.

This feels a little mashed up – I hope you guys can follow me.

Well, off to get some work done. Have a great, on plan rest of the day everyone!

QOTD for Wednesday, September 22: Post your favorite recipe, requiring 5 ingredients or less (not counting spices and oils)

Popcorn on the Stove

- Popcorn
- Oil

Seasonings: (use whatever sounds good!)

- Italian Seasoning
- Marjoram
- Thyme
- Rosemary
- Savory
- Sage
- Oregano
- Basil
- Curry
- Garlic Powder / Garlic Salt
- Onion Power / Onion Salt
- Cayenne
- Seasoning Salt
- Parmesan Cheese
- Salt


1) Use a large pot with a lid. It is important to use a pot large enough, so that your popcorn won't overflow and cause a mess.
2) Coat the bottom of the pot with a thin layer of oil (about 1/8 inch).
3) Heat the oil on medium on top of the stove until it's hot, or until it appears to reach a watery consistency. (Another way to test whether your oil is hot enough is to stand back and flick a droplet of water into the pot and wait for it to sizzle.)
4) Coat the bottom of the pot with a layer of popcorn. Try to ensure that there is only a single layer of popcorn and that none of the kernels overlap.
5) Place the lid onto the pot and turn the stove up to medium-high/high.
6) As the oil begins to bubble, gently shake the pot in a left to right motion (not up and down) so that the popcorn kernels move and don't burn.
7) After a few minutes, the popcorn will begin to pop. Continue to shake the pot on the stove until all of the kernels have popped.
8) Turn off the stove and remove the pot from the stove. Transfer your popcorn into a separate container.
9) Add your favorite seasonings. Experimenting can be great fun!

We like to use olive oil and a dab of salt. This is much better for you than microwave popcorn (no trans fats), and the taste is truly exceptional. Plus, it's a low calorie treat!

QOTD for Saturday, September 18: Taking the letters of your name (first name, nickname or screen name), list the letters and next to each, state something positive about yourself

This is so fun, I want to do both my first and screen names!

M Meticulous
A Athletic
R Reader
I Innovative
A Appreciative

W Writer
O Organized
R Realistic
F Friendly
I Involved
E Energetic
D Deliberate
O Open-minded
O Objective
D Detailed
L Laughing
E Eager
S Sci Fi Fan

I'm going to slowly catch up on the questions I missed. It's good for me to think about all of them, and some are just plain fun! :thumbsup2

I did an hour of office laps this morning. Tomorrow I can get back to running. I am determined to stick to my food plan today. I have a new strategy for the "I just got home and I want to eat something" issue. I usually have a salad with my dinner. Tonight I'm moving the salad up to when I get home, I know that will keep me out of the pantry! I will be plenty full with salmon and brown rice later.

CC -- So sorry to hear about your foot! :hug:

goldcupmom -- That sounds so scary, give your furbabies an extra hug! ::yes::

Kathy -- Great job keeping the exercise moving! :cool1:

Cam -- Good luck with the "Whoosh!", it sounds like good things are coming! :banana:

Pamela -- Our peaches were yucky, too. I guess that season is officially over. :sad1: I think that new show is like a train wreck -- you don't want to look, but how can you not?

Rose -- You are hard core for running in that heat! When do you start to see Fall temperatures? Don't tell me this is your Fall?! :eek:

Lisa -- Happy very belated Anniversary! 1993 was a very good year ;) :bride:

Corinna, Taryn, Dona, Connie, Jen, Shannon, Tracey, Jude, Bree and everyone who's name I'm learning! -- :wave:

Maria :upsidedow
Congrats CC on a great loss!!!!!

Just finished my 5K. Won't be walking the track tonight as DD2 says she doesn't want to go over after dancing. She's acting kind of tired this afternoon. Glad she only had a half day. She wants to play with one of the neighbors this afternoon. I'll take her temp again before we do. She actually said she didn't want to go to dancing but we'll see. She loves it but is just wiped out. DH said she made a lot of noise during the night so he's not sure she slept very well. I didn't hear a thing until the alarm went off at 5:10.

Going to go shower and then tackle the mess in the kitchen. I fried up the rest of the chicken breast to use in something tomorrow for supper. We'll do some type of take out on Friday night.

DH is going to WWOHP Columbus weekend. He has a Sci Fi website and got invited to a press event on the Monday. He'll fly down on Sunday and fly back on Tuesday night. He'll park his car at the airport so we don't have to get up at the crack of dawn to take him. He wasn't going to go but I said I wanted him to go and he could possibly make some contacts and add this stuff to his website. He was shocked I told him I wanted him to go. I told him it will cost him!!!!;) He'll probably spend a day at Epcot for F&W. He knows that I'll be really jealous about that. He just booked his flight and car and is planning on staying at POP! Got some good deals and we had a credit on JetBlue.

Time to shower and tackle the kitchen and find something for DD2 to watch. She's got a slight fever so I just gave her some Motrin. I'll have to run to the ATM and CVS after DH gets home from work and I need to run to the WC at 7 tonight.
A sneak peak at the scale shows I should be getting that WHOOSH this week.
Too exciting!

Julie--glad you are ok. That sounds very scary!

I'm still battling this stickin cold. I've had it for a solid 13 days now.
Feel better soon? Could you have had the flu? My DS had the flu right about this time last year.

Just returned from the gym.....40min elliptical session. I'm trying to get a workout in at least 5 days a week now....motivated by all of you here.

Great job!!:goodvibes

What is everyone else having for lunch?
I desparately need to go to the grocery. For breakfast I had mini whole wheat bagel w/organic pb and a banana. For lunch I had half a tortilla with some cheddar cheese, hummus and an apple. And for snack I have had two small custard cups with ice cream. Not good I know, but I have been craving sweets. The plan is to stick with water until dinner.

Rose – You did, and thank you for everything! As far as the facebook situation – trust me, I completely empathize with you - but I think sometimes it can just be overwhelming, maybe he just needs to unplug for awhile to refocus? I know it’s hard for me sometimes to see that nearly every person I graduated from high school with is happily married, for example, kind of rubs it in that I’m still single – bad analogy maybe, but I hope you get what I’m trying to say.

I’ve been thinking really hard about the Princess ½ and I just really don’t think I’ll be ready, physically or financially. I have put the Wine and Dine ½ on my radar for next year though, I’ve wanted to go to the Food and Wine Festival for a while now, and that race will really tie in a whole bunch of things together – Food and Wine, ½ marathon, seeing the Halloween decorations at WDW – so I’m working on a plan for that. Maybe I’ll see you there next year, Rose!

I’m telling you guys, this kid (my DS) really needs to broaden his horizons, I’m getting sick of eating the same old things every week! I made Manwiches last night (probably not the healthiest entrée, I know, but I had a can and a taste for it and I probably won’t ever get to eat it again), I know he’s eaten it before, but all I got after the first bite is whining about not liking it. I made him sit there and finish because I was just so frustrated with him, but it did not make for an enjoyable meal for me.

A coworker of mine and his wife and I are doing the 100 pushups and 200 sit ups challenges, we started this week – I’m pretty excited! I discovered that I am highly motivated by competition, which I am not entirely convinced is a good thing, so having someone to compete with is probably the only way I’d stick with those programs. I guess it’s good that I realize that about myself, at least? I ran/walked about 8 miles on Monday while DS was at baseball practice even though I wasn’t feeling all that great, so I’m hoping to get to 10 tonight since I’m feeling pretty good today.

I don't even do facebook. I had a page for about an hour and started getting so stressed out that I deleted it. I think what upset me is I know he isn't involved in a lot of activites and then he deleted facebook, so we had no idea what he was doing with his free time. The social worker in me started looking for signs of depression. He called today, and it sounds like things are going ok. He is looking at other things to get involved in, so I'm crossing my fingers that something works out.

We're thinking about DL 1/2 for next year. I think Lisa is too. You could do that one with us! And I am so impressed by 100 pushups! I am really not good with pushups! If you are already up to 8 miles you will be ready for anything next year!:goodvibes

As for the picky eater, my suggestion is pick one a night week where you cook what you want. If he doesn't want it, he can have a pb&J (or something similar). You're doing several things by doing this. 1. exposing him to more foods. 2. showing him that other peoples needs and wants matter. 3. showing him that his mom is separate from him and has her own tastes and needs. Sometimes I think DS just thought I existed to meet his every need.:goodvibes I taught him this, by never putting myself first. Just a thought.:goodvibes

I did an hour of office laps this morning. Tomorrow I can get back to running. I am determined to stick to my food plan today. I have a new strategy for the "I just got home and I want to eat something" issue. I usually have a salad with my dinner. Tonight I'm moving the salad up to when I get home, I know that will keep me out of the pantry! I will be plenty full with salmon and brown rice later.

Rose -- You are hard core for running in that heat! When do you start to see Fall temperatures? Don't tell me this is your Fall?! :eek:

Maria :upsidedow

Maria--did I miss something? Did you have an injury that kept you from running? Good idea about the salad. And normally it should be cooler here by now. We have had 80 days this summer at 90+. Our city (while not the hottest by far) had more above normal days than anywhere else in the country. And I decided this was the summer to train for 2 1/2 marathons.:rotfl: By Saturday it is supposed to be in the 80s and in the 70s next week.:cool1: I'm sure a week after that it will be freezing and snow flurries.:thumbsup2

I did 75 min on the elliptical. I am so far behind on my exercise goal this month and it's killing me! I set it too high for everything that is going on with us, but oh well. I'm still going to keep plugging away and see how close I can get. Time to do something productive!
Tracey -That sounds like a great plan. I have to weigh in tomorrow morning at WW, so I am also watching sodium intake for today.

A sneak peak at the scale shows I should be getting that WHOOSH this week. I don't know why this is my body's pattern of losing, but I really do seem to lose significantly only every fourth week. Looking back at all my WW charts, that has been my consistent pattern. At least knowing it allows me to prepare myself for it and not be too disappointed at the scale.

Female hormones might have something to do with the "every four weeks" pattern!! Sorry if this is TMI, but I get bloated when I ovulated and again at TOM.... the only time I usually see a decent loss is the week after TOM and the week between ovulation and TOM. Just sayin'.............

Pamela- Great job on the run/walk. Isn't it a great feeling to get out there and move. I was thinking about that this morning. I was meeting the girls for bkfst at 9, so I needed to leave at 8:45. Michael gets on the busy by 7:40 so I thought I could get 2 miles in and the have a full 30 min to get ready, or I could push and get 3 in, which was what I chose, and when I get home, rush through a shower and get ready in 20 minutes, no goofing off, no dis-ing. I feel like my head is really in the game now. Even though I have those days my eating is out of control, the exercise seems to have become a habit for me now. It was fun to look at the menu after running too. I'd have loved banana pancakes and bacon in the past, but starting my day off with a run, I had a vegie ommelette instead, with half a piece of toast, and a couple home fries.

Ok, it's time to get moving. I told michael he could slap me offside the head if I didn't have the lawn mowed and the house vacuumed by the time he gets home. If I hurry, I'll be able to come back on here while I wait for the bus.

Have a nice afternoone. :)

Had to laugh at the bolded part.... sounds like us, except we say "upside the head"!! :lmao:

Isn't it amazing how starting your day with exercise can so strongly influence your food decisions for the day!!?

There are a few foods from the DCL that I would like. I loved having egg beater omelets each morning and honeydew melon. The melon was always sweet and juicy....I can never pick good melon from the store. I liked the omelets because they were made to order and I would always ask for vegetables and walk away. After a few minutes someone would bring a delicious omelet to my table. It was fun to see what I would get and I don't think I got the same one twice. I would love to have someone make me surprise vegetable omelets each day with perfectly ripe fruit on the side.


I'd love it if someone made me ANYTHING!! I am definitely the chief cook around here and I HATE IT! I've never enjoyed cooking. Surprise veggie omelets sound delicious!! I'm too anal... I would have to stand right there and tell them exactly what veggies and how I wanted them!

I didnt have time for my regular breakfast this morning, so I had a bagel thin with a slice of fat free cheese, some coffee w/skim milk and a plum. Since I didn't have enough protein I am so hungry! Lunch will be a flat-out wrap with roasted pepper hummus, lite microwave popcorn drizzled with EVOO, and an apple.

What is everyone else having for lunch?

Lunch was boring, but quick and easy..... Sandwich Thin with 1 serving of Hormel All Natural roasted turkey breast and 1 Tb. of guacamole... side dish was sliced cucumber with Paul Newman's Light balsamic vinagarette and a few Baked Lays.... washed it all down with a full liter of lemon seltzer.

Pamela -- Our peaches were yucky, too. I guess that season is officially over. :sad1: I think that new show is like a train wreck -- you don't want to look, but how can you not?

Maria :upsidedow

We bought a box of peaches at Costco several weeks ago that were fabulous! The next time we went back we bought two boxes.... and they were terrible.... maybe 2 edible ones in the batch. DH bought another box this week.... I told him to eat one in the car to make sure they were okay... I guess he got the one good one because the rest were terrible.... dry, mealy, bruised. Guess peach season is OVER!

Yup.... train wreck is exactly how I would describe that show.

DH is going to WWOHP Columbus weekend. He has a Sci Fi website and got invited to a press event on the Monday. He'll fly down on Sunday and fly back on Tuesday night. He'll park his car at the airport so we don't have to get up at the crack of dawn to take him. He wasn't going to go but I said I wanted him to go and he could possibly make some contacts and add this stuff to his website. He was shocked I told him I wanted him to go. I told him it will cost him!!!!;) He'll probably spend a day at Epcot for F&W. He knows that I'll be really jealous about that. He just booked his flight and car and is planning on staying at POP! Got some good deals and we had a credit on JetBlue.

Time to shower and tackle the kitchen and find something for DD2 to watch. She's got a slight fever so I just gave her some Motrin. I'll have to run to the ATM and CVS after DH gets home from work and I need to run to the WC at 7 tonight.

Hope DD gets better quick. I had to think what WWOHP might be... but then the lightbulb went on! He must be excited about going. We aren't HP fans here, but for those that are, I'm sure it must be fabulous!

Good afternoon everyone! I came on to post a recipe for today's QOTD!!

My modified version of Bisquik's Impossibly Easy Vegetable Pie

2 C broccoli, steamed (I have also used asparagus and broccoli... and I often add onion and green pepper)

1/2 C 2% shredded cheese (cheddar, Italian blend, Mexican blend, all work well)

1/2 C Heart Smart Bisquick

1 C skim milk

4 egg whites

Salt and pepper to taste

Place cooked veggies in the bottom of a Pam-sprayed 9 inch pie pan. Stir remaining ingredients together and pour over veggies. Bake at 400° 35 -45 minutes or until browned and knife comes out clean.

** The way I make it I figure it out to be 6 pts for half of the pie.
I'm going to cut and past this and post it on the recipe thread now!!.......P
Here is a before and after. The first picture is from parent's weekend last year. The shirt is now huge on me. The second pic is from this weekend.



I think what bothered me about the comments the other parent made this weekend, is that I was kidding myself last year that I wasn't really THAT overweight. I'm trying not to beat myself up about it. I don't even recognize the person in the old picture and I want to get rid of all copies, but I really need the reminder of where I was, and how far I've come.

Oh and P, that recipe looks great. I need to update the recipe thread and move some of these recipes over there.:goodvibes
Rose- You look amazing!!!!!

Yes, DH is excited! He's not one to show it like others but once I said I wanted him to go he was right on it. We're going to order him a shirt or two with his website logo on it. We found a place that was pretty cheap online. He's gotta check out dining numbers again for our December trip now that he'll be getting an AP. Only 70 days to go until that trip!!!!!
Creamy Pineapple Coconut Pie
1 20 oz. can crushed pineapple

3/4 C lowfat milk

1 4-serving box of sf/ff instant vanilla pudding

1/2 C flaked coconut, toasted

1 9 in graham cracker crust (reduced fat if you can find it)

1 C Cool Whip Light or Cool Whip Free

Additional toasted coconut to garnish.

Drain pineapple well... reserve 1/4 C juice.

Combine pineapple, reserved juice, milk, pudding mix, and coconut in large bowl. Mix 2 minutes on low speed with electric mixer.

Pour into crust, spread Cool Whip over the top. Chill at least 2 hours. Garnish with additional coconut.

** I don't know the points breakdown for this. Honestly, I haven't made it in years, but it is delicious!! I think I'm going to make it this weekend! Anyone doing WW etools and want to figure out the points for me??.............P

** FYI - I just posted this over on the BL recipe thread.

ROSE, that picture is fabulous... and your DS is so handsome! You are right.... as much as we don't want to remember ourselves bigger, we do need a reminder of how far we have come!!
Okay, Rose? Seriously? You were so beautiful in that picture from last year. You may feel you were significantly overweight, but you don't look obese or large or sloppy in that picture. I'm sorry that you want to discard it -- I think it is a wonderful picture of what you looked like a year ago. The fact is that you LOOK totally different this year. You look very fit and trim. You look beautiful in the second picture, too. But there is nothing ugly about the picture from last year.
I think sometimes, when we look at old pictures, we don't just look at the picture objectively. We superimpose on it the memories that it brings back of how we felt about ourselves at that point in time. So, while the picture doesn't look bad to anyone else, you look at it and think about how much you wanted to lose weight and how far you felt you had to go.

So, keep the picture. It is the "baseline". It is where you were and it helps you to recognize and appreciate not just how much you've accomplished in a year, but it brings with it a recognition of how hard you worked to get where you are right now. So, be proud of how fit you are now, but please do not allow anyone to make you feel ashamed of the beautiful woman you were a year ago. :hug: You are still beautiful you! Just a more fit version with the healthy outlook and attitude that brought you here and will keep you here.

Okay. Off my soapbox. Sorry. :rolleyes:
QOTD for Wednesday, September 22: Post your favorite recipe, requiring 5 ingredients or less (not counting spices and oils)

Here's mine. It is a quick throw-together meal for the crockpot that is a huge hit here.


4-6 chicken breast portions
Chunky salsa (I use medium and would use one regular size bottle)
1-2 cans whole kernel corn
Rice, brown rice OR soft tortillas
Low fat shreded cheddar cheese or cheese slices

Spray the bottom of the crockpot or use a liner.

Put 4-6 chicken breast portions in the bottom of the crockpot.
Cover all the chicken with chunky salsa.
Pour 1 or 2 cans of whole kernel corn on top
Cook on low at least 6 hours
Once cooked, pull the chicken out onto a plate
Shred the chicken and place back in the crock and mix together.
Serve over rice or in soft tortillas, sprinkled with low fat cheddar (or mix cheese in if you want it melted and mixed throughout)

This sounds good-- think I could substitute corn cut off the cob? Whenever I go out to the farms I end up with corn-- 5 for a $1, something like that. I would just add more salsa then I guess.

I may have to give up on catching up and just jump in...still so far behind at work and home...

My very favorite food item at WDW is a carrot cake cookie from Goofy's Candy Company. If I could have it every day of my life I would not want it to be available, because I would surely eat it! :rotfl2:

Eating a little better each day, but no official running workouts for me until Thursday. Yesterday I did 72 minutes of office laps, I had yoga today and 35 minutes of office laps. I'm hoping for more office laps tomorrow, since they seem to be reliable! :thumbsup2

My tivo is getting a workout tonight -- Glee, BL, 19 & Procreating, Warehouse 13, Daily Show and Colbert. And I still haven't watched Castle and Hawaii HunkCity yet from last night.

Anyone see the ads for the TLC show Sister Wives?

Maria :upsidedow

My favorite food at Disneyland--the chocolate cake at Golden Horseshoe!
Did my back exercises last night on commercials of Biggest Loser. Honestly it's the only show I can really do them to--it's just so motivating. Gonna really try to do them on some other shows so they are done at least twice a week.
So far pretty good tv this season....

Congrats Lisa for 8 # loss Wow! :eek:

Fun recipe-- using 5 ingredients or less:
Ham-and-Swiss-Loaded Potatoes Recipe
4 baking potatoes
1 cup diced ham
1 cup shredded Swiss cheese, divided
1/2 cup thinly sliced green onions, divided
1/2 cup fat-free sour cream
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Pierce potatoes with fork; arrange in circle on paper towels in microwave oven. Microwave at High 16 minutes or until done, rearranging potatoes after 8 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes. Preheat broiler. Cut each potato in half lengthwise; scoop out pulp, leaving 1/4-inch shell. Combine potato pulp, ham, 1/2 cup cheese, 1/3 cup green onions, sour cream and pepper. Spoon potato mixture into shells. Combine 1/2 cup cheese and remaining green onions and sprinkle over potatoes. Place potatoes on baking sheet; broil 4 minutes or until golden.

It's good to use up leftover ham. I usually double the recipe though --it's good to squeeze all of them side by side in the pan and sprinkle the cheese over and they reheat really well.
This sounds good-- think I could substitute corn cut off the cob? Whenever I go out to the farms I end up with corn-- 5 for a $1, something like that. I would just add more salsa then I guess.

I am sure that would work. I think if I were using uncooked corn, I'd layer that on top of the chicken and then put the salsa over that, so that it would cook faster (I've always read that you layer stuff with the longest-cooking item on the bottom, and pour the liquid over anything that has to cook faster).

Your recipe sounds great. I never think of doing anything with ham. I'd bet it would even work with turkey ham. I'll have to try that. :goodvibes
I am sure that would work. I think if I were using uncooked corn, I'd layer that on top of the chicken and then put the salsa over that, so that it would cook faster (I've always read that you layer stuff with the longest-cooking item on the bottom, and pour the liquid over anything that has to cook faster).

Your recipe sounds great. I never think of doing anything with ham. I'd bet it would even work with turkey ham. I'll have to try that. :goodvibes

***Maybe a little hotsauce to make up for the lack of water in the corn! We have 6-7 bottles of the stuff I got on some coupon deal...Ok I'm takin' some chicken out now.
Tonight I went to my first "intro to belly dancing" class. It runs for 1 hour a week for 4 weeks, and I was the only student, so it was great personalized instruction. It was fun, and some things felt good, and some things I really just didn't get, but it was enjoyable exercise :goodvibes

THAT is cool! I don't think I'd ever sign up for anything with "dance" in the title - I am so totally uncoordinated. But anyone who would have the nerve to do Belly Dancing? :worship::worship: I hope you have such fun with this Shannon!

For all who asked... DD woke up at 4am burning completely up. I gave her more Motrin and called the doctor when we got up just after 8. Sure enough... I took her in, paid the $30 co-pay and POOF! The fever has dropped from 102 down to about 99. And, the doc just confirmed what I suspected anyway... it looks like a virus and we just have to wait it out. Hopefully we'll be back to normal (or close enough) by tomorrow.

Congrats to the TOP TEN and ALL our losers this week. Way to go, CC!!! :cool1::cool1:


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