Big Brother summer 2022

I feel bad for Taylor. She's having a rough week.

Tomorrow is the first day of school and I was getting some stuff ready while watching the show tonight. Are they going to try to backdoor Michael? I wasn't fully paying attention to the show.
I feel bad for Taylor. She's having a rough week.

Tomorrow is the first day of school and I was getting some stuff ready while watching the show tonight. Are they going to try to backdoor Michael? I wasn't fully paying attention to the show.
If they were smart they would...spoiler whited out however he win veto, so assuming he takes Brittany down, the smart move would be Monti up.
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I love everyone's "blame Joseph" strategy! The only problem is that Joseph is a juror and will hear about who lied in the house and pinned it on him. It's not a good way to earn jury votes, but I suppose the goal right now is just to stay in the house as long as possible.
So... Is Kyle really a racist or just stupid? He's right, this could destroy him outside of the house. He's got some big bridges to mend when all this is done.

Should Michael and Brittany have saved this info until it was useful? Should they have told someone before this? He was in their alliance, so it was convenient to overlook it as just a stupid idea then, but now, they're framing it like they were just so shocked that they didn't know what to do... until they did know what to do... use it against Kyle to their benefit. Doesn't that make them a little bit complicit in the racism? If it was so horrible, why wait? Unless they only thought it was horrible when it was convenient and useful to think that way.
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Not a great look for Kyle. He has a right to be really freaked out, this will follow him for years. Maybe there’s a reason he’s still single (before the showmance) and living with his mom.

Also, I don’t know if anyone else watched til the bitter end of the episode but it really struck me that the announcers voice was very quiet and subdued when he was talking about the upcoming episode. He usually says BIIIGG BROOOOTHERRRRRR but last night he just said Big Brother.

I also appreciated that when Taylor or Monte said something about revealed my something or asking Michael to say something to Turner and he said I don’t think that’s my place to say something and I really liked that he did that.
Yes, the voice at the end of the show was so different than usual.

I am disappointed in Michael that he held onto this information and brought it to light when it benefited him. He was holding that in his back pocket.

That’s a good point
I think they should have shared this information while the group was split. The inside team could have fully discussed it without worry of interruption. When rejoined, if Kyle was still there they could then discuss with Turner and Terrance sooner than later. I think it was a mistake to discuss with Alyssa, she clearly is not a big thinker.

I do think M/B were in a difficult position ~ there wasn't going to be any perfect time, and I don't think they should keep it to themselves until the end. What if he won, we'd have another Michie disaster? I can understand how you never want to accuse someone - especially if you have to live with them for many weeks more. But at this point perhaps they are seeing that he keeps floating through each week, slowly getting his dream team. They were shocked when they saw Joseph had left and you know that they knew Kyle had a hand in it because Alyssa should have gone, alliance wise.

Not sure if anyone watches the live feeds or follows along. I do not watch but check in with a few "professional" watchers who then do pod/vlog discussions about what happened. On Monday I listened to one that was 1.5 hour discussion while I cleaned. I think the two of them were very clear on what they saw, and didn't think they were team anyone. I notated and shared with a friend but it's too long.

Key notes:

What looked to us to happen in a couple of hours tops was actually much much longer. The conversation with Monte and Taylor alone was very long. I truly think there was more than just this instance and they discussed many things. While Monte told them it was their story to tell - it was Monte who told Terrance. After they told Alyssa she was upset and spent a couple hours alone in a room. Kyle was getting suspicious something was up when they were in HOH room with Turner for so long. So he asks Terrance who had either misinterpreted or flipped the story and told Kyle that Michael & Britt were trying to start a white alliance. At that point Kyle knew his plan was out there and panicked. He went to Alyssa and they showed part of that conversation. His main issue was he was worried about HIS GAME. He kept explaining why he wanted each one of them to leave even though his excuses didn't add up to the "defined alliances".

He did not try to talk to the other houseguests!?! He tried to get in the diary room but they wouldn't let him in. On his third attempt they let him in and he was there a long time. One host of the vlog said that the fact that he was putting together the dots after Terrance and so desperate to get to production was almost a clear sign that he did exactly what they said he did. If there was a misunderstanding why not clear it up with the guests? She wondered if he self evicted but she didn't think they would pull him. He wasn't a physical danger. She thought they would tell him to play it through even if they evict him.

There was so much more conversation with each that highlighted some things he's said, some things that now make sense, Kyle outing the alliance because he wanted to restructure his alliance without the black players starting with evicting Joseph ... it was much more than just one or two conversations. Sounds like he presented things in a way that didn't make what he was working towards obvious. Sadly I think that is easy to do by some who are so ingrained. They said several shared instances where now they see stuff he said differently.

Biggest issue during all this has been BB purposely cutting the feeds, angering those who paid for it. They felt like cutting to protect whoever or to protect themselves leads to misinformation, and if they are leaving him in the house then let the viewers see everything. I mean they left up very inappropriate content so ...

After HOURS of discussion by lots of different groups it was left at Monte Terrance and Taylor outside. Taylor basically says "We need to breathe, we need to get away from all this drama ......... I can't believe all that was seen on the live feeds." Problem was - it wasn't, the feeds were cut. Sound like lots happened not seen because what we were shown was not in any way drama, just discussions.

Again this was Monday and much has happened since. I think for the focus to go back on the game and game play they need to vote Kyle out. No one is going to fix him or change him in this situation, just a HUGE distraction to the game. I don't know what will happen tonight I haven't looked but I did see that Alyssa said if they put Kyle up and they want him out, she will vote him out. We'll see, I don't really believe her.

My friend and I thought it was a whole new person at the end announcements vs change in approach.
I agree, Michael and Brittany are not going to come out of this as well as they think they are. People are upset they held onto this, basically using racism as a strategy which is not right on any level. Kyle is also going to be reamed outside the house. I don't know what he was thinking. The thing I'm curious about is, he only suggested the counter-alliance to the supposedly cookout 2.0 alliance to Michael and Brittany, never said a word to Turner and Alyssa who he is closer to. Makes me wonder how serious he was about a cookout alliance, but the problem is he did voice it and he also said Monte and Taylor were bullies and loud when they are not. People are treating kyle like he's 18, he's freaking 29.
Kyle is obviously not a deep-thinker. He doesn't think through what he's about to say. It just flies out of his mouth. Did anyone catch when he said he want's to go to Prague? He doesn't know if it's a city or a country. He just wants to go there. :rotfl:

After his racist remarks and blowing up his alliance, he's an obvious liability who need to go. It will be interesting to see how he spins his eviction in the jury house.

I also noticed the announcer's voice at the end of the show. I think they were trying to add drama due to the heavy subjects that were dealt with last night. It wouldn't look good to go from racial issues into an excited announcer's voice saying Biiiiiiiigggggg Brother!
I agree, Michael and Brittany are not going to come out of this as well as they think they are. People are upset they held onto this, basically using racism as a strategy which is not right on any level. Kyle is also going to be reamed outside the house. I don't know what he was thinking. The thing I'm curious about is, he only suggested the counter-alliance to the supposedly cookout 2.0 alliance to Michael and Brittany, never said a word to Turner and Alyssa who he is closer to. Makes me wonder how serious he was about a cookout alliance, but the problem is he did voice it and he also said Monte and Taylor were bullies and loud when they are not. People are treating kyle like he's 18, he's freaking 29.
We are only seeing what the edits bring us.

The live feeds said that he did bring up to Alyssa the goal of a new alliance that included her and the other white players. It may be one reason she ended up spending hours alone because she realized she was part of the plan?

With Turner he had the After Party and I'm sure their first target was going to be Terrance.

That is the hardest part is that they are there 168 hours and we only see 2 hours of edits (after commercials). We don't know all he said to them. Production couldn't ignore what went down this week because it was a game changer.
@HopperFan thanks for some additional perspective. This summer has been exceptionally busy so basically I have been able to watch the three weekly (and heavily edited) episodes.

In the past although I’ve not watched the live feeds myself I often have kept up on recaps of what actually occurs in the house that doesn’t make it through the editing process. Not this year unfortunately.

Last summer as the cookout formed I wondered how future houseguests would navigate discussing the possibility of another racially based alliance forming. Discussions of race can so easily head south or be misconstrued.

When Kyle mentioned the possibility of a cookout 2.0 I did wonder what the live feeders may be able to add to the edited conversation. Looked briefly for anything they may have added but haven’t seen mention since. Well until last nights episode.

Now a quick internet search returns many discussions of Kyle being racist, and of course how Michael and Britney “gamed” the information.

Why did it take the airing of the episode for all this additional info to come out now? I’m curious. If anyone would share links I’d love to read/listen to recaps of Kyle’s conversations with the other members of the house. Been home from WDW for 5 days now, kids are back in school so I have more time on my hands now. Thanks
@HopperFan thanks for some additional perspective. This summer has been exceptionally busy so basically I have been able to watch the three weekly (and heavily edited) episodes.

In the past although I’ve not watched the live feeds myself I often have kept up on recaps of what actually occurs in the house that doesn’t make it through the editing process. Not this year unfortunately.

Last summer as the cookout formed I wondered how future houseguests would navigate discussing the possibility of another racially based alliance forming. Discussions of race can so easily head south or be misconstrued.

When Kyle mentioned the possibility of a cookout 2.0 I did wonder what the live feeders may be able to add to the edited conversation. Looked briefly for anything they may have added but haven’t seen mention since. Well until last nights episode.

Now a quick internet search returns many discussions of Kyle being racist, and of course how Michael and Britney “gamed” the information.

Why did it take the airing of the episode for all this additional info to come out now? I’m curious. If anyone would share links I’d love to read/listen to recaps of Kyle’s conversations with the other members of the house. Been home from WDW for 5 days now, kids are back in school so I have more time on my hands now. Thanks
Sadly I think BB was trying to keep the conversations out of the game, which is why they kept taking down the feeds lately. It has gotten more heated with less guests, and the recent sending home of Joseph, their alliance member. Watchers have been openly discussing K and his conversations/comments for almost a MONTH now. Feed watchers keep calling on production to do better with casting and addressing it. Many said they were cancelling their feed subscription. They all spend hours in the diary room (one site reported they have psychologists on staff) so did they ever discuss this with him or the others? My guess is no because Kyle never tried to address it, not even when he was finally called out. His reaction to being outed ... was one of "I got caught" and run to the diary rooms??

The game had gotten to the point where they couldn't leave the edits on the floor. There clearly was some heavy conversation and they just couldn't ignore it or the pleas from watchers to stop hiding what is happening. They had to factor it in to the show because it was consuming the guests.
I have to concur with HopperFan. On Twitter, he's been called KKKyle at least for this last week. I don't know if it is justified, but I don't watch the feeds, just read some of the chatter and recaps.

It is surprising that BB didn't do anything about it other than try and keep it from becoming a thing that was talked about. As one Tweeter said, they let Taylor's being bullied and her subsequent pain cover the feeds and internet, with Nicole and Daniel getting villified on the 'net; yet BB tried to hide Kyle's comeuppance for racial comments and gameplay.

People, especially those who pay for the feeds are wondering why protect one while hurting the others?
I have to concur with HopperFan. On Twitter, he's been called KKKyle at least for this last week. I don't know if it is justified, but I don't watch the feeds, just read some of the chatter and recaps.

It is surprising that BB didn't do anything about it other than try and keep it from becoming a thing that was talked about. As one Tweeter said, they let Taylor's being bullied and her subsequent pain cover the feeds and internet, with Nicole and Daniel getting villified on the 'net; yet BB tried to hide Kyle's comeuppance for racial comments and gameplay.

People, especially those who pay for the feeds are wondering why protect one while hurting the others?
I've watched from day one season one, my partners in watching has changed over the years. DS used to check live feeds when he was in college, but now I have to search the pro-watchers pages and clips for info.

I watch with a friend in our own homes and we talk back & forth during the show and after on FB messenger. I scrolled back. The KKKyle started early August, I messaged her about it on August 5th. I think the reason is has left BB-universe the last week or so is because main stream media is now using it like TV Guide, Newsweek, etc. Tik Tok is rolling with it and folks showing footage. AND the hardcore followers vetted the players when announced but before game started. They called him a racist BEFORE the show even started so I assume his social media had issues.

At this point Big Brother could not ignore it any longer.

I agree with the unbalanced coverage from BB. Strange hills to stand on from them. Taylor has been drug through it and was the most hated at beginning because ???? I don't know really. Strong confident player? Viewers upset Joseph was practically ignored by cameras and now he's become a bigger player in the scenario that he's gone ?? Why did they ignore him? At times I forgot he was there. Why does the feed see Kyle & Alyssa doing it over and over ?? And yet it is too sensitive to have view of difficult subjects and conversations.

I thought maybe BB learned after they did nothing during the Michie season, and all the backlash at the end when he won. This is a "social experiment" so let it be seen OR if you just want to be another game show then intervene. Very mixed messages.

I just remembered one thing he said while trying to build his new team "as a straight white male, that makes me uncomfortable if decisions are being made on that cause that's going to put me at the bottom" .... That is way more than issues with race.
Based on what was shown on the air, he wasn't being racist at all and Brittany and Michael are terrible people to use this in the manner that they did.

On thing that bother me is why is it ok for a group of African-American people to form an alliance based on their race but not OK for a group of white people? It is either racist or it isn't; you can't have it both ways.
So... Is Kyle really a racist or just stupid? He's right, this could destroy him outside of the house. He's got some big bridges to mend when all this is done.

Should Michael and Brittany have saved this info until it was useful? Should they have told someone before this? He was in their alliance, so it was convenient to overlook it as just a stupid idea then, but now, they're framing it like they were just so shocked that they didn't know what to do... until they did know what to do... use it against Kyle to their benefit. Doesn't that make them a little bit complicit in the racism? If it was so horrible, why wait? Unless they only thought it was horrible when it was convenient and useful to think that way.
I haven't had a chance to watch...what in earth did he do/say?

I remember him saying something about it being hard to not think ppl. may do the same thing that was done last season, but that's the only thing I read/saw. I'm so confused.


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