Big Brother Spoiler Thread

So will Derrick be able to return to being undercover for his job. Won't he be recognized now? Or maybe there's not a big criminal fan base for BB?

I noticed he said he was an undercover officer for over 3 years so maybe he had already given it up.
Well, I wanted Derrick to win and Donny to be America's favorite!!! They both happened, AWESOME!!!!! I thought it was funny that Frankie wasn't even in the running for America's favorite.:happytv:
Well, I wanted Derrick to win and Donny to be America's favorite!!! They both happened, AWESOME!!!!! I thought it was funny that Frankie wasn't even in the running for America's favorite.:happytv:

Yeah I wanted the camera to zoom in on Frankie's face for his expression when he realized he wasn't even in the RUNNING for America's favorite. That would have been PRICELESS!!
Well done Derrick. I understand the Jacosta vote but I didn't think Donny would cast a bitter vote.
Disappointed Donny was so loyal to Jocasta.

Happy the game ended the way it did!

I know he told the jury he would have brought Cody to the F2 but I think Derrick would have brought Victoria. His family was always the focus of his game. Bringing C didn't fit.

zack : " Victoria thinks she's at summer camp" lol
My favorite part of tonight was seeing Frankie's face when he wasn't even in the running for Americas Favorite! If only they would have had his sisters face as well. Would have been priceless! So happy Derrick won and loved seeing everyone's face with his big reveal of being a cop and part of Team America :-)
I think the final HOH went exactly the way Derrick planned. I am not so sure he would have taken Cody, but the way it went, he did not have to make any choice. Or, he and Cody made a gentlemans agreement to split.
Anyone else think that Derrick's reunion with his wife/daughter was odd? It almost seemed like they had seen each other already. I expected it to be more passionate and heartwarming.
Derrick may not have wanted to overwhelm the baby. I thought it was affectionate. He seemed to be very kind with them.

I adored Derrick's answer on his plans for the BB money.
I loved the little snippet during commercial break of Survivor, they showed Cody and Derrick practicing their speeches as to why they deserve to win. Where was Victoria? In the bathroom applying her mascara. :rotfl2: No game, no speech.

Happy with the outcome and Donny winning AFP!
Read on a link over on Jokers that in an interview last night, Donny said he had made a promise to Cody that he would vote for him if he was in the final 2. So he kept his promise. And, he said he figured Derrick would win anyway.
I loved the little snippet during commercial break of Survivor, they showed Cody and Derrick practicing their speeches as to why they deserve to win. Where was Victoria? In the bathroom applying her mascara. :rotfl2: No game, no speech.

Happy with the outcome and Donny winning AFP!

I loved that! It was actually the 30th coat of lipstick for the night but she had some crazy eyes looking into the mirror. It actually made me laugh out was the perfect example of how she spent the ENTIRE summer!
Read on a link over on Jokers that in an interview last night, Donny said he had made a promise to Cody that he would vote for him if he was in the final 2. So he kept his promise. And, he said he figured Derrick would win anyway.

That makes sense, I didn't see him as a bitter juror.

I loved that! It was actually the 30th coat of lipstick for the night but she had some crazy eyes looking into the mirror. It actually made me laugh out was the perfect example of how she spent the ENTIRE summer!

But she was proud of how she played the game.

How much did Derik win? He won the 500k, 5k in the "holla" contest, plus America's team. Was that 3 challenges with Donny, then one challenge with just Frankie? That would be a total of 525k. What am I missing?

Donny won 25k, plus the Am team money, which I believe was 3. That would be 40k. Unless I'm missing something. Not to bad. If they ever do another All Stars, you know he'll get invited back.

Frankie won 20k for the 4 Am team challenges. (Unless I'm missing something.) Let's see if he gives the money to charity like he said....
Hi, I have avoided this thread all summer since I don't do spoilers, but wanted to chime in.

Like everyone else, I'm happy with the outcome (both with Derrick and with Donny).

One thing I'm curious about, though, what was the "fake praying" thing that Jacosta accused Derrick of?
How much did Derik win? He won the 500k, 5k in the "holla" contest, plus America's team. Was that 3 challenges with Donny, then one challenge with just Frankie? That would be a total of 525k. What am I missing?

Donny won 25k, plus the Am team money, which I believe was 3. That would be 40k. Unless I'm missing something. Not to bad. If they ever do another All Stars, you know he'll get invited back.

Frankie won 20k for the 4 Am team challenges. (Unless I'm missing something.) Let's see if he gives the money to charity like he said....

If I remember correctly, Derrick will get an ADDITIONAL $50,000 (yes, $50,000) for Team America. Just checked and found this: "If a Team America member wins BB they will get an additional $50,000."

But, I thought I remember them saying even if a (or both) Team America player made it to the final 2 they would get an additional $50,000. That would be just for being in the final 2 - even if they didn't win.

Just read this:
Derrick ended up walking away with the $500,000 grand prize instead, in addition to the money he collected from Team America and a bonus $50,000 for making it to the end as a member of the secret alliance. At $575,000, Derrick has made more money in total than any previous Big Brother winner.


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