August 2020 Reservations-still going?

No one mentioned if they're concerned about spending money for Aug. trips with economy overall. . Im concerned that when they don't or if they don't extend the unemployment federal money for people in late July that things will start to get impacted more with the economy and spending on vacation isn't so smart. saving the money may be more prudent. does anyone else have those concerns? I would just cancel and get my deposit back. etc. No spending on food, travel, hotel. Just seems like more of the cautious choice for cancelling on top of all the other reasons i have and posted.
I agree--it's the most we can expect right now. What's holding us back, rightfully so, are the insane case numbers coming out of FL. If the state had actually not opened as early as they did I don't think so many of us would be debating this right now as cases wouldn't be nearly as high.
IMHO, it is high time we stopped counting on the government to fix this, and start blaming the people who are being so irresponsible. The essential workers that get it have my full sympathies - nobody ever asked them to be put in harm's way, especially early on when we really didn't know much about COVID. It's the people attending house parties, going out to bars, going to family gatherings, going to the rallies, many without even so much as face coverings - it is these people who are behind the latest surge and they ALL should have known better. The good news is it looks like people are finally starting to wise up, and I really believe that July 4th gatherings were the last of the worst of it. Assuming testing is about 14 days behind infection, numbers should come down after this week. Of course, if people are still out being idiots (and I'm not in FL so I couldn't tell you first hand), all bets are off.
IMHO, it is high time we stopped counting on the government to fix this, and start blaming the people who are being so irresponsible. The essential workers that get it have my full sympathies - nobody ever asked them to be put in harm's way, especially early on when we really didn't know much about COVID. It's the people attending house parties, going out to bars, going to family gatherings, going to the rallies, many without even so much as face coverings - it is these people who are behind the latest surge and they ALL should have known better. The good news is it looks like people are finally starting to wise up, and I really believe that July 4th gatherings were the last of the worst of it. Assuming testing is about 14 days behind infection, numbers should come down after this week. Of course, if people are still out being idiots (and I'm not in FL so I couldn't tell you first hand), all bets are off.
I am thinking the same, although I expect the see the numbers look bad through the end of July and then hopefully decrease. If you consider 14 days from July fourth to start showing symptoms, and then buffer in two weeks after that to get tested and hopefully recover.
No one mentioned if they're concerned about spending money for Aug. trips with economy overall. . Im concerned that when they don't or if they don't extend the unemployment federal money for people in late July that things will start to get impacted more with the economy and spending on vacation isn't so smart. saving the money may be more prudent. does anyone else have those concerns? I would just cancel and get my deposit back. etc. No spending on food, travel, hotel. Just seems like more of the cautious choice for cancelling on top of all the other reasons i have and posted.
I think this is a real and valid point. For us personally, we are renting non refundable DVC points. So we would lose money to not go at this point.
I think this is a real and valid point. For us personally, we are renting non refundable DVC points. So we would lose money to not go at this point.
Same boat here. We have Jet Blue flights on points, DVC, and park tickets would be credited, not refunded. the only thing left to spend is the dog kennel and parking at the airport.
I'm super excited. The only attraction we're going to miss is Festival of the Lion King. We can do without the rest of the ones that are closed.
No one mentioned if they're concerned about spending money for Aug. trips with economy overall. . Im concerned that when they don't or if they don't extend the unemployment federal money for people in late July that things will start to get impacted more with the economy and spending on vacation isn't so smart. saving the money may be more prudent. does anyone else have those concerns? I would just cancel and get my deposit back. etc. No spending on food, travel, hotel. Just seems like more of the cautious choice for cancelling on top of all the other reasons i have and posted.

We've been very fortunate. DH is retired and while I'm still working it's only because I want to. I'm considered essential and we've been busier than ever during this pandemic. No one has been laid-off, furloughed, etc. In fact, we hired.

Unfortunately, due to DH's under control underlying health condition, there's no travel in our future until there's a vaccine, herd-immunity or something else to control the spread of the virus. In fact, we'll most likely be wearing masks in public places for some time to come.
We have Disney rewards dollars that will expire, even more because our cruise was canceled, and more sw credits than we'll be able to use before the pandemic is over. We're only staying at Pop so not as pricey as it could be. Yes, it's cheaper not to go, but we'd waste a lot of money on nothing then too.
I think this is a real and valid point. For us personally, we are renting non refundable DVC points. So we would lose money to not go at this point.

I would have to assume this is the reason most people are still going even when the cases continue to rise in Florida. It is also the reason I would not want to be at the park at this time. Although most people have good intentions I am also certain there will be some that still go even with potential COVID symptoms due to loss of money.
I'm very interested to see what happens in 2-4 weeks.
Despite many people saying it feels safer at Disney than their grocery store, this can't be flattening the curve. I think it's spiking the curve.

I've watched many YouTube videos with superfans (many with tears in their eyes) exclaiming how happy they are. And they ARE!
Me? It's not worth that momentary happiness. I miss it too, like many of us. It's still not worth it.

We have a long trip planned in October and I'll cancel that thing in a heartbeat. I don't care. I'm waiting and seeing how September plays out. Florida is on fire and spiking with cases. I don't go on an expensive vacation to feel stressed.
We wouldn't lose much monetarily this year, but will have a pretty large amount of DVC points, park tickets getting close to expiration and Southwest vouchers to use. I think we have the potential of losing a big chunk of DVC points next year if we don't use up a bunch this year because there is no certainty of what may or may not be in place for next year.
We have Disney rewards dollars that will expire, even more because our cruise was canceled, and more sw credits than we'll be able to use before the pandemic is over. We're only staying at Pop so not as pricey as it could be. Yes, it's cheaper not to go, but we'd waste a lot of money on nothing then too.

I have, in the past, been able to use Disney Reward Dollars from my Chase Disney Visa to purchase a non-expiring Disney gift card.

I'm not sure if this is still a possibility, but I would figure out exactly how much was on the rewards card, and spend exactly that on the gift card.
I'm very interested to see what happens in 2-4 weeks.
Despite many people saying it feels safer at Disney than their grocery store, this can't be flattening the curve. I think it's spiking the curve.

I've watched many YouTube videos with superfans (many with tears in their eyes) exclaiming how happy they are. And they ARE!
Me? It's not worth that momentary happiness. I miss it too, like many of us. It's still not worth it.

We have a long trip planned in October and I'll cancel that thing in a heartbeat. I don't care. I'm waiting and seeing how September plays out. Florida is on fire and spiking with cases. I don't go on an expensive vacation to feel stressed.

Something I often consider with event and/or travel decisions is:

Will I regret it more if I go, or if I don't go?

Usually, the answer is that I'll have more regret if I skip the activity than if I do the activity.

At this point, with traveling to Disney World, the chance of extreme regret is too high for me to fully enjoy the experience and I will most likely cancel. I'm giving it a bit more time, since the cancellation policy is basically the same today as in three weeks.
I feel the same about regret. I’m usually a very “carpe diem” type, but if I did go and get sick, it would be a nightmare. My greater fear is catching the virus, being asymptomatic, and unknowingly infecting people. If I had to then explain where I’d contracted it, I don’t want to think about the judgement from others I’d receive. If I have to be that secretive about our plans, then maybe it’s not worth it. I still haven’t cancelled and have 5 days to make a final decision.
Something I often consider with event and/or travel decisions is:

Will I regret it more if I go, or if I don't go?

Usually, the answer is that I'll have more regret if I skip the activity than if I do the activity.

At this point, with traveling to Disney World, the chance of extreme regret is too high for me to fully enjoy the experience and I will most likely cancel. I'm giving it a bit more time, since the cancellation policy is basically the same today as in three weeks.
Same, but I lean the other way. In fact, I see this very similar to Hurricane Dorian last year. Orlando was looking to take a big hit, everyone panicked, trips were cancelled, those that were going anyway were accused of putting CM's in danger, then...nothing. Why? Certainly some luck, but also WDW was extraordinarily well prepared. Those that went were rewarded with happy CMs, welcoming them into empty parks. I did not have a trip planned, but if I had, the "you shoulda been here" would have triggered my FOMA like nothing else. We're taking every precaution we can, but going.
Oh my gosh! Exactly!! Imagine having to say you got Covid because you went to Disney World.
You would get ZERO empathy and a lot of muttering under their breath about how you deserve it.
Besides being upset I got it (or worse, got someone else sick and holy heck, what if they die???) I would be so humiliated.

I didn't even think of that aspect.
What exactly does your husband do to stay safe from COVID? In case we go to Disney does he have any good advice?
He is indoors but it is a very large construction site. He wears safety glasses (required for regular construction safety) and a good-fitting cloth mask at all times (he does not use filters; the mask fits snugly enough that there are no large gaps). They are not able to social distance because, as you can imagine, a construction site is quite loud, so to be able to speak to each other or train someone how to use something, you need to be in close quarters. He is diligent about his mask. Like I imagine Disney will have, the construction company has employees assigned to be COVID safety officers, checking that people are wearing masks and such. He doesn't eat at work because there are a lot of people in one space with masks off. He gets takeout food and goes to the grocery once a week. His company has a vehicle and an apartment for him on location, so he doesn't really leave his individual space other than work.
For travel, the airports are relatively empty, so it's easy to social distance. He has only flown Delta, which requires masks and is not selling full capacity flights.
I will ask him if there is anything else.
He is indoors but it is a very large construction site. He wears safety glasses (required for regular construction safety) and a good-fitting cloth mask at all times (he does not use filters; the mask fits snugly enough that there are no large gaps). They are not able to social distance because, as you can imagine, a construction site is quite loud, so to be able to speak to each other or train someone how to use something, you need to be in close quarters. He is diligent about his mask. Like I imagine Disney will have, the construction company has employees assigned to be COVID safety officers, checking that people are wearing masks and such. He doesn't eat at work because there are a lot of people in one space with masks off. He gets takeout food and goes to the grocery once a week. His company has a vehicle and an apartment for him on location, so he doesn't really leave his individual space other than work.
For travel, the airports are relatively empty, so it's easy to social distance. He has only flown Delta, which requires masks and is not selling full capacity flights.
I will ask him if there is anything else.
Thank you! Sounds like he’s doing good at keeping safe. Not eating at work is probably a good idea. Makes me wonder if dining reservations at Disney is a bad idea.
We always fly Delta so I’m glad they are taking precautions.


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