August 2020 Reservations-still going?

I'm holding out until the last minute to cancel. Just watching what is going on. We also have a Christmas trip booked that will most likely get cancelled, too. I have a trip booked for the 50th. Disney is currently not booking those dates, so I feel lucky to have gotten that in just before the reservation shut down.
I was planning on going as of yesterday even, but I never felt very sure of my decision. I read a Facebook plea by an acquaintance who lives in Orlando, begging people to rethink coming down right now. That was probably the final thing that pushed me over the edge. Plus DD was pointing out how many shops, etc were closed in the live-streams. The short wait times are soooo tempting, but for us it will be better to go when we can feel a little more relaxed. I am so jealous of everyone there though, and if I lived in Central FL, I’d be there in a heartbeat.
Same here! In the morning I can’t wait to go. At night I start thinking we should cancel. Ugh! What are we going to do?

I'm so glad to know that the flip-flopping with decision making seems to be normal!

I also tend to wake up thinking that going would be fine, and I'm all excited. By evening, I'm thinking cancelling is what I should do.

I don't think this is a coincidence. I think these thoughts are impacted by the information I see on the news and social media throughout the day.
I'm holding out until the last minute to cancel. Just watching what is going on. We also have a Christmas trip booked that will most likely get cancelled, too. I have a trip booked for the 50th. Disney is currently not booking those dates, so I feel lucky to have gotten that in just before the reservation shut down.
I did book the week before Thanksgiving last night in case we cancel our August trip.
I really didn’t want my granddaughter to miss school, but if we have to cancel we will go in November unless things are not better.
I'm so glad to know that the flip-flopping with decision making seems to be normal!

I also tend to wake up thinking that going would be fine, and I'm all excited. By evening, I'm thinking cancelling is what I should do.

I don't think this is a coincidence. I think these thoughts are impacted by the information I see on the news and social media throughout the day.
Yes it is the news and social media that is causing this flip flopping .
Well, we finally threw in the towel for our 8/8 trip. It killed me to give up our awesome upgrades, but now that its decided I feel so relieved. My husbands school changed the start of the school yr, and he wouldn’t have enough time to quarantine when we got home, so that was the final nail in our poor trips coffin 😢
Here is what we’ll be missing:
*dirt cheap air fare
*Kidani 1br villa Savanna view... at CBR price
*low Park attendance (Im an introvert with anxiety and claustrophobia so this is huge!)
*low wait times for most attractions (I mean walk on FOP-c‘mon!)
*some pretty great ADRs (great considering what’s open)
*our only shot at F&W
Here‘s what I’m looking forward to Next year:
*most if not all attractions open
*new rides open? (Rat, Tron, Jurassic coaster at Uni)
*shows open
*more time for ROtR to work the kinks out
*more restaurants open (looking at you Boma!)
*maybe BOG will go back to qs at lunch?
*no m**ks (hopefull!)
*no worry about contracting or spreading a deadly virus (which in the end outweighs all the things we will be missing)

In the end we are sad to be missing out this year, but are soooo looking forward to next year!

Wishing everyone that gets to go safe awesome trips!
I just moved my Aug 1 trip to mid October. I didn’t feel like we should go because my son will start school in August and I don’t want to bring back any infection (wish I could trust other parents to do the same, but I just don’t). Hoping things are better then (or maybe they will just have to close the parks and then I’ll move my trip again). I have trips booked in Jan and Feb as backups.
I just moved my Aug 1 trip to mid October. I didn’t feel like we should go because my son will start school in August and I don’t want to bring back any infection (wish I could trust other parents to do the same, but I just don’t). Hoping things are better then (or maybe they will just have to close the parks and then I’ll move my trip again). I have trips booked in Jan and Feb as backups.
I also figured wearing a mask in October won’t be as unpleasant as August.
I cancelled our August trip today. I'd already lost the free dining booked almost a year ago and was moved from CSR to CBR and I'm not a fan of CBR. Of course with virus cases spiking I wouldn't go anyway I think.... it's not in the cards for us. I haven't rebooked since I think the Fall/Winter will not be much better and could be worse. If I lived in Orlando and could just pop in for the day, the parks don't look so bad really (in terms of virus safety) - just don't want to deal with the other stuff. Best of luck to everyone still on the fence and those going down - I hope you have a great trip and stay safe!
Struggling with the same questions for our trip in a few weeks. We are DVC and will likely lose our points if we cancel since our use year is coming up. 48 hours ago I was sure we were 100% going. The judgements online are making me rethink it. Lots of people putting down the opening of WDW. Trying to not let it affect my decision but they’ve gotten to me. Not sure what to do. I know we would be safe as possible and we have taken the virus so very seriously. This trip was the one thing keeping me sane and now that seems to be unraveling. I’m sorry to see others worrying about the same, but I’m glad I’m not alone!
No one mentioned if they're concerned about spending money for Aug. trips with economy overall. . Im concerned that when they don't or if they don't extend the unemployment federal money for people in late July that things will start to get impacted more with the economy and spending on vacation isn't so smart. saving the money may be more prudent. does anyone else have those concerns? I would just cancel and get my deposit back. etc. No spending on food, travel, hotel. Just seems like more of the cautious choice for cancelling on top of all the other reasons i have and posted.

See....I can get where you're going with this, but at the same time....most airfare is non-refundable. If you have a package you're going to get $200 back. So the only money you are "saving" is what you would spend on food and souvenirs. For us, the entire trip is already paid for. We bought a bunch of gift cards during a promo last year, and there's no way for us to "save" that money back now. And cancelling would saddle us with even MORE airline credits that we can't really use. If you're relying on the unemployment to pay your bills, yeah, a disney vacation might not be the best choice for you right now, but otherwise it's your money to spend.

I keep mentally flip-flopping too, but i'm trying to NOT hover on the daily statistics and instead look at the overall trend once we get closer to make a final decision.
So I cancelled everything yesterday, including my AP, but now I’m having regrets because fall/winter non-AP rates are SO much higher and after August 11, we’ll have to buy park tickets. Plus, once school starts back next month, I think we’re going to see Covid cases everywhere. Even my nurse friend, who is VERY cautious, said she was tempted to go to Disney with the low crowds. I went so far as to reprice my canceled trip this morning. Why is this so hard?!
Not waiting until August. Going next week!

Same idea here. We just moved our late October trip up to July 31 - Aug 4.

We've had so much wiped out already this year (including a trip to Aulani), that we didn't want to take a chance on something happening with the October trip either. Besides, the plan was to do the Not-So-Scary Halloween, and that's gone too.


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