Asking for "free stuff"

People shouldn't read stories of others receiving pixie dust on here and then expect it themselves. It's random, it's supposed to be random. If too many people ask for it after reading about it on here, Disney will just remove it.
How could I make this happen for my boys?

With an exception of the fastpasses and attractions, you can 100% make the bottom list happen for your boys by calling Disney's gift phone number and ordering it for them. I'm not sure of the individual prices, but they'll gladly help you select whatever you're interested in. They also have a website: Room upgrades are easy too- just call the Disney phone number & pay for the difference. Have a great trip!
stalkingmickey said:
sadly our sept stay at BC we were not given the glow in the dark "2013" that pops on ur magic band
and sadly at our stay again in sept at CL AKL we also did not get these even though we got another set of bands!!!
we saw them on people and asked where they got them and yup they were given to them during check in

You stayed at two deluxe resorts in one month, one of them CL, and are sad about not getting a free plastic slider for the MB?

Sent from my Toshiba Thrive 32GB using the DISBoards App
Personally, I think it is poor taste to post a list like this on the Dis. There are always going to be people who are "sad" they did not get what someone else got. The op asked for things they could ask for, not "pixie dust" things. Now CM's are going to have people badgering them for items they saw on the internet.
Personally, I think it is poor taste to post a list like this on the Dis. There are always going to be people who are "sad" they did not get what someone else got. The op asked for things they could ask for, not "pixie dust" things. Now CM's are going to have people badgering them for items they saw on the internet.

I agree! To me asking for stuff for free is just rude and in very poor taste. Pixie dust is supposed to be random. I can see some CMs just saying no, if asked for it.

Sept 2012 we were checking into AKL and saw a lady next to us throwing a temper tantrum, because the CM wouldn't give her a free upgrade from a standard view to a savanna view. We heard her yell, "of course I didn't book a savanna view. Everyone knows you guys give out free upgrades all the time and I want one". I guess she thought the louder she got the better chance she had the CM would give in to her just to get rid of her. She even demanded a manager, who also told her no. I was glad he didn't give in to her. She was rude and obnoxious. What's funny is our CM did give us a free upgrade from a pool view to an Arusha Savanna view. We didn't even think about asking for an upgrade though and in fact would have been just as happy with the pool room we booked. When we asked him why we got the free upgrade, he winked, said pixie dust, and then pointed to the lady still griping and whispered 'that's the way to make sure you don't get one. Pixie dust is no fun unless it's random'. lol
Just got back from WDW on the weekend and got the free slider 2013 band but only when we asked. We saw some people with them and were looking to buy them in the resort shop (we saw the other add ons and assumed that was where they were from). The sales assistant indicated these were available from the concierge who happily gave them to us.
I think them being given out at check in is just chance with how on the ball your CM is. Ours was a lovely older lady who managed to allocate us a room nice and early (we needed to change for the MNSSHP) and she even called the room to leave a message saying she hoped we had a nice stay. Clearly a nice and dedicated CM who just it just didn't occur to, to hand our the bands. Hard to get cross isn't it?
We also had a reservation at CRT for our anniversary which was noted on the ticket when we arrived. We were give the best seats in the house (in the window overlooking the carousel). There were no further freebies or anything - the view made it all worthwhile!!
ooh i forgot - we were watching the fireworks at Epcot last year and a CM had to move us a long a little. She apologised and offered us a pair of cardboard specs (you know how 3d glasses used to look before they became plastic?!) which turned every light you looked at into a hidden mickey!!!
It was so sweet and she even apologised that she only had one set and that we had to share, not that we minded at all.
It's definitely the acts of random kindness rather than solicting freebies that warms the experience!
Personally, I think it is poor taste to post a list like this on the Dis. There are always going to be people who are "sad" they did not get what someone else got. The op asked for things they could ask for, not "pixie dust" things. Now CM's are going to have people badgering them for items they saw on the internet.

My goodness, thank you for understanding what my original intentions were! I certainly didn't ask for pixie dust things and would never expect them or be upset. I was only asking because a few other threads I read made it sound like there were some things (sliders and birthday buttons) that you had to specifically ask for and I wanted to see if there was anything else similar. Thanks for understanding.
I think it's rude to ask for free stuff. Makes people look cheap. I work retail and when we give stuff away for free the signs say one per sale. People always want more. It a upper scale place so you know they could buy another one. I hate it!!! I would never do it.
I don't think they're going to give your kids all of them. It's not like you can go in and ask for the Freeloader Package and they bombard you with stuff for your entire trip. I think the poster meant it as a general list of possibilities.

PP wasn't bring a "freeloader", all was asked was how to make it happen that a character ride with her boys... She emboldened that part of the quote. Don't think that quite makes her a free loader....
How could I make this happen for my boys?

You can't. It's just a matter of being at the right place at the right time. I know that sometimes Alice will ride the teacups with guests, but you can't ask for it - it's pixie dust,
Agree 110%

While my DD and I were waiting for our order at the Backlot Express a CM behind the counter noticed we only had one cup between us (we were sharing, it was a small money saver for me). He said "I count 2 of you" to which I responded "yes, we're sharing". He made a big deal about it and said "we can't have that" and gave us another cup.

This pixie dust isn't even close to what some people get (or expect) but I was thrilled that he took the time to notice and made our day even brighter by the gesture. For us, it's the small, unexpected things.


I misread that the first time and I thought the CM forced you to get another cup and pay for it. I am glad I was mistaken and that is a nice, small gesture!
I agree! To me asking for stuff for free is just rude and in very poor taste. Pixie dust is supposed to be random. I can see some CMs just saying no, if asked for it.

Sept 2012 we were checking into AKL and saw a lady next to us throwing a temper tantrum, because the CM wouldn't give her a free upgrade from a standard view to a savanna view. We heard her yell, "of course I didn't book a savanna view. Everyone knows you guys give out free upgrades all the time and I want one". I guess she thought the louder she got the better chance she had the CM would give in to her just to get rid of her. She even demanded a manager, who also told her no. I was glad he didn't give in to her. She was rude and obnoxious. What's funny is our CM did give us a free upgrade from a pool view to an Arusha Savanna view. We didn't even think about asking for an upgrade though and in fact would have been just as happy with the pool room we booked. When we asked him why we got the free upgrade, he winked, said pixie dust, and then pointed to the lady still griping and whispered 'that's the way to make sure you don't get one. Pixie dust is no fun unless it's random'. lol

Working at the front desk of a hotel, I see this a lot. What these people should realize is if they were nice to me and asked, instead of demand, maybe give me reasons why, I'd try to work something out. If they are rude and won't stop harassing me, I will do everything in my power to make sure they do not get an upgrade.
Our first trip I don't think we got anything special per se. We had 2 towel animals on a 9 night stay & our son got tons of Mickey stickers from everyone. We collected transportation cards but otherwise no special pixie dust or anything... It was the most wonderful trip ever. Our last trip we got phone messages from Mickey, lots of towel animals (almost daily) and a cupcake on my MIL bday. My hubby & I didn't get even a "happy anniversary" from a single CM the entire day on our wedding anniversary I don't think ... It was still an awesome trip. I agree that if you focus on what could've been you'll miss what was... Disney plain old disney - what's more awesome ? Seeing your kids faces when they hug Mickey or get a kiss from Cinderella. That's real! Watching them laugh till they are out of breath on teacups or proudly show everyone their "drivers license" - talk about magic - there it is! Seriously, I'm seeing a lot of dissatisfied customers on DIS & just don't get it. It's disney for crying out loud. U get zero pixie dust you still spent a day at disney - that, in and if itself, is so awesome !

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards ... 09/2010 CBR Pirate Room ; 11/2012 POR Royal Room ; Early 2014 CS in planning process'
Disney plain old disney - what's more awesome ? Seeing your kids faces when they hug Mickey or get a kiss from Cinderella. That's real! Watching them laugh till they are out of breath on teacups or proudly show everyone their "drivers license" - talk about magic - there it is! Seriously, I'm seeing a lot of dissatisfied customers on DIS & just don't get it. It's disney for crying out loud. U get zero pixie dust you still spent a day at disney - that, in and if itself, is so awesome !

:thumbsup2 Totally right.
Our first trip I don't think we got anything special per se. We had 2 towel animals on a 9 night stay & our son got tons of Mickey stickers from everyone. We collected transportation cards but otherwise no special pixie dust or anything... It was the most wonderful trip ever. Our last trip we got phone messages from Mickey, lots of towel animals (almost daily) and a cupcake on my MIL bday. My hubby & I didn't get even a "happy anniversary" from a single CM the entire day on our wedding anniversary I don't think ... It was still an awesome trip. I agree that if you focus on what could've been you'll miss what was... Disney plain old disney - what's more awesome ? Seeing your kids faces when they hug Mickey or get a kiss from Cinderella. That's real! Watching them laugh till they are out of breath on teacups or proudly show everyone their "drivers license" - talk about magic - there it is! Seriously, I'm seeing a lot of dissatisfied customers on DIS & just don't get it. It's disney for crying out loud. U get zero pixie dust you still spent a day at disney - that, in and if itself, is so awesome ! Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards ... 09/2010 CBR Pirate Room ; 11/2012 POR Royal Room ; Early 2014 CS in planning process'

Agreed! Was just mainly wondering about things to ask for that anyone would be able to get, not pixie dust stuff :-)

People shouldn't read stories of others receiving pixie dust on here and then expect it themselves. It's random, it's supposed to be random. If too many people ask for it after reading about it on here, Disney will just remove it.

In all my visits my "magical extras" have been:

A free stamp for a postcard
A Fast Pass because we waited awhile for our dessert

That's it:wave2:

Hasn't lessened my good time and I expect nothing.
In all my visits my "magical extras" have been:

A free stamp for a postcard
A Fast Pass because we waited awhile for our dessert

That's it:wave2:

Hasn't lessened my good time and I expect nothing.

I agree! I never expect anything. That way it's even more special when it does happen. I guess I've been lucky, but I've received free room upgrades at AKL (from a pool view to Arusha Savanna view), CSR (from standard to water view multiple times), Yacht Club (from standard to water view), and BW (from standard to water view). I've received alot of towel animals and special desserts for both mine and my mom's birthday when wearing our birthday buttons (me in Oct and my mom on several Sept trips-so during the actual week of our birthdays--not months later or earlier:rolleyes2). I got a large wicker Mickey head basket full of treats at CSR not once, but twice (the first time I was solo and the housekeeper caught me in the room when I was sick and hadn't left the room for several days, so the next day she and the head of housekeeping called to check on me and brought me the gift basket and a huge clown towel animal. I'm still not sure why I got the gift basket the second time though, just a few months later. I just came back to my room one day and found it on my bed with my name on it and note that the staff of CSR were glad I had returned and hoped I was having a good stay. Maybe it was in my file that I was sick the previous trip.:confused3) Anyway, regardless, I have never asked for anything or complained about anything either (other than the Pop Warner kids one year at POFQ---didn't get anything then and didn't want anything other than to be moved to another resort, which they said they couldn't do). Anytime we've been pixie dusted, it's been a complete surprise and that's the way it should be. I would never ask for it. That just seems wrong and greedy.


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