Anyone Reading "Cast Member Confidential" Yet?

And to clarify the definition of "hypocrisy":

DisneyKevin standing on his soapbox shouting "censorship is wrong!"

Then denouncing my petition...

That, my friends, is censorship.
And to clarify the definition of "hypocrisy":

DisneyKevin standing on his soapbox shouting "censorship is wrong!"

Then denouncing my petition...

That, my friends, is censorship.

No are wrong.

Censorship would be correct if I deleted you post (which I have the ability to do) and not let you have a voice because what I think you are doing is offensive.

That would be censorship.

Denouncing your ridiculous petition is me voicing my opinion.

I wont delete your post because I'd much rather let people see what you are doing so that they dont make the same mistakes.
If you think what SuperCaliSal is doing is wrong, you should call Urban Think and voice your opposition.

Here is the information:

Urban Think Bookstore
625 East Central Boulevard
Orlando, FL 32801-2916
(407) 650-8004

Call them and tell them your feelings.
And to clarify the definition of "hypocrisy":

DisneyKevin standing on his soapbox shouting "censorship is wrong!"

Then denouncing my petition...

That, my friends, is censorship.

I'm sorry, but I've GOT to ask. How on earth is that censorship to you????

ETA: According to Urban Think's website, Castmember Confidential is in stock and available to order for $15.95 plus shipping.
And to clarify the definition of "hypocrisy":

DisneyKevin standing on his soapbox shouting "censorship is wrong!"

Then denouncing my petition...

That, my friends, is censorship.

Nooooooo............THAT is freedom of speech.


You trying to say what others should not read, and forcing that opinion on bookstores, is censorship.
Nooooooo............THAT is freedom of speech.


You trying to say what others should not read, and forcing that opinion on bookstores, is censorship.

This. This exactly. You can't remove a book just because you don't agree with something in it. If you did, there wouldn't be ANY books for sale.. EVER!
Nooooooo............THAT is freedom of speech.


You trying to say what others should not read, and forcing that opinion on bookstores, is censorship.

I have to say, if Urban Thinkers really did pull this book, it's pretty disappointing and not very urban thinking of them. However, it was still their decision, they didn't HAVE to remove the book, they weren't legally forced to remove it, it was still their choice and that is as it should be. As a consumer of books, I am much more upset with the bookstore than the person with the petition.
I haven't read all of these posts, but do have two things to say.

1. Censorship, of any kind, is wrong. We should be allowed to decide if we want to read this trashy book.

2. Don't forget what happened in Farenheit 451. Enough said.
Hello! I've noticed your posts, and I need to correct some information that's being wrongly posted on this board. I am the manager of Urban Think! Bookstore downtown.
I don't know where you got your information, but we DID NOT cancel a book signing for the book because of the reasons you described. What happened was that I simply zoned out and misunderstood that the signing had actually actually been scheduled after discussing it with whomever set up the signing; apparently I missed the memo : ) When the signing was brought to my attention last week, I decided that there was not enough time to do publicity for the short time we had (the signing was scheduled for February) and so chose to demur. It's not fair to the author to have a book signing and not do enough publicity-- that would just be a waste of the author's time.
We would NEVER cancel a signing because of perceived notions about a book; that's not what we're about. We've had all sorts of literature here over the years.
I hope this clears things up-- and, I would suggest in the future that sources be checked, information verified, and rumors defused. Thank you !
-- Jim
AJ12345 they are no longer carrying Castmember Confidential at Urban Think in Orlando.

This is a terrific victory for my community!

I urge more people to voice their concerns in their comunity. Its just incredible what we can do when we put our minds and our magic into it!



Hello! I've noticed your posts, and I need to correct some information that's being wrongly posted on this board. I am the manager of Urban Think! Bookstore downtown.
I don't know where you got your information, but we DID NOT cancel a book signing for the book because of the reasons you described. What happened was that I simply zoned out and misunderstood that the signing had actually actually been scheduled after discussing it with whomever set up the signing; apparently I missed the memo : ) When the signing was brought to my attention last week, I decided that there was not enough time to do publicity for the short time we had (the signing was scheduled for February) and so chose to demur. It's not fair to the author to have a book signing and not do enough publicity-- that would just be a waste of the author's time.
We would NEVER cancel a signing because of perceived notions about a book; that's not what we're about. We've had all sorts of literature here over the years.
I hope this clears things up-- and, I would suggest in the future that sources be checked, information verified, and rumors defused. Thank you !
-- Jim
do you or do you not have this book for sale and if you do are there any events in motion that will remove it from your shelves. thank you for getting involved hopefully we will soon find out what kind of person we are dealing with in good old Sal.
The book is available through the website; we don't have it in stock because the signing wasn't able to happen. And I have already addressed the second part of your question. Thanks !!
they are no longer carrying Castmember Confidential at Urban Think in Orlando. AND they were going to have the writer come in for a reading/signing but now they are canceling him!!

This is a terrific victory for my community!

I urge more people to voice their concerns in their comunity. Its just incredible what we can do when we put our minds and our magic into it!



The book is available through the website; we don't have it in stock because the signing wasn't able to happen. And I have already addressed the second part of your question. Thanks !!
Sal, it seems your retorts are laden with half truths, self serving rhetoric and just bald faced lies. i consider you a certified card carrying troublemaker. please go away............shoo fly.
In this digital age of the Internet we find ourselves in, it seems ludicrous to me to suggest that one can remove anything from the "neighborhood".

Do those in favor of removing something from "the shelves" seriously think that would prevent anyone from reading the "offensive" material ?

Distasteful a thought as it may be to some, today's children have a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips. As parents it is our job to educate them and instill our values, NOT to shield them from something we may deem inappropriate.. Making a book forbidden fruit only enhances it's appeal. Surely we can agree that telling a child not to do something only makes them want to do it as quickly as possible.

It doesn't surprise me that any petition can get several signatures, narrow-mindedness and self-righteous viewpoints in the name of "protection" are never in short supply in our culture.

But pinning worry and fret on a novel with Mickey's hand on the cover should be the least of any one's concern in this day and age.

Censorship in any form is far more terrifying and potentially dangerous.
Thanks for visiting our boards JamesA.:thumbsup2

I appreciate your clearing this up for us.

I'm proud to know that you have not caved to pressure from some misguided group with a clipboard and an agenda.
Well that was an interesting twist.

Thanks James! :thumbsup2
never a dull moment...........the DIS is much more far reaching than you would think. wow bad grammer...........the DIS reaches much farther than you would that better? oh know what i mean:rotfl2:
hypocrite.............someone who pretends to have admirable principles, beliefs or feelings but behaves otherwise....................the poster does not conform to any part of this definition.she is NOT pretending to have admirable priciples and if she did she would have to be behaving contrary to them. she is not, she is very staunch in her belief. she would be a hypocrite if she said all this stuff and then went and bought the book and holed up in her room reading and enjoying it. THAT is a hypocrite..................:teacher:

Hmmmm...they way I see it, I find it hypocritical to be using one's voice to silence another's just because you don't like what they are saying. But, after thinking about it, you're right. My choice of words is probably not the best. Morally corrupt, maybe? That seems better to me.

In either case, I'm VERY glad that we have heard from Jim to hear his side. Thanks very much for that!

Maybe we can continue discussing the merits of the book, good and bad, without trying to block others from reading it should they wish to. :hippie:


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