Amy's "BUT I'M NOT A RUNNER" Journal

Hey you! :wave:

How's the training going so far this week? It's so nice to see that you are getting back on track and that most of the pain that you had is disappearing. I'm sure it has to feel great to gain some confidence in your physical self before this marathon creeps up on us.

I'm with you on the 5/1 vs. 4/1 interval thing!! I did the 5/1 and it sucked! Who knew that a minute additional of running could make such an impact? I kept looking and looking at the watch and that just made it even tougher. So yeah....4/1's for sure from here on out. And I know that Penguin-boy says that we need to do the marathon in 5/1's but I really don't see that happening. NOT gonna kill myself just to try and get a good time...gonna take it SLOW and try and enjoy the darn thing.

Anyway..hope all is going well for you, give us an update when you get a chance and best of luck on the run this weekend. Something about 16 miles is intimidating, but I feel that if we can do the 16, we can do 26 (as crazy as that sounds!)

Off to go fuel and hydrate (as us runners say)...have a great day!
:wave: :teeth: Hi Everyone!!!

Wow!!! What a great week :). So training has been going really well! Monday I did my 6 miles at a nice easy pace, legs were a bit tired from pushing hard on the saturday 8 mile run so I took it easy. Tuesday was supposed to be XT but I wasn't feeling 100% as I was fighting off a cold :guilty: and decided to take a rest day. Wednesday I did my 40 minute run and it felt leg problems and the run was actually pleasant (did about a 9:30 mpm pace). Today I ran for 46 minutes and it felt great again...just a pleasant run at an easy pace (did about a 9:40 mpm pace).

So I'm really feeling great :cloud9:... injury free and ready to attack that 16 mile run on Saturday. Things are really going well, thanks so much to everyone for checking in here with me!!! I appreciate it!

So tomorrow I have yoga :goodvibes and then Saturday is the big run :cheer2: . I just plan to take it easy and try to finish it injury free!!! It will be a huge accomplishment for me and a major confidence boost if that happens! :sunny:
Hi Amy!

Looks like things are coming together for you to have a good run this weekend ( good as 16 long miles can be). You got great mileage in this week at some really solid paces, and you are getting the good yoga stretch today. I really hope all goes well tomorrow.

Still worried about your blisters though. Saw the post in the events thread and that has to be really hard to deal with. Maybe there is some sort of MacGyver thing you can do using one of those non stick pads and some of that white adhesive tape that doesn't irritate your skin. I'm sure regular band-aids don't work due to the movement and the sweat. Maybe you could even wrap it lightly? Once or twice around or something? ...just throwing ideas out there... Maybe even just ask the people in CVS about what you could do...or call the PT people...someone has to have some sort of suggestion as to how you can make it feel better.

Here is some food for thought for the big run.....mile 15 thru 16 will take us past the safari section on our way to the AK...looks like mile 16 ends right around Everest. Now that I said that...I'm not sure if it helps any LOL!

Anyway, I hope you are having a great day and GOOD LUCK tomorrow. Take it slow, don't push the pace. Only 2 more long ones after this weekend. Try to post afterward if you can...I'll be curious as to how it went :)

Have a great day!
Hi :sunny:

So yesterday was THE BIG RUN (or at least the biggest to date). Sixteen beautiful, magical, awe-inspiring, fantabulous miles. Ahhhhh....let's all pause and take a moment to think about that. We could, instead of saying 16 miles, say 84,480 feet, or perhaps 1,013,760 inches. And let me tell you...those last few thousand inches were REALLY brutal!!!! By mile 10 I was thinking...ok....hips are sore...blisters are starting to get annoying....but heck 6 miles is a breeze. Just head back now...head back to the problem. By mile 12 I was thinking...ok....legs are starting to seize up on me a little...the walk breaks aren't coming fast enough....ugh still have 4 miles to go :(. By mile 14 I was thinking......OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH....(you get the idea) this point every step hurt....every inch was a pain in the ***....well you know. But somewhere after mile 14 I was able to mentally get back into it...and believe me guys...I was wanting SOOOO badly to quit at mile 14. Just walk back and call it a day. But I didn't :teeth: . And surprisingly when I just talked myself into completing the run...the pain subsided a bit and I was able to run faster and stronger. I finished strong! I finished the 16 miles in 2 hr and 54 minutes. My goal was to run slow and easy....not get hurt....and finish in under 3 hours. So I'm happy to report I was able to do all those things!!! :goodvibes

So my body hurts for sure lol! Legs are heavy and sore...knees are stiff...hips are aching....upper back/neck/shoulders are sore :confused3 . It's amazing what a stress we put our bodies under during distance running. But I think I survived the run injury free...which is a HUGE deal. I also feel confident that I can complete the next long run of 18 miles!!! And most importantly of all....I really truly believe I can finish the 26.2. It might not be fast or pretty and clearly won't be pain-free...but it's attainable. And that is the gift I got from yesterday's run!!! :sunny:
Good Morning :sunny:

:woohoo: GREAT JOB AMY! :woohoo: :thumbsup2

16 down 26.2 to go! Or wait...gotta put it in your terms...1,013,760 down, 1,600,632 to go ;) :confused3 :rotfl:

For real, awesome job! To do a run like that and not have any of your previous injuries complicate matters is really incredible. Hat's off to you being so persistent in seeking a cure, visiting countless doctors and physicians, and enduring a very difficult few months of training. It's that relentless determination that is pretty inspiring.

Now here you are, just over a month away and feeling great (or as good as can be) should be very proud of yourself, I know that I am!

So I hope the blisters go away soon..I hope you don't have to deal with that aggrivation much longer.

Good luck this week in training...keep us posted on your progress. Thank goodness it's only a 50 minute run tomorrow cause it sounds like we are both a bit wiped out from the long run.

Have a great Sunday Amy!
WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO, AMY!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

How freakin' AWESOME are you?? I am beyond proud of you!! I've never met someone as determined, strong and willfull as you are!! :thumbsup2 You are and have always been a HUGE source of inspiration for me.

Congrats on running that 16 miles!! That's completely mindblowing that you'd be running for almost 3 hours!! You are doing it, lady. You ARE!! :woohoo:

You amaze and inspire me! :goodvibes Way to go on your 16 miler! :cheer2: Your determination is shining through! :thumbsup2 You are going to do a great job at the marathon! :cheer2:

Have a wonderful week! :sunny:
Hi Guys!

Thanks Scott, Kim and Tracy. Wow you all have been so encouraging to me. And tonight to read it through really helps.

So...I hesitate to type these words :guilty: . But....Saturday's long run of 16 miles has left me a bit beat up. It appears I'm nursing a new injury...this time what seems to be my hip flexor. Perhaps a strain there? I don't know...I'm just having trouble raising my leg and have been walking with pain now for a few days. I was supposed to run on Monday....but opted to do yoga instead. I was supposed to run on Tuesday...but I just couldn't envision running since it hurt to simply walk around my house. So now I'm looking at Wednesday...and just hoping I can get out there for an easy 3 mile run. I have a race I'm SUPPOSED to run on Thursday...a Thanksgiving Morning 8K. Unfortunately...right now that is really up in the air. I was so looking forward to running a race healthy! But it would seem there are different plans for me.

SO yeah....I'm a little bummed. It's nothing new though so at least I know how to proceed. I'm going to schedule some PT for next week....make an appointment with the ice it when needed....and hope that like all the other injuries this one works itself out too! I've actually been very lucky in the sense that my injuries have caused me the loss of very few the big picture. But I hate to miss any training days. I feel like it's a vicious circle...I get injured so take it easy for week...feel better then run more than I've ever run...which leads to me being injured again...which causes me to run less....and on it goes.... :rolleyes: .

Although my body seems to be trying to SCREAM to me that marathon training is not much appreciated...I will move continue to move forward and try to get past my latest obstacle. So if I start to analyze the marathon least for so many of us who are out here training and running in search of some part of ourselves...the marathon being a test if you test it would appear is to learn how to not give up. I'm not saying I was a quitter in my past, but I can assure you that I would have found plenty of reasons to give up by now. I'm not sure who this new Amy is....but I do admire her determination :) and maybe question her sanity and intelligence...but still I like her spirit ;).

I do wish I could sleep but that ache in my leg is making that mighty difficult.
Ahhhh...the joys of marathon training :teeth: And just because I have nothing better to do than look for inspiration quotes ;) ya go! ENJOY!

It's never too late to be what you might have been.
-George Eliot
:grouphug: Hugs to you, Super Amy. We love ya, and know that you'll pull through. You're doing it right...PT and chiropractor. You have never been a quitter in my mind (even if you did stop now). :love:
Hello Amy :)

I'm sorry to hear about the possible hip flexor injury. Just when it seems that all is going well..BAM...something else pops up. But there you are, not missing a beat, scheduling the necessary appointments and dealing with it the best way you know how. Just keep the end goal in sight if you do happen to miss a run...that 40 minutes this week is pretty unimportant when compared with the 26.2 miles in January. There is no doubt that you can and will complete the marathon, you just have to get there in one piece so it's nice to see that you are taking care of it the way you know how to.

If you do run tomorrow, GOOD LUCK!! It'll be nice to burn off a few calories before the mass consumption that I'm sure will be taking place later in the day. Try to give a post to let us know how it went and that you survived....I'm concerned for you.

Great job dealing with all that has been thrown your way. You may be's all a test of your ability to handle and deal with major obstacles without giving in..without quitting. That may be what you learn from this whole thing and something that will help you throughout the rest of your life.

Geesh...where did that come from? *shakes head rapidly* *snaps back into it*

Listen dude, don't mess yourself up!! You have to run the marathon in Jan...with that what you need to do to get there. Let every single herd of massive, raging, drunk on rice beer elephants try to stand in your'll show them who is boss. (Here is a tip: when faced with the herd trampling all in it's wake heading right for you, quickly find a piece of cardboard and a sharpie and jot down the word "beer" with and arrow pointing to either direction...according to National Geographic, drunken elephants have the uncanny ability to recognize the words "beer" and "liquor" and respond accordingly) I mean it could be worse...your home could be invaded by rabified self-centered monkeys, forcing you to join MODEA (monkey & orangutan defense enforcement agency) to help supress the uprising.

(sorry folks, read the National Geographic website should check it out...all kinds of craziness going on out there)

Ok, where was I? Oh yeah....take care of yourself and good luck tomorrow. I really hope that you and your loved ones have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Of course from me to you (being uber runner athletes) that translates to: Hey Kenyan wanna-be, make sure you fuel and hydrate tomorrow...go heavy on the 15lb protein bomb, shoot for a 250% carbohydrate intake (to replenish the morning run) and don't forget the vitamin C to counteract any illness that may be out there.

Happy Thanksgiving Amy!!
Wow, I admire your determination too! From your post, I can tell that you'll do whatever you can to heal and then continue with that training. Any chance of you lending me some of that determination? ;) Keep us posted on how your recovery is going. We're thinking about you. Have a great weekend!! :sunny:
:grouphug: Amy,

I'm sorry to hear about your hip flexor issue.... I hope you are feeling much better today. :goodvibes Know that you will pull through this and that your WISH family is cheering you on every step of the way! :cheer2:

I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving! :goodvibes
Hi Guys!!! Turkey Day...YUM! :thumbsup2

So I'm still nursing this hip flexor injury. But with that said I managed to run 3 miles yesterday at a very comfortable 10 mpm pace. I didn't want to push it because I had a race scheduled for today. Unfortunately, by last night walking up and down the stairs was quite be honest....just walking had become painful. I did an epsom salt soak and rubbed out the quad muscles for a good hour. It seemed to help a bit. I had one more anti-inflammatory left from my post-tib tendonitis injury so I took that and iced up afterwards. It seemed to help b/c the pain was not as bad this morning :).

So I woke up and had to decide whether or not I should brave the chilly temperatures, pouring rain and gusty wind to go do this 5 mile race an hour from my house, all while nursing a moderately painful leg injury. Seems like an easy decision right. Of course I'm not going to race today...that's pure insanity....complete lunacy. BUT wait...let's stop and consider this, don't make any rash decisions I checked the numbers....and realized that IF I run 5 miles today.....I'll burn 500 calories.....which means I could drink 5 glasses of wine and it wouldn't count OR I could eat 3 cups of mashed potatoes and it wouldn't count OR I could eat 3 cups of candied sweet potatoes and it wouldn't count OR I could eat 2 pieces of pumpkin pie WITH whipped cream AND IT WOULDN'T COUNT!!! Yes....I am completely out of my ever-loving mind! A gang of crazed monkeys (great reference there Scott ;) ) couldn't keep me away from a Turkey Day race. Let's do this thing.

So off I went into the typhoon and picked up my packet and got my nifty t-shirt and affixed my cool chip to my soaked sneakers and got my bag full-o-stuff-I'll-never-use and turned on my Ipod to Eminem saying:

Cause sometimes you just feel tired.
You feel weak and when you feel weak you feel like you wanna just give up.
But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
and just pull that *bleep* out of you and get that motivation to not give up
and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse.

YEAH BOY! So that got me all pumped up. And I lined up with all the other crazy, soaked runners and *bam* we're off. The start was SLOW. It was a big race and I was in the back due to my being late to the starting line :blush: . Anyway...I finally got around the folks I needed to pass....set into a nice pace and ran ran ran. It wasn't fast. Good most definitely was NOT fast. But it was a nice pace. And I wasn't breathing heavy (that's always good). And my stupid garmin was just useless and not working (typical of garmin lately). But I just kept going. Then at mile 2 the leg pain became quite unbearable..or so I thought. So I stopped on the side of the road and tried to work the pain out by pounding mercilessly on my hip muscle (c'mon Eminem...."not to give up...not be a quitter"). Two guys came by and "High Fived" me at that moment and said...c'mon girl...don't give up. YEAH (i thought to myself)....I will NOT give up. So I started running and fell into pace with them. I gave myself a pep talk *Push that pain somewhere deep and forget it...just run...this is good mental preparation for the marathon* Those two dudes were funny too (possibly drunk but that was something i never determined) which helped keep me distracted from the discomfort of my stupid right leg. We managed to stop only to get a cup of water twice. It was awesome. Easy pace. I was god...I think I was actually SMILING. During a race. WOW!!! :teeth: Soooo...I finished in 46:50. Respectable 9:27 pace. Got smoked by all the girls that I knew who were running it. Back o-the-pack Amy. chuggg chuggg right along Amy. But hey...I finished. And now I can go get those 5 glasses of wine I earned. :rotfl:

Thanks random running drunk men :wave:. Thanks Eminem :wave: . And honestly....THANKS to all of you. I am so thankful (beware...cheesey sentiments about to be spoken) for you guys. Every day I come here and see somebody say something so nice or sweet or inspiring and it truly gets me through all the tough days. :grouphug: I'm so lucky for the support I found here on the dis...particularly here in the journals.

So training for the remainder of this holiday week. Tomorrow is an XT studio is closed so I'm not sure what I'll do. Gonna' figure that out tomorrow :). Saturday is an 8 mile long run (give me strength to finish that sucker). And Sunday...REST DAY! Before the toughest week to date is upon us :).

Have a truly wonderful day everyone! Hope you are enjoying your loved ones on this holiday!!! :love:
Hello Amy :wave:

GREAT JOB with the race!!! I can't believe you got out there and ran with that injury...I sure hope you didn't make it any worse by doing so! I really enjoyed reading that report, your posts are always witty and tend to make me :teeth: . Your pace was super fast considering your leg and the elements!! And kudos to the drunk dudes for helping you get thru the pain and putting a smile on your face...that HAD to make the run all the more easier. :)

So how did the running credits work out? Did you opt for the 5 glasses of wine or go for the two slices of pie (WITH cream)?? Or did you maybe splurge and go for both? I know that the food was much easier to slug down after burning off those calories (at least the half dozen chocolate chip cookies went down pretty quickly) :) I think Thanksgiving Day races will be a permanent thing in my we just need to work on Christmas Day ;)

How is the leg doing today? Hopefully it didn't get too much worse after the run & you'll still be able to pull off the 8 miler this weekend. Gonna cue up the Eminem for that too? (thanks for reminding me about that song, I need to put that on my mp3 also :thumbsup2 )

Hope the Turkey Day finished out well for you and I hope you have a great weekend! Enjoy the end of this week 'cause next week is gonna SUCK! :rotfl2:

Take it easy!

(oh yeah...check out National Geographic for the latest...not monkeys or elephants overseas anymore...we've got a wild pig crisis right here in the good 'ol USA!)
Amy - YOU ROCK!!!

Me? I didn't run because of the weather. You? You go out there with an injury and run in a freakin' typhoon!! :worship: And not just you.....drunk peole too! Man, I gotta stop slackin!!

I too am curious how your reward eating/drinking went! I hope you had a GREAT Thanksgiving! And good luck with your upcoming week. It sounds like it's gonna be a tough one!
Woohoo Amy! :woohoo:

Congratulations on your run! :cheer2: Your determination is shining through, Amy! :thumbsup2 I am so proud of you! :goodvibes

I am sending you some running :wizard: for the week ahead.... This is the 18 miler this weekend, right? You CAN do it! :cheer2: Please be sure and listen to your body, pop some Eminem on the MP3 player, and look for two drunk guys for encouragement if need be. ;) Seriously, Amy..... You are going to do a great job! I will be pulling for you from Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina.... (I'll be on my way to WDW! :Pinkbounc )

Have a great week! :sunny:
Hey Amy! I hope you're having a good week so far. Just wanted to stop by and WISH you luck for the upcoming week of training. You must be getting so excited since the race is getting closer. :teeth:

Take care of yourself and let us know how it's going! :wave:
Thanks for stopping by my journal Kim, Tracy and Scott :grouphug: .

I wish I had better news to report on the training front...but things have gone down hill a bit since Thursday's race. I pushed myself too hard last week, or maybe the 16 miles was just beyond my body's ability to cope....but the scheduled 8 mile long run became a 6 mile misery on Saturday. I am in a lot of pain right now....and what I thought was just training aches has become an intense pain in the quad and groin area and unfortunately I'm in pain simply walking right now. It's so frustrating :guilty: . training week looks like this...

Mon: Skipped 60 minute run
Tues: Yoga
Wed: ???
Thurs: ???
Fri: ???
Sat: ???

Honestly, I'm just not sure what I'm capable of right now. I've come too far to even face the possibility of not getting there. But I feel like my body has been beaten up and simply doesn't want to run...or even walk for that matter....any more :(. I think maybe I bit off way more than I can chew. I just feel under prepared and overwhelmed at the prospect of an 18 mile long run this weekend.

So this too is just a phase. I can tough it out if I have to...but I'm so afraid that running in pain is doing some kind of damage :confused3 I just need to survive (yes...survive...enjoy is a thing of the past) two more long runs and then we get to rest up a bit before the marathon. I JUST want to get to that starting line in one piece. Heck...forget about one piece....I just want to get there. I just never anticipated this journey to become so complicated, frustrating, painful and emotional. I knew it would be physically demanding....I NEVER thought it would be easy....but I sure didn't think it would be this hard. It has truly become the most challenging thing I have ever faced. And I'm most certain now that my body was not made to run long distances :rolleyes: , heck of a thing to find out 5 weeks from the marathon :rotfl: .

I'll check in later in the week to let you guys know how I'm doing. Saw the chiro today (he thinks it sacroiliac joint sprain/inflammation). I have PT tomorrow. And I'm seeing the sports med doctor on Monday and the podiatrist on the following Friday. Send me just a little PD if you have any to spare ;).
HUGS to you, Amy. :grouphug: Keep that chin up, girl. You are strong. You are powerful. You are AMAZING!! No matter what.

You're always in my thoughts. :love:
kimwim8 said:
HUGS to you, Amy. :grouphug: Keep that chin up, girl. You are strong. You are powerful. You are AMAZING!! No matter what.

:hug: Amy... Ditto to what Kim said so well.... You are an amazing person, Amy. Your determination and strength are such an inspiration to me. :goodvibes Keep on keeping on, Amy.... That starting line is waiting for you! :cheer2:


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