Aladdin's final performance on January 10, 2016

As many have pointed out, it's not that Aladdin is going (though that is sad) it's that it's yet another Frozen thing. Disney has A LOT of wonderful movies that could have fabulous live shows. Instead of doing one of those they do more Frozen. I have no doubt what they do will be spectacular. I just question why Frozen of all movies?

Honestly? Because Frozen just happens to be the No.1 animated film of all time (at least for now) and it lends itself beautifully to a full blown stage production. What I would hope is that once this new musical is in place, Disney will put the Muppets back where they belong in CA and start rotating fairy tales at the Fantasyland Theatre in DL once again. In other words, get rid of the lesser Frozen shows in favor of this one.
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Ok, I put in my complaint... I told them next they will be changing their name to Frozenland... I said how it's supposed to be a place for all ages not just the young girls of today. Honestly if I see the name Frozen, I keep walking cuz I've had enough of it already.
Sure, but that doesn`t make it the number one animated film of all time

Very true.

I would also add that just because people are bringing/have brought their kids to see Frozen or Frozen things doesn't mean they aren't sick of it and getting more sick of it by the minute. Some people are even saying that now their kids are getting tired of it.

I noticed that, last year, when the Parks Blog first did a Blog about the "Frozen Fun" things coming to DCA and DL, there were many more people on Facebook and on the Parks Blog page speaking up in favor and defense of Frozen Fun. Now, however, the wave of negative comments about the new Frozen musical drowns out the positive comments. To me, that indicates that more people are beginning to get frozen'd out. Maybe they were not sick of it one year ago, but now they may be.

I love "The Little Mermaid," but if it had taken over many things at DL back when it was new I would have been sick of it.
How about Beauty and the Beast! I mean that movie was the first (and I think only....) animated movie to ever get a best movie Oscar nomination. It won the Oscar that year for best original score, so you know the music is stellar. It would be easy enough to do in that theater since it is on Broadway. I think I will write them with all this ;)
I think it has to do with the Hyperion theater that the performers need to be unionized. In DCA the Five & Dime performers are unionized as well. As are the Disneyland Band in DL. I don't know the historical reasoning for which groups are unionized though. But hopefully the Aladdin cast can move into Frozen and not have the same issue the Disneyland Band did:

I've heard this is the replacement for the Disneyland Band:
How about Beauty and the Beast! I mean that movie was the first (and I think only....) animated movie to ever get a best movie Oscar nomination. It won the Oscar that year for best original score, so you know the music is stellar. It would be easy enough to do in that theater since it is on Broadway. I think I will write them with all this ;)

Agreed. That whole period of time that included The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Lion King, Pocahontas, etc., was very strong -- not just because there were memorable characters and stories in those movies, but the songs were mostly great. I thought that I would at least like the songs in Frozen even if I thought the story was just okay, and... I didn't. :guilty: If I never hear "Let it Go" again, I will not miss it.

ETA: Well, I suppose it could be worse. Disney could have decided that it was a grand idea to replace Aladdin with "Marsupilami: The Musical."
I mean, yes, there is a huge new land coming and it will be amazing, I'm sure, but still...

Are you sure?

I'm not.

I admit that I'm highly resistant to change, but it's like they took a list of "things Molly actually likes" and they just started going right down that list, knocking things off.

I like Frozen, so does DH and so does my 11 year old son. But not THAT much.

20 years from now, will Frozen still draw people in?

Of course, it's another "funny male performer" who will be gone, because there won't be any more genie to make vaguely non-Disney, highly funny, 95% of the reason we go, jokes.
Are you sure?

I'm not.

I admit that I'm highly resistant to change, but it's like they took a list of "things Molly actually likes" and they just started going right down that list, knocking things off.

I like Frozen, so does DH and so does my 11 year old son. But not THAT much.

20 years from now, will Frozen still draw people in?

Of course, it's another "funny male performer" who will be gone, because there won't be any more genie to make vaguely non-Disney, highly funny, 95% of the reason we go, jokes.

...Not entirely sure about Star Wars Land/Galaxy/Whatever it's called, but am hopeful that it will impress me as Cars Land did. I could not have cared less about a land based on Cars, because it is not one of my favorite Pixar movies. However, the land surpassed my expectations and I love it even though I don't love the movie.

There is a lot of change happening all at once at DLR -- everything from sandwiches disappearing, to no pumpkin carvers (which still angers me!), to a giant new land, to no more Aladdin, to no more Big Thunder Ranch or BBQ, etc. It's a lot to process all at one time! I'm too old for all of this change! :lmao:
Perhaps they're thinking consolidation. Frozen sells, there is another frozen movie coming, and yet apparently the park is already saturated with it. I know what I would do if I was in their shoes - create the best Frozen show I could, and start reducing some of it's presence elsewhere. The one thing I would NOT do, is just start lopping off Frozen stuff. Quality over quantity might work for everybody.
Having read the other replies, I see what another poster is talking about re: maybe this will replace the sing along show in DCA and maybe it will also replace the storytelling in fantasyland.

AND since there is a new Muppets TV show, I bet Disney brings back the Muppet Theater in DCA.

Plus, doesn't the Hyperion Theater hold more people?
I haven't seen the Aladdin show yet but I'm going in January (leaving around the 10th). I guess this is a must do for me.
Me too. I've never seen Aladdin, shame on me. I'm going to make a point of it when I visit later this fall.

I agree that Frozen reached the saturation point a while ago. It's at the point that you can't even avoid it if you're not interested.
Yes, Olaf has to make an appearance in everything.

And Ewoks too! Ewoks bunny-hopping around the stage!

You've forgotten Jar Jar.

and since they still can't figure out what to do with Tomorrowland, Captain EO is returning yet again.

Bwa ha ha.

My son would like that.

He would get to see it alone.

IS the public still demanding Frozen to be everywhere? I mean... really?

I'm not even sure when/where/HOW the public were "demanding" Frozen in the first place.

Merchandise, YES. Obviously. Definitely. And maybe "I'd like a Frozen ride!" But allllll of this stuff?

When things are built people DO come, because it's there, but that doesn't mean they'll go over and over, and it doesn't mean everyone in the family loves it.

As long long as frozen is moving merch, which it is, its presence in the parks will continue, which is annoying.

That's merchandise. Which they messed up badly at the beginning, and have never made anything truly quality with a decent price.

Merchandise doesn't = rides/shows/everythingelseintheuniverse.

I will be able to enjoy the newly enhanced rides I missed such as Luigi's Frozen Tires, It's A Frozen World, Snowmen Of The Carribbean, Snow Mountain - all 3 of them, and Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Ice.

Stop giving them ideas!!!!

I'd smiley-face that if I weren't so scared that someone isn't reading it and coming up with "ideas".

With all the changes going on, I'm not as sad to see our passes expire in March.

I just bought passes. And I'm super-annoyed about it. We bought them on our way into the park, and if I could have taken it back 5 hours later I would have. It's all too different, and we had very little fun over 5 days.

DD, started out as a huge Frozen fan, but her displeasure started when they gave Elsa the Castle lighting show of CINDERELLA's castle at WDW and took it away from Cinderella and the Fairy Godmother.

I like your daughter. :)

Dear Disney,

I have a son. Many of us do. And they do NOT like Frozen. He puts up with it for the sake of his sisters. He even kinda like Olaf if you ask him. But to have yet another Frozen show/attraction is not what the boy needed. Aladdin reaches both boys and girls in my family. A perfect fit for all of us. If you do add a Frozen show, can there at least be a scene where Iron Man flies in and blows up a few ships or something?

I have a son who does like Frozen. I have a son who someday might be one of the CMs in such a thing if it's a dancing role.

But I'm bouncing off your thoughts.

Disney has a problem with male roles.

They have all these princess movies. The princesses DO very little, and what they do is all about a prince. The princes get NO attention. The princesses get it all.

Then they decide to let women be the heroes, so they make all sorts of new movies where the women DO something. (of course, it's generally still about men) Yay! But there are still males. Yay! And they do everything in the parks with the princesses, and again nothing with the males.

It's so incredibly tiring.

Then the males in the parks are bad guys or naughty. They are popular and attract a crowd. So suddenly they aren't there anymore. Because THAT makes sense.

It's bizarre. With just a boy in our family (even though he is interested in all sorts of stories and doesn't mind princesses...after all, he dances with almost all girls), there's not much to draw us there anymore. And there SHOULD be.

Do they still have the Aladdin show on the cruise ships?

Apparently it's on Fantasy.

Aladdin has been running for years now and it will be NICE to have something new to attract the crowds.

They weren't having trouble attracting crowds to Aladdin. It was packed when we saw it with our then little guy in '08ish, and it was packed when we went (and got to see the ending b/c DS didn't need a bathroom break this time) a year or so ago.

and it won't be just for the kiddies.

I don't think anyone thinks it will be. But if parents are sick of it and if the KIDS are even getting sick of it, then why are they making it?

don't even get me started on how out of place Bugs Land is

Gasp! No! Don't get started, because that's just silly. bug's land is awesome and amazing and is such a perfect "first park land" for small kids. It's a wonderful wonderful area and was the site of one of our ONLY joyful moments on our trip last month. (It's hard to be annoyed when Heimlich's burping)


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