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I personally would ask for a credit in that scenario.

But there are two ways of seeing this. If the contract has full 2023 points, would you be ok paying the seller dues for those unused points? I’m sure the answer is no and it’s rare for a seller to ask that. Dues are calendar year so it’s not outrageous for a seller to not want to credit them. At the end of the day, it’s a personal decision.
I personally would ask for a credit in that scenario.

But there are two ways of seeing this. If the contract has full 2023 points, would you be ok paying the seller dues for those unused points? I’m sure the answer is no and it’s rare for a seller to ask that. Dues are calendar year so it’s not outrageous for a seller to not want to credit them. At the end of the day, it’s a personal decision.
No, but this is where it matters if it's a seller's market or if it's a buyer's market. It's not something that is just fair for the goose or the gander. The seller wants to rid themselves of a contract - I offer what I think is fair and for me I do not agree to paying fees on points that are banked. But if the seller has used the points on a contract they want to get rid of - I'm not paying their dues for those!
No, but this is where it matters if it's a seller's market or if it's a buyer's market. It's not something that is just fair for the goose or the gander. The seller wants to rid themselves of a contract - I offer what I think is fair and for me I do not agree to paying fees on points that are banked. But if the seller has used the points on a contract they want to get rid of - I'm not paying their dues for those!
I would just build it into the ppp offer and they can take it or leave it.
I would just build it into the ppp offer and they can take it or leave it.
The only reason I wouldn't build it into the ppp offer is b/c I would want it to be explicit to the seller. As WinterSolider is now encountering, seller may have been presented with a $70pp offer that maybe they'll reject out of hand but if it had been explained as $90pp but you must credit back for dues x 2 years they would get it more.
No, but this is where it matters if it's a seller's market or if it's a buyer's market. It's not something that is just fair for the goose or the gander. The seller wants to rid themselves of a contract - I offer what I think is fair and for me I do not agree to paying fees on points that are banked. But if the seller has used the points on a contract they want to get rid of - I'm not paying their dues for those!
That’s exactly what I said. It’s also valid for the seller to not accept that condition. Not every seller is in a rush to get rid of a contract.
That’s exactly what I said. It’s also valid for the seller to not accept that condition. Not every seller is in a rush to get rid of a contract.
Sure, but my point is, it's far less valid for the seller to argue that the buyer should bear the burden of dues that the seller has used. It's much more common and IMO acceptable for the seller to bear the burden of dues that they have already paid, on banked points. The buyer sometimes doesn't get to use all of the banked points. I'm not trying to say every seller should be in a rush to get rid of a contract, but the common factor in these scenarios is that the seller is the one trying to sell a contract.
Sure, but my point is, it's far less valid for the seller to argue that the buyer should bear the burden of dues that the seller has used. It's much more common and IMO acceptable for the seller to bear the burden of dues that they have already paid, on banked points. The buyer sometimes doesn't get to use all of the banked points. I'm not trying to say every seller should be in a rush to get rid of a contract, but the common factor in these scenarios is that the seller is the one trying to sell a contract.
I agree with that. That’s why I said I’d ask for a credit and wouldn’t buy without it.

My point is we as buyers shouldn’t be annoyed when a seller decides not to sell their contract because they don’t agree with our conditions. It’s their contract and they have no obligation to accept what the buyer considers fair.

It’s similar to lowball offers. A seller shouldn’t be annoyed by them. They just don’t have to accept the offer and continue with their day.
Took extra time due to having to sign an amendment partway through but I'm so happy!! :stitch::tigger::sulley:

The_MT---$104-$23242-200-BWV-Oct-400/23, 200/24, 200/25-No MF due on 22&23 pts- sent 1/19, passed 2/27
To add more evidence for my Cammy fan girl status, got the closing docs this morning, signed and wired my funds. Cammy emailed me this afternoon that closing is scheduled for 2/29 🥳 Will that go on record as the fastest closing ever??
And I can't tell if I should be annoyed with the seller or the broker. I think the broker may have submitted my offer at $70 per point. Well no, it wasn't $70 per point. It was $90 per point but credit for 2024 and 2025 dues.
Why would they be reimbursing you for 24 MFs? They are the ones who paid them and then used the 24 points so you’d be asking them to pay them twice. In this instance no one should owe anyone for the 24 MFs.
Outstanding! Thank you! Also.... Man this thread fills up fast! 4 pages since last night! haha

About to have 250 BLT bought via resale.
Buying direct (150) next year probably either the Floridian or new Poly but probably Floridian to get the golden halo.
Then will be looking at probably 100 to 150(ish) more once my wife realizes that we want to go for more days per year. 😉

Want to dive in to see if an Aulani contract may suit my pricing requirements like the BLT or the Floridian do. My personal model really appreciates the lowest dues per point each year since our bill on 400 then 550(ish) will be in the 4k to 5k range per year.

My guess will be...... Nope. But I want to make sure.

Thanks again!
To add more evidence for my Cammy fan girl status, got the closing docs this morning, signed and wired my funds. Cammy emailed me this afternoon that closing is scheduled for 2/29 🥳 Will that go on record as the fastest closing ever??

My husband got his closing docs from her last Friday. I didn't get mine so I contacted her and she apparently attempted to send them on Monday and I still didn't get them. So no idea what was going on there. One her of coworkers ended up sending me a direct link instead. I'm still not sure why I didn't get them. My husband and I both use gmail and obviously I checked spam and stuff. I know this isn't Cammy's fault, obviously. But kind of annoying. Last year, we had her at Mason and she wasn't very good at answers my questions via email. Again, they were passed off to a coworker.

Why would they be reimbursing you for 24 MFs? They are the ones who paid them and then used the 24 points so you’d be asking them to pay them twice. In this instance no one should owe anyone for the 24 MFs.

I believe in the scenario they are talking about, all of the 2024 dues haven't been paid yet. So the person buying the contract is going to end up having to pay them even though the buyer will have no 2024 points to use.
I believe in the scenario they are talking about, all of the 2024 dues haven't been paid yet. So the person buying the contract is going to end up having to pay them even though the buyer will have no 2024 points to use.
I didn’t realize DVC would transfer a contract to a new owner without the current year’s MF being paid in full.
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