Day before Thanksgiving prep?

Your spur of the moment dessert sounds sooo lovely but about that can of cranberry jelly….why not put the whole can in the fridge and let it chill that way until tomorrow? If I plated cranberry sauce in advance there would be several ancillary casserole dishes smeared with the red stuff 😜
Was joking - I am not of fan of making your own cranberry sauce - it has to be the can. I know people like to argue over that.
Was joking - I am not of fan of making your own cranberry sauce - it has to be the can. I know people like to argue over that.
Ahhhh! I had a sister like that. I used to put a mini can of the jelly next to her place setting complete with can opener . She was a true hoot 🙂
I couldn't imagine waiting until tomorrow! Yikes.

Make apple pie, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, cranberry bread
Make sweet potato casserole
Make 2 pans of sausage stuffing
Make homemade cranberry sauce
Put jelled cranberry sauce in serving dish in fridge
Prepare relish tray and put in fridge
Chill all drinks, make up punch
Set table for adults and kids
Set out all dishes, ingredients needed for tomorrow's food
Last minute cleaning

Can't wait! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I have the bread drying in the oven right now to prepare the stuffing. This evening, we will clean the turkey, but it won’t get stuffed until it’s time to cook it tomorrow. My BIL will be bringing the homemade cranberry-cherry sauce and a homemade cherry pie. We eat the big meal around noon on Thanksgiving, so doing some prep the day before is necessary.

ETA - Cooking has now begun!

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We don't do a lot of prep the night before. Mostly just getting the sausage and veggies cooked up and prepped for stuffing Thanksgiving morning. First thing in on Thanksgiving morning, I get up and get the turkey ready while my wife finishes the stuffing. Once the turkey is in the roaster, we go to a workout and then come home to get the rest of the meal ready. But we also don't make desserts, so that is one thing we don't have to do ahead of time. The rest of the meal can be done the day of.
After years and years of hosting I'm cutting out the fluff this year.

NO cheese stuffed celery
NO pickle and olive tray
NO pre game charcuterie board.

Subbing Sauteed green beans for the Green Bean Casserole.

Made Heath bar cookies and a Rum Cake yesterday.
Will make Old Fashioned bread stuffing today, it's better sitting overnite in the fridge.
Will drink one Hoppyium IPA.
Will shred my 200 cups, (seems like it), of cheese today for Mac & Cheese
Will drink one more Hoppyium.
Will peel potatoes and leave soaking in water overnite.
Will switch over to one local brewery sour beer.
Will prepare the Disney Main St Bakery French Toast Loaf to soak overnite and throw in oven tomorrow.
Will make the final switchover to Michelob Ultra.


Throw french toast loaf in oven.
Make over easy eggs, hash browns, bacon, bagels, english muffins. serve breakfast.

Starting at about 1:00 pull the milky white breasts out of the fridge, wash, season, stuff.
Throw breasts in oven about 2:00
Put mac & cheese together.
Start grille and char some green & red peppers to chop and add to sweet corn
Prepare potatoes and dump into crock pot to stay warm.
Time for another IPA of some sort.
Cheat with the hi carb IPA's for a couple hours before switching over to a lower carb alternative.

4:30 - 5:00 - Make gravy, Emeril always said roux making is not quick, it usually takes 2 beers drinking time to make a good roux. Start grille again to throw on green beans with garlic & bacon.

It's fast and furious now - Gravy on - Mac & cheese in oven, beans on grille, potatoes in crock pot - Pull out breasts to rest - Throw rolls in oven to warm. Carve meat.

Pour wines - Pour beers - Eat.
I made a double batch of brownies last night.
Today I'll make my cranberry relish and mash potatoes. My daughter and GS are making a small jello this morning.
T day will be stuffing, green bean casserole,, sweet potato and apple dish. We are doing a large pre-cooked turkey breast and ham this year. The pumpkin pie is from Costco.
Hopefully, I remember to take the croissants and rolls out of the freezer!
The shopping is done. The turkey has been defrosting in the fridge for days.

We'll be baking some gluten-free cookies and brownies today.

I will make the jello salad and homemade cranberry sauce today.

The rest of today will be last minute cleaning.
I’m brining the turkey, making all the desserts, the sweet potato casserole and corn casserole today. Everything else is tomorrow. Making the kids and DH clean.
No real prep today. I’ll be at work until 5 (maybe 4 if they let us go early, like they usually do before a holiday). I’ll make sure the kitchen is cleaned up and dishes washed.

Some of you make way too much food. I’m cutting out a couple things from my dinner because I can’t eat it all and it’ll go to waste. Sorry yummy wheat rolls. I am debating skipping the veggie (roasted carrots) too.
The things I will get in the pan and ready to bake the night before:
  • mac n cheese
  • green bean casserole
  • candied yams
  • cranberry sauce
Things I will prep, but assemble and cook the day of the meal:
  • stuffing
  • pie fillings
  • mashed potatoes
  • defrost and brine the turkey
  • any other cooked veggies, like collard greens or broccoli and carrots
  • cookie dough
Day of things:
  • rolls, usually frozen or canned
  • cornbread
  • gravy
If I'm doing a pumpkin or sweet potato pie, I'll bake it the night before and just serve it up. Also I definitely don't do all of these every year!
We clean the kitchen and clean all of the dirty dishes. DS16 preps the green beans while DS12 helps me make the cranberry sauce. I cut all of the vegetables up and toast the bread for the stuffing. This year DS12 and DH will make a pumpkin apple pie. DH preps the turkey and the sweet potatoes. DS12 sets the dining table while DS16 gets Turk the Turkey ready.
Pies. Croutons for the dressing (French Bread has been sitting out since Sunday). Cranberry sauce.
And because of work schedules, or Thanksgiving will be on Saturday as usual, so this will all happen Friday, not today. So if we run out of any ingredients, no problem, just run to the store. All though most grocery stores will be open until 3 pm on Thanksgiving.
Was joking - I am not of fan of making your own cranberry sauce - it has to be the can. I know people like to argue over that.
I wasn't a fan until I perfected my own cranberry sauce recipe. It includes ground cloves, white wine, red grapes, pomegranate, fresh ginger, and, of course, cranberries. My kids are in charge of breaking up the pomegranate and cutting up the grapes. It's always a big hit.
My parents are hosting but I'm bringing over some things that I'm making today. Cookies for my nieces to decorate along with colorful homemade icing and mac n cheese that just has to be warmed up tomorrow.
I wasn't a fan until I perfected my own cranberry sauce recipe. It includes ground cloves, white wine, red grapes, pomegranate, fresh ginger, and, of course, cranberries. My kids are in charge of breaking up the pomegranate and cutting up the grapes. It's always a big hit.
Im sure its good. I have friends who make some really good ones as well, but for Thanksgiving and Christmas the can is the way to go IMO. Its more traditional ;)

Sounds like a poll for @slo (I think that is who does all the polls)
We’re doing Thanksgiving today since DH has to work tomorrow. It’s just us and our two still at home. Their birthday is sometimes days, sometimes a week later so we keep it pretty simple. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, roasted brussel sprouts, canned cranberry for DH, store bought pumpkin pie (w/cool whip) and Hawaiian rolls. If older DD was home we’d have homemade rolls and apple pie. Not a lot of prep needed. Last night I pulled the neck and giblets from the turkey and threw them in the pot with the “trash” from the carrots, celery and onion DH chopped up to be sautéed for the stuffing, seasoned it up and put it in the fridge to be put on this morning for stock. That’s about it for pre prep. Kids will peel and cut potatoes this afternoon and DH will clean and cut the brussel sprouts. I’ll put it all together. Bada Bing Bada Boom, done.
Yesterday I made stock for gravy and the pie crusts. This morning I'm making a pecan tarte that's meant to be eaten frozen. Later today or early tomorrow, I'll make a cherry pie and some apple crisp.

Also today: making cranberry-orange relish, assembling the green bean casserole and stuffing

I cleaned bathrooms yesterday, but have to do the rest of the house as well (may farm some of that off to DH and DS25)


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