Disney With 2 Month Old: Advice needed

For context I took my oldest at 9 almost 10 months and my youngest to Paris, Spain and DLP AT 10 months. Both I spoke to the pediatrician about. Only thing she said was give MMR to the younger one before Europe. To WDW she was fine at that age, my family lives in Florida and I started taking my kids at 3 months to visit.

You need to make your choices. I did a trip report about taking them, it’s here some where if you want the link let me know I’ll find it.
I’d love the link!
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You are being rude. I raised 4 children who are very successful and healthy, thank the good Lord. Scaring parents with the spinal tap comment is also unnecessary. Maybe you had a bad experience, but that would be a RARITY!!! There are a lot of what-ifs in life. Yes, I took my DS to a little league baseball game at 5 days old. We were there 1 1/2hrs and he was warm, and slept through the whole thing. I will not be shamed because of it.
To be fair, the world is a different place now and raising our little ones now comes with new concerns. We know multiple people that have had adverse impacts on their babies due to Covid, including a second trimester miscarriage after the mother got Covid and a 6 month old that had to be brought to the ER due to trouble breathing after getting Covid while traveling over the holidays. I brought my second baby to grocery shop with me when she was only days old. My youngest was born in the first year of Covid and didn’t go many places besides doctor appointments for a while. I think PP is just cautioning people to be careful when taking newborns to crowded places. I get that there can be survivorship bias especially with people who did not have babies these last few years. But it doesn’t hurt to be cautious and speak to their own pediatrician and make a decision they’re comfortable with for their family, since every child also has a different health profile and risk factors.
OP, if one of your strollers is a double, I would say bring that one since even the 5yo might want a break in the stroller sometimes. Or even a stroller board attachment is helpful. Our 6yo even wants to use it for Disney trips even though he never uses one at home. If you sometimes do bottles, you can bring a little bottle cooler that attaches to the stroller. Also, I’d recommend bringing a couple sun hats (nice to have more than one in case you lose one).
If you can get a lightweight light-colored ring sling, by all means do; when I took DD at that age I wore her everywhere in it (even the shallows of the pool in a bucket carry), and I never had to break stride to nurse, as the tail of the sling affords plenty of privacy. (The one I have is made of SolarVeil, which unfortunately is no longer available, but go for one that will dry quickly if it gets wet.) She was a summer baby so we used that one more, but I also had an non-adjustable fleece sling that I used in wintertime that I kept using as a hip-carrier as she got older.

The other thing I'd recommend if it is hot out is bringing 3-4 flat cloth diapers to the park packed in ziplocs, not to use as actual diapers, but as shade and cooling/cleaning cloths. You can drape them over the stroller for shade, dampen them and drape them over the baby as a cooling layer, or worst case, use them to clean up an awkward diaper blowout (you don't want to know how I learned that one the hard way -- suffice it to say that you can also tie two flat diapers together to make an emergency onesie if you run out of clean clothes.)
I took my oldest to Disney at 3 months old. He was easier then than he was at 5 yo. The baby care centers are amazing. I would check will your pediatrician.
I wouldn't keep the baby in the car seat. I would make sure I had an excellent sun shade for the stroller, plus hats etc.
Drink plenty of water yourself.
Make sure you have a good sling/carrier for the baby.
Nursing, I've seen many moms doing this at shows like frozen. I think it's the type of chair vs a bench like at Lion King.

Couple of things I saw .......years ago and it was probably first time parents.......it was hot, they had a dark car seat with hood and then other dark shade trying to protect from sun, but the baby was probably getting warm. I saw them tending to him, so it probably dawned on them. Strollers with the shade pulled down, blanket to extend shade and then two little feet sticking out. I always worry about those little piggies getting sunburn.

When you pack for the day, pack an extra top for you. You know babies have fluid coming out all over the place and diapers or burp towels don't always get it all.

The other thing I'd recommend if it is hot out is bringing 3-4 flat cloth diapers to the park packed in ziplocs, not to use as actual diapers, but as shade and cooling/cleaning cloths. You can drape them over the stroller for shade, dampen them and drape them over the baby as a cooling layer, or worst case, use them to clean up an awkward diaper blowout (you don't want to know how I learned that one the hard way -- suffice it to say that you can also tie two flat diapers together to make an emergency onesie if you run out of clean clothes.)
And bring a couple of binder clips to hold diapers/cloths on the side of strollers. So frustrating when you are walking and the sun is coming in the side of the stroller. I've used bandanas for this with my grandkids in strollers. (Just a chuckle, I first wrote, I've used bananas for this......LOL)
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