Disney With 2 Month Old: Advice needed


Earning My Ears
Jun 20, 2015
Doing a split stay trip at the very end of my maternity leave with my family of 4 (me, dh, son 5, and son 2 months). We have been to Disney a ton (2 times a year since 5yo was a year old) so this is not going to be a do everything trip. Our annual passes are expiring and I can’t justify renewing them (daycare is expensive; so multiple trips a year isn’t going to be a thing for a while) so it’s a last hurrah as passholders. Must dos include: Guardians, Pandora FOP, TOT, meeting Mickey with the baby, HM and small world with baby. I just want to soak in the warm weather, the magic of watching my son see characters, and these rides everything else would be a bonus. My husband and I are fine doing man-man coverage and even having one of us stay at the hotel with the baby while everyone else goes to the park. This leads me to some questions around what to pack…
Should I bring my baby jogger city mini stroller (our park tried and true), the stroller with the car seat strapped in, or a the big full sized maxi cosi stroller? (I will be bringing a soft carrier as well.)
Anything I should consider for a baby under 1 that I didn’t need to consider for a 1 yo?
Additional info:
Baby does sleep in the stroller, with plenty of noise and sunlight now (second child; never gets any peace)
Baby is breastfed, but can take a bottle.
Doing a split stay trip at the very end of my maternity leave with my family of 4 (me, dh, son 5, and son 2 months). We have been to Disney a ton (2 times a year since 5yo was a year old) so this is not going to be a do everything trip. Our annual passes are expiring and I can’t justify renewing them (daycare is expensive; so multiple trips a year isn’t going to be a thing for a while) so it’s a last hurrah as passholders. Must dos include: Guardians, Pandora FOP, TOT, meeting Mickey with the baby, HM and small world with baby. I just want to soak in the warm weather, the magic of watching my son see characters, and these rides everything else would be a bonus. My husband and I are fine doing man-man coverage and even having one of us stay at the hotel with the baby while everyone else goes to the park. This leads me to some questions around what to pack…
Should I bring my baby jogger city mini stroller (our park tried and true), the stroller with the car seat strapped in, or a the big full sized maxi cosi stroller? (I will be bringing a soft carrier as well.)
Anything I should consider for a baby under 1 that I didn’t need to consider for a 1 yo?
Additional info:
Baby does sleep in the stroller, with plenty of noise and sunlight now (second child; never gets any peace)
Baby is breastfed, but can take a bottle.
if possible I would drop the split stay part. split stay means 2 nights of new beds and surroundings with both kids. also if planning resort break second room may not be available when you need and have to be out of other room before your break. I would use the stroller that uses the car seat unless you are going in summer. most places do not have infant highchairs. without carseat be ready to be holding infant while eating. remember to count 2 month old in any ressies. also most places we were at with 4 month old would not allow stroller at the table. strollers if allowed in can not block aisles or table next to you including handles and wheels. I would also suggest a white noise machine for sleeping in room. the one ride I would be careful with 2 month that he would be allowed on would be toy story because of the jerking of the car. you do realize that most of your must do's are going to require a rider swap for bot of you to ride and baby will not be allowed in line
Thank you
if possible I would drop the split stay part. split stay means 2 nights of new beds and surroundings with both kids. also if planning resort break second room may not be available when you need and have to be out of other room before your break. I would use the stroller that uses the car seat unless you are going in summer. most places do not have infant highchairs. without carseat be ready to be holding infant while eating. remember to count 2 month old in any ressies. also most places we were at with 4 month old would not allow stroller at the table. strollers if allowed in can not block aisles or table next to you including handles and wheels. I would also suggest a white noise machine for sleeping in room. the one ride I would be careful with 2 month that he would be allowed on would be toy story because of the jerking of the car. you do realize that most of your must do's are going to require a rider swap for bot of you to ride and baby will not be allowed in line
Thank you for your reply; sadly the split stay is due to availability (and lack of budget for a deluxe the whole time; value wasn’t available for the first few days). Good to know about restaraunts, I didn’t even think about that! I figure we will be doing a lot of rider switch, but since I’m breastfeeding it just gives me more time to do that while my hubs and son wait in line.
The hardest part at that age is having to stop to feed baby often. By 8 weeks or so mine were pretty good at nursing while snuggled against me in one of my wraps or carriers. If you can figure that out it can be a huge help and let you nurse while walking, standing in line etc.

I'd stick with your city mini. Even at 2 months, I feel like my littles appreciated the ability to stretch out a bit and the stroller with the car seat can be a tight fit day, after day.
I would talk to your doctor about taking a baby that little into this kind of crowded situation. Mine would have said no, and wouldn't let us go to an airport. If this were my family, I would just send hubby and the older boy, and let the trip be all about him.

These kind of very physical rides wouldn't have worked for me 2 months postpartum, but obviously that's going to vary. Guardians OUCH. I'm not even sure I could have done the drop on Pirates.

I love split stays, I do them every time. I've even done triple and quad ones. But I can't imagine this with a baby this small. You are "homeless" for five more hours, and trying to get a baby to sleep in a car? A loud, bright lobby? I did it with a 18 month old and it was iffy.
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We brought our 2 month old back in October (pediatrician was fine with it). A stroller with a bassinet option would be the best option, so if the maxi cosi stroller has that or anything such that your little one won't be sitting in a car set too long that'd be best. Might want to look into a pair of noise cancelling ear muffs that will actually fit (the one we had for our older one kept sliding off of the younger one's head). We also brought a hip carrier with us, which greatly helped me out in carrying our toddler and helped my wife out for breastfeeding our 2 month old.
We did not visit disney when our kids were that young, ours were a little older. But have seen a number of families do this, while I'm sure it's not easy, in a lot of ways it's still easier than a toddler. I'm a vote for having your Maxi cosi with the bassinet since they're the baby is so young. Consider a small cooler if you do any bottles, it's warm in FL, even in winter, and I didn't like keeping my breast milk non refrigerated long in warmer months. Make sure you've got your blankets with you to block sun since the stroller/car seat umbrellas don't catch it all, consider a small attachable fan for the stroller and also don't forget your infant's sunblock. Beyond your normal necessities like paci, diapers etc. it's pretty much just a hunt for a spot to nurse, sit and wait. If you've been a bunch then you probably already have some quiet areas picked out but also make sure you know where the baby care stations are too. Have fun!!
I saw moms sitting on benches nursing babies last week at WDW and thought it was great!! My youngest is 15 and we always had to go to the baby care centers to nurse him. My only 2 cents is to be careful if you have a C-section. You may be a little sore still and it’s a lot of walking even if you take it slow. Make sure you stay hydrated and have fun. A baby that small is better than an older one because their hands aren’t all over everything getting germs. I am also a firm believer in taking a baby everywhere. My youngest went to his first baseball game at 5 days old and had been in 10 states by age 1. When you have older kids, they have to learn to go with the flow. He was also a VERY easy baby
Doing a split stay trip at the very end of my maternity leave with my family of 4 (me, dh, son 5, and son 2 months). We have been to Disney a ton (2 times a year since 5yo was a year old) so this is not going to be a do everything trip. Our annual passes are expiring and I can’t justify renewing them (daycare is expensive; so multiple trips a year isn’t going to be a thing for a while) so it’s a last hurrah as passholders. Must dos include: Guardians, Pandora FOP, TOT, meeting Mickey with the baby, HM and small world with baby. I just want to soak in the warm weather, the magic of watching my son see characters, and these rides everything else would be a bonus. My husband and I are fine doing man-man coverage and even having one of us stay at the hotel with the baby while everyone else goes to the park. This leads me to some questions around what to pack…
Should I bring my baby jogger city mini stroller (our park tried and true), the stroller with the car seat strapped in, or a the big full sized maxi cosi stroller? (I will be bringing a soft carrier as well.)
Anything I should consider for a baby under 1 that I didn’t need to consider for a 1 yo?
Additional info:
Baby does sleep in the stroller, with plenty of noise and sunlight now (second child; never gets any peace)
Baby is breastfed, but can take a bottle.
I took my youngest when she was 7 weeks. 2 things that made such a difference for us was 1, having a stroller that I could "close" the bottom to (the part where there feet come out.) - I actually bought one where I could have her face me or out and I had her facing me for that whole trip with the foot thing closed. - It just made me feel si much better that I could see her etc.

2nd thing, that probably won't be as big of a deal to you since you breastfeed, but with the formula...I got her used to taking it at room temp. (yes, I'm sure there are plenty of parents who will flame me.) This made things soooo much easier as I could feed her wherever and whenever. I would prefill her bottles with just the powered formula and then would just use water from our bottles we took to the park when she needed to eat.

I'd also rent/buy/use a box fan for white noise.

If you can swing it, staying on the monorail or Boardwalk would be my preference to lessen the bus times with a baby that young. Also, again if you can swing it (we didn't really think about it) but if you can do dvc with washer/dryer and dishwasher that would be ideal, but not necessary. - Most annoying part of my nights were washing the bottles lol.

ETA: I also wouldn't do a split-stay.
Doing a split stay trip at the very end of my maternity leave with my family of 4 (me, dh, son 5, and son 2 months). We have been to Disney a ton (2 times a year since 5yo was a year old) so this is not going to be a do everything trip. Our annual passes are expiring and I can’t justify renewing them (daycare is expensive; so multiple trips a year isn’t going to be a thing for a while) so it’s a last hurrah as passholders. Must dos include: Guardians, Pandora FOP, TOT, meeting Mickey with the baby, HM and small world with baby. I just want to soak in the warm weather, the magic of watching my son see characters, and these rides everything else would be a bonus. My husband and I are fine doing man-man coverage and even having one of us stay at the hotel with the baby while everyone else goes to the park. This leads me to some questions around what to pack…
Should I bring my baby jogger city mini stroller (our park tried and true), the stroller with the car seat strapped in, or a the big full sized maxi cosi stroller? (I will be bringing a soft carrier as well.)
Anything I should consider for a baby under 1 that I didn’t need to consider for a 1 yo?
Additional info:
Baby does sleep in the stroller, with plenty of noise and sunlight now (second child; never gets any peace)
Baby is breastfed, but can take a bottle.
We are locals and I started going to the parks with my son when he was a newborn, and we went pretty steadily until he was around 3 months old - in March, 2020. :P

At that age, it was SO easy to take him to the parks. I carried him in my arms or used the carrier on rides, otherwise he was in his stroller/carseat combo. We did a few long park days when friends were in town and he was fine sleeping in the carseat (at that time, much better than sleeping in his pack and play!), and even slept through a very loud dinner at Restaurant Marrakesh and the Star Wars fireworks. Since your baby is used to sleeping on the go, you probably won't need to worry about getting him back to the hotel at a certain time.
Check about sunscreen with your doctor. Normally babies that little can’t use sunscreen and in Florida that can be hard. I am not sure if I missed the actual timing of the trip. But the heat may make the baby want to nurse more, also plenty of rides you can nurse on small world, people mover etc.

If your doctors on board have a great trip!
This is irresponsible advice. You really need to talk to your doctor, for many reasons.

The risks are significant, and a baby this little has no need to be in a crowd like this at a sporting event or Disney.

I remember someone posting right before I had my first baby about their baby being exposed to measles at Disneyland, obviously well before they could have the series of shots. We didn't do any big vacations before the big series of vaccinations were done. Obviously everyone weighs risks differently, but it's not just covid little babies need to be worried about and Disney is where people come from all over the world in places that have very different vaccination regimes so you are exposing them to a LOT. Something to keep in mind.
This is irresponsible advice. You really need to talk to your doctor, for many reasons.

The risks are significant, and a baby this little has no need to be in a crowd like this at a sporting event or Disney.
My advice is not irresponsible. Doctors all have different opinions on these things. My doctor was fine with travel within the US. My sister in law (Midwife) took her twins on a Disney cruise at 3mo old. I am also a nurse who has raised 4 kids. If your baby is healthy (important word here) and you use good common sense there is no reason to halt your life. The ball game I took my baby to was a youth little league game. It’s not like I let everyone around him, passing him around (common sense here) OPs baby will be 2mo old at the time of travel. The baby will be in a stroller or carrier, (probably facing mom or dad) mostly away from other people, and is being breastfed which offers some extra immunity. Parents have the right to make their own decisions. There are all kinds of germs/diseases in this world that can harm/kill us and I’m sure OP will take precautions and be careful while still enjoying time with her family at WDW.
I am also a nurse who has raised 4 kids. If your baby is healthy (important word here) and you use good common sense there is no reason to halt your life.
"no reason"??? Seriously? Just stop.

Talk to an actual doctor. This a serious issue, don't listen to internet message boards. When babies that little get seriously ill, it is a major event. Even if it isn't something exotic like measles, which is definitely possible from WDW.

I know I couldn't live with myself if I had to spinal tap my infant because I couldn't miss a little league game or the Nemo ride.
This thread is starting to stress me out…. Bringing my eight month old in May
Don’t let it stress you out. There are plenty of people taking their babies to WDW every day with no problems. You do what you are comfortable with. You can’t live your life in a bubble and you can’t be careless and reckless. There is a lot of room in the middle.
"no reason"??? Seriously? Just stop.

Talk to an actual doctor. This a serious issue, don't listen to internet message boards. When babies that little get seriously ill, it is a major event. Even if it isn't something exotic like measles, which is definitely possible from WDW.

I know I couldn't live with myself if I had to spinal tap my infant because I couldn't miss a little league game or the Nemo ride.
You are being rude. I raised 4 children who are very successful and healthy, thank the good Lord. Scaring parents with the spinal tap comment is also unnecessary. Maybe you had a bad experience, but that would be a RARITY!!! There are a lot of what-ifs in life. Yes, I took my DS to a little league baseball game at 5 days old. We were there 1 1/2hrs and he was warm, and slept through the whole thing. I will not be shamed because of it.
You are being rude. I raised 4 children who are very successful and healthy, thank the good Lord. Scaring parents with the spinal tap comment is also unnecessary. Maybe you had a bad experience, but that would be a RARITY!!! There are a lot of what-ifs in life. Yes, I took my DS to a little league baseball game at 5 days old. We were there 1 1/2hrs and he was warm, and slept through the whole thing. I will not be shamed because of it.
Just stop giving bad advice. There are a WHOLE LOT of risks at WDW. Of course, people can choose their own decisions. It is reckless to act like WDW isn't one of the most risky places on the planet to take newborns. It's not like this newborn baby is adopted and has to get on a flight home, WDW, like a little league game, is completely unnecessary.
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This thread is starting to stress me out…. Bringing my eight month old in May
For context I took my oldest at 9 almost 10 months and my youngest to Paris, Spain and DLP AT 10 months. Both I spoke to the pediatrician about. Only thing she said was give MMR to the younger one before Europe. To WDW she was fine at that age, my family lives in Florida and I started taking my kids at 3 months to visit.

You need to make your choices. I did a trip report about taking them, it’s here some where if you want the link let me know I’ll find it.


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