Marathon Weekend 2022

I’m thinking 19 was right past the sponges - in the middle of the aid station. I turn off auto-lap on my watch, and manually lap it at each mile marker (to keep each race mile on target). I missed clicking it while I was getting my sponge - so that mile shows long on my Garmin and the next one is short. 😁

I think I recall 19 being on Bear Island right before Western Way (right before sponge station). My watch was ahead quite a bit and I remember hitting 19 right around the Baloo photo op.

Edit: Must have been delusional at that point; thinking of the 18 marker.
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What a great weekend!
Turns out I beat my previous Dopey times in all four races with a total of 7:28:42 and a bunch of great photos. Avg pace ~9:14/mile

Pushed even harder on the drive home ~1260 miles, 18 hrs 37 min including 5 stops for some combination of walking, stretching, fuel, or restrooms. Avg speed ~68 mph

I was pleasantly surprised in that I feel pretty good at work today and even walked a couple miles. Planning on running maybe Saturday...

How is everyone else doing? Hopefully recovery is going well for all.
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Overall - pretty good running weekend. I pushed in the 5k and missed my PR by 2 seconds… Then took the next races pretty ‘easy’. My feet were pretty dead heading into the half and full with too much time in the parks (and maybe slight pf in one foot?? It doesn’t hurt when I run). I did rest a lot after the half, so I think that helped. I finished the full in about the same amount of time as my 4 fall marathons (~5 hours). My feet actually felt better after the marathon than they did the previous few days. (Maybe because I finally took an ibuprofen??)
The plan is to take this week off and probably next week so I can hopefully recover from all my fall training/races. Next up - Princess!
Choose your own adventure: chipped medals or pilled shirts.

trying again. Does anyone have a phone number or good email to use to try and get a replacement shirt? Threads unraveling in several places on my daughter’s marathon short. Wondering if anyone on here has had any history of getting something replaced. Thanks
trying again. Does anyone have a phone number or good email to use to try and get a replacement shirt? Threads unraveling in several places on my daughter’s marathon short. Wondering if anyone on here has had any history of getting something replaced. Thanks

Have you tried the standard email form (link)? The phone number is (407) 939-4786. I've done email exchanges with the POT people ( but I'm not sure they'd be able to help with this issue. The email ( was mentioned several times in 2018 on the DIS as a good one to try for help, but no one has mentioned it since 2018.
trying again. Does anyone have a phone number or good email to use to try and get a replacement shirt? Threads unraveling in several places on my daughter’s marathon short. Wondering if anyone on here has had any history of getting something replaced. Thanks is the email I used to contact them in December and also the email I got a reply from last week.
I refuse to debate the runners vs. walkers issue because it is what it is and I’ve been hearing the same arguments since 2012. PoT requirements have been all over the place in the last 10 years and have never made a difference in my rDrace experience.

I will say this: I was run-walking in what I’d guess was the back of the middle of the pack during the full and there were times when the entire right side of the course was full of people running: there was no safe way for me to do a walk internal on the right. Sometimes you just have to look at what’s going on in the moment you’re in and do what’s safest, which might not be the way it’s “supposed” to be. Sometimes that means walking on the left, or running an interval a little longer than planned until you reach a safer spot to walk, or walking through a run interval if there’s no safe spot to run at that moment. In an event with so many people packed so tightly together in spots, we all just need to exercise a little patience and be prepared to adjust as needed.

On course congestion, boy, I really dislike this marathon course and am glad to take next year off.I started in the back of S3 and my first 4-5 miles were unpleasantly PACKED. Slightly better than how awful it was in 2020, but still not great. I’d gladly take WWOS back to avoid that and the tour of BB’s parking lot.

I was so pleased with the quantity, quality, and variety of entertainment on all 4 courses! I really think this was the best I’ve seen from rD. LOVED all of the live music! And plenty of rare character sightings. They seemed much better prepared for heat during the full than in 2020, no? Noticeable presence of lots of medical staff from AK to the finish, ready to act if needed. Overall, I think rD has done a stellar job with both W&D and MW, and I hope it continues!
On course congestion, boy, I really dislike this marathon course

I missed this year's race, but I was less than impressed with the 2020 course.

I'm really hoping the finish up some of the construction in the next year, early enough to allow for a change.

Honestly, I liked coming out of AK and trudging down Osceola to WWoS. I think it made the race feel a lot bigger.

I realize the mileage was the same, but the BB route didn't do it for me.
They seemed much better prepared for heat during the full than in 2020, no? Noticeable presence of lots of medical staff from AK to the finish, ready to act if needed. Overall, I think rD has done a stellar job with both W&D and MW, and I hope it continues!
Agreed on the heat and response to it... remember the start was not only *not* early in 2020, it was considerably *delayed* which had us out in the sun even longer than they expected in 2020 I'm sure.
I love the early run into Epcot so I'm glad they brought that back but wish they could find a way to include more DHS. The trudge through the BB parking lot was my least favorite part but it is what it is.

ETA: I really liked this year's path through AK. It was better than the parking lot loop they generally do to exit the park so if the trade off for that route is adding the BB loop I guess I'll take that trade off.

I'm feeling really good. I am taking off until likely Thursday or Friday and doing a short run to see how the legs feel but nothing above 4 until the weekend or next week. Now that my 6 day training plan is over I'm looking forward to a little less structure and some more time in the gym and pool.
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Spent Sunday thinking that was great but I don’t know if I could do Dopey again (bear in mind I came in a bit underprepared due to surgery putting me on the shelf for most of November), and here I am today wondering if maybe I could do Dopey again. Maybe not 2023, since NYC is the next big one for me, but we’ll see. I dunno if this is weird but I really enjoyed the 5k and half routes so I could see myself doing a trip with just those two races as a more easy-going weekend, and then join the cheering section for the full.
I just can’t get over how amazing this weekend was! I am still in shock looking at my photos and realizing I actually just did Dopey. I had so many doubts throughout the weekend, especially as we got closer to Sunday, but I’m proud of myself for never giving up. I am so sad it’s over (but also glad! Haha). While I am 99% confident in saying I don’t need to do Dopey again, I am already thinking about doing the Marathon again. I’d love to be able to solely focus on the one race without all the other early mornings.
As for the auto-stop feature, it is meant for circumstances like waiting to cross the street so that your runtime is not dinged for waiting for a traffic light. I like it and I leave it on, and for this weekend it was illustrative for how much time I spent taking pictures or bathroom breaks.

Oh yes I know what it's for. I used to use it like that, too, and then I did the January half in 2014 while dreadfully sick and 100% thought I was doing amazing (for being that sick), but I...was not. I was estimating my time all wrong because it was autopausing and I'd forgotten about it.

Even when not sick I (a math minor and someone currently getting an accounting degree) canNOT do math while running or runwalking. After that event my autopause went off and never came back on.

Sounds like you do better with it.

I have white stuff on my running clothes that I’m pretty sure is salt that I must have sweated out. Is that even possible?


Next time I'll carry water with me, and maybe something salty. This was my first marathon and I've got a lot to learn, so it's a good thing I have this community!

I saw your update that you're sick. Being smacked down by something like near heat exhaustion definitely slams down your immune system, so I'm not surprised you are sick. (been there done that well before 2020)

Anyway, the time to figure it out will be during your next training cycle. Get lots of options and use them during your long runs to see how you deal with them and if they help you.

I carried wireless pumps, Elvie, in a camelbak with no bladder and walked with them in for 15mins. I dumped due to the hot weather.

You are a rock star and a goddess all wrapped up in one amazing person.

I refuse to debate the runners vs. walkers issue because it is what it is and I’ve been hearing the same arguments since 2012. PoT requirements have been all over the place in the last 10 years and have never made a difference in my rDrace experience.


They'll have it this way this year and by 2024 it'll be different and no one will know until after the event.

I will say this: I was run-walking in what I’d guess was the back of the middle of the pack during the full and there were times when the entire right side of the course was full of people running: there was no safe way for me to do a walk internal on the right. Sometimes you just have to look at what’s going on in the moment you’re in and do what’s safest, which might not be the way it’s “supposed” to be. Sometimes that means walking on the left, or running an interval a little longer than planned until you reach a safer spot to walk, or walking through a run interval if there’s no safe spot to run at that moment. In an event with so many people packed so tightly together in spots, we all just need to exercise a little patience and be prepared to adjust as needed.

Absolutely positively. Sometimes you just come across weird things and have to change it up. Hopefully we can also realize that the people in front of us came across osmething weird just before we showed up and what we see is how THEY dealt with it.

Though I'll still never understand or really forgive the fast runner who went into the foliage (2013 tower of terror) on the gravel path and jumped out in front of my from my RIGHT, when there was room on the left. Not sure what they were doing or why they thought they had to do it, but...they shouldn't have done it. There was zero room to my right on the path, and room to the side, and behind me on my left that they could have utilized.

And of course not only does Galloway do and teach run/walk, but he qualified for Boston doing so...not all run/walkers are slow. (I know you know that PrincessV, but others might not)
Does anyone have any suggestions for giant blisters? I’m at a Disney hotel so I might have to Mcgyver something.

I am an idiot and walked about 10 miles on popped blisters on both feet. My IT band gave out and walking was the only option. That and the heat made this my most difficult race ever. Last time I did Dopey and had the flu. I would have gladly taken that over this.

I had a blister on the ball of my foot from going straight from the airport to the expo without changing shoes. It was worse after the 5K and I stopped at the medical tent. They applied a hydrogel dressing (gel pads that he cut to size) and covered it with tape to hold in place. That was amazing. No pain after that and I kept it on until after the marathon. I put my foot in a plastic bag when showering to keep adhesive from loosening which was a good strategy as it came right off in my after-marathon shower.


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