Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good morning.

Starting into the home stretch before leaving for Maine on Wednesday. Today a hair cut, tomorrow mani/pedi with DD. I usually only get a pedicure because I wreck my finger nails driving home. She encouraged me to try gel nail polish, so for the wedding I will. DH has to pick up his suit jacket from the tailor today.

Weather is beautiful, cooler and low humidity. Tonight we are going to Longwood for the Classic Road Trip lighted fountain show. Lots of older rock and roll music. And we will have to mow the grass sometime soon.

Dinner tonight is grilled chicken and left over roasted vegetables. Last night I made enough chili to freeze three meals after we ate.

Last night I finished a book I was reading for my church reading group. Of Women and Salt by Gabriela Garcia. I do NOT recommend. It was only 200 pages but I struggles through it and almost gave up. Very disjointed. No redeeming qualities. Seemed like a bunch of unrelated short stories with no point.

First world problem: I had a mental breakdown last night.

Better get moving on some chores.
Hug, Taz, I do pray you have a good trip. I agree with B&B on her passenger advice! You should not be treated that way in general but extra over the course of a drive! :(

Then, sleep you should, Lynn! Listen to your body, my friend. Please take care of yourself! I second PollyannaMom’s great suggestion of reaching out to a HS! Also, often times, churches have Youth programs with teens who also need service hours and/or choose to volunteer anyway :)

Great share indeed, B&B. You have a wise DH! :hug:to you.

Enjoy a happier day, Footballmouse indeed! :)

Sorry about the disappointing book, Carol! Enjoy your haircut! I also hope you have a wonderful trip :)

I meant to say yesterday that if you are expecting to mail packages this Christmas time, be prepared for much higher costs :( I still think the PO worker had to have made a mistake yesterday. I had a very narrow padded envelope containing 1 snack bag, 1 folded piece of 4X6 scratch paper, and 1 3X3 or so needlepoint Cross that a friend had made me an extra of to share with someone else. Light weight. That cost over $4! Eek.

Weather is still strangely overcast out here.

Have a safe and good weekend, my friends.
Tried all the suggestions and can't find anyone willing to mow,so doing it myself. Took my time and did the front and both sides..took me 40 minutes.
PT girl is coming at 12:30..she's subbing for Shayna, who was subbing for Matt..sheesh. After she leaves I will go do the other side of the driveway and think about doing the back. If I don't do it today, I will do it tomorrow morning, then it will be done.

Sister in law is bringing me some homemade chicken noodle soup, crackers, and fresh peaches for lunch so I don't have to fix anything..she goes above and beyond way too much of the time!
@tazdev3225 hope you have a nice time at the shore with no arguments...

@lynxstch is your step son still coming to visit this weekend? Maybe he could do mow for you when he gets there. I really hope you feel better soon...are you taking anything like emergenC or airborne??

@Bianca and Bernard :grouphug: Hope today is a better day for you.

@footballmouse enjoy working from home today.

Tonight we are going to Longwood for the Classic Road Trip lighted fountain show. Lots of older rock and roll music.
Ohhh...that's sounds fun. I would love that, we love classic rock. Enjoy your night.
Also gel polish has worked really well for me in the past. I'm the same with messing up my nails as soon as they are done but the gel actually lasted 3 weeks until the next appointment.

@flyingdumbo127 mail is ridiculous. I mailed a little tiny soft quilted ornament to my niece last year and paid more for shipping then the ornament. Then they made my brother in law pay additional postage when he picked it up???, never did figure that one out.

Happy Friday all....I'm cleaning today because my sister and niece will be here late tonight. The three of us plus my are making the 4 hour drive tomorrow to my brother's house for the long weekend. DD and a friend are staying home with all the dogs, my dad has 4 little ones and then our two....lol
🐥 Good thoughts and prayers to everyone who needs them.

I didn’t mean to leave people hanging after my weather-related posts the other night. I was waiting to see on the news what had actually happened! There was a confirmed tornado on Cape Cod but fortunately it wasn’t particularly strong and there was just minor damage locally. There was lots of major flooding around our state with all the heavy rain that came down. We had rain, wind and thunder and lightening, but we had no flooding and just some things that were blown around at home. Along the east coast, however, 45 deaths were reported, including a CT State Trooper who was swept away in a flood, and quite a few people who perished in flooded basement apartments. So tragic!



Wishing everyone a nice Labor Day weekend! I’ll be working and then next week DH and I will be doing some birthday celebrating! I like this time of year. 🍂🍁🍂
@AuntieMe3--as far as we know he's still coming, but he doesn't even mow his own lawn..he pays for lawn service, so no chance he would do mine. I finished the other side, and 1/2 the back. Came in for a break and then will finish the rest. Tomorrow I will weedwack and it will be done. As long as I put a cough drop in my mouth, I don't cough while doing it..and yes I have been taking Emergencee--thank you for the suggestions

Its 76 and so nice out. I really want to finish mowing today..tomorrow morning I can do the weedwacking, and then pass the vacuum and dust before stepson gets here. It will make me feel better knowing things are done. I don't feel quite as bad today as I did yesterday, thankfully. PT girl was here and really worked Mr L hard today..he earned a nap,,lol. On the sad side, PT Matt's Dad passed away yesterday. They think he will be back to work next Wednesday, which would be the last time we would probably see him. The lady who does evals is supposed to come next Friday to discharge him from PT, and we would really like to see Matt one more time, to try the outside step again.

Okay lawn is done and I am done..just cooling down now. Sister in law is getting her car inspected and then will bring the soup and peaches. That will be dinner,,with maybe a grilled cheese or something. At least it won't involve much cooking..lol
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I’m sorry, Lynn:hug:. Only other idea I have is if there is a local college near you. Often times they have career centers with students looking to make a few extra bucks. Your SIL really sounds so lovely! I hope you enjoyed your lunch especially that you did not have to make it! Oh :( I just read your later post. Well maybe the same lawn care service can cut yours? Prayers for Matt and his family!

Great idea for Lynn, AuntieMe3. Now that is truly crazy, AuntieMe3 :( To have your brother in law need to pay even more money truly was only adding insult to injury! I'm really going to make better use now of Amazon sending items directly to the recipient for me depending what it is! You can though order on USPS.com flat rate envelopes. I have some of the document mailers (that you can also use for other things) and padded envelopes. Sometimes that is the cheapest way to send stuff—plus you stuff them to get more of your money’s worth. Safe travels :car:and have a fun weekend, my friend.

:( That really is so tragic, Pea. Thank you for reassuring us that you’re okay. Happy upcoming birthday celebrating! :cake:

Grateful Dad is home until Sunday morning when he will briefly go to Pavilions. He normally does that Monday but decided with Labor Day to get that done on Sunday. Wishing all of you a good rest of the afternoon.
I’m sorry, Lynn:hug:. Only other idea I have is if there is a local college near you. Often times they have career centers with students looking to make a few extra bucks. Your SIL really sounds so lovely! I hope you enjoyed your lunch especially that you did not have to make it! Oh :( I just read your later post. Well maybe the same lawn care service can cut yours? Prayers for Matt and his family!

Hi Mona..no the same lawn service can't do ours,,as he lives out in Salisbury, which is near Ocean City. The guy 2 doors over has someone do his,,but we cannot afford the $40 a week they want to mow and weedwack, lol! Next year its either we get a riding mower,,or hire someone from somewhere! And sister in law was just here with the soup, crackers and peaches..and she stopped at the Twisteez down the road and got us a quart each of chocolate and vanilla frozen custard for dessert..Her hubby is on vacation starting tomorrow..and they plan on doing some sightseeing most of the week. At least the weather will be nice for it!

Great idea for Lynn, AuntieMe3. Now that is truly crazy, AuntieMe3 :( To have your brother in law need to pay even more money truly was only adding insult to injury! I'm really going to make better use now of Amazon sending items directly to the recipient for me depending what it is! You can though order on USPS.com flat rate envelopes. I have some of the document mailers (that you can also use for other things) and padded envelopes. Sometimes that is the cheapest way to send stuff—plus you stuff them to get more of your money’s worth. Safe travels :car:and have a fun weekend, my friend.

:( That really is so tragic, Pea. Thank you for reassuring us that you’re okay. Happy upcoming birthday celebrating! :cake:

I agree,,happy Birthday celebrations to you! Glad to hear you made it through the storm unscathed

Grateful Dad is home until Sunday morning when he will briefly go to Pavilions. He normally does that Monday but decided with Labor Day to get that done on Sunday. Wishing all of you a good rest of the afternoon.

Glad your Dad got the errands done today..now you can enjoy the holiday weekend without his having to go out again, hopefully!
Playing catch-up again...this week has been a whirlwind of bad weather and a sudden deluge of messages from the principal at Josh's school and the superintendent. School starts Tuesday and I'm kind of..."meh" about it. I haven't gotten anything prepared except the signboard for Josh to hold when I take photos. I had to email the school secretary about something and she hasn't responded. I hate that they wait until the last minute; it's kind of stressful...

We also got quite a bit of rain here early in the week, worse than Hurricane Henri. Many of our streets were blocked off yesterday due to flooding. Today we passed by a pumpkin patch that clearly has rotted from all the rain. Thankfully we were spared any basement flooding - we have an excellent handyman who shored that up years ago and we haven't had water in our basement since. The CT State Trooper who passed away in the flooding was breaking news all day yesterday. There was a camera crew at the hospital when the hearse arrived, even though they hadn't announced that he'd passed. I cried when it drove away with the police escort, and pedestrians were stopping and saluting. Plus we had a plane crash into a building in Farmington and all I could think was "Dear God, not another 9/11..." Awful news :sad1:

Good morning....went to Costco last night for some essentials. All of a sudden they are out of toilet paper and paper towels again, which is annoying....
Last week, our Costco already had a sign out limiting toilet paper, paper towels, kleenex, and one other thing (case of water, maybe?) to "1 per customer/household." (Which I take to mean that my mother couldn't buy 1 of each, then I also buy 1 of each...?)

Enjoy your brownies! I have never been able to find a tasty boxed brownie mix. They all either burn or dry up or end up or just don't taste very moisty or fudgy. Stay safe, my friend!
Obviously I don't know what kind of mix you use :) but when I make them, they usually say something like "2 eggs for dense, fudgy brownies or 3 eggs for cake-like brownies." I always do the 3 eggs and they come out so much better! My SIL also once told me not to break the eggs directly into the mix, but scramble them first and then add them.

First world problem: I had a mental breakdown last night.

As usual, I'm late to the party...re: the camera discussion. I love taking photos, and my mother and one of my SILs tell me that I should start a business. I just can't afford a "real" camera and it certainly isn't professional to show up with a cell phone ;) Back when I still had a flip phone, I had a Canon Sure Shot and I liked it well enough. Lately I've realized that along with a decent cell phone, it helps to have good editing software. My phone lets me edit right on it, but I also downloaded Adobe Photoshop Express (it's free!) and I LOVE to play around with it!

Took this many years ago on the Canon Sure Shot, then edited it recently to give it "atmosphere:"
IMG_1002_edited copy.jpg

This one is totally unedited - my SIL's dog Gus, taken on my Google Pixel 3a:
00100lrPORTRAIT_00100_BURST20200628122138718_COVER copy.jpg

The only thing I did to this one was turn up the brightness a bit - also on the Google Pixel:

From the local convent, taken in Portrait mode on the Google Pixel - I applied a "grain" filter and added the black vignette:
original_59fd99b2-4601-431d-b3e3-6aa6efacf93c_PXL_20210703_153418967.PORTRAIT_5 (2) copy.jpg

These were at the old one-room schoolhouse around the corner from our house - both with a filter and frame added:PXL_20210808_190707987_edited Charm 10 copy.jpg

PXL_20210808_185713803_edited copy.jpg

I guess I like the black frame thing...and filters are fun!
Thank you, Lynn! I pray you can stay home this weekend and get well!

Thank you, Apirateslifeforme for the brownie tip! :) The last mix we tried was Pillsbury. As always you, also, share such beautiful pictures! Josh is so handsome! Prayers for both of you as he goes back to school! I would have thought given the pandemic, the school would have taken greater care to inform parents clearly! :( Indeed tragic about all the loss of life due to the storms, so sad!

Another word of post office warning. I just read that on October 3rd-December 3rd the post office is increasing all package rates (except supposedly media mail) including their flat rate options! Yikes! I am so not happy about that. I had already put aside some postage money and just can't afford even more especially on top of (for me) a huge expense that are any flat rate packages as is! I was intending to send at least one possibly two flat rate padded envelope packages!

After yesterday's shocking costs all-around on packages I was not expecting yet another hike. Are any of you sending wrapped Christmas gifts way ahead of time with instructions to the recipient to not open until Christmas? I've never done that before (certainly not in September or very early October) but really am considering it this year. Otherwise for anything else last minute that may come up between now and Christmas in general that's not a book, I'll be thinking twice about sending or have Amazon send directly for me!

A delicate question. Have any of you ever received a very thoughtful gift from someone close that you just did not care for? I do not know the person well enough (in this way) to know whether they would be hurt to learn I knew someone who would love what they sent me or even try to do an exchange for something I did like. It is never my intent to come across as unappreciative or rude or unkind and this is an awkward situation that I'd appreciate Quacker thoughts on. I have already texted my thanks for the very generous and thoughtful gift which it was. I'm hoping lol the person might be one to offer me the "out" of "I really thought you would enjoy this. If for whatever reason you don't, feel free to exchange." Maybe they still will.
A delicate question. Have any of you ever received a very thoughtful gift from someone close that you just did not care for? I do not know the person well enough (in this way) to know whether they would be hurt to learn I knew someone who would love what they sent me or even try to do an exchange for something I did like. It is never my intent to come across as unappreciative or rude or unkind and this is an awkward situation that I'd appreciate Quacker thoughts on. I have already texted my thanks for the very generous and thoughtful gift which it was. I'm hoping lol the person might be one to offer me the "out" of "I really thought you would enjoy this. If for whatever reason you don't, feel free to exchange." Maybe they still will.
I see no problem with regifting a gift to someone who would love to have that item. Better to be enjoyed by someone else than to sit and collect dust at your house. No need to tell the original gifter that you passed it on.

DD was able to find an at home Covid test kit and both tests came out negative. We were pretty sure that she did not have Covid, it's allergies ramping up. I know that the at home tests are all that accurate but she doesn't have any fever and most of her symptoms are allergy related. A big sigh of relief here for us.

DD, Lou Lou and I watched the new Cinderella on Amazon Prime tonight. It was okay but I don't think it's worth watching again. DD liked it better than I did. My favorite Cinderella is the old one by Rogers and Hammerstein. I can remember back in the 60's (now I'm definitely dating myself) just waiting for it to come on tv again each year.

Dinner tonight was Raising Canes. DH and DS have gone dove hunting in Abilene. Dove season opened up today or was it Wednesday? Anywho, it's been a yearly tradition for them to go dove hunting for nigh onto probably close to 30 years now. DS has been going deer hunting since he was four years old. I'm not real sure when he started dove hunting with DH but it's been at least 25 years if not more.
Good morning all. Another 'not much sleep' nite here. I think I was too overtired to sleep well. Slept from 10-11:10, then could not get comfortable until after 2. Fell asleep and woke at 3:58. Fed the cats, got hubby his morning pills, and am going back to bed. I planned on weedwacking today, but how I feel when I wake up later will tell for sure. May just dust and vacuum and plan dinner, strip and remake the bed and call it done, lol

@Kirby, I can date myself too, because I recall the original Cinderella, wasn't it Lesley Warren who starred in that one? We get Prime, but the new version is not something I care to watch. I don't like it when they keep 'updating' the originals.

Have a nice early morning all,,back later to check in..

OIP (2).jpg
:hug: on the short sleep, @lynxstch

Better to be enjoyed by someone else than to sit and collect dust at your house. No need to tell the original gifter that you passed it on.

I agree. I've saved way too many things over the years that I was done actually using, just because of where they came from. I'm learning that's it better to give those things a second chance with someone else.
I am moving right along this morning. Went back to bed and slept from 5 till 7:30,,better than nothing I guess. Fixed french toast and spam for breakfast. Turned the mattress, stripped and remade the bed, put the sheets in the washer and did the dishes. Went out and picked what might be our last tomatoes, a whole 9 of them. A lot are rotted on the vines, between the heat, no rain, and then all that rain the other day. Going to weedwack at least the back yard..front if I have enough energy left. Not doing the bank going down to the street today.

I was a 'saver' of things too, until I moved here. I brought only what I really wanted to have. Mr L, not so much. He had boxes and boxes of beer mirrors, clocks, steins, trays, neon lights etc. They weren't doing anyone any good in boxes in the cellar and they were taking up too much space. I bartered with our wood guy (this was a few years ago). He fixed our roof, and he gave me 5 cords of wood in exchange for all of the beer stuff. And noone missed any of it,,lol! Now if I am cleaning, and something hasn't seen the light of day or been used in 2 years..it either gets donated or given away.
I see no problem with regifting a gift to someone who would love to have that item. Better to be enjoyed by someone else than to sit and collect dust at your house. No need to tell the original gifter that you passed it on.

Just make sure to gift it to someone who doesn't know the original giftgiver!

"Hey, I gave a vase just like that one to Mary for her birthday in August!"
"Wow! Mary gave this one to me for my birthday in September!"
Awkward silence ensues.....

Lazy day today. Just commenting on Twitter, Fark, and Reddit, and making plans, for things that aren't able to talked about here. :surfweb: >:( Joy Reid, Bette Midler and Roxanna Arquette are amazing women.

Making broccoli cheddar chicken rollups for lunch, with steamed or roasted veggies (haven't decided). Salad for dinner.

DH's Cpap machine came in yesterday. He didn't use it last night, because the masks seals, but the hose where it connects to the mask keeps losing its seal. Waiting to hear back from the supply company.

have a good Saturday all.
Good Morning :grouphug: and thanks to all of you, my kind friends. Over the last several years, it has brought me a lot of peace and joy to pass on saved items that truly I either was no longer using or that I knew someone else would better, more actively enjoy. I can be sentimental about some items but at the end of the day "stuff" is merely "stuff." IMO, if the item (much like a saved picture or card inside a scrapbook) does not bring me joy or a smile to look at, if I am not using it to bring witness to the Lord than it's time to let it go!

I just felt badly about this gift because it truly was so thoughtful from people dear to me. Like I said, I don't know them well enough in this way to know whether they would be offended or not by my passing it on. It's actually something some of you (or your kids/grandkids) might like, Disney related. I haven't heard yet from the people who sent it to me. This was a closeout item from a going out of business Disney store so can't be returned but could be given store credit (before it, too goes out of business) at a Disney store about half an hour-40 minutes from me. I need to call Shop Disney to see whether they would do anything. I could also possibly it onto a couple local friends :)

Many prayers this Saturday brings each of you JOY! Thank God, Kirby the tests came out negative!
Happy Saturday. I went to tai chi class this morning and just got back from my walk. I am taking it easy for a bit. Then it is time for dusting. I vacuumed before Tai Chi. This afternoon I have a zoom call with some birth relatives. I have met one of my birth sisters and she is coordinating it. I will be meeting cousins, another sister, and an aunt.

@lynxstch I hope you do get some relaxing time today and more sleep tonight.
@flyingdumbo127 I agree with everyone who says regifting is not a bad option. I have done it a few times, very carefully. DH is a pack rat and we have more junk sitting downstairs. He claims he will be cleaning up everything when he retires in 2 1/2 years. I told him he can start now. I do not want alot of stuff in the house any more so if one thing comes in, one thing (or more) go out. At least we don't need to add to the mess. Regifting is definitely an option.

My younger DS came over yesterday to borrow one of our cars. He came into the house and saw Jasper's ashes box. He was quiet and sad for a minute. He hasn't been to our house since we lost Jasper. DS is in his early 30's and I still hurt to see him sad. The grandkids have not been over since either and I think they may be more affected as they would always pat and play with Jasper. They know he got sick and passed. I ended up being sad too and was up for awhile last night with a bit of anxiety. We still miss the little guy but we are not ready now, and maybe not ever, for another dog.

It has been a bit cool here lately, a hint of Fall to come. Fall is my favorite season. I am counting down the weeks until we go to North Conway. It is my relaxing, have a few treats, and shop a little bit trip of the year.
I feel for you Lynn. Don't know how long your messed up sleep pattern has been going on, I know at least as long as I've been posting on this thread. I can sympathize with you though my problems are not near as bad as yours.

Lesley Warren played the part of Cinderella in the one I was talking about. Way back then the local tv station that it aired on also ran The Sound of Music and The Wizard of Oz in the Fall along with Cinderella each year. Seeing all three was so exciting for me!

😄 I agree B&B! Definitely remember who gave you a gift and how/if they are related to whom you are regifting it to. I participated in the Exchanges on this board a long time ago back before they had their own board, even ran some exchanges back then. I remember getting stuff that had obviously been regifted, not that I minded and even passed it on to others when it was something that I would not use.

Snowysmom, I wish we had a hint of Fall here. We might get one next month, it can be up in the 90's through September some years. Because of our rainy Spring, the trees and grass are just now showing stress at least in my part of Texas. This usually happens in late July/early August.

DD is off to visit with her BF, Mike. He can finally sit up with getting nauseous and has finally made it into the therapy room. It really hit home to him how his muscles have deteriorated and how much he needs to work to get back to as normal as he can. He has been wanting chicken and dumplings so DD tried her hand at making some. I have never made them so I was no help. Well, we'll see what he says........... Apparently he says his mom makes really good ones. If this recipe doesn't turn out then maybe she can ask his mom for hers. I'm not a chicken and dumpling fan, just like eating dough to me but I think it's a texture issue for me. Just like with oatmeal, I can't get it down my throat, have to spit it out. Update: I tasted some she left for me and it's a thumbs down for me. I'll wait to tell her when she gets home this evening. I'm thinking that she will agree with me.

I finally found out why the VCR half of our combo VCR/DVD player wouldn't work. Lou Lou came to me a little while ago with four DVD's out of the box in her hands. I asked her where she got them and she said over there. After much questioning and finding the correct question to ask, she showed me that she got them out of the VCR side. So I put in a cassette (I think that's what they are called, I've forgotten it's been so long since we have used them) and it worked. Hallelujah!!! We've got Mulan on right now. I am so thankful!!! We got a lot of movies that the kids have not seen that I know they will love.

Okay lawn is done and I am done..just cooling down now. Sister in law is getting her car inspected and then will bring the soup and peaches. That will be dinner,,with maybe a grilled cheese or something. At least it won't involve much cooking..lol
PEACHES....your sister is a gem.....did you know that was one Hercules 12 tasks....to find the perfect peach...I paid my summer garden water in box full of oregon ripe....I mean running down your arm peaches....he cannot wait to water next summer


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