Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Hello and happy Friday to all.

Bianca and Bernard - Prayers you can get the shoes issue figured out. It's so hard to feel like you are spinning your wheels all the time. Not me with the shoes. I'm having the struggle with the CPAP machine delivery (going on 6 weeks now, since it was ordered for DH). I'm sure @tazdev3225 appreciates it though! :)

I'm going to give the crock-pot another whirl tomorrow. Another chicken recipe. I know most people think you can't mess up when using a crock-pot...most people have not met me. Most of the things I try in the crock-pot seem to come out "mushy" or all taste the same. My goal is to find one or two recipes from a few different categories (i.e. beef, chicken, pork, etc.) and call it good. I sometimes blame the quality of the meat when I do a roast and it doesn't turn out... I mean it can't be all me all the time...right? :rotfl2: We have a quarter of beef coming in Oct. so I'm hoping to have better luck with those roasts. I absolutely blame the cuts of meat! After all, if I do the same thing I did last time, and that time worked out but this one didn't, it can't be me!!!!

For the record my air fryer is a countertop oven with an airfare option. I'm in high hopes that once I actually take it out of the box and get it set up we can use it for quick things and not have to heat the whole kitchen with the regular oven. I love my tabletop oven! If I can fit the food in it, I refuse to turn on the oven. I have mine on the hardwood kitchen table ...make sure yours is not under the cabinets or on anything that can melt if it gets too hot, as all the heat comes out all around it.
Thoughts and prayers to all who need them.

@lynxstch Glad Mr. L is doing so much better. I hope it makes things a bit easier for you.

We came home early from NH. When the kids and grandkids left it just seemed so empty. Plus it was so hot and the condo does not have AC. Plus my anxiety was off the charts for Wed and Thurs and I just wanted to be home. After older DS and family left DH and I packed up and were out the door about an hour after DS left. I feel so much better at home and am alot cooler with the AC. This year with all my personal issues, work issues, and personal losses as well as the craziness that is this world has me very stressed and anxious.

We are going to a local farm stand today to pick up some local produce. I may pick up a vacation treat for the weekend. I allow myself a few treats while on vacation that I don't do usually. It keeps me going. LOL!

I attached a picture from Crawford Notch NH at the Saco river. We walked a path through the woods with older DS and family. Then we got some duck food and fed the ducks swimming around.

Happy Friday.

Saco River Aug 21.jpg
What an idyllic picture, Snowysmom!

I love the sound of that light show, Carol, so glad you got to enjoy :)

Lynn, I am also grateful Mr. L is doing better.

Anyone, human or critter, (especially children and dogs of course), who are mistreated just has me seeing red that is for sure!

I'm late today! I got too caught up with trying to finish up an Amazon picture magnet order. As I have shared, I am planning way ahead for Christmas. Makes it so much easier on me--budgeting, knowing I will have everything and not have to be concerned about something not being in stock or at a higher price, and also it brings me added cheer to know I will indeed have all packages and cards alike that need to be mailed ready for one trip to the post office for my dad in early December. I know some people think doing Christmas shopping in August is crazy! Given the pandemic, it makes great sense and cents to me!

:grouphug:to all! I will check in later.
Good afternoon.

Got up and cut the grass early before it got too hot. I rode the riding mower and DH push mowed. Still hot but the grass was so thick already.

This year with all my personal issues, work issues, and personal losses as well as the craziness that is this world has me very stressed and anxious.
I totally understand that. I hope you can get your anxiety under control. I know my doctor started me on Sertraline 25 mg last fall. Recently I had to bump up to 50 mg. I am sure all the craziness in the world is a part of it.

I wish I could post the video of "Under the Sea" lighted fountains I took last night. I didn't take any still pictures.

Here are two of the luminaries. The second has Tessa, in her Belle dress, with her friend.


Back from the illuminated fountains and luminaries trail. We all, and especially Tessa, loved the fountains and Disney music. Each song started and she commented what it was with excitement. She has such an imagination seeing different things in the lights and colors.
Sounds like a fun night.

The crackheads said my DS could have it for $20, I'll pay it if I can find it a home.
Thank you for helping the poor bunny, I hope you find it a good home. Hubby has paid people for animals before when he thought they weren't being cared for properly, that's how we got a couple of our previous dogs.

Hubby and I are heading south in a couple hours and be home late tonight. He'll have to come back up Sunday night or Monday can't remember what he said but I'll be staying home either way. I have an appointment next week and then the following weekend my sister, niece and I will be going to visit my brother and his family for the long weekend. They moved a couple hours away into a brand new house in Dec 2019, DH and I were able to stop by one day on the way home from a work trip but were only there for about an hour before we had to hit the road again. My mom really wanted us all to go up and spend time together before she passed but we never had the opportunity, so my sister and I decided to make a plan to do it. Hopefully my dad can join us but he has plans and he's not sure he can get out of them. I can't wait to see my nephews, before they moved I would go spend time with them at least once a month so I miss them.

Hope everyone has a good evening and nice weekend if I don't get a chance to post in the next couple days.
Last edited:
Finally home from CVS and shopping at Martins (Giant), and know I know why I only shop there for their sales items. Empty shelves..sales started this morning and no sales signs were up yet. Stuff that was on sale, not ringing up right..and only 1 register with a cashier who could take more than 25 items. I found what I needed and got out. Just as we walked outside, it dumped down rain, by the time we got home it had stopped. It's 83 and muggy . But at least the grass is wet and I don't feel so bad about not going out and mowing it.

Mr L's younger son just called to chat..and said he's planning on coming up next weekend unless something dire happens..that gives hubby something to look forward to. He told hubby to make a list of any furniture we want moved..we don't want any furniture moved..and there would be no place to move it to. I told hubby if we can find a coffee table online this weekend and get it here before the weekend that he can move the old heavy one somewhere..and not to the cellar! lol!

@AuntieMe3--have a safe trip, and get home safely!

Have a nice afternoon all..
I totally understand that. I hope you can get your anxiety under control. I know my doctor started me on Sertraline 25 mg last fall. Recently I had to bump up to 50 mg. I am sure all the craziness in the world is a part of it.

Thanks for the info. If I am still very anxious when I see my doctor in the FalI I will talk with him. I have talked with a therapist in the past about related issues so I have learned to try to find ways to mitigate my stress and anxiety. It just seems like this year has been a bit too much. I need to get back to meditation which I have gotten away from while dealing with Jasper's illnesses and work craziness. It has helped me in the past. I also need to limit my news watching. I end up yelling at the TV and DH tells me to change the channel. :rolleyes1 I told my manager that I would consider coming back to the office 2 days a week once they have the grand reopening which has been pushed off to who knows when. I told him I cannot do 5 days because I am less stressed and more productive from home. He was OK with that. Less stress right there.

@flyingdumbo127 You are the smart one getting ready for the holidays now. You will be so relaxed once December comes along. DH and I start our shopping when we go to North Conway in Oct. There are a couple of small general stores and a five and dime that have great stocking stuffers that are not expensive. And we go to Walmart to look at toys. There is also a great book store that we can find really good children's books at good prices.
Busy couple of days, but I wanted to take a moment and stop in.
My meetings in Boston were productive, and the city was beautiful! I was only there for 3 days, and only really had 1 day to putz around. My husband ended up needing to stay home at the 11th hour to deal with some work stuff so I'm hoping we can get up there for another weekend.
Decided to gift eldest a new water conditioning system in his new house, so hopefully we can get a water test soon and I can get around to having the system designed and installed before they move in. I'm not sure if they have a well drilled yet now that I think about it???? Oh well, guess we will figure it out.
Youngest has a few days off and is reportedly coming home for a day or two this evening. I haven't been to the grocery store in forever, and I wasn't able to go today. It's going to be a pizza kinda night. I'll go grocery shopping tomorrow morning first thing.
I have a ripping sore throat, and and super tired. I am doing nothing when I get home - well except ordering pizza! - and plan on going to bed early and hopefully getting a decent nights sleep. The neighbors have escalated the situation and my stress levels have gone thru the roof. But then I came to the realization that I didn't have to engage with them just because they are carrying on. I'm just gonna go about my business. I just keep telling myself that and it actually helps a lot. I have a mantra, it is 'so what'.
I've got mowing with my name on it tomorrow as well. Other than that and grocery shopping, not much else on the agenda this weekend which is good. Next Friday we have Operation Get the Dog to the Vet. This will be a appt. for our great dane who prefers anything other than a waiting room full of other dogs & cats (we will wait outside) and will be climbing the walls and a huge nervous nelly while being seen by the vet. Saturday of next weekend we have to attend a birthday party for a 5 year old. With other 5 year olds. Not our demographic, but we will go. Monday we head to FL to take my father a emergency stash of creamed chipped beef and visit for a day or three.
And then, it's (almost) fall! Yippee!
I wish you could post “the under the sea” lighted fountains, for us, too, Carol. Thank you for sharing another photo of your precious grandkids! I’m sorry it’s been so hot out there.

Safe travels, AuntieMe3! I’m so glad to hear you will soon enjoy a family get together. Big hug on your mom.
Hooray for being home, Lynn! I’m also sorry it’s been so hot in your own neck of the woods. It was quite warm here today, too. Now that is wonderful news! I pray a visit from Mr. L’s DS brings all three of you cheer and added support!

Big hug to you, Snowysmom! Thank you. As I shared above, it just made both sense and financial cents to plan ahead! I do well remember last year both trouble with being able to order something in the first place let alone have it actually ship! Then, of course, there was the once mailed element of the post office and other delivery folks being so overworked that there was no way to know for sure whether anything (card or package) would reach its intended recipient!

This year, all I will still need is one Christmas gift card that dad will get me when they become available at the supermarket and boxed Christmas cards and a couple rolls of wrapping paper from Dollar Tree. As, a hopefully helpful FYI, at least in normal years, the Dollar Tree is a wonderful source of quality Christmas cards! 14 for a $1 can’t be beat! I am very Christmas card particular! Minor thing is it has to be glitter free! More importantly, any reference to God in any of His Forms along with He’s or Who’s, etc. must begin with a capital letter—this is for me with anything year-round! I will not buy anything from stickers to cards to whatever that have a lower case. Of course, it goes without saying that I celebrate CHRIST-mas. I do not do any of the other references at all. So anything has to clearly say spelled out Merry Christmas with capital letters on the M and C. LOL, I know this was more info than needed but it is one of the few things that is very dear/important to me!

As an Amazon FYI, to hopefully save my Quacker family some gift money either at Christmas or any time, I discovered a 10 package (you can choose the shape and amount, starting at I think 5) of custom photo (or in my case found images). Each of the ten magnets can have a different picture or image uploaded onto it! So clever and cost effective. I was able to get both Christmas and thinking ahead Birthday magnets. For me, a magnet wouldn’t do much good because unlike (I sure hope) most people, my kitchen is so very tight that the fridge is not truly all that viewable. I do think for most, this would be a great personalized gift :) Here is the Amazon item # B08ZSCC8ZK if you want to check them out (word of shipping warning is it takes up to a few weeks to be delivered so order in advance) A different company, Mouthmill, offers a deal on a 3 pack of heart-shaped magnets

I also got from Amazon, a 3 pack of really nice Crosses. I would be so touched to get one of these myself! B076B5HB8L
Welcome home and back, Easyas, good to see you! :) I’m happy to hear your meetings were productive and that you got to spend at least one day sightseeing in Boston, too. I hope you had fun. Hug, you are a wise woman! ITA and try to follow that reaction mindset myself!

The news is not something I am a fan of at all! :( I pray dad would watch MUCH less of it! Not healthy, IMO, after a while.

Wishing all of you a good evening!
Thread bump to wish all of you a good night and sweet dreams!

Also, I know I asked this earlier in the year, dad and I are truly ready now to get a new Toaster Oven! I would appreciate recommendations. The only "catch" is still it would have to be purchased at or through Target/Target.com or through Amazon or Walmart.com I miss being able to enjoy mini bagels every now and then. Our current toaster just does not toast fully. We did try warming up either first or second a mini bagel before (or after toasting) and that did not last long :( Thank you, friends! See you in the morning 🐣
Now that the hetic schedule of mine between getting ready for fair, fair, and recovering from fair is done I have finally been able to catch up on almost 20 pages of posts. I would try reading a page or two in order to keep up and would find myself falling asleep I was so exhausted when I actually got a chance to sit down and either I had wifi or my moble web was working. Doesn't help that there were blocks down at the fairgrounds to prevent vendors from using their phones as hotspots or their mobil web plans to take any payments by cards.
The girls did very well this year.
16 year old got blue ribbons on her cat grass, knitting, and embroidary exhibits along with 3 blues on her art projects including a best of class nomination for her digital art print.
She got 4 reds on her art projects along with a red on her ready to wear because she forgot to include her comparision sheet so she got an automatic reduction in her ribbon placing. She did well on her performing arts including having one person watching tell her that she has a beautiful voice and she did great on her demonstration and in the showcase exhibition during the awards ceremony. She was not too happy with her subject for her short take but managed to get it done. She was on the winning team for quiz bowl this year.
13 year old got 3 blues in her open crafts exhibits, 2 blues and a red in her leathercraft exhibits, 1 blue and 3 reds for her microwave cooking exhibits, and a total of 13 blue ribbons on her photography exhibits along with 2 red ribbons for photography.
She got best of class nominations for her hanging geranium photo which sold as part of the buy a piece of 4-H program and for her portrait of 16 year olds best friend (my bonus daughter) in a cosplay outfit that she designed herself after creating the character.
She participated in quiz bowl and this year because they only had 10 kids and 2 adults even the kids on the loosing team got prizes though they only got to pick one prize from the box and did not get a ticket to get an ice cream. She did great on her demonstration and with her hospitality.
We were able to watch part of the sheep show which 16 year old's best friend participated in and had charge of her younger siblings for a while while mom was at work and grandma was taking grandpa to the doctor for his knee.
We got a nice downpour on the Wednesday of fair week which left our parking where the grandstands stood along with part of the track area and the inner field in a mud blog. Thankfully I was parked where I could go forward and then keep driving because if I had to back out of the parking spot and then put my car into drive I would have gotten stuck. I ended up taking the truck with the 4 wheel drive the rest of the week though finding spots that were not deep in either mud or water was a challenge. Getting my truck out on Friday was fun as I could only back a little ways turn 1-2 degrees go forwards a bit and then back again a little ways and repeat until I could get out. 16 year old and bonus daughter laughed at where I ended up parking but they said it was easy to find the truck when they went to get the stuff for the demonstrations out of it. I was parked across from the new horse arena and superbarn where they do some of the archery shooting (ok it's actually about 4 or 5 years old now but compared to everything else it's new on the grounds) and right in front of the metal building bathrooms-like literally parked right up to the sidewalk in front of the building.
I was so exhausted that I did not go down the last Saturday instead 13 year old and I went to do some quick shopping at the health food store and then we went over to a former pastor from our church's house to get some Indian Tacos that they were selling to raise money for his daughter's 2nd year of bible school.
Good morning all. Very muggy out, 72 and must have rained overnite,as there are puddles on the chairs out back. I have been awake since 2 am, could not fall back asleep. Going to try and go back to bed now and see if I can catch a couple of hourse. Mr L had the tv on till after 3, I had 2 cats that kept walking on top of me in bed, and the other was trying to play with the cords on the window blinds. Almost time for Fall cleaning and then I can put the new cordless ones up. That should solve that problem , lol

@sweetpeama--congrats to your girls on their accomplishments and ribbons at the fair. Now it sounds like you need a week off to rest and relax--

I wanted to mow today, but they are predicting 90 degrees again with a chance of rain, and 88 for the next 2 days with chance of rain, by the time it cools down enough, and I feel good enough to do it, it's going to have to be mowed 2x just to get it down. Amazing how just the little rain we had was enough to make it start growing so fast again.

Have a nice morning all,,back later on to check in. Only plans for the day are turning the mattress, stripping and remaking the bed, and beauty treatment, unless the weatherman is wrong and I have to mow,,lol

Thread bump to wish all of you a good night and sweet dreams!

Also, I know I asked this earlier in the year, dad and I are truly ready now to get a new Toaster Oven! I would appreciate recommendations. The only "catch" is still it would have to be purchased at or through Target/Target.com or through Amazon or Walmart.com I miss being able to enjoy mini bagels every now and then. Our current toaster just does not toast fully. We did try warming up either first or second a mini bagel before (or after toasting) and that did not last long :( Thank you, friends! See you in the morning 🐣

I have had 3 tabletop ovens in the last 5 years. Not toaster oven, tabletop, but each had a toaster setting. I haven't had a toaster in 10 years.

This one, twice.
This one now.

The first one lasted a year, before it shorted in a power surge (took out the stove too). The 2nd one still worked last year when I gave it away, but was taking longer to warm. it was huge! Could fit 2 Totinos pizzas side by side and a small chicken. The first one had a rotisserie, the second didn't; but that was fine as I broke the first one the first time I used it with a 2 lb chicken.

I bought the 2nd, because, Ninja....and it works great. Can only fit one Totinos in a row, but I love that it has the setting to cook on 2 levels. (First one did not and it either cooked the top of bottom level, never both). And hey, air fry setting is cool for frozen fries and fish sticks. Plus the connected thermometer that shuts the oven off when the right temp is reached.

So...if you want something more than a toaster oven...
If not, I just kept the thread from slipping, lol.

DH got his 3rd shot yesterday. He doesn't feel as bad as he did with the 2nd, yet. I went with and sat in the car while he was in Mayo; only because he bought me CFA chikin' minis for breakfast :woohoo: (and if he needed me to drive).

I have to run up to Publix to get some eggs; I didn't realize mine were expired, and DH wants a cake. (Maybe I'll just buy a cake, and not turn on the oven, lol). I'm prepped in case we lose power here, due to Ida. She's not coming ashore anywhere near us, but she's pushing storms up into our area, and we usually lose power during bad storms. It looks like she might be a bad one. If you're in her sights, be safe.

Have a good Saturday.
Happy Saturday, everyone. :cool1: We made it to another weekend.

Congrats to your girls, @sweetpeama!!

Nothing big on the agenda here today. I made chaffles for breakfast, but otherwise I'm having a lazy morning of coffee and TV. DH and I will run over to his folks' house later, to drop off their anniversary present and get in some playtime with their dog.
Good morning everyone :sunny:.

Working this weekend but I enjoy this job and the people so it's no big deal. My son's dog is scheduled to be spayed on Tuesday so of course grandma had to order her a new stuffie. I went on Chewy and ordered her a Mickey shaped donut squeaky toy. I'll take it to her on Wednesday, I'm sure she'll be happy.

Good news finally - I won $50 on a scratch off lottery ticket! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: I'll cash that in tonight after work. Not much else happening today. Finally rained last night which was wonderful for my yard, I hate seeing my yard start to turn brown >:(.

Have a good day :goodvibes
Good morning.

@footballmouse, congrats on you scratch off win.

@PollyannaMom, I had to google chaffle to see what they were. Interesting.

Incredibly humid today. Have to grocery shop, go to library, go to the church, and then have Carter for dinner and overnight. DD and DSIL have a wedding to attend, we get Carter and other grandparents have Tessa. We have the easier kid. LOL
Good morning.

@footballmouse, congrats on you scratch off win.

@PollyannaMom, I had to google chaffle to see what they were. Interesting.

I see she edited it..when I saw it earlier,,it said she made Charles for breakfast..I thought Charles was her hubby and she cooked him..lol..Chaffles makes a lot more sense!

Incredibly humid today. Have to grocery shop, go to library, go to the church, and then have Carter for dinner and overnight. DD and DSIL have a wedding to attend, we get Carter and other grandparents have Tessa. We have the easier kid. LOL


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