To Go or Not To Go

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Lots of good points made. It looks like Miami-Dade county is driving the numbers. I also read an article that resort occupancy rates are dropping by 10% per week. At last check it was 65% when they forecasted 95%.
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This is a tough one for us as well. We are scheduled for early October and rented DVC points so no way to recoup that money should we choose to cancel. I am still considering it though if things are bad enough because we have some unvaxxed children in our party. We would be devastated of course after two canceled trips last year. But, not worth risking anyone's life over.

My question is- before the vaccines, masks were highly touted as being effective against the spread. Now that Disney has reinstated the mask rule inside, I feel much safer. And if things continue to get worse, do we think they will reinstate it outside? I guess what I keep holding onto is that I felt safe a few months ago with everyone wearing masks (before vaccines), so as long as masks are required inside and outside in big crowds, then hopefully the risk will be much lower.
After my vaccinated husband picked up COVID on our Disney trip, he managed to pass it on to me (also vaccinated) and our 2 young kids. And probably our cat. In case anyone was wondering, the at home tests from target picked up 3 of our cases (my husband didn’t try one). Delta is easily transmissible and wearing masks indoors and limiting eating inside did not protect us.
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My question is- before the vaccines, masks were highly touted as being effective against the spread. Now that Disney has reinstated the mask rule inside, I feel much safer. And if things continue to get worse, do we think they will reinstate it outside? I guess what I keep holding onto is that I felt safe a few months ago with everyone wearing masks (before vaccines), so as long as masks are required inside and outside in big crowds, then hopefully the risk will be much lower.

I think Disney will only do it if the CDC changes their recommendations, which seems unlikely for outdoors though Delta seems more easily spread outdoors than the other strains.

While masks help reduce the spread, most masks don't have a high level of protection. You might get KN95s to wear, which would provide substantial protection when worn correctly (and if it's a legit brand). I wore them inside and outside when I was at Disney World in Feburary for the added protection.
We are flying because I have to accept that in all likelihood we will be fine. However, I am not opposed to a rental to get us home in the event that we are not ok.
My parents have always said this-in the event anything happened in a place where we flew there but couldn't fly home, there are cars, trains, buses.
After my vaccinated husband picked up COVID on our Disney trip, he managed to pass it on to me (also vaccinated) and our 2 young kids. And probably our cat. In case anyone was wondering, the at home tests from target picked up 3 of our cases (my husband didn’t try one). Delta is easily transmissible and wearing masks indoors and limiting eating inside did not protect us.
When were you in Disney that you picked up Covid? Was the mask mandate for all rides/attractions/indoors in effect yet or was it prior to then in late June/July when no one else was masking? Hope you're all better now!
Are buses being overcrowded lately?

They were packing the busses just like pre-pandemic when we were there late July/early August. We would wait let people board before us when it was clear the bus was getting packed to capacity and just stand at the front- made us feel better if not actually making us feel safer. Most drivers were good about telling people to mask up, but once past the driver there were always some who pulled their masks down or took them completely off.
When were you in Disney that you picked up Covid? Was the mask mandate for all rides/attractions/indoors in effect yet or was it prior to then in late June/July when no one else was masking? Hope you're all better now!
We were there when the mask requirements were put back in. But we masked indoors the whole time anyway. If there was a cover over our heads we had a mask on. The problem is that there is no distancing in restaurants. Even if restaurants weren’t full they sat tables by each other in the CM’s sections. At whispering canyon one family asked I be moved away from us to maintain distancing, which they did. But the next family that they sat they put in between us and the family that wanted to distance so the first family asked to move for nothing.
Reading this may just be enough for me to realize how dumb it is to go in September (we JUST today were considering it). If people are that callous with their infectiousness, well no wonder things are as bad as they are.
I remember watching some WDW youtube videos a couple months ago before mask protocol came back.
The amount of people i saw in the background coughing sneezing and NOT COVERING THEIR MOUTH
was downright disgusting. I remember thinking it would be a small miracle if no one came back
sick and cases rose.
My question is- before the vaccines, masks were highly touted as being effective against the spread. Now that Disney has reinstated the mask rule inside, I feel much safer. And if things continue to get worse, do we think they will reinstate it outside? I guess what I keep holding onto is that I felt safe a few months ago with everyone wearing masks (before vaccines), so as long as masks are required inside and outside in big crowds, then hopefully the risk will be much lower.

I'd be careful about being too confident about masks. I'm 100% pro mask. I think we should all be wearing them inside and out. (Again, no fighting, just my opinion.) But.... while they certainly help (or so the scientists tell us, and I believe them), they aren't a guarantee. And the problem is that Delta is so much more contagious.

I think about it like this (again, I'm not an expert, so don't trust me! I'm just telling you how I think about it based on what I've read and heard):

Imagine that you're going on Splash Mountain. You have a sensitive cell phone in your pocket, and you don't want it to get wet and ruined.

If you have a disposable plastic poncho with you, you'd probably throw it on. Some nice protection against the water. Is that a guarantee that the phone makes it through OK? No, especially if you just tossed it on haphazardly. But it's still a pretty good help. And if you're very careful and fit it properly and tuck it in all the right places, then even better.

That's how I imagine it before. Any mask is a big help, a really good, properly fitted mask puts in you good shape.

But with Delta, we're not going down Splash Mountain anymore. Instead, we're spending 4 hours outside in tropical rain downpours. The intensity of the exposure is just a whole lot stronger. With nothing, I'm a sitting duck (see current wave of infections). But does my disposable poncho work? Surely it's much, much better than nothing. And again, if it's all tucked in and fitted correctly, much better yet. But hour after hour of strong rain? Well... I'm not so confident. Any mistake on my part, any little seam or whatever, and pretty soon, water is leaking in, my clothes are starting to get sopping and my phone is at risk.

That's how I imagine Delta. Just way more intense and much harder to keep at bay.

I like the "layered defense" idea. Now imagine that in addition to the poncho, you have water resistant track pants on with a zippered pocket. That's being vaccinated. Not waterproof. Not a guarantee. But one more solid level of protection. So when I'm out and about, I'm in the best N95 or K95 mask I can get, I fit it as well as a possibly can, I stay outside when I can, and I'm vaccinated. That's layering my safety. I've got the poncho on, tucked in as well as I can get it, and my phone is in my zippered, water resistant track pants pocket.

With all of that, is it OK to go Disneying? I really want to go to the parks, but I really don't want to "toast the phone" (i.e. catch Covid).

How much risk is too much and how do we handle it? Who knows. That's what we're all here undecided about. I don't know either.

What I do feel confident saying is that the only way to guarantee that you'll be safe is to stay out of the parks. Any other choice involves some degree of risk. Then again, so does getting out of bed in the morning.

with the way this variant spreads the only way to guarantee you won't get it is stay home. Of course most of us won't be able to do that anyway. For a vacation, it's just how much extra risk are you willing to assume. If you're vaccinated, you have less risk than someone who is unvaccinated, but not zero. Nothing is zero except complete isolation. If you are vaccinated there is also a much higher probability that you won't have to go to a hospital with a COVID infection.

CDC recommends everyone wear masks indoors if in an area of substantial or high transmission (like Florida). Unless CDC changes their recommendations, that is likely what WDW will require. Guests can always choose to wear their masks outdoors as well.

If WDW is no longer distancing between tables in restaurants, that's another thing to take into account in your risk evaluation.

Some of the health authorities were recommending double masking at one time (cloth mask over surgical), could also be an option for those who want more protection. however, Delta is very very contagious.
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After my vaccinated husband picked up COVID on our Disney trip, he managed to pass it on to me (also vaccinated) and our 2 young kids. And probably our cat. In case anyone was wondering, the at home tests from target picked up 3 of our cases (my husband didn’t try one). Delta is easily transmissible and wearing masks indoors and limiting eating inside did not protect us.
Oh no! I hope you all are better. How bad did you get it? Just wondering because they say the vaccine helps to not make you deathly sick.
Oh no! I hope you all are better. How bad did you get it? Just wondering because they say the vaccine helps to not make you deathly sick.

The problem with the Delta variant (along with the fact that its extremely contagious) is the fact that vaccinated ppl are not only getting it, but getting symptoms. The breakthrough cases are bad. I know someone that has SIX people living in their house. FIVE of them are battling Covid, WITH symptoms, and they are very sick.

Get well soon StitchesGr8 (and family !!!)
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The problem with the Delta variant (along with the fact that its extremely contagious) is the fact that vaccinated ppl are not only getting it, but getting symptoms. The breakthrough cases are bad. I know someone that has SIX people living in their house. FIVE of them are not battling Covid, WITH symptoms, and they are very sick.

Get well soon StitchesGr8 (and family !!!)
You mean they are battling covid?
That’s my big concern. I was vaccinated back in Jan/Feb with Pfizer. I’m suppose to be at Disney next week, but I’m afraid. I wish I could get a booster now.
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