Does your job allow you to vacation anywhere?

DH's job doesn't have any restrictions. I own my own business, so I do not have any restrictions imposed on myself, but my p/t gig does. 14 day quarantine if we go to Florida in mid-August (we rented a private pool home for a week and are planning to go isolate there for a week).
If we leave the state for vacation, then we would be required to quarantine upon our return. My supervisor has said that we will be required to follow the state guidelines on this. No one in my department has even traveled for work since March, even though the state does permit essential travel if needed for work reasons.
My husbands job requires a quarantine period if he vacations in certain states. The quarantine is Unpaid or they take vacation time away If it’s available. No idea how long this will be in place. I understand and don’t disagree but I do think it encourages people to lie in order to get around this rule. I don’t have a better solution to offer though so I guess I can’t complain.
I have been working from home since March 16th and we will not be going back anytime soon. It will be after New Years if even then. As a result I can go anywhere anytime and am subject only to any governmental mandates for quarantine.

I work in downtown Houston and as of right now since we work outside the office we have people working from St Louis, Tampa, Maine, California, Alabama and several other locations. If you don't have to be in the office and can work from any internet connection anywhere they are spread out all over the place.
We're required to follow state and local laws. As I'm located in Chicago there's a list of states that I would have to quarantine for 14 days if I visited them. Given that I work from home now this wouldn't necessarily prevent me from working during that period. My husband's company actually is looking to send him to New Orleans for a week in about a month. He's the only person on his team who is in Chicago so he had to go to them and tell them that if he ends up having to quarantine because of work travel he expects to be paid for those two weeks. They're going to wait and see how Chicago's list goes.
We are required to report to our managers any trip more than 100 miles from home. State borders are not a factor, distance is (although the state border is 96 miles away). Those traveling 100 miles or more from home are required to stay out of the building for 14 days after they return either by working remotely if that is an option, or using PTO to take time off work.
About 23 or our 140 employees are working in the building. I am not aware of any issues those 23 in the building have had with travel.
I just got back from Disney and they didn’t care. I’m also working from home so that helps but I looked thru our hr and it didn’t say anything.
Our state has no restrictions. Some employers do.
No travel restrictions from California. The state is more interested in WHO you are with, not how far you go. They want you to stay with-in your bubble. No gatherings of more than 10 total people. Those should be held outdoors with masks and social distancing. My daughter has her own home 6 miles from us, and WAS in our bubble but we are staying apart because one of her co-workers may have been exposed to covid-19. If that workers test comes back negative, she is back in our bubble, if that worker tests positive we will have to stay apart for 14 days from the date our daughter last worked with that person. 7 days have passed so far, and given how long test results are taking to come back, we may pass the 14 days before the test results come in.
Our son, daughter in law and Granddaughter also live 6 miles from us, but they are not in our bubble. We have seen them once since March and that was only outdoors, with masks, and socially distanced.
DH's employer has gone back and forth in the most ridiculously illogical ways. Back in March and April, when our state was spiking and there were few cases in most of the states people would travel to, they had restrictions in place. Any out-of-state travel triggered a two week unpaid quarantine before returning to work. Now that our local numbers are under control and 20+ other states are spiking? That restriction expired last month, so since our state doesn't have any self-quarantine requirements he could go to FL and go right back to work.

It didn't much matter, since we stayed in state for our whole-family trip this summer and they never went as far as to impose quarantines over household members' travel, but the timing seems ridiculous nonetheless.
If we leave the state at all we can't go into the office for 14 days from when we return. We can work remotely but we can't go into a physical location.
My employer - no, not exactly. The only requirement they have is that we follow whatever restrictions might be in place at our destination and as imposed by our federal government. For example, there are some Canadian provinces one cannot enter without having to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival. If we leave the country, even though the borders are officially still closed, citizens will be allowed re-entry but must quarantine for 14 days regardless of where they went. My company requires compliance with all of this and any quarantine period resulting from voluntary travel must be covered by PTO.
Curious. How would your employer know where you went? I’ve wondered this about all the states that are mandating 14 day quarantine post travel. How do “they” know where you traveled to?

lol. I’m not paranoid, I don’t think we are being tracked. But I think this is something that people are being expected to self report. And I don’t trust that everyone is going to honor these mandates.
Not at this time, but we have cancelled all trips for 2020. I am in MD. I teach at a university. I will be teaching online and do not have to set foot on campus until Jan. 2021. The kids will have virtual learning until Jan. 29, 2021. DH is working from home. We are so tempted to rent a cabin at a state park or at the lake for a few weeks, but we are staying put. We were supposed to go to Europe next year but I am not planning a thing right now and it's depressing as hell. At least we got a cruise in right after the new year. 2020 can suck it.
No travel restrictions from California. The state is more interested in WHO you are with, not how far you go. They want you to stay with-in your bubble. No gatherings of more than 10 total people. Those should be held outdoors with masks and social distancing. My daughter has her own home 6 miles from us, and WAS in our bubble but we are staying apart because one of her co-workers may have been exposed to covid-19. If that workers test comes back negative, she is back in our bubble, if that worker tests positive we will have to stay apart for 14 days from the date our daughter last worked with that person. 7 days have passed so far, and given how long test results are taking to come back, we may pass the 14 days before the test results come in.
Our son, daughter in law and Granddaughter also live 6 miles from us, but they are not in our bubble. We have seen them once since March and that was only outdoors, with masks, and socially distanced.

im pretty sure CA banned all non-essential travel. At least, that’s what our government employer has told all of us.
I work for a school. Right before remote learning began, they were asking anyone who had been to hot spots to self isolate for 14 days, and they did keep any staff who had chaperoned the school trip to Europe, which included leaving northern Italy the day before it was known as a hot spot, home for 2 weeks. I'm not sure how sick time was handled. So I anticipate them requiring isolation per state guidelines when we return. Currently, in NH, we are supposed to self quarantine if we return from any state outside of New England or New York.

My husband's company tends to follow state guidelines, so I assume he is subject to quarantine if we leave New England.

We did a long weekend in Maine a couple of weeks ago, so that wasn't an issue. I have booked February vacation for within our state, rather than my usual warm weather getaway, to hopefully avoid any quarantine issues. Hoping by April vacation week we can leave New England again, but I suspect cruises will still be on the post vacation quarantine list, so we will have to cancel our Disney Cruise that was booked prior to the first known reports of Covid.


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