Whoever first put pineapple on a pizza should be locked up. Nasty! Give me olives any day!
Hawaiian pizza is how you tell a Canadian from an American. We may look alike and sound alike but we are not alike.

It's great for those of you who are privileged enough to:

*Have decently functional lungs where breathing through a mask isn't difficult or risky for you (I have a friend whose father was hospitalized - not for COVID, but because he has COPD and wearing a mask significantly reduced his oxygen levels, because it is a direct impediment to being able to breathe, which is already hard enough for him)
*Be neurotypical and not have sensory sensitivities (friend of mine who is autistic had a meltdown from the sensory overload of having a mask on his face)
*Not have children who are neurodiverse or who have sensory sensitivities (another friend's son won't be returning to school in fall after he scratched up his own face over a mask)
*Have good hearing (I am HoH. People's voices are now even harder to hear because they are muffled, I can't lipread for visual cues to help me figure out what's being said, and I can't lean closer to hear)
*Usually be in the company of others who also have good hearing

This is exposing that a lot of people do not know how good they have it, that they are completely oblivious to the everyday struggles of those around them, and that like everyone else, they only care about themselves in the end, no matter how much they screech about others being selfish to deflect it.

Yep, I said it. Don't give me some bull about "but vulnerable people could get sick and die!" Vulnerable people can get sick and die during flu season, and you don't care then. You care now because someone told you that you could die. You know that as a person of average health, you most likely will not die from the flu, so you walk around with no mask and don't care that others do the same. But now that they are blasting news reports of "TOTALLY HEALTHY PERSON DIES FROM COVID!!!!" you think everyone should be required to wear a mask, to protect you. Stop acting like forcing everyone to wear masks is coming from a place of caring about others. No one else's struggles matter because you could get sick. You're as selfish and self-serving as everyone else.
Dial it back...this thread isn't for actual arguments. (As has been mentioned lots of times since you posted but I couldn't resist.) Do let us know though, where you stand on Hawaiian pizza.
Same people who call breakfast “Breckie” and a sandwich a “Sammie”-
And if I never read the words "mashed 'taters" on this board again it will be too soon. Are you purposely trying to make yourself sound like Granny Clampett? Why?
Hawaiian pizza is a winner.
Pizza with olives, onions, mushrooms, +/- anchovies is also a winner.
Deep dish is better than thin crust.
Worst pizza in the world is still edible
The worst pizza in the world is in Italy.
Worst pizza in the world is still edible

We made a 'za (since we are doing zany food abbreviations) out on the egg a couple of weekends ago and forgot to use the deflector. The crust was basically charcoal. We still scraped off the cheese and sauce and ate it.
.....I wanna argue about this: Who's BETTER?

latest about a good 'ol knock 'em down, drag out fight over THIS:

...:sad:.... this is how we all felt after being on hold for 2 hours and 18 minutes AND a 42-minute call. My DS is a DVC owner who originally made DVC reservations in January, for May 7, but kept pushing the date back after it was evident 2 weeks after the closing of WDW that WDW wasn't going to be opening any time soon. He never thought to purchase park passes because, as a family member of a CM, my other DS was going to maingate them when they arrived. SHAME ON WDW FOR NOT LETTING THE CM'S KNOW SOONER THAT ALL MAINGATING WOULD BE CANCELED TILL FURTHER NOTICE. In essence, they now have black-out dates from July until further notice. Had he had this information sooner, he would have purchased tickets on the spot. My DS found out about this the same day tickets were no longer bing sold. I am a diehard Disney fan, but really, I am so disillusioned by this whole thing. I could overhear the CM talking with my DS this afternoon saying that maybe they could still visit WDW for a "relaxing" vacation, like, you know, hanging out by the pool area......Really Disney? That's your comeback? He hung up the phone and just muttered, "Maybe we should just stay at a US/IoA resort instead..."
Last edited: about a good 'ol knock 'em down, drag out fight over THIS:

...:sad: this is how we all felt after being on hold for 2 hours and 18 minutes AND a 42-minute call. My DS is a DVC owner who originally made DVC reservations in January, for May 7, but kept pushing the date back after it was evident 2 weeks after the closing of WDW that WDW wasn't going to be opening any time soon. He never thought to purchase park passes because, as a family member of a CM, my other DS was going to maingate them when they arrived. SHAME ON WDW FOR NOT LETTING THE CM'S KNOW SOONER THAT ALL MAINGATING WOULD BE CANCELED TILL FURTHER NOTICE. In essence, they now have black-out dates from July until further notice. Had he had this information sooner, he would have purchased tickets on the spot. My DS found out about this the same day tickets were no longer bing sold. I am a diehard Disney fan, but really, I am so disillusioned by this whole thing. I could overhear the CM talking with my DS this afternoon saying that maybe they could still visit WDW for a "relaxing" vacation, like, you know, hanging out by the pool area......Really Disney? That's your comeback? He hung up the phone and just muttered, "Maybe we should just stay at a US/IoA resort instead..."

AGAIN, not a serious arguing thread. Doesn't anyone read the thread they post in anymore?

As far as this WDW mandate, it makes total sense since they are going with reservations at this point, and they can't control the reservations if people aren't prepurchasing the tickets.


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