How scary is expedition everst?


Wish I was at Disney
Aug 16, 2006
My kids have been on this and want me to get on with them next month. I can do Big thunder, test track, seven dwarfs mine train, primeval whirl no problem. In fact, these seem pretty tame to me for the most part. I would never do Tower of terror or rock n roller coaster though. Do you guys think I should ride?
Everest is fun. One big drop was uncomfortable my first time, but the backwards isn't as scary as it would seem. Not knowing what's coming is actually a little more comforting to me because I can't see the track so get me anxious. Overall highly recommend, and I almost always will skip Tower of Terror too so it's not like I'm some big thrill seeker.
I've never tried Everest, maybe will this next trip.

DH has gone on many times, including the soft open while the yeti still worked. He doesn't even recollect >:-( I told him many people would be upset hearing that, lol.

Anyway, if you go I will go :earsboy:
I've never tried Everest, maybe will this next trip.

DH has gone on many times, including the soft open while the yeti still worked. He doesn't even recollect >:-( I told him many people would be upset hearing that, lol.

Anyway, if you go I will go :earsboy:

I think im just going to do it and either i'll love it or tell my kids "never again". I've heard some people say it kinda feels like your going upside down at one point during the ride even though your not and thats probably the part im most anxious about. From the outside, it also looks pretty intimidating.
I think im just going to do it and either i'll love it or tell my kids "never again". I've heard some people say it kinda feels like your going upside down at one point during the ride even though your not and thats probably the part im most anxious about. From the outside, it also looks pretty intimidating.

I've never felt that myself (feeling like you're going upside down) but I'm sure that's variable based on who you talk to though.
My kid was terrified the first time he did it but for me it had been a decade since i'd been on it and I forgot it changes direction and didn't warn him - boy was he mad. I think if you are expecting it it is much less of a big deal than the first time, if that makes sense. The second time you ride it will be less intense than the first - it was years before he went on it again but KNOWING it goes backwards he thought it was awesome and now it is a must do.

That said, I HATE rockin' rollercoaster. The start of it makes me feel like my heart is stopping. I find it WAY more intense than Everest even knowing what is coming. So I'd say Everest is more intense than the MK coasters but nowhere near RR, closer to mountains than RR, especially if you are expecting the direction change.
I think im just going to do it and either i'll love it or tell my kids "never again". I've heard some people say it kinda feels like your going upside down at one point during the ride even though your not and thats probably the part im most anxious about. From the outside, it also looks pretty intimidating.
Ok, I'm in too! And I won't back out.
I finally did RnRC in HS the last 2 times and ended up loving it. Made me regret wasting other opportunities I had to ride and do it with my family. So this time... off to Everest :D

Like you said, you can always say 'never again'. And trying it's really the only way to know if we'll enjoy it. Have fun!
I think im just going to do it and either i'll love it or tell my kids "never again". I've heard some people say it kinda feels like your going upside down at one point during the ride even though your not and thats probably the part im most anxious about. From the outside, it also looks pretty intimidating.

The part where you are going backwards in the dark does give me the sensation of going upside down, but it is just a very brief sensation. I love the ride!
My kid was terrified the first time he did it but for me it had been a decade since i'd been on it and I forgot it changes direction. I think if you are expecting it it is much less of a big deal than the first time, if that makes sense. The second time you ride it will be less intense than the first

I grew up with a racing wooden roller coaster with one track that went backwards, so that explains why I'm not as shaken on Everest with that portion XD
Ok, I'm in too! And I won't back out.
I finally did RnRC in HS the last 2 times and ended up loving it. Made me regret wasting other opportunities I had to ride and do it with my family. So this time... off to Everest :D

Like you said, you can always say 'never again'. And trying it's really the only way to know if we'll enjoy it. Have fun!
if you loved RnRC, Everest will definitely not be too much for you!
I find the big drop to be quite intense. DS7 won't ride it anymore because of that part. That part is over pretty fast, so you can try it once and then say "never again"!
I'm always curious about the people who say it feels like you go upside-down, since I've never thought that at all. I know it's all subjective and that when you're going backwards in the dark you can mistake one feeling for another, but it never would have occurred to me that we were going upside-down. Maybe just because looking at the coaster's trains I can immediately tell that it's not designed for loops? So I know not to expect them. And on most coasters with upside-down portions, that's when I feel most pressed down into my seat--on the backwards portion of EE you get a little bit of negative gravity, which is the opposite of what I expect from most roller coaster inversions (there are exceptions, but you have to go through the inversion very slowly to feel like you're coming out of your seat at all; I've only ever ridden one roller coaster that goes through a corkscrew slowly enough to give me that feeling).
I can’t stand RnRC and love Everest. I would say the entire ride on RnRC is intense, while only the last ⅓ of Everest is. Everest starts off nice and calm and gets intense for a min or two at the end. You get great views on Everest and get to appreciate all the detail put into it up close and personal, so focus on that.
Its not that is so scary but that it is intense. I rode it or the last time back in April. That was going to be my final ride on it. The G-forces when going backwards are just too much for me now.


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