
I hate ironing.

Growing up, one of my weekly chores (always on a Thursday) was ironing all the bed linens and table clothes that had been washed from the previous week. In a family of six, that’s a lot of sheets. I had to do towels too.

I definitely learned the proper way to iron a business shirt by the time I was 12 or 13.
I hate ironing.

Growing up, one of my weekly chores (always on a Thursday) was ironing all the bed linens and table clothes that had been washed from the previous week. In a family of six, that’s a lot of sheets. I had to do towels too.

I definitely learned the proper way to iron a business shirt by the time I was 12 or 13.
Crease or no crease at the shoulder? I did my Ddad's work shirts really, really early on. I remember having to stand on a stool to reach the ironing board. I guess it's one of those things we survived as kids, like riding in the back seat without seat belts and drinking out of garden hoses. Who in their right mind today would let a 6 or 7 year old kid use a hot iron? :laughing:
I hate it but I do it and tell myself that it is therapeutic 😂. I have been known to do a little dance when it is done. Sadly my son appears not to appreciate my loathing of the task.... evidenced by the way he discards his clothes around his room and scrumpled piles in his wardrobe. Hmmmm.🤦‍♀️

Crease or no crease at the shoulder? I did my Ddad's work shirts really, really early on. I remember having to stand on a stool to reach the ironing board. I guess it's one of those things we survived as kids, like riding in the back seat without seat belts and drinking out of garden hoses. Who in their right mind today would let a 6 or 7 year old kid use a hot iron? :laughing:

no crease for sure.
I iron about once a day. I don't hate it, I don't like it. But I don't like my clothes being wrinkled. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, after reading this thread, but just about everything I own has some sort of wrinkle in it. Either from my high speed spins in the washer or from being folded or in a drawer for awhile. Even a sweatshirt seems wrinkled. Probably the only thing I don't iron is my leggings and workout tops.

I don't make a "thing" out of it though. The night before work the next day, I pull out whatever it is I'm wearing, give it a look and if it needs ironing (generally a blouse) I do it and it takes 5 minutes.
I'm not a fan, but I've doing it since I was a kid. Back then it would pile up and I would have to stand there for hours.

As an adult I iron at least twice a week so it doesn't add up. I find most of the clothes these day iron quite easily so it's generally a quick process.

However, my high schooler just came home with a very cheap dress shirt to be worn with his choir tux and man that thing is a beast. It wrinkles if you look at it sideways and the sleeves are sewn so poorly it's practically impossilbe to get them to look good.

My mom used to iron everything!! And as such, I learned how at a young age.

Now? I couldn’t honestly tell you if I still have an iron or at least one that works! Ironing is monotonous and I hate boring work. Mom on the other hand loved setting the iron up in front of the tv and watching I Love Lucy reruns while she ironed away.

I have one shirt that has to be ironed. It has been hanging in my closet, un-ironed and unworn since forever.

I think the last time I actually ironed something was when my 21 year old was in 3rd grade and started wearing school uniforms. The next year I was more careful about what kind I bought.
When I replaced my dryer I made sure to get one with a steam function. Before that I used the wet towel in the dryer method. As others have mentioned, it’s wash and wear only here. Hanging/folding right out of the dryer is good enough for me. The last time I used an iron was for a craft project.

I have a friend who LOVES to iron. She irons everything. She got a $600 iron for her birthday and was over the moon. She “just can’t” with me and my non ironing ways.🤣
I also have a friend who irons everything, including jeans.

My husband has stopped washing much of my laundry, though. He tends to take the laundry out of the dryer and dump it on the bed in a ball instead of folding or hanging it immediately. As much as I hate ironing, I don’t mind doing the laundry, so all’s good.
I don't iron too much. Vast majority of my stuff is hung up or laid flat to dry. For the most part wrinkles don't occur when that happens for me personally. I also have certain shirts that it would take quite a lot to make wrinkles because of the fabric.

My husband on the other hand irons he shoves his clothes in the dryer, then those clothes get thrown in a pile, so yup they get wrinkled and stay wrinkled.

It's not my favorite thing to iron but I'll do it. Often I hand my stuff to my husband because he's already in the process of ironing his stuff lol.
I don't think I own an iron anymore. I do have a handheld steamer that I use occasionally. It works just as well and feels far less tedious to do. In general, I find that as long as I hang stuff up right after it comes out of the dryer, it's not wrinkled. I gladly admit to running the dryer again quite often to make the timing work, however!
I iron about once a day. I don't hate it, I don't like it. But I don't like my clothes being wrinkled. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, after reading this thread, but just about everything I own has some sort of wrinkle in it. Either from my high speed spins in the washer or from being folded or in a drawer for awhile. Even a sweatshirt seems wrinkled. Probably the only thing I don't iron is my leggings and workout tops.

I don't make a "thing" out of it though. The night before work the next day, I pull out whatever it is I'm wearing, give it a look and if it needs ironing (generally a blouse) I do it and it takes 5 minutes.
That's how I do it too - iron just before I put it on. When I iron something in advance, hang it up and find it's acquired new wrinkles in the closet I just end up having to do it all over again. :mad:
I remember my mother not putting certain things in the dryer (or line drying) but rolling them up instead and putting them in the refrigerator for a while or overnight. Then she would spritz them with water before ironing.

By the time I was a teen she had stopped doing this so I'm not sure what that was all about.

Both my mother and her mother had this device. I suppose it was so easy to use you could do it blindfolded.

It wrinkles if you look at it sideways and the sleeves are sewn so poorly it's practically impossilbe to get them to look good.
Does the choir tux have sleeves? Just do the best you can and focus on the cuffs.
Does the choir tux have sleeves? Just do the best you can and focus on the cuffs.
Yeah they always wear the coat over it. It is just interesting how much of an incredible difference the quality of the shirt can make in its ability to iron up well. Since I usually iron a minimum of 6 dress shirts per week I am now very picky about which ones I let the hubby buy. :)


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