Something About Nothing ... #12

All must be busy or sleeping. Either way, I will leave the light on, though not for my kids. Mom announced lights out in our house, that includes all electronics turned off as well.

May all our homies have dreams that will be sweetly remembered.

Good Night.

Thanks for leaving the light on!

I hate stumbling in the dark

Saturday seems like the slow day on the San

It is catch up time for the homies that work during the week for shopping, cleaning, errands, etc

I’ll never forget how Saturday was the day I was busy with errands and getting the house back in shape
A past memory

Wait until you retire
Shopping during the week is easy

Sweet dreams everyone
See you in the morning!
Oh my`s been so many years since we did a big grocery shop on a Saturday!!! It`s not fun and I don't miss it......

We get so much done during the week with no crowds......well, except when Christmas approaches......then it`s never fun anyday!!!

We have boiling hot weather this morning......beautiful day but apparently thunderstorms later this afternoon...…..didn't think it was to be as warm so I have a slow cooker full of diced beef in red wine and other bits and bobs.....was planning to make mashed potato.....another winter dish on a boiling hot day...….got that one wrong!!

DH is slightly better today, but not his normal happy self....laid along a sofa waiting for the Hungarian Grand Prix to start in just over an hour.

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Ah, a later start, and heat like Schumi is having, but no rain today.

Perfect Sunday is here. Laundry, a bit of shopping, and relaxing. Yep, perfect Sunday.
Sending loads of Mummy dust to Schumi’s main squeeze, Tom for a rapid healing

Hope he recovers soon and can get back to being fine again

He has a birthday coming up this month and needs to be ready to have a special meal for it

Lynne that’s a perfect Sunday?
Laundry ?
Shopping I can understand but not the manual housework

Rain coming in to us this afternoon
Good morning everyone. Today feels like a lazy Sunday. I might do a little bit of laundry today. If I get really ambitious I may put the new bedding on the daybed in the spare room.

I was just looking at B’s school schedule. I think she did a pretty good job of putting it together. She only has 2 classes per day with the exception of Friday when she has only one. She does have one early class, 8:15, but it is only on Mondays. On Monday and Wednesday she is finished with classes at 3:00, Tuesday and Thursday she is finished at 2:00, and Friday she is finished at 1:00. I purchased her most expensive book yesterday. The school only offers it new for $135. I found it slightly used at Amazon marketplace for $55.

It’s just after 10:00 and I still haven’t officially gotten up yet. I guess I should shower so we can get lunch when everyone else gets up.

Schumi - Continued well wishes for Tom.
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Thanks for the good wishes again.........he’s on the mend again........he’s planning on some shed time with our gardener tomorrow.......I think the home brew wine might be sure what to make of that! They’re both very proud of what they’ve done.......the guys wife has said he’s made his own wine for years and it’s always nice.......I’m not convinced.......

Laziest day ever.......missed a friends brunch this morning as Tom just didn’t feel up to going and didn’t want to share what he, made our apologies yesterday, and today just sat doing stuff on the laptop and not much’s still warm and predicted thunderstorm hasn’t arrived......

But our weird summer dinner which was really a winter warmer dish of beef bourguignon......was delicious....I did make a very creamy mash and it went well.......that and a glass of a good red wine went well together.

Think it’ll be an early night for us........both yawning our heads off.....

Hope your Sunday has been a good one.......
:wave: Hi to all! It’s a long holiday weekend here, BC Day. It’s a provincial holiday and the weather couldn’t be nicer. Upper 70’s I’m sitting on the patio enjoying my wine spritzer and trying to catch up! The past week I’ve had lunches, brunch for an old friend who used to live here but now in Alberta, dental cleaning, sparkles covered, mani, and last night dinner with brothers-in-law them a friend popped in for dessert! Friends always welcomed, we don’t stand on ceremony.
Today church, then had to stop at the vet, and mall (Sephora) and cellular company to activate wifi calling. Hope to avoid triggering roaming fee of $7/day. I don’t have great expectations as Disneyland has awful wifi, that I need to book fast passes with. One can hope.

Schumi hope Tom is better soon. No fun being sick in the summer. Sounds like what your son had.

Charade, I was the one who taught daughter to drive! DH got home too late. Always better to do in daylight. Before her test we sent her for 2 lessons.

This time next week I’ll be in DL! Woohoo. Must pack, get pedi, have a therapeutic massage so my hip works, and tomorrow girlfriends brunch. Also have to fit in a birthday lunch for a friend. Lots to do before we leave!
Busy week for ya Sue, but woot! Leaving next week for some fun on the West Coast mouse land.

Schumi, hope Tom improves even more, so will be out and about tomorrow. I am enjoying a relaxing evening.

Ah, time for tea, and finish taking the clothes up from the laundry.

Have a good night all. May you have a sound sleep to wake up to a nice Monday morning.
Finished dinner at 7:30
Take out pizza......

Life can't get any better than this

Hey Sue, wondered where you were and was about to sent out the hounds to find you.
Happy BC day!

Charade, yes, college books can get costly.
Be glad you only have one to put through school.
Hope your daughter has an easy transition into college life.

Lynne, I kind of expected pictures of your weekend fun....
No zoo entertainment today I guess.

Schumi, hope Tom recovers greatly tonight and feels better in the morning.
He can't miss the shed time with the gardner Monday

Bobbie, hope you had safe travels to NJ today.
Have fun up there.

Keisha, your vacation was over this evening.
Now you back on family schedule and hope your week goes smooth enough so you can catch extra zzzzz's

Monyk, hope you had a laid back Sunday.
Back to a busy schedule for you Monday.

Pumpkin, hope you had lots of fun with your visiting family this weekend.
Hope you got that 25C temps you wanted.

Now I am wondering which "kid" on our thread have I forgotten..
If I missed you, I'll get you next time.
Kind of hoping Kfish would drop in.
I have insomnia and just hanging out on the boards tonight.

I think her baby girl must be a good sleeper.........
Kind of hoping Kfish would drop in.
I have insomnia and just hanging out on the boards tonight.

I think her baby girl must be a good sleeper.........
I’m hoping it won’t be that kinda night for me! It’s 11pm here so must be 2am for you now! Hope you’re asleep.
Must be that time of year again...… many complaining how bad Universal is...…..there is an answer......don't go!!!!

Anyway, Monday again...…..

Sue, sounds like a nice week for you....always love being busy!!!

mac....thanks yes, he`s doing much better today.....out washing the car right now...….then plans on checking on the wine. Gardener has arrived and trimming trees.....I get the feeling he is looking busy till they can check the wine...….lol...….have a great Monday......

Lynne.....not long till your trip either!!! Always feels good when it gets close.....

We did get lightning last night, no thunder though but plenty of rain. It was weird, but quite spectacular to watch it as it headed out to sea.....

Absolutely no plans whatsoever today......expecting a parcel which isn't for me.....friends birthday gift....thank goodness for Amazon!!

I do have this weird feeling that today`s date is important in some birthday`s or anniversary....all later in the month.....but you know when you have that feeling you forgot something...…..

Time for mid morning cuppa…....we`ve been up since 6...…. :thumbsup2

And in the vacation countdown chart...……………………..

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Love your picture posted Schumi. Went to dinner at DM's place, and DH asked how old you had to be to live there, After DM answered, little one said she thought DH was older than he was. HeHe, nope, not old enough for several more years to enter a retirement community like my DM is in. And how neat, to see the storm go out to sea. I like to watch storms come and go.

Ah, an almost cool feeling dark commute. With many more on the road, including a bike with lights (that I see from time to time), and a slow dude that I swear I remember him being slow behind before, and thankfully he turned where I thought I remembered him doing the last time I was behind him. Then, an odd line to get in, when the other line to get in, was empty. Guess everyone liked the one side more than the other.

Ah, a pinkish sky is seen. Took the sunglasses as it will be mostly sunny today, with a pop up thunderstorm on the radar most likely later today. Here's hoping I whack that pop up, and no rain for me, at least until I am home for good this evening. Have some errands I have to do on the way home, tonight, so a busy Monday for me. No matter, the AC is on, and that's good right now, as 88 is the high. Steamy feeling, so why the chance of rain is predicted.

With that, tea is needed, time for more shredding of why did I save that? Will be completely purged by the time I leave for my Fall trip. By the time I come back, I should be coming in to a new office, in a new building. At least that is when the latest plans have said. But it may not happen, as so far, the plan to move has slipped from last month, to next month, to now, beginning of October. Doesn't matter, we are all indeed purging.

May all have that marvelous Monday feeling.
Going to meet friends for brunch today who I used to work with over 34 yrs ago! We all worked in an ophthalmology group, and we were all in the same stage of life, getting started, having babies... and became friends. We still are, having maintained our friendship over the years.

DD says she’s taking clothes out she wants to pack. I need to do that too! It’s going to be hot in Anaheim, low 90’s. I think all I’ll need is a few pairs of shorts and some light tees. Maybe a couple pairs of capris.

Already have our Hot & Juicy day planned! Next Tuesday lunch! Thanks Schumi for that restaurant tip. So happy there’s one in Anaheim.
Sunshine today and no rain
Gonna be a great day

I have to go iPhone shopping soon
I have a 7 phone
How good is the 10 series ?

Any recommendations to guide me?

Hope all are back in the swing of the Monday morning work week ahead

I know Schumi is but her “ work week “ are always fun days
Carole - honestly, the newer ships are so large, you can easily never see the sea lol if that is the objective. Only a few times, on smaller ships and when sailing near a stormy area, have I felt the ship rock. They are basically large resorts where you wake up each am to a new port to explore. Getting ready to head out to take GD to another STEM camp this week.

Nice weekend, did get jacked into helping spawn against my will lol

Later, ran into two of DS at local mall after nice dinner & pre seeing toy story. They knew I was still miffed. Look what I found on my car window afterwards

My family’s unofficial group spirit animal hahaha. Yes, i’m Leaving it there until somebody inevitably swipes it at WM parking lot.
Can`t beat a Hot N Juicy Sue...….we plan to visit in September again......

mac....yep......I`m all about the fun!!!! No fuss......that's how we like it…...I don't think I could go back to work if I wanted to now......much to used to a relaxing lifestyle....and Tom certainly agrees!!! I know you love your retired lifestyle`s fun!!!

Keisha...….lol.....I love the sound of your sons!!!! They have a good sense of humour and I`m guessing there`s a story in that animal somewhere.....there usually is!!!

Oh I just get sweaty palms thinking about ships sailing anywhere......we have a friend with a boat, and it`s a big boat and he has never been able to talk me into going out in it with them...….my answer is always the same.....people die out there and then rhyme off a dozen disaster movies of that ilk!!!! He finds it hilarious......I`ll fly 40,000 feet in the air in a tin can, but won`t go on a boat!!! Have fun with GD...….

Definitely a lazy day here......although realised I really do live the luxury lifestyle when my friend who lives beside the sea as I do, just along the coast a bit, called me to tell me it was a great drying day for washing and hoped I had washing on my line!!!!! Yes, it was a highlight of my`s even more house proud than I am!!!

Tom is much better thankfully....and apparently the wine is ready....both red and white......can`t say I`m genuinely looking forward to trying it.....

Grilled sea bass for dinner tonight...…looking forward to that!

Hot outside but very breezy...….yes, perfect drying day lol......
423162 - my little laptop took over 3 hours to right itself. Seems some of the software that was pushed, was corrupted. Um, wouldn't it be vetted before some of us complained? Sigh.

Mac, my kids have a XR and X phone, and both are happy. Since the price of the 10 is the same as the X, I'd buy the X or XR, depending on what you do with your phone. Little one has the X, as she likes taking pictures more than older one, and stores much more crap on it then he does too. Plus, she could care less about the color of the phone, but older one likes having a red phone. Both work great, and I also have a 7 plus, so I am almost ready to upgrade one of these days too. Maybe next year, as I am not in a hurry, and I hate having to down load everything on the new phone, and have the apps where I like them, and remembering my passwords for the apps that I do have.

Sigh, time to go home yet?

HaHa, cute window decor, Keisha.

And yeah, cruising is not for everyone, Schumi. I don't mind, just have to take that motion sickness pills, as I get sea sick otherwise. The ships get huge, and are like floating hotels. We'd cruise more if I felt like it. But I enjoy the parks some of the time instead.

Tea, hello -- I could use some.


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