No more smoking or vaping in the parks

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Having to leave the park each time they want to light up is going to get very old. I doubt smokers are going to want to do that. And their family certainly isn't going to want to wait for them each time.

They shouldn't wait. They should continue on with their day, and meet up once the smoker is finished.

I've never been a fan of waiting around for 1 person while they do something no one else can/wants to do. If someone in my party is the only one who wants to ride a ride, I don't stop everything and sit and wait for them (unless I want some popcorn and to people watch), I continue on.
Okay... A crack addiction can be all consuming as well, but you can’t do that in the parks either. I’m not seeing the issue.

As a former smoker I’ll say that it would have been inconvenient, but it wouldn’t have stopped me from enjoying the parks with my family. If it were TOO big of an issue for me, I would have needed to re-evaluate my priorities.

We go a lot of places they is smoke free. But most of those places it’s a couple of hours, four hours max. A 12 hour park day is a little different.

As for priorities, if my family truly wanted to go or invited us to go with them, we would go, because yes they are the priority but since I am the one usually doing the planning and paying, it will be rethought.

Dh and I have been discussing a big trip with the family. And in the past, we stayed on site and never left when there. All of that will change. We will stay off site and eat at least 2/3 of our meals offsite. And I imagine instead of 6 days in Disney it will become 3 days with the other 3 scattered in between and going to other places.

Where as if we do Universal, at least until they follow suit, we will go for 6 days and all of our dollars will be spent at Universal.

We have also talked about just a couples trip to WDW when we get through with the house. Probably not going to happen. Too many other places we can go, where we won’t have the inconvenience.

Not saying any of this will hurt Disney. It won’t. And to be honest, it’s just one final straw. There have been many things that have made Disney less appealing to us. Most of them about “one more thing to pay for” but we were willing to go for the grands. Now, it’s all that to pay for and less comfort for us.

Here is the thing, everyone has that something that makes or breaks it for them. I mean people were up in arms over straws! For some it just may be the big strollers. There may be some for who it’s the ice and the inconvenience of it when they have no way to freeze the ice packs (but I bet the the resort cs places will have nice frozen ones to buy!!)

I am fairly certain that there are people who stopped going when they had to start paying to park.

And to be fair, any decision they make is going to have someone unhappy. Just the way of the world. But for some smokers, this will be that thing. Is it enough to hurt Disney? Probably not. But if changes keep coming and keep making people have to pay more for less convenience, some day it might be.
On the news and rumors board, someone posted a picture of where the area is supposed to be for MK ... it's kind of to the side of the boat launch on the water. I hope it's far enough from there that the smoke isn't going to drift onto the people waiting on the boats. It may be a DSA already, so if that's the case it is probably far enough to not be a problem.

So if smokers can't go a day in the park without, or at least with only 1-2 treks out there, how do they handle long flights? It just seems awful to be constantly thinking about where/when/how to get the next fix. I'm sorry for anyone stuck in that.

The area will be more crowded than ever before. Most smokers will go there to get a "last" cigarette before entering the park, where most times they would just wait until they saw an area later on. While many smokers can go many hours without a cigarette, a bug trigger for needing is eating a large meal. Most smokers will want a cigarette after eating and if they trek all the way out to have one, most likely they will have 2, possibly 3 before entering again. And of course, the second they get out of the parks. I imagine the area neear the boat launch will be crowded on the morning, around meals times and exit times.

Although hubby no longer smokes, I imagined what I would do if he still did and a thought came to mind that I would probably just be sitting with my family after eating, using up a table, while he ran for a cigarette after eating, which could take close to an hour between walking and smoking. There will be lots of families using up tables at both QS/TS. That should make the "experience" enjoyable for all ! Expect wait times for your ADRs.
They shouldn't wait. They should continue on with their day, and meet up once the smoker is finished.

I've never been a fan of waiting around for 1 person while they do something no one else can/wants to do. If someone in my party is the only one who wants to ride a ride, I don't stop everything and sit and wait for them (unless I want some popcorn and to people watch), I continue on.

Since when we go, we are there as a family, we do things as a family. But, we have always done it so that the kids didn’t go to the DSA. So, for example, while dh and kids rode Space Mountain, I would go smoke. They come off the ride, I would take them in one of the shops to look around or to get a drink or ride something else while dh smoked. Then we went on with our day. Actually at most we will smoke 3-4 times during the day. It’s the trek all the way out of the park that is the problem.
Years ago when my state banned smoking in restaurants, there was a huge uproar. Smokers were never going to restaurants again! Restaurants and bars were going to go out of business because of this! Nope, many years later things seem to be a-okay. Restaurants and bars are still going strong here; if anything the ban helped them - in fact the restaurant association had even lobbied for the ban.

Disney did not do this without examining the potential effect to their bottom line, and they must have decided at a minimum it would not hurt them.

Ditto in my home state. You would have thought the sky was falling. And it has turned out great!!

And it is so nice to be able to go out to eat and not have to ask to be put in a no smoking section, which more times than not meant walking thru the smoking section to get to.
Ditto in my home state. You would have thought the sky was falling. And it has turned out great!!

And it is so nice to be able to go out to eat and not have to ask to be put in a no smoking section, which more times than not meant walking thru the smoking section to get to.

It’s that way here. You can’t smoke within 500 ft of the door. But it wasn’t an big issue though when it started. And it has never been a big deal. Most people with kids sat in non smoking before that anyway.

I laughed at the bars though. Drive by on a weekend night and half the patrons would be outside smoking. I always wondered how they dealt with a bar full of drunks now agitated because they can’t smoke. Most all of them have now built a deck on back where they do allow smoking.
Although hubby no longer smokes, I imagined what I would do if he still did and a thought came to mind that I would probably just be sitting with my family after eating, using up a table, while he ran for a cigarette after eating, which could take close to an hour between walking and smoking. There will be lots of families using up tables at both QS/TS. That should make the "experience" enjoyable for all ! Expect wait times for your ADRs.

Seriously? :sad2:
Yea except CMs are told or won't say anything, just like at the store where I work- pets aren't allowed, only real service dogs. But nobody will say anything to avoid having a scene. So you're going to end up with people just smoking wherever in the parks, when it would have been better to keep the designated areas and enforced them better.
::yes:: Totally agree. The best way to keep people from smoking where you don’t want them to is to make it as convenient as possible for them to smoke where you do want them to. Smokers are going to smoke, at least a few times over a 10 or 12 hour period - it’s simply going to happen. This idea of not enforcing violations is just ridiculous.
At the risk of being attacked, and perhaps thrown off the board, I’ll give my thoughts. First, second hand smoke, outdoors is harmless. It’s unbelievable how many people worry about passing a smoker outdoors, but at 50 pounds overweight (or more) think nothing of walking down Main Street with burger in one hand and s Mickey Barr in the other.
I a aware that many people don’t like to pass the smoking areas. The easy answer is, as smokers had to walk out of our way to the smoking area to smoke, why not go a few steps out of their way to avoid passing it? Oh, right, many are too out of shape to take 5 extra steps...but they’re worried about my second hand smoke. Really??!

You sound lovely. I just have to ask, are you sing
Ok clearly you dont understand how experiments (research) work. You are the one who holds the burden to proof...but it doesn’t exist because it would be near impossible to prove given all the other pollution in the air. (No one ever attacks drivers though.) Common sense would tell you though that in the outdoors, smoke from a cigarette is so diluted it will not harm a non smoker. It’s the same as swimming in the ocean. There is urine, feces, dead bodies, you name it in the ocean, but it is safe to swim because it is such a large body of water, the dilution makes it safe.
People believe whatever the hear without thinking for themselves or applying common sense she.
It’s funny though that so many people at Disney who profess to be worried about their health consume an ungodly amount of calories while visiting the parks, even though they’re already overweight.
Part of this is also because many people complain just because they dont want to be inconvenienced by avoiding the smoking areas. People should practice the tolerance they preach.

You insist common sense dictates secondhand smoke outdoors dissipates too much to be a threat. Curiously you've no issue with another contention on the thread, that the message about the dangers of smoking hasn't been thoroughly and clearly sounded for decades now. Doesn't take much common sense to tell us that's complete nonsense.
Actually at most we will smoke 3-4 times during the day. It’s the trek all the way out of the park that is the problem.

So if it's already only 3-4 times in a day, would it be that big a deal to make it 2-3 times? Have one before going in, enjoy the morning, go somewhere for lunch that's convenient to the park exit ... Plaza, or Tony's, have one after lunch (when you're already part of the way there), and then one when you leave? That's 3 times right there. You could even add a 4th by going before lunch ... break off from the group 30 minutes before meeting at the lunch spot, or even ask them to get seated and order for you. Alternatively, could you use the nicotine gum at some point in order to hold off smoking awhile longer?
So if it's already only 3-4 times in a day, would it be that big a deal to make it 2-3 times? Have one before going in, enjoy the morning, go somewhere for lunch that's convenient to the park exit ... Plaza, or Tony's, have one after lunch (when you're already part of the way there), and then one when you leave? That's 3 times right there. You could even add a 4th by going before lunch ... break off from the group 30 minutes before meeting at the lunch spot, or even ask them to get seated and order for you. Alternatively, could you use the nicotine gum at some point in order to hold off smoking awhile longer?

both DH and I smoke so its a bit harder to navigate than that. Its not limiting the number, its having to trek all the way out the gate. Neither of us can do the gum. The taste makes me sick.

We could eat at those places, but we don't want to. Having been so many times, I know how we do things and we honestly are not in that area except at opening and again at closing. We don't spend that much time in the middle of the day around Main St. Like I said, for us, we will go with the grands but we will plan differently now; its just the almost final straw.
both DH and I smoke so its a bit harder to navigate than that. Its not limiting the number, its having to trek all the way out the gate. Neither of us can do the gum. The taste makes me sick.

We could eat at those places, but we don't want to. Having been so many times, I know how we do things and we honestly are not in that area except at opening and again at closing. We don't spend that much time in the middle of the day around Main St. Like I said, for us, we will go with the grands but we will plan differently now; its just the almost final straw.

Basically Disney and non smoking guests should make accommodations/accept the inconveniences of your choices to smoke because it's too onerous for you to shoulder the burden of your habit?
Most importantly, crack isn't legal. Cigarettes are. Actually, just as important is the fact that we're not talking about crack! And of course not everything that is legal is allowed in Disney parks...and I understand they would like to phase it out...this just doesn't seem fair to smokers that they've accommodated for so long. There are still a lot of them out there.

I'm glad for you that your addiction wasn't that strong. I know that mine was.
They are still accommodating smokers. They are just moving the DSAs to outside the gates, not eliminating them completely. While very inconvenient, at least there still is a place to smoke. Many venues are eliminating DSA's completely. Disney could have said that the whole property is smoke free.
Basically Disney and non smoking guests should make accommodations/accept the inconveniences of your choices to smoke because it's too onerous for you to shoulder the burden of your habit?

What the heck does non smoking guests have to do with my habit? I don't smoke outside the DSAs. I only use the ones that are out of the way so if you walk by my cigarette when I am not on the main path, that is on you not me.

I didn't say Disney should make accommodations for anything. They could have done a few things besides a ban, like, I don't know. . . enforcing the rule they already had? (since they basically aren't going to enforce this one either, its not even going to be an issue for some smokers). I am not going to chew something that makes me sick to suit you, Disney or anyone else. Do you choose where you eat by what is convenient or what you like to eat? Because I smoke, I should choose a restaurant that none of my grandkids will eat the food from so that its close to the gate? Not going to happen either. If that was the only choice to make, I will go off site to eat and be done with it.

But I can choose to spend my money where I want to and where I enjoy my day. If I or anyone else chooses to not spend our money at Disney because of the smoking ban, the paying to park, the ridiculous prices, the hundred and one extra money grabs or because they think they can't get a flipping straw; its out choice and we get to make it.

I will be changing the way we do Disney but we have been changing it anyway so just one more change.
They are still accommodating smokers. They are just moving the DSAs to outside the gates, not eliminating them completely. While very inconvenient, at least there still is a place to smoke. Many venues are eliminating DSA's completely. Disney could have said that the whole property is smoke free.

If I was a betting woman, I would bet the reason they didn't is they know smokers would definitely not stay on property at all if that was the case. They would stay off site. With international visitors that may affect that bottom line and they don't want to go there.
Putting aside the health risks to nonsmokers (asthma for example), cigarette smoke smells bad and it sticks to your hair and clothes! The one area in the Epcot World Showcase that was a DSA was impossible to avoid. Just walking past and downwind was nauseating. Because I had lung cancer I have to be careful and always carry a rescue inhaler with me. I have had to use it at Epcot.
They are still accommodating smokers. They are just moving the DSAs to outside the gates, not eliminating them completely. While very inconvenient, at least there still is a place to smoke. Many venues are eliminating DSA's completely. Disney could have said that the whole property is smoke free.

My town has banned smoking in public outdoor spaces and many private businesses have banned it on their property.
I doubt Disney property will ever be fully smoke free, but smoke free parks are nice.
It’s that way here. You can’t smoke within 500 ft of the door. But it wasn’t an big issue though when it started. And it has never been a big deal. Most people with kids sat in non smoking before that anyway.

I laughed at the bars though. Drive by on a weekend night and half the patrons would be outside smoking. I always wondered how they dealt with a bar full of drunks now agitated because they can’t smoke. Most all of them have now built a deck on back where they do allow smoking.

Yes, the biggest smoking areas I have seen at the bars at the waterparks. I wonder how that is going to turn out.

Seriously? :sad2:

Not sure why youre shaking your head. My kids are older now and only 1 comes to Disney with us anymore, but when they were younger and hubby was still smoking and would want a cigerette after a meal, I imagine he could just leave us while I waited for the check and we would wait for him to return. I wouldnt stand outside in the hot sun with the kids while waiting. Maybe you dont like that idea, but I assume you dont like smoke either so are only looking at it from a non smokers point of view.
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What the heck does non smoking guests have to do with my habit? I don't smoke outside the DSAs. I only use the ones that are out of the way so if you walk by my cigarette when I am not on the main path, that is on you not me.

I didn't say Disney should make accommodations for anything. They could have done a few things besides a ban, like, I don't know. . . enforcing the rule they already had? (since they basically aren't going to enforce this one either, its not even going to be an issue for some smokers). I am not going to chew something that makes me sick to suit you, Disney or anyone else. Do you choose where you eat by what is convenient or what you like to eat? Because I smoke, I should choose a restaurant that none of my grandkids will eat the food from so that its close to the gate? Not going to happen either. If that was the only choice to make, I will go off site to eat and be done with it.

But I can choose to spend my money where I want to and where I enjoy my day. If I or anyone else chooses to not spend our money at Disney because of the smoking ban, the paying to park, the ridiculous prices, the hundred and one extra money grabs or because they think they can't get a flipping straw; its out choice and we get to make it.

I will be changing the way we do Disney but we have been changing it anyway so just one more change.

That is BS ....IMHO. Some DSA's were impossible to avoid. Such as the ones on pathways or where I posted about the ones in Epcot. Just trying to walk to the international gateway you passed smokers on the benches that were DSA's. This is not on the nonsmokers!
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