Most ridiculous injury you have had in your life?

1. Sneezing while at an odd angle putting something in top of closet - threw my back out. I was down for a week or so. It was so painful.

2. When I was in 5th grade I went sled riding. Decided to go in just my snowsuit and ended up running over a broken bottle. Ended up with stitches in my butt.
Son shot me in the foot with a pellet gun. Pellet lodged between bones and had to be surgically removed. Then the infection set in. The pain meds then caused halucinations. Good times.
The other happened some years previously, not long after we got married. I decided to surprise my DH and hop into the shower with him. He was washing his hair at the time, and he spun around, startled, without lowering his arms. He caught me right across the bridge of the nose with his elbow and blackened both my eyes. I had a lovely time explaining to several medical personnel that yes, DH had done it, but no, I didn't need domestic violence assistance!

This one has me laughing so hard! Gets my vote for the most embarrassing, that's for sure.
Settng my hair on fire in biology lab with the Bunsen burner in University. Luckily a classmates got it out so I didn’t get burned just singed hair. The next time I went to the lab all the hoses were cut short.
Two I can remember right off ...

DH is a carpenter, and before we were married, I was helping him build a garage. He gave me the simple and safe task of drilling holes into some boards. I stood on the board, held the drill between my feet, wound my sock all around the drill bit, and scratched the crap out of my leg.

The second was a bee sting, on the arm, during an intimate moment.
I walked into a plate glass window at a Sears store. In my defence the window was very clean, and in those days there was nothing to indicate it was not an opening, ie line in the middle.

My nose was injured but not broken, my pride that afternoon another story!
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I’ve had a few ridiculous injuries.
In 7 th at recess, a boy threw a glass coke bottle, across the playground. It shattered close to me. A chunk of glass bounced up, sliced my ankle wide open. Several stitches.

I was sweeping my kitchen floor before having my son’s Birthday party. I stepped on something, it stuck to my foot. I drug it across the top of my other foot, to dislodge whatever it was, and blood started spurting! Over a foot high! I’d stepped on a large shed of glass. I’d broken a huge bowl a few days earlier. That shard was hiding somewhere.

As a young teen...I was the passenger in a pick up truck, that was playing chicken with another pick up truck. Ridiculous. No one chickened out. Head on collision. No one was seriously injured. I had a hairline fracture in my collar bone, several cuts on my face that required stitches, my forehead looked like ground meat, and I had many bumps and bruises.
Years ago, I worked at the State warehouse. They put all 10 clericals in one big room. The supervisor at the time had a little office off the side with glass windows. Unfortunately, she promoted and they brought in this 70 year old woman who everyone hated at another office. She had guys come in and remove our cubicle walls, move our desks to face the front and instead of parking herself in her office, she put her desk up front facing us like elementary school. There was one employee who kissed her fanny and we all made fun of her for it. It was so obvious. This employee was dumb as a box of rocks and always late. One day when this supervisor called in sick, this employee was late from lunch. So, we were all joking around and I went up and sat in the supervisor's chair, leaned it back against the wall and was tapping the desk with this long ruler waiting for late employee. Well, it would have been funny when employee walked in but just as she walked in, chair went backwards and I went falling down. I got called in later to human resources for the mandatory possible injury report and the HR manager said, now do you know how to prevent this in the future??? I said yes, don't lean back in the chair. (should say that every single person including managers hated this supervisor).

2nd incident there. I continually had to walk to the far back of the warehouse to talk to the receiving manager because I couldn't read his writing and I had to input what he received. (btw supervisor told this manager that he had to come to me as I could no longer go back there. yeah, telling someone higher than you that does not go over well). So I'm walking back there and fall straight to the ground with my face planted on the floor. I had zero time to react it happened so fast. However, I'm not dumb. First thing I did was look in the mirrors that the forklift drivers use to see if anyone saw me. I had filth and dirt all over my face and clothes. This is no joke They took me out there later to find that ONE hole so they could patch it. Nevermind there were a thousand other holes.
Broke my arm playing golf. No I was not drunk.
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Had my bottom teeth go through my lip while skateboarding. 14 stitches later....
mine happened on taking our DGD to the Disney on ice show a few years ago

we were walking from the car to the arena almost there--I slipped on one of those yellow bumpy wheelchair ramps!!!

and just fell and slid forward--going down I kept thinking Im not going to hit my head which I didn't thank God DH and the guy beind me tried to grab me but it happened so fast down I went

when we got into the arena I went to wash up my knee was badly scraped as welk as my hand and arm since I used that to brace myself--which really didn't work

so I used very hot water and soap stung but a least I thought it was cleaned out enough

nope (I did keep putting on anitboctic cream) but a few days later my knee was feeling very warm and my finger was swelling

so off to the clinic I go--knee was pretty infected and finger was badly swollen so the point since Im on my feet all day the dr wanted me to stay off my feet for 2 days--which happened to be on a fri night so I was off the whole weekend!!

I still have the scar--those ramps are dangerous!!
I woke up one night and got out of bed to use the bathroom. Took 2 steps and I crashed into the ground, both my ankles rolling. Had to crawl back to the bed and use my arms to pull myself into it. I ended up with 2 sprained ankles. The pain was so bad when it happened I seriously thought I broke them both.
So did you just hold it for the rest of the night?
when ds was about a year old he was on my lap and started laughing, during which he threw back his head.......into my nose. both dh and i heard the crack of the bone. off to the e/r i went. about 6 months later ds was doing one of those trying to wiggle out of my arms manuevers and again, threw his head back............into my nose. another trip to the e/r (both times i went alone b/c we lived close and it was easier to leave dh home with both kids).

it should be noted that the first time you go to an e/r, alone w/ a broken nose and blame it on an infant they are pretty cool with it. the second time in 6 months.........they have a kindly social worker step in and counsel you about how there's no shame in disclosing who is battering you and getting help.
I tripped on my shoelace and fell on the treadmill-huge black eye. As I’m buying makeup in the drugstore to cover it up the clerk at the cash register is looking at my husband and asking me several times if I’m sure I’m ok.
Slicing open a hard roll, I sliced down between my ring and middle fingers with a butter knife.

Still have a scar (some 30+ years later).
I sliced open the fleshy part of my palm with scissors while cutting tulle for a costume.
In about 2nd grade I tripped over the sandbox at recess, I wore glasses and they broke and the glass lens pentrated skin right below eye brown and my less got stuck half way up...... Still a nice little scar to remember it by!


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