What trendy, over used, look at me I'm so witty phrases annoy you?

I know this isn't a phrase but I hate CALI for California. I think my daughter's generation (she's 32) started it.
Like if you are trying to like get some words strung together to like tell me something or like explain something to me like it’s something new or like exciting or like something your bestie told you kinda like gossip or like a rumor that her like sister or like an aunt might say like how to have good like sentence structure.
Things that are misquoted and taken out of context that they don't even know what it means in the first place.
When asking someone how they are doing or how their day is going....they respond “ Living the dream “.

I’m surprised that one wasn’t listed yet.
My bad.

Bae/Boo. I had a coworker ask me something about DH last summer. I don't remember what it was exactly but he referred to DH as my boo. I just looked at him and said "do you mean my husband?"

Baby mama/daddy.

I know right!!!!

I'm sure there are others but I can't think of any more right now.
Shade/clap back I know we live in a reality tv society, but those words and phrases irritate me to no end.
Boo/bae needs to go
Merch for merchandise. Is it really that hard to get the rest of the word out?
And oldie but still irritating is "kit n caboodle". My mom always said it, and drove me nuts.
I thought of a few more, most of which have been mentioned already.

Littles/minis. They are your children. Is it really that hard to say children or even just kids?

Preggers/Prego. Am I a jar of spaghetti sauce? I am not prego or preggers. I am pregnant.

OMG!!!!! or any other acronym. Must text speak really enter our daily vernacular? My 50 something aunt says this and it makes me roll my eyes every time.
This made me laugh and think of the phrase "remember as kid when you thought 30 was old! ". Obviously "50" must be your "old"..... lol.

Actually, I'm 56, so if I think that is old.... I do think it's too old to be using phraseology that is (or used to be) trending with the teens. I said in their 50's because I know someone in their 50's who does it and I think it's creepy. She's two years younger than me, that doesn't make her young enough to carry off phrases that aren't even used by teens anymore.


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