******Official 2017 Free Dining Plan Watch, Wait, and Dream

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OMG the before head is like Emma Watson if she had a hang over, was in the late stages of liver disease and was in the the early stages of transitioning and hadn't had any time on the hormones yet. If I were Emma Watson I'd sue for slander.

They also have nicer looking dolls for the movie-these are the ones I saw at Barns and Noble. At first I could understand why every one was saying they were so bad-now I know. there are ok ones and awful ones. View attachment 230815 View attachment 230816
Much better!
Oh my gosh, the CHURRO? Overrated???? :eek: I would go to Disney just to eat their Churros. Funny how you can love something so much and someone else doesn't. Lucky Disney has something for everyone. pixiedust:
I know right. I love the ones that Kentucky Fried Chicken used to have, then I had a Disney one and was very disappointed. I wonder if they taste different at different carts. Maybe the one I had was just overcooked, really it was so dry, it was terrible! But the one I had in Mexico was great!
Jumping in, I finally made an account on here. Ive been lurking on this thread.

I'm planning our first Disney trip. I haven't been since I was 5 years old! Also, haven't been on vacation in 6 years. We're shooting for end of Sept, waiting for FD like the rest of you.
Welcome! You'll have a blast agonizing with the rest of us....just wait and see what happens the weekend before it drops....Blam!
My favorite 2 rides:

MK: Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean
DS: Rock n Rollercoaster and Tower of Terror
AK: Everest and Dinosaur (soon to be Pandora I'm sure!!)
EP: Soarin and Universe of Energy (I know I'm in the minority here!)
Does anyone have experience with the following: you get FD and hotel/room you want then you go to book airfare and realize if I arrive a day later/earlier the flight options and prices are so much better - can you call Disney and just adjust check in/check out easily? Obviously it would still need to fall in the FD guidelines and window - but basically once you have FD has anyone made slight adjustments to their trip? I am going for 6 nights regardless but my arrival has a 4 day buffer if FD is available - and if it is I was considering adding an additional night - but that is something I won't be able to do until I know I either get FD or have dates picked and check airfare.

Sorry that is probably WAY longer then it needed to be but this lack of news is driving me bonkers :tigger:
This same thing happened to us last year, we booked Coronado for 5 days and found flights laters that were cheaper and when we went to add an extra day before trip the resort was booked solid and we had to add a regular day at an all star resort with no free dining that day.
I saw that doll. It is incredible. I'd never pay for it, but Disney/ should hire him. Like I said earlier, I felt bad for Watson.

Yeah I have to say after relooking at that doll, that is just mean. Mean it happened at all but to give that a thumbs up for production is bizarre.
Good for you! I've noticed that Boston isn't necessarily giving the better rates. So glad....I hate the drive there, but especially after...ugh, just too far. We do the Stay and Fly package if we have to drive there, 3 1/2 hours for us in NH. We recently discovered a small airport in W. Lebanon and you can fly into Boston in 45 minutes. We are trying that for a cruise we are taking out of Cape Canaveral in May. Tiny plane, 8 seats...it will be like a Disney ride...LOL!
LOL! Not as much fun as a Disney ride I'm sure!! You're way up there, I'm on the Mass. border so Boston is just a little more distance wise than Manchester, but traffic wise, forget it! I won't drive in to Logan, I'd rather take the shuttle!
@FinnsMom7, if you wish to change the dates of your trip it will depend on availability. There is no guarantee that Disney will be able to move your dates (even if they still fall within the FD dates) to accommodate flights, etc.
This same thing happened to us last year, we booked Coronado for 5 days and found flights laters that were cheaper and when we went to add an extra day before trip the resort was booked solid and we had to add a regular day at an all star resort with no free dining that day.
Yea I can see that happening, my hope is everything will just fall in place. Last December I got my DH to agree to go and then our last night he was like let's add a night! If dealing with the flight change didn't cost and arm and a leg I would have. So this year I want to go ahead and book a 6 night and then test out how a 7th would fit in, even if it means traveling later in the day to Orlando and making that a resort hop no park type day to get all ready for the week.
I had no issue with her voice whatsoever. Do people really think she was that bad?

Its not that it was bad- its that I can hear the auto-tune. Even with the auto tune it wasnt broadway quality which is what I would have preffered - especially singing along side Audra Mcdonald whose voice is so well known and so highly awarded on stage and screen. Plus I am a musical nut. I didnt hate her voice but aut-otuned voices are not my favorite-I like the real thing so it does take a way a bit for me. It wasnt terrible and I didnt walk out...I have spent many an evening listening to my sons middle school drama crew thrashing a gorgeous Broadway hit so it would take a lot for me to take issue with a singing voice. Not my childs though-voice of an angel that one ;)

Does anyone have experience with the following: you get FD and hotel/room you want then you go to book airfare and realize if I arrive a day later/earlier the flight options and prices are so much better - can you call Disney and just adjust check in/check out easily? Obviously it would still need to fall in the FD guidelines and window - but basically once you have FD has anyone made slight adjustments to their trip? I am going for 6 nights regardless but my arrival has a 4 day buffer if FD is available - and if it is I was considering adding an additional night - but that is something I won't be able to do until I know I either get FD or have dates picked and check airfare.

Sorry that is probably WAY longer then it needed to be but this lack of news is driving me bonkers :tigger:

Flights for fall suck reaaaallllyyy bad right now-at least coming out of San Francisco. I already have my SFO to MCO book because I found one flight at a reduced rate (half the cost of the other flights) but it did fly in a day early and arrive late in the evening sooooo I added a night at a value. If I had to I could do that with free dining. 1 night in a value is only 160 and change so it is cheaper for me than having a a flight that was over a hunderd more per person.
We really loved it as well. And I had forgotten how excited I was to eat at BOG after I saw the movie. I thought Watson was lovely. I couldn't picture her in the role, but when I saw it, it made sense.

Agreed! I thought Watson fit the part well. After seeing the movie, no one comes to mind who would've fit the part better.
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