This is us..

Omg! OP here! Thank you for posting this link! I had decided to stop commenting on this even though people were insisting it wasn't a nod to Tangled. They were pretty positive about it too, when reallly, no one could have known for sure. It wasn't worth arguing about to me, but thank you for confirming this. Here's a snap shot of that part of the article.

View attachment 225321

Pretty sure you aren't the OP


(I know you're probably talking about your original tangled reference post but I had to chime in)
I didn't think anyone was being insistent that it wasn't a nod to Tangled. Good for you for catching it!
Who watched? I thought Rebecca was unusually unlikeable in this episode. She blamed Jack for all her unrealized dreams, said she always followed him. Didn't she have a voice? Why didn't she speak up? I think the last scene was the last time she sees Jack.
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Either I'm heartless or the hype was extra ridiculous this time, but I didn't even come close to crying at this one. I'm getting impatient.

ETA: I had heard something about this was going to be a cliffhanger episode about how Jack dies? Nope....not that I see anyway.
I found this episode pretty boring. I actually much prefer the present day scenes to the ones in the past. And there was way too much hype over this one, nothing really happened except they had a fight & decided to take a break. I thought what he said to her in the fight was awful...." A 40 year old singing cover tunes is ridiculous". So mean!!! I just would have headed back out on tour if I was her.

I saw Mandy Moore saying this episode was something that had never been seen on TV before. Totally don't get that comment?? What do u think she was referring to?
Just wondering if people think Jack should quit his job because his coworker is hitting on him? Or should Rebecca go in & knock her out? I think Jack was completely out of control in this episode & she had every right to kick him out.
Who watched? I thought Rebecca was unusually unlikeable in this episode. She blamed Jack for all her unrealized dreams, said she always followed him. Didn't she have a voice? Why didn't she speak up? I think the last scene was the last time she sees Jack.

I agree that she was being ungrateful not to appreciate all Jack did for their family, and that she could have stood up for herself and her dreams at any point, but I don't think Jack was husband of the year in this episode either, to show up drunk to her show and punch the other guy, then blame Rebecca for his drinking and then basically call her career a joke.

I thought it was a very honest episode about how people in a marriage sometimes communicate very badly, and blame each other for unfulfilled dreams instead of seeing how the marriage and the kids *are* a dream come true for many people. So I thought it was good in that way, but a sad and depressing show for the season finale
Didn't care for the episode at all.
:sad2: Extremely anti-climactic. This entire show as been pretty much a disappointment to me; I guess I was just hoping for something a little different from the way the series was originally promoted.
I, too, was expecting some big BLAMO moment and it didn't happen. I didn't hate the episode though. I thought the fight scene was very realistic. Not happy to admit it, but I've been there, done that.

The title of the episode didn't make sense until the final minute. Not sure if everyone caught it, but the name of the song she was singing at the bar was 'Moonshadow' and that also made her moon necklace make sense too.

There's so many cliffhangers. I don't think Kevin's will end favourably just because Jacks voiceover said something about the kids making mistakes.

I will have more thoughts as we dissect this episode for the next week lol
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