Everybody Wants to be a WISH Cat (or dog, or goose, etc...) - October 2016 WISH Challenge

October 21 - Question of the Day

Friday Fun!

Berlioz is the master maestro at the piano...




And Toulouse is a master painter... well... for a cat!


Other than being a wonderful support system and inspiration for us all on the DIS,
what other hidden talents do you have? Musical, Artistic, or otherwise!

Do I spy a Memento Mori picture? LOL That's wonderful that your journey is inspiring your players too-- Awesome all the way around!!!

Guilty as charged! Nice catch.

Other than being a wonderful support system and inspiration for us all on the DIS,
what other hidden talents do you have? Musical, Artistic, or otherwise!

I used to be good at eating... I mean, really good.
October 21 - Question of the Day

Friday Fun!

Berlioz is the master maestro at the piano...




And Toulouse is a master painter... well... for a cat!


Other than being a wonderful support system and inspiration for us all on the DIS,
what other hidden talents do you have? Musical, Artistic, or otherwise!

I am not sure how good my talents are but I was a pretty good soccer player. I also played the triangle and cymbals in band (I was in percussion but was really bad at the other instruments). I did twirl the flag and a rifle in the marching band in high school. I don't do any of these any more though other then taking my flag and rifle out to show the kids now and then.

I do love to sew. I haven't in a long time though. There just is not enough time. I did make my prom and homecoming dress one year in school. I have made a flannel shirt with matching up the lines and everything. I love doing it and it is very calming for me. I need to start getting back into it.
I used to be good at eating... I mean, really good.


I did twirl the flag and a rifle in the marching band in high school. I don't do any of these any more though other then taking my flag and rifle out to show the kids now and then.

Me too!!! I don't anymore either. I think the flag and rifle are still at my mom's house back in Georgia. I should pull them out some time Haha!

I did make my prom and homecoming dress one year in school. I have made a flannel shirt with matching up the lines and everything. I love doing it and it is very calming for me. I need to start getting back into it.

That is "sew" cool! (Don't mind me... laughing to myself) But seriously! I wish I could do that. I worked in the costume shop for the theater at my university for a year. It was fun and they taught me how to use the machine....But the most complicated thing I made was a silk handkerchief... I think that's something I could enjoy as well. I've made teddy bear clothes and a few Youtube easy DIY skirts and shirts, but I would love to take a class and learn how to make a legit dress or outfit. Anyway, very neat!
That is "sew" cool! (Don't mind me... laughing to myself) But seriously! I wish I could do that. I worked in the costume shop for the theater at my university for a year. It was fun and they taught me how to use the machine....But the most complicated thing I made was a silk handkerchief... I think that's something I could enjoy as well. I've made teddy bear clothes and a few Youtube easy DIY skirts and shirts, but I would love to take a class and learn how to make a legit dress or outfit. Anyway, very neat!

I don't if I could make this stuff now. It has been almost 20 years since I Did and real sewing. My daughter wants to learn so I need to either get her in classes or teach myself again. My mom is really good. That is where I learned. Might be time to hang out at my moms more.
October 21 - Question of the Day

Friday Fun!

Berlioz is the master maestro at the piano...




And Toulouse is a master painter... well... for a cat!


Other than being a wonderful support system and inspiration for us all on the DIS,
what other hidden talents do you have? Musical, Artistic, or otherwise!

I guess my talent is cooking, I love trying new and challenging recipes (part of the reason I'm in this mess) and I was doing Piano lessons for awhile, before life got busy, so I can play some.

We got an unexpected addition to our family last night. There was a kitty in the woods near where my daughters have horseback riding lessons. It was meowing like crazy so I went in the woods to find it and she came right to me. Their instructor said people dump their cats there all the time. So we decided to bring her home. She is very sweet and loves the kids. We are trying to think of a name.
I guess my talent is cooking, I love trying new and challenging recipes (part of the reason I'm in this mess) and I was doing Piano lessons for awhile, before life got busy, so I can play some.

We got an unexpected addition to our family last night. There was a kitty in the woods near where my daughters have horseback riding lessons. It was meowing like crazy so I went in the woods to find it and she came right to me. Their instructor said people dump their cats there all the time. So we decided to bring her home. She is very sweet and loves the kids. We are trying to think of a name.
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Your own female Belioz! LOL! She's sooooo pretty! What a perfect little Halloween present from the universe :-)
Vacation/holidays: I just try to make good choices and not go overboard. I know I'm going to eat more calories than normal but I try to keep it in check and not go crazy. Disney it helps that we walk a lot. Thanksgiving it helps that I run that morning. And our Thaksgiving plans involve 2 meals in one day so its a crazy calorie day. I eat the "best" things at each house so this helps me not "waste" calories on items that I dont feel are worth it. It helps that I dont like pumpkin pie either lol
How do you keep yourself in check when you go on a trip?

Who has plans already for Thanksgiving (for the Americans here) or Winter Holiday travel?

We don't have any trips planned :sad1: - Our next holiday is Christmas - I don't think it will be too bad really as it is hot here we generally have salads with our roast chicken and turkey. So I will indulge without too much worry. I don't really over snack that day really ... I think it is that we are so busy opening presents and getting Christmas lunch ready to worry about it.

As for our holidays, I'm a little nervous. I always feel forced to eat two big meals because of the two family's meals

This is the one good thing about being single! No having to juggle the demands and food of 2 families :-)

The interview I did last Friday was on today. Nothing earth shattering, but here it is if anyone's bored

Great interview! And you look and sounded fine just like we knew you would :thumbsup2

Other than being a wonderful support system and inspiration for us all on the DIS,
what other hidden talents do you have? Musical, Artistic, or otherwise!

Hmmm that's tricky I guess something I would do when the kids were younger is make their birthday cakes in whatever they wanted - now I am not a master baker and they were simple but complicated sometimes - if that makes sense - but a whole lot of LOVE went into those cakes and my kids still talk about them today. I have done things like Jurrassic Park, Back to the Future, Thomas the Tank, My Little Pony, Rocket Ships, Princess, Castle, Batman, Free Willy (the Orca) - I had waves and everything for that lol, Hello Kitty and some more I am sure but can't remember at the moment.

I used to be good at eating... I mean, really good.

OMG that is hilarious :rotfl2:

We got an unexpected addition to our family last night. There was a kitty in the woods near where my daughters have horseback riding lessons. It was meowing like crazy so I went in the woods to find it and she came right to me. Their instructor said people dump their cats there all the time. So we decided to bring her home. She is very sweet and loves the kids. We are trying to think of a name.

Soooo cute! And is that a Storm Trooper in the background I see?


Hello all,

It has been busy this week with some early morning teacher/parent meetings meaning it was harder to jump on here and say hi. 7 weeks of term left and it is going to be crazy busy at work :scared: . I didn't get my paddling in on Friday morning this week - I was just so tired Thursday night I forgot to put the board on the car, I didn't get a good nights sleep - kept waking up and having random dreams - so when the alarm went off I was still exhausted and the idea of having to put the board on the car was a step too far :sad2: - but that is ok I really needed the rest and I will get back to it next week -and put the board on the car the night before.
I have been eating in maintenance since about 15 th and it's going ok... but.

I recall the Tony Robbins talk - repeat
Don't think about the colour blue, Don't think about the colour blue, Don't think about the colour blue, Don't think about the colour blue, Don't think about the colour blue, Don't think about the colour blue, Don't think about the colour blue. All you can think is blue!

In same way I have been thinking I should eat low salt the day before the flight to avoid bloat and discomfort and guess what - I had fish and chips with salt and vinegar. Like I haven't had this in few years??? Didn't really eat excessively, not the healthiest choice but I had half of the chips. I don't like the batter so I didn't have it. You wonder why did I bother getting fish and chips at all, but the cod inside is so fresh and delicious. I went over my calories little. As I had less some days it's all in balance. However, I feel really dehydrated and this morning - I need to get some fruit and yogurt smoothies. I am done with fish and chips. While I enjoy authentic Italian pizza or Indian meal, German sausage dog or a good burger, paella and pasta, Mexican, Thai - I love food. But fish and chips are going off indulgent meals list. Not cool to wake up thirsty in the middle of the night

We use to announce feasting season week before vacation and more and start eating outside, enjoying more drinks, stop the calorie counting. We don't do proper shopping as we think we will be wasting food. Like I will be only out of office for 2.5 weeks - I am not leaving for 3 months but I went out lunching with different friends, seeing my friend from my old job, we went out to celebrate DH passing big exam. It's great to go over the calorie balance for a week and see I managed great. Ok month ago, I would have not been happy about it as I was aiming for deficit. Seeing the calories over the last week is actually reassuring - I managed the in vs out well.

@4Mickeys - I hope I am like your friend and will stop coughing when I get on the plane as I am still coughing little. It's super annoying but I have a feeling the heat and drier climate will get this sorted in no time. Dampness doesn't suit me

I think tiredness is one of the things that need to be dealt with priority and rest. You can't loose sleep over not doing your step count or whatever activity you were hoping to. if you push too hard, well when I do - I END UP SOOO HUNGRY! It feels like hunger but no food can satisfy it as it really isn't and until I put my feed up and chill nothing will help.
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@4Mickeys - I hope I am like your friend and will stop coughing when I get on the plane as I am still coughing little. It's super annoying but I have a feeling the heat and drier climate will get this sorted in no time. Dampness doesn't suit me

I hope so too you deserve a fantastic time on your holiday I'll send you some pixiedust: to help :-).

It's great to go over the calorie balance for a week and see I managed great. Ok month ago, I would have not been happy about it as I was aiming for deficit. Seeing the calories over the last week is actually reassuring - I managed the in vs out well.

I am so happy to hear you are feeling good about both managing your food along with enjoying your life and getting ready for that vacation! You are sounding in a good place at the moment despite that cough.
Yes, I'm just now waking up-- LOL My meds are giving me insomnia, so I haven't been sleeping well. I decided to take full advantage this morning and sleep in!
I eat the "best" things at each house so this helps me not "waste" calories on items that I dont feel are worth it. It helps that I dont like pumpkin pie either lol

That's a great idea to eat "the best." I may have to try that! And I don't like pumpkin pie either! LOL

Hmmm that's tricky I guess something I would do when the kids were younger is make their birthday cakes in whatever they wanted - now I am not a master baker and they were simple but complicated sometimes - if that makes sense - but a whole lot of LOVE went into those cakes and my kids still talk about them today. I have done things like Jurrassic Park, Back to the Future, Thomas the Tank, My Little Pony, Rocket Ships, Princess, Castle, Batman, Free Willy (the Orca) - I had waves and everything for that lol, Hello Kitty and some more I am sure but can't remember at the moment.

That's really neat!!!
October 22 & 23 - Question for the Weekend



Man, these are some groovy dancing cats!

Do you enjoy dancing like these swingin' cats?
How do you get active? What sports or activities do you find most enjoyable?

I know we have a fair few runners on here for whom that's the major activity. What do you love most about it or any other thing you do to keep yourself active?

Bonus: What are you doing this weekend to keep up your activity up?
Walk around the parks! Turned out there is wifi on out flight. 3 hour gone 5 more to go... it's long....

Walking swimming dancing yoga are my favourites. I did yoga before the flight this morning- so relaxing.

Hey don't complain about your SHORT flight from Ireland to Florida! Munich to Miami this winter for me will be nearly 11 hours. :crazy2: Just kidding, I totally feel with you! But it will be worth it once you are there and have beautiful sunny weather! And you even have wifi on the flight, that is nice to have!
I am so behind with them, I better jump in with today's! Here it is already evening and my activity for today was to do my fitness DVD (despite having some weird shoulder issue, but I made sure to not move in a way that hurt and just went lighter on the weights) and walking into town and back to pick up a present for a friend who is expecting a baby. She is on the DIS, so I better don't tell you all what I got, but I am very happy as it is something really nice and has a Disney connection! Tomorrow I am planning to go for a morning run and then treat myself to breakfast at the new cafe that opened in my neighborhood. They are already so busy that you only have a chance of finding a spot inside if you are there at 9am when they open...

Otherwise I am very very happy that the scale finally moved a tiny tiny bit! I am thinking that I should have taken measurements as despite so little weight loss, my clothes feel much better...
October 22 & 23 - Question for the Weekend



Man, these are some groovy dancing cats!

Do you enjoy dancing like these swingin' cats?
How do you get active? What sports or activities do you find most enjoyable?

I know we have a fair few runners on here for whom that's the major activity. What do you love most about it or any other thing you do to keep yourself active?

Bonus: What are you doing this weekend to keep up your activity up?

I love running! It's something that I'm decent at and it brings me into the present moment. I do tend to let my mind wander which depending on the day can be a bad thing. But a lot of times I can just stare at whatever's in front of me and zone out.

Today is a rest day for me. I went to the gym yesterday and ran 4 miles and did some weights. But tomorrow is going to be a long run day of 5 miles.

Which brings me to my check in because I did all 4 workouts this week!!!! What's more is that I ran AND did weights. I feel so accomplished. My eating was great this week and I just feel really proud of myself. So this puts me at 45% for the challenge.

Unfortunately with birthday festivities and some frustrating news yesterday regarding my divorce the paperwork I filed, I haven't had the best eating. But tomorrow I'll be right back on track because I just felt so good about myself this week and I want to keep that feelings going.
Do you enjoy dancing like these swingin' cats?
How do you get active? What sports or activities do you find most enjoyable?

I used to love dancing when I was younger - these days I get puffed easily and feel there is way too much swingin' around that I feel self conscious and don't enjoy it :scared: When I do it I really enjoy paddling as you know - and walking but of course I enjoy the walk better if I have some water nearby! Lucky I live right near lots of water lol.

Bonus: What are you doing this weekend to keep up your activity up?

Nothing! this weekend is a right off activity wise and I really haven't gotten back into the activity groove for a few months now which I really need to concentrate on.

3 hour gone 5 more to go... it's long....

Hey don't complain about your SHORT flight from Ireland to Florida! Munich to Miami this winter for me will be nearly 11 hours. :crazy2:

Well I can beat both of you! For me it is 14 hours to fly to LA for Disneyland so if I ever decided to do WDW it would be 19 hours flight time plus stopover time at LAX to change planes! :crazy:

Otherwise I am very very happy that the scale finally moved a tiny tiny bit! I am thinking that I should have taken measurements as despite so little weight loss, my clothes feel much better...



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