The Running Thread - 2016

QOTD: Lets talk about compression. Do you use compression gear? If so, do you run with it, for recovery, or both? Do you find that it helps any?

ATTQOTD: I have compression socks. I do not wear them very often, but when I do its post run. I mainly use them when I am feeling a little beat up after a run. I find it helps, but it could all be mental. One other reason I wear them is if I am flying to and from a race. I look forward to reading everyone's response on this subject!

I have never worn any compression gear. I am kind of a big guy and have big calf muscles. So the thought of compression socks just does not sound good. I have never even worn a pair so maybe I am not being fair, but I feel like they would be uncomfortable?
QOTD: What is your current PR's for the following distances: 5k, 10k, 13.1, and 26.2? What are you goals for those distances in the next 9 months?

1-Mile - 6:18, nothing lined up until April 2017
5k - 21:48, Goal = 21:30 or a sub-7:00 MM in October
10k - 47:57, Nothing lined up
13.1 - Goal = sub-1:54:00 in November
26.2 - nothing lined up
My Dos Pesos on compression gear:

I believe that it serves the same purpose as KT Tape for me ... it's a placebo.

Do I "feel" that either bring me any significant benefits during long runs? Nope. I always feel the same after a long run whether I wear compression sleeves or KT Tape or Feetures with compression through the arch.

Do I "think" that either bring me any significant benefits during long runs? ABSOLUTELY. I still deal with the whole issue of "am I hurt, am I tired or am I just lazy?" during long runs and compression sleeves (both calf, knee and ankle/foot - depending on how I feel) and KT Tape immediately help check off the "am I hurt" thoughts off my mind when I'm running. Or, actually, the thought of injury or pain or anything like that doesn't even enter my mind. If I run without the stuff, I IMMEDIATELY think something is wrong with my calf, or I've got shin splints or something.

@BuckeyeBama mentioned it above - running is so mental that you gotta do what you gotta do to get through the run.

I wore ProCompression compression sleeves for every race during Dopey, and then I slept in ProCompression socks after the 10K, Half and Full and I DO think it helped with swelling and keeping everything in the shape it needed to be in. I also iced both ankles, knees and hips after all four races AND spent a couple of hours in a cold pool relaxing/reading each day, just to keep my legs as fresh as possible.

As far as everything else - I wear SparkleSkirts, but I think their claim that the shorts are "compression" shorts is kinda bunk ... especially on the new skirts. It's the same spandex material, which is fine because they hold in place and that's really what I care about. I've started having custom skirts made (similar to SparkleSkirts) and they use a material that is MUCH more compression-level than SparkleSkirts and I can really tell a difference ... especially in my hips.
ATQOTD> Another proud owner of Zensah calf sleeves that I only wear during marathons or very long training runs.
I also have two compression shirts but never seem to wear them.
QOTD: I have compression socks. I wear them to bed on days when I am feeling sore. They do help me. I have gone to bed with them on, very sore, and I wake up and from the top of the sock down I am no longer sore. I am a very skeptical person in general so if the product doesn't work I will admit it. I think these really work. I don't run in them.

I have never worn any compression gear. I am kind of a big guy and have big calf muscles. So the thought of compression socks just does not sound good. I have never even worn a pair so maybe I am not being fair, but I feel like they would be uncomfortable?

If you buy them at a running store, at least at mine, they measure your calves to make sure you buy the right size. My calves are pretty big as well and I obviously think they work. If you are doing fine without them save the $50/pair.

@Keels what ultra did you sign up for? I have been toying with the idea of doing an ultra next year, once I heal and know if I can handle the longer distances. I would start with a 50K though.
@Keels what ultra did you sign up for? I have been toying with the idea of doing an ultra next year, once I heal and know if I can handle the longer distances. I would start with a 50K though.

I'm registered for the Cowtown Ultra here in Fort Worth. It made sense as it's my home, I have many friends who run the half and then others that spectate the full/ultra because it winds through my neighborhood. And the least-supported parts are on the trail where I do my long runs, so I'm very familiar with the course.

It's a 50K.
ATTQOTD: I have a pair of compression socks that I wore once, after my very first 13 mile training run for Tink last year. The second time I tried to wear them, I couldn't get them on (damp skin from a shower) and I got super frustrated because the first one got stuck all rolled up around the bottom of my leg and were cutting off my circulation and I never wore them again. I think they are too small but they were the largest that they sold, they are CEP recovery ones, one of the men's larger sizes because the lady sizes seemed too small.

For capris, I have some Old Navy compressive ones that I wear for spin and cooler weather running. I also wear SparkleSkirts, but the shorts are not super compressive. Some are more compressive than others (but not the new black shorts which stretch out really easily :( ) but they are still not really "compression".
This made me laugh :) That is a long way to row row row your boat and it doesn't seem like you would be going very gently down the stream.
My 20-something year old self was overweight and out of shape...I don't miss him.

No kidding. I don't miss my 20-something year old self. Though it seems she would have gotten along with your 20-something year old self.
QOTD: I was just looking at the runDisney site and noticed that the marathon, Dopey, and Goofy are still open for registration. Assuming that is current, what do you think the reason is for the race not being sold out yet?

ATTQOTD: If I remember correctly, last year the marathon took some time to reach full registration (Really late I believe), but the challenges filled up fast. I think we are on the back side of a running boom, and perhaps a lot of folks did Disney as a one and done type event. To add to that, its one of the most expensive marathons (Registration and hotel accommodations + if you spend time at the parks) you can travel to in the lower 48. One other factor could be the economy is a bit down and people are holding onto their money... Maybe I am off on all points, and registration normally takes this long to fill up.
QOTD: I was just looking at the runDisney site and noticed that the marathon, Dopey, and Goofy are still open for registration. Assuming that is current, what do you think the reason is for the race not being sold out yet?

In addition to your thoughts, I'd add the big anniversary year of races in 2018. Since Disney events are so expensive, I think many people are skipping this year to run next year when there will be special anniversary medals for Dopey, the full, and the 10k.
This week we have the following folks with races. Since Monday is a holiday, I am including races on that day as part of the weekends races.

03 - @bellrae - Gold Coast (Australia) Half Marathon (2:30:00 / N/A)
03 - @Waiting2goback - Finish at the 50 (NG / N/A)
03 - @SueInBoston - Finish at the 50 - 10k (NG / N/A)
04 - @Disney at Heart - Peachtree Road Race (1:15:00 / N/A)
04 - LSUlakes - Run Wild 5k (21:00 / N/A)
04 - Dis5150 - Freedom 5k (NG / N/A)

If you would like to revise you goal time or are no longer running the race let me know so I can made the adjustment. Good luck to everyone and have a great race!
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QOTD: I was just looking at the runDisney site and noticed that the marathon, Dopey, and Goofy are still open for registration. Assuming that is current, what do you think the reason is for the race not being sold out yet?

Nothing new for the Marathon and Goofy. Goofy was cannibalized by Dopey and the Marathon is always going to be a little slow to sellout considering they are trying to convince 20,000+ people (counting the Challenges) to run 26.2 miles and pay money to do so. Dopey is a bit more complicated, but I think still reasonably explainable. According to reliable information from another thread they are down to just under 1000 Dopey legacy runners, so the number of people committed to doing it every year is dwindling. With this being the 4th year of Dopey the novelty has worn off a bit, many of the people wanting to give it go once have done so, and outside of the Half Marathon anniversary there isn't a lot to differentiate this year from any other. I think Dopey will sellout very quickly next year when all of the anniversaries make it a bit more exciting and a good way to accumulate all of the anniversary bling. Taking this board as an example, holding out for Dopey 2018 seems to be a thing.

All three are clearly feeling the effects of a drop in the road running boom as well.
I'm registered for the Cowtown Ultra here in Fort Worth. It made sense as it's my home, I have many friends who run the half and then others that spectate the full/ultra because it winds through my neighborhood. And the least-supported parts are on the trail where I do my long runs, so I'm very familiar with the course.

It's a 50K.

Sounds like the perfect situation. I personally think the 50K is very doable for an ultra. It's once you get to 40 miles and above that makes me nervous.

QOTD: According to Active they are all still open and I suspect they will be for a while longer, if they even sell out this year. The marathon didn't sell out last year. It was open until 7 days before the marathon. I don't think the running boom is dying, I think the runDisney boom is slowing down though. I just ran a 10K on Sunday with 10,000 people. The race this Sunday is a 10K and will have even more. I think last year they said there was 12,000 people.

I have been reading all over the forums, both here and others (I don't post on others they are just informational purposes :rolleyes1). Many of the biggest Disney fans are starting to get tired of Disney raising prices and cutting stuff out and it has an impact on runDisney as well. runDisney has been giving less for the money as well. There were issues with transportation at Dark Side this year. So, as prices of the races are going up people's perception seems to be the value isn't there anymore. We even talked about it on here a couple weeks ago.

With the 25th anniversary in 2018, and 5th year of Dopey, I think a lot of people are taking this year off and saving the money for next year. I was dead set on doing Dopey in 2018. It has been in my mind for 2 years now. But, I am starting to think I may just do Goofy, or even just the marathon. $550 or more for Dopey just seems crazy. I may still do it, assuming my ankle heals and I can even do a marathon at all, but at this point I just don't see the value.

I just read an article where there is a rumor that Disneyland will not be having fireworks once the 60th celebration ends. They are possibly cutting them for up to 6 months due to budget issues. If this is true this is just another example of getting less for the money. They are either raising prices on stuff or taking things away. And fireworks? That was one of Walt's must haves. I always knew Disney was expensive but I never had a problem paying more because of all the extras thrown in. Now that they are beginning to cut costs and take the extras away the higher prices are harder to swallow.

So, prices of runDisney races are going up, the cost of going to the events is going up, and it feels like we are receiving less and less for our money all at the same time. I still LOVE Disney, don't get me wrong. I don't blame them for any of this. They are in business to make money. With the crowds rising over the past years why not raise prices to see how much they can get out of people. I think we are at the point where we will start to see attendance drop, or at least occupancy at the hotels. I have read where a lot of people are cancelling trips, or they are deciding to stay off property. Eventually things will even out.

Hopefully I didn't offend anyone with my opinions. :D
QOTD: I was just looking at the runDisney site and noticed that the marathon, Dopey, and Goofy are still open for registration. Assuming that is current, what do you think the reason is for the race not being sold out yet?

I think Disney has priced themselves out of a lot of repeat business. A lot of runners had one or more of the Disney races on their bucket list and were willing to eat that high cost to cross it or them off but aren't willing to eat it year after year. There are so many great races all over the country, why do the same one again and again? Especially when that same one is so much more money than other equally well run events? It isn't just the race cost either. If you go to a city like Chicago and do a race you can spend less on a hotel, food, the activities you do the days before and after your race, etc. I love Disney and try to go at least once a year but I go for short trips as part of bigger Florida trips 9 out of 10 times. I have been doing other Florida races and then hitting up Disney for a day or two after instead of doing Disney races over the last 5 years.

RunDisney needs to look at their pricing, their a-la-cart pricing of everything, and offering better vacation packages to compete with other races in my opinion.
ATTQOTD about compression.
I've tried a variety of brands of compression socks (CEP, CW-x, Procompression, Saucony, Asics), shorts (Under Armour, CW-x, Zensah, Champion, Eastbay), tights (various Cw-x models, Champion) and t-shirts (under armour, champion c9)
If I have a nagging pain in a particular area I'll usually try running with compression on that area. I think one of the reasons that it might be hard to get hard data on effectiveness is that everyone's body shape is slightly difference so they amount of compression 2 people get out of the same item can vary even if they are sized properly. I've also found really big variations in the amount of compression depending on the item of clothing and the manufacturers. For example, I've used Zensah sleeves and they gave a good amount of compression, where zensah shorts didn't seem to have the same level of compression. I'd echo what other people have said that you need to see if it works for your either because of the placebo effect or science, but I'd go further to say, you might need to try a couple of different manufacturers stuff for the same item to get the one that works best for you.

QOTD: I was just looking at the runDisney site and noticed that the marathon, Dopey, and Goofy are still open for registration. Assuming that is current, what do you think the reason is for the race not being sold out yet?

ATTQOTD: If I remember correctly, last year the marathon took some time to reach full registration (Really late I believe), but the challenges filled up fast. I think we are on the back side of a running boom, and perhaps a lot of folks did Disney as a one and done type event. To add to that, its one of the most expensive marathons (Registration and hotel accommodations + if you spend time at the parks) you can travel to in the lower 48. One other factor could be the economy is a bit down and people are holding onto their money... Maybe I am off on all points, and registration normally takes this long to fill up.

I was suprised how slow goofy sold out last year given that it was an anniversary year. I think a lot of goofy runners opted for Dopey last year. I wonder if Disney increased the number of Dopey slots this year? I think the Novelty of Dopey wears of quickly. I love Marathon weekend and had fun doing Dopey but in talking with my running buds we looked at what we spent and switching from Goofy to Dopey wound up costing us each between $500 and $700 when you factored in the additional hotel, meals and race entry fees. That's a lot of money for a 5k and 10k.
QOTD: I was just looking at the runDisney site and noticed that the marathon, Dopey, and Goofy are still open for registration. Assuming that is current, what do you think the reason is for the race not being sold out yet?

With the 25th anniversary in 2018, and 5th year of Dopey, I think a lot of people are taking this year off and saving the money for next year.

ATTQOTD: I have only participated in one rundisney race weekend so far so I only have my perspective. We plan to go to Disney every 2-3 years throughout our kiddos childhood. Choosing other destinations in between for variety. So our next WDW will be when she is 5 which means 2018. We've decided that rundisney races will be not the same as the big family trips for my own sanity. If I or we (hubby & I) do them they will be short weekend adult getaways. So, I want to do Tink weekend very badly or maybe Disneyland half in 2017 but the budget version of disney travelling (haha, budget and disney in same sentence, let me stop laughing) and then in 2018 we will go to WDW in October with full family and spend stupid $$$ on a non-run trip in a deluxe hotel.
If I lived in Orlando area I'd totally be the one trying to make it to at least one race during almost every race weekend because I am super dis-obsessed (aren't we all.)

Now thinking about all the people (not just me), do you think the Star Wars new races have taken away WDW weekend people? Since it is something new and lots of people seem to like Star Wars?
QOTD: I was just looking at the runDisney site and noticed that the marathon, Dopey, and Goofy are still open for registration. Assuming that is current, what do you think the reason is for the race not being sold out yet?


Running 2014-2015.png

With U.S. marathon finishers decreasing by 8% from 2014-2015, it's no wonder why the Disney marathon didn't fill-up quickly last year. Assuming the decreasing trend continues in 2016, it's possible that the marathon never really fills up for 2017. I mean, given a total of 509k marathon finishers in the U.S. in 2015, Disney needs to get roughly 4% of all U.S. marathon finishers to register for their marathon in order to fill 20k spots. You need to have a pretty special event in order to get that much interest.

In fact, there are only seven U.S. marathons that get 20k+ registrations (see chart below), and after that, all other U.S. marathons are below 10,000 finishers. Now, the Disney marathon does have some pretty unique features: mainly, you get to run through four theme parks, you can stop for character photo ops, you can possibly ride a ride or two during the marathon, they have multi-race challenges, plus they provide pretty good entertainment along the way. That being said, there are some downsides compared to the other top 7 marathons: not many spectators, you likely won't PR especially if you want to enjoy some of the unique opportunities (photo ops, rides, challenges), can be quite humid, no big names because of prize money, fairly boring route when outside of the theme parks.

Marathon Ranking.png
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