DIS POP | 04/22/16???

I'm in the middle of watching it right now. I'm always all for more Ryno time (this + today's daily fix made my day), and so far I'm enjoying it.
I'm reserving my final judgement until after I finish watching, but it's a Ryno show, so I think I'm going to like it.
Got a notification about it, I'll save it to enjoy this evening, instead of TV. Like Sarah said - combined with Ryno today on The Daily Fix, I'm sure I'll love it! :)
I just finished watching ... this is a must watch for Ryno fans. Seriously, he's fantastic. I loved it - lots of interesting information and perspectives, and as the show went along Ryno seemed to get more and more comfortable.
I wish we had heard a bit more from Steve and Oliver (especially Oliver, who said very little), but I did love that we had lots of Ryno time. I really hope this becomes a regular (or semi-regular) series.

Also, if anyone runs into @sporter5353 before he leaves us forever (I know Tuesday was his last podcast, but I don't know when he's leaving Orlando), make sure to strike up a conversation about The Cheetah Girls. Apparently he's a huge fan.
This was a nice show and I'm sure good practice for Oliver on the controls. I will be interested in seeing how this develops if it continues. The problem with the first Captain America was that it was more of a overview of the Captains history then a solid tight story. I would love a DIS POP conversation on the MCU, their successes and misstep. Not sure if they are nerdy enough to have the comic knowledge background though.

As a side note I wish the DIS had a researcher. It always kills me that throughout all of youtube that people don't know information. Granted it is not necessary in the more limited scope of these types of shows. I'm sure Katharine Hepburn from the Desk Set would fit in well.
As a side note I wish the DIS had a researcher. It always kills me that throughout all of youtube that people don't know information. Granted it is not necessary in the more limited scope of these types of shows. I'm sure Katharine Hepburn from the Desk Set would fit in well.

Each member of the team seems to have a unique set of skills, skills that make them very dangerous. @DisneyKevin has forgotten more about WDW than I will ever learn and Pete knows the business end of Disney better than Bob Iger (sorry Llama but it's true). Tom and Mike can't set foot on Disneyland without explaining why a pebble was placed there, and Craig... well they had to hire a ginger. John, Kathy and Tess know all the ins and outs of the tourism business, and Ryno makes random videos to keep us entertained.

It's a Disney podcast. We could discuss the NY Giants running a pro V offense but I doubt any of the regular viewers would care about that either. As soon as you bring up comic books my eyes glaze over and I begin to hear Vilvaldi's Spring in my head.

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Great video. Love any Ryno vid. The DIS has been CRANKING it out lately!

Did those "Why we love the deluxe hotel" episodes get released yet?
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Great video. Love any Ryno vid. The DIS has been CRANKING it out lately!

Did those "Why we love the deluxe hotel" episodes get released yet?
Next week for the Deluxe episodes.
This was so fun. More Ryno!!!!!
Watched it last night. That was a lot of fun. It would be cool to have a regular show about Disney Music, Movies, and TV. Who doesn't love Ryno either.
As I've said before, even though I had/have no interest in most of what was discussed on the POP, I still loved watching/hearing "our three guys". :) Ryno also did a great job on the Daily Fix yesterday, and so did Ollie today (even though I'm sure he's beating himself up about some minor stumbles - I would be too - it's your first time, and you did GREAT - MUCH better than I'm sure most of us wold have done - so - be gentle on yourself, please!!!). I used to do a lot of "voice recordings" for work - phone greetings, emergency messages, auto attendants, etc., it's VERY hard to do something - especially the longer it gets - without messing up somewhere - especially when you know MANY people will be listening!!
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I watched last night and enjoyed the show immensely. I am not around Disney fans on a normal basis so these videos always make me feel less alone in my obsession, even though I can not pipe in with a question. The show had a nice flow to it.
I watched last night and enjoyed the show immensely. I am not around Disney fans on a normal basis so these videos always make me feel less alone in my obsession, even though I can not pipe in with a question. The show had a nice flow to it.
You can always ask questions in chat, and see if they will answer them, or post questions here on the Podcast forum, or send an e-mail, and see if they might answer them in the future (although I just got notice about POP yesterday, 4/27, and it says it was done on 4/22, so maybe in future it will "go live" with chat).

And as far as being Disney-obsessed - you are DEFINITELY among LIKE creatures, and FRIENDS here!! :) :welcome:
I enjoyed this show, was cool hearing especially considering the subject matter and my current state of contemplation in regards to if I shall venture out and see it or not.
As I've said before, even though I had/have no interest in most of what was discussed on the POP, I still loved watching/hearing "our three guys". :) Ryno also did a great job on the Daily Fix yesterday, and so did Ollie today (even though I'm sure he's beating himself up about some minor stumbles - I would be too - it's your first time, and you did GREAT - MUCH better than I'm sure most of us wold have done - so - be gentle on yourself, please!!!). I used to do a lot of "voice recordings" for work - phone greetings, emergency messages, auto attendants, etc., it's VERY hard to do something - especially the longer it gets - without messing up somewhere - especially when you know MANY people will be listening!!

I agree, Oliver did a wonderful job. It cannot be easy reading the daily fix and he did it so well.

I wish Steve wasn't leaving, I think the combination of Steve, Ryno and Ollie is so great
"Dirty Pop" ... Ooops, I meant to say DIS POP!

I enjoyed this show very much. I'm obsessed with movies (Disney and non-Disney), so this hit the spot. These guys can talk about pretty much anything and I would probably find it entertaining. Keep up the great work and I'm looking forward to more DIS POP (and ArtsandCraftsandDrinks)


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