Everything You Do, CELEBRATE YOU! - Polynesian - Club Level - TPV

Day 2
Wednesday 23rd September 2015

It was now 1:30pm, and we were heading to Tomorrowland for our final fastpass, and our final mountain of the day!


We rode on the left track today, there were a lot of dips that left my stomach behind, which is always fun right after lunch.. :laughing: :crazy2:

I released my inner vampire for the picture.


(“Your boy has a jawline for dayyyyys.”)
(…Comment if you know that reference!)

After Space Mountain we found a fastpass kiosk in Tomorrowland, and we grabbed passes for Buzz in 10 minutes time!

Jamie suggested we ride the PeopleMover again while we wait (isn’t he perfect).


There aren’t many people in the world who would be excited to be stuck on a broken down ride.
But I am one of the few.
Our PeopleMover stopped right before Carousel of Progress, and I was LIVING.

It wasn’t for long though, and after a couple of minutes we were back on our second Tomorrowland tour of the day.


We disembarked and headed over to cut the line at Buzz!
Fastpass kiosks people.
They are the future.

This time we nailed it!!!!




We decided to head back to the resort, so we didn’t bother picking up our Galactic Hero buttons.

On the way to the hub we stopped for a couple of PhotoPass pictures!
(Disclaimer: Splash Mountain hair!!!)




Then we headed up Main Street and back to the hotel at around 2:30pm.
It was pretty busy today, but we were still really happy with our productive day!

We were just going crazy on the way back, I don’t know what came over us, maybe we were over-excited.
On the monorail Jamie was doing a series of impressions and just kept getting louder and louder, to the point where I had to grab his face and put my hand over his mouth :laughing:

It was really obnoxious, but we were in such a good mood!
And my mood was only made better by coming home to this beautiful lobby :lovestruc


We took a quick walk out to the marina to explore a little and get our bearings.


Then we went back to Hawaii, grabbed some diet coke from the lounge and went back to our room.

Jamie was happy because the Arsenal – Spurs football (soccer!) match was starting, and he found a site to watch it online.
He connected his laptop up to the TV and we relaxed and watched the game.
Jamie is an Arsenal fan, and they won 2-1, so he was EVEN happier.

During the game I wanted to go sit on the balcony.
But wait, what is THAT…!?


Huh, I thought we’d paid for a theme park view room, not a crotch view room.
Ok, that's cool too I guess.


I mean, I know Disney puts on a lot of shows, but I didn’t know we’d be getting our own… “private show”…


The workmen weren’t around for long, thank goodness.
It was an awkward experience, to say the least!

Something cool I noticed from the bed I was sitting on was that you can see the Contemporary right through the window, and without moving, you can also see the Grand Floridian reflected in the mirror!



Pretty cool!

At one point, without saying a word or giving any reason, Jamie decided to do this…


And then this…

Seriously, what was this boy on today.
I think he may have caught heat stroke or something :laughing:

At 5pm we went back to the lounge to see what kind of appetiser offerings they had out.





Before we went to the lounge we agreed that we wouldn’t actually get anything to eat, since we had a dinner reservation at 6:45pm.
So naturally, we got two plates each :laughing:
HEY, at least our intentions were good.

Here are our first plates. The sausages wrapped in bacon were UNREAL.


We sat right in the window and admired the amazing views!



I took the opportunity to creep on the bungalow deck.
Those swing chairs hanging from the roof look DIVINE.



We got a second plate each and took them back to the room.
I had another pig-in-blanket, some pineapple and strawberry, pita bread and some caramel sauce.
I also tried some of the Polynesian’s signature POG juice (pineapple, orange and guava) and it was tasty!


We were very impressed with the fact that during the very short time we were at the lounge, mousekeeping had ran into our room and given us some turndown service!

We took our snacks onto the balcony (the crotch party had sadly moved on), and we enjoyed Dream Along With Mickey again!
They don’t pipe the music into the Poly, but the show is so loud at the Magic Kingdom you can hear it over the tiki music anyway!



We enjoyed taking some time to chill this afternoon.
We'd had about 4 hours total to relax and enjoy the room.
We spent the rest of the afternoon on the balcony, until our ADR at 6:45pm.
And we weren’t heading far…!





Click for Day 2, Part 5!

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I really enjoyed those pictures of Hong Kong Disneyland, thanks for sharing! Mystic Manor looks amazing!! I'm really intrigued by that concept of a guy and his pet monkey bringing things to life! I just figured it would be the same as all the other Haunted Mansions, but is the story completely different? I can't wait to get out there some day! DLR is still my priority though, so it probably wont be any time soon :confused3
Wow have a great time visiting Neuschwanstein Castle! Germany right? I love Germany!! I've never seen that castle though. Although I did visit Mont Saint-Michel, which is what the kingdom from Tangled is themed from! I bet there are so many cool places around the world that Disney has used as inspiration :lovestruc

Yeah Mystic Manor is SO DIFFERENT! The only thing that really makes it "resemble" the haunted mansion is because it's in a "house." The tracks are like TSMM. We were really lucky to be there the day it opened because who knows if we'll ever get back lol. The Jungle Cruise over there is really funny too because there are different lines depending on what language skipper you want! I've never seen that at Disney World or DLC. Your pictures are making me so excited for our stay at the Poly in September, but we don't have CL so I have to be prepared for less amazingness lol.
Day 2
Wednesday 23rd September 2015
Part 5 – Kona Cafe and Downtown Disney Springs!

At 6:40pm we made the short walk to the Great Ceremonial House to get dinner at Kona Café!

On the way over we worked on our proposal for Disney, regarding opening a Yorkshire-themed resort.
So instead of the CMs greeting you with “Aloha!” they’d greet you with “Ey up love” and offer you a can of cider. And they’d all wear flap caps.
And Arctic Monkeys would be playing instead of tiki music.
I don’t know if that means anything to those of you across the pond, but it would be great, trust me.


We checked in at Kona and we waited for our buzzer to go off.


It buzzed about 10 minutes later, and we were seated at the left of the restaurant along the back wall.

As soon as our waiter came over he asked if we were from England, but he didn’t exactly seem, like, interested in us or anything.
When we said yes he was abrupt and his face was deadpan…
After the meal we both agreed that we thought it might be regarding British people not tipping… :confused3
Tipping in the UK is 10% if your service is really good.
If the service is “meh” it’s not uncommon to tip less than 10%.
So maybe it's common for British people to be bad tippers in the USA, not because they’re rude, but because they’re plain oblivious to the difference.
(Although some might argue it’s rude to not read up on appropriate tipping before you travel.)
WE, however, ARE aware of the tipping culture in the USA (as many are in fact), and we always tip 20%+ in restaurants.
But this guy was attending to all of the surrounding tables much better than us (like keeping their waters topped up and engaging in conversation), so we were pretty certain that he just expected a bad tip from us, so he wasn’t trying to give us good service. :confused3

We were quite disappointed.
But meh, we don't sit and cry over these things.

Anyway, here’s the menu.



We started off with some DELICIOUS bread.
Warm pineapple bread with macadamia butter to be exact.
Omg, it was fantastic, and it was the size of my head!



Then we waited for our mains to come out, and we were hopeful that the food would outweigh the lacking service we’d had.

Well, I hate to tell you this, because I know there are a lot of Kona lovers out there.
But the food wasn’t great today :sad2:

Jamie had the grilled New York strip steak, and said that it was fine, but a little tough.


I ordered the pan seared duck breast…
“Served with mung, adzuki, and cranberry beans with chorizo sausage and spinach in a tamarind gastrique.”

(Oops, blur.)

I really hate to give bad reviews, but I can’t lie…
I could hardly eat it. I couldn’t cut through the duck, it was like trying to cut rubber! Although the bits I did manage to eat were very flavourful.
I thought I’d still be able to enjoy the chorizo beans, but they were pretty dry and grainy.

Overall, we were both pretty underwhelmed!!
There are so many good reviews of Kona, so I will give it another chance some day, hopefully today was an off-day.
Also, we had breakfast here later in the trip that was really good!
So I don’t know.
Maybe we just ordered the wrong things.
Oh well!
There are plenty more dining opportunities to be had!


We left Kona and bought some milk from Moana Mercantile.
Then we went back to the room briefly before heading out to the bus stop.

The sky was unbelievable tonight. It was deep purple and red!


Soon we were on a bus to Downtown Disney Springs!
We had Goofy’s Candy Company on the brain!


We’re a little obsessed with the Mickey rice krispy treats!
Here’s what we ordered.


Something I was prepared for (thanks to the Disboards) was that they’re now only covering half of the treat in toppings!
We were a little disheartened at first, but it turned out we actually PREFERRED them one sided!
You can appreciate the rice krispy a lot more, whereas before the rice krispy would get a bit lost in the layers and layers and layers (literally) of chocolate!
So no complaints here, Goof!


The treats take a few minutes to make and set, so we browsed the store and inhaled that sweet smell of sugar coated in sugar.



While we waited for our treats a CM gave me some free candyfloss (/cotton candy)!
I love Disney freebies, but I really don’t like candyfloss :laughing: it was still a lovely gesture though!


(Yes, I wore my birthday button on two nights out of fourteen, neither of which were my actual birthday. JUDGE ME. :laughing:)

I gave the candyfloss to Jamie and as we were looking around the store, he subconsciously crushed it into a little ball?!


An old woman walked past us, and the way Jamie moved his arm made her think he was going to throw his candy ball at her!
She let out a little yelp and everything!
It was so funny, we all laughed about it, but Jamie felt so bad :laughing:


“Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight?”
“The same thing we do every night, Pinky.




Soon enough, our treats were ready!




We moved right along to Fun Finds because I wanted a grab bag, but they don’t seem to do them anymore. :sad2:

Also, I can’t decide whether I love these dolls or hate them…
Someone decide for me please.


(ETA: I think I love the outfits, but hate those dead lifeless eyes :laughing:)

Then we went into Marketplace Co Op! Ie, the best shop ever.


There were lots of really cool phone covers in D-Tech, I decided I was going to buy one this trip for sure!


We also looked in Disney Centerpiece. This is by far my favourite part of the Co Op!


I love this place but I didn’t buy anything, it’s only our first night!

It was about 9:15pm and we were getting pretty tired, so we got the bus back to the hotel.



We grabbed a dessert each from the lounge and took them up to our room.
I had a carrot cake and it was really good!


Then I showered, got into bed, and we both fell asleep by 10:30pm, without even eating any of our rice krispy treat!!!
That’s how you know you’re exhausted.

Goodnight world.
What a great first day!

Click for Day 3, Part 1!

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On the way over we worked on our proposal for Disney, regarding opening a Yorkshire-themed resort.
So instead of the CMs greeting you with “Aloha!” they’d greet you with “Ey up love” and offer you a can of cider. And they’d all wear flap caps.
And Arctic Monkeys would be playing instead of tiki music.
I don’t know if that means anything to those of you across the pond, but it would be great, trust me.
It sounds lovely! The United Kingdom Lodge!

Thanks for the translations into "American".

Sorry to hear about your disappointing food and service at the Kona Café dinner. They are a favorite restaurant of mine, but their current dinner menu, I find less than thrilling.

Enjoying the glimpses of the club lounge.
No, actually we call it "cream cheese"!

I guess we use both terms interchangeably over here! Although I definitely call it by the brand name the most!! "I want some toast and philly." :thumbsup2 But I guess Philly is the brand and cream cheese is the substance... Gahh, I probably say both, I've no idea :laughing:
YES! Yes it is!! We should be friends :laughing:

Ahh it's so beautiful isn't it! And it's so nice to have lunch items that aren't burgers and hot dogs :thumbsup2
Oh how I loved it! It was the last day of our trip that I got to go. By that point I was already starting to turn into a chicken nugget!

Jamie suggested we ride the PeopleMover again while we wait (isn’t he perfect).
I never appreciated the People Mover until this trip at about 2pm when it was hotter than all get out and I was getting cranky.

And my mood was only made better by coming home to this beautiful lobby :lovestruc
I can't wait to swing by the Poly this next trip to check out the new look!

I mean, I know Disney puts on a lot of shows, but I didn’t know we’d be getting our own… “private show”…


(Yes, I wore my birthday button on two nights out of fourteen, neither of which were my actual birthday. JUDGE ME. :laughing:)
I do not judge, I wore mine proudly most of the trip and my Birthday wasn't until 3 days after we left. No shame in my game!:cool1:
Mine would be BRIAN WOODHOLM....!!!!! :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: I don't think you can get much sexier than that :thumbsup2
I imagine a porn star with that name looking like Del Boy :rotfl2:


Clearly that is a sign! That is name is just too sexy! :rotfl:

This is way too cute. Also, Tom Hiddleston is in a new BBC drama called The Night Manager, also starring HUGH LAURIE. Yes please :lovestruc


When is that on?!? How am I missing this??!?!?!?!?!?

That Aldi advert was so good! :rotfl: Did you see the Christmas spoof they did of the John Lewis advert?! LOL.

YES! I don't shop at Aldi but they have there adverts on point! :laughing:

It's pretty good! It's just man-candy left right and centre. The storyline was slightly weak though. Well it was alright, it just felt like they were making it up as they went along, you know?! Maybe it's just me, but I like to be mind-blown at the end of a series when all the loose ends are tied up to an epic conclusion, AHS hotel was just a bit random! TO SUMMARISE. Watch for the beautiful men, not the plot :thumbsup2 :laughing:
Speaking of being mind-blown, I've almost finished Prison Break! (Yes, I'm 10 years behind on this one :laughing:) have you watched it?! It's gooooood :goodvibes

Man candy?! :hyper: Really who needs a plot when there is man candy! Just look at Magic Mike! Did it really need a plot with an emotional element?


I totally cracked and bought AHS:Hotel to binge watch! But my internet is soooooooooooo slow so I can't watch it! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

Also I bought Full House on iTunes in prep for Feb 26th!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Big up the Fuller House Club!! @Leshaface @HomeSweetDisney!!! :jumping1:

I think I watched Prison Break when it was on TV but I can't really remember much about it beyond there is a prison and people are trying to break out of it? :rotfl:

Yes... Because you have a lagoon view... And you have great self-control, and you definitely haven't upgraded.


So true! I have soooooo much self control! Like I would upgrade anything! (Or would be considering some other type of upgrade...:rolleyes1) Lagoon view here we come! :rotfl2:

This is why we love you :hug:

But of course!


For reals.


Urg so true! Someone called my phone at 4am the other night...for no reason o_O



:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Bahaha I thought the exact same thing @pkondz did, I'm sure there are some clam-dudes who would not be complaining :rotfl: (I like the term "clam-dude", but I don't know how I will apply it to real life experiences... Suggestions are welcome.)

Only if they were still alive! I would love to be a shell bra for Chris Helmsworth but not if had to be dead to do it! :rotfl:

He blames the gun / sitting on the right, he will not take responsibility for a Buzz-fail :sad2:

Men. Always blaming there equipment :sad2: :laughing:


Hahahah, it's kids like you that make me scared to have children :rotfl: "We've queued an hour! You WILL ride Haunted Mansion, and you WILL enjoy it." :laughing:

That is how my parenting skills will be! :rotfl2:

Oh my Jesus what is that thing?! How does it jump like that?! Do turtles have knees? WHAT IS HAPPENING.

Duh he is a Ninja Turtle! Just not a teenage mutant one! :laughing:

She's has absoltely no shame lifting her dress up in front of a big crowd of people..


She is a hussy that Minnie :sad2:
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:I refuse to believe anyone has heard that song and interpreted the lyrics correctly, I have a home video of Splash from the 90s and my family are going "Show me your WHAT?!" :laughing:

I always thought it was "pretty good show us your bong" which felt accurate :rotfl:

Mine rocks.


Smokey Glen.


I knew you looked familier! Errr.....I mean Smokey Glen that doesn't sound like it could be a porn name at all :rolleyes1 :laughing:

::yes:: I see all these clams crying out "Pick me! Pick me!"

You do realise they would be dead right? And before you say "what a way to go" they would be scooped out before ever touching her 8008'5!

I can top both of those - mine would be Fishy Leanne. :rotfl2:


Booooo! Join the September 2016 club! Ie. @BibbitybobityLu and myself.. :grouphug:

Yes! ::yes::

:bday: somebody!!!

(ie. I don't like posting at the bottom of a page. Judge me. :thumbsup2 )

:bday: Random stranger!


Clearly best day ever! :lmao:

I released my inner vampire for the picture.


(“Your boy has a jawline for dayyyyys.”)
(…Comment if you know that reference!)

I know! :wave: :wave: :wave: Pick me! :wave: :wave: :wave:


This time we nailed it!!!!





Bahhahhha!! Your face! :rotfl2: So proud!


(Disclaimer: Splash Mountain hair!!!)


Your hair looks faboosh! :cutie:

Huh, I thought we’d paid for a theme park view room, not a crotch view room.
Ok, that's cool too I guess.


Ohh Laa Laa! How does one go about booking the crotch view? Is it more expensive and do I have to pay in ones?

At one point, without saying a word or giving any reason, Jamie decided to do this…


Sure. Seems like a good idea! :rotfl2:

At 5pm we went back to the lounge to see what kind of appetiser offerings they had out.


This looks amazing! Seriously woman my budget is streched to the limit could you not! :sad2:

Before we went to the lounge we agreed that we wouldn’t actually get anything to eat, since we had a dinner reservation at 6:45pm.
So naturally, we got two plates each :laughing:
HEY, at least our intentions were good.

Of course. ::yes::

We took our snacks onto the balcony (the crotch party had sadly moved on),


On the way over we worked on our proposal for Disney, regarding opening a Yorkshire-themed resort.
So instead of the CMs greeting you with “Aloha!” they’d greet you with “Ey up love” and offer you a can of cider. And they’d all wear flap caps.
And Arctic Monkeys would be playing instead of tiki music.
I don’t know if that means anything to those of you across the pond, but it would be great, trust me.

YES! We need this! :rotfl:Then the buildings could be named after Emmerdale families! "Where is your room?" "Oh we are staying in The Dingles" :laughing:

As soon as our waiter came over he asked if we were from England, but he didn’t exactly seem, like, interested in us or anything.
When we said yes he was abrupt and his face was deadpan…
After the meal we both agreed that we thought it might be regarding British people not tipping… :confused3
Tipping in the UK is 10% if your service is really good.
If the service is “meh” it’s not uncommon to tip less than 10%.
So maybe it's common for British people to be bad tippers in the USA, not because they’re rude, but because they’re plain oblivious to the difference.
(Although some might argue it’s rude to not read up on appropriate tipping before you travel.)
WE, however, ARE aware of the tipping culture in the USA (as many are in fact), and we always tip 20%+ in restaurants.
But this guy was attending to all of the surrounding tables much better than us (like keeping their waters topped up and engaging in conversation), so we were pretty certain that he just expected a bad tip from us, so he wasn’t trying to give us good service. :confused3

It is crazy how people in America instantly think because we are British we are terrible tippers! I always tip well (unless the service sucks then screw you dude) without being told. That is a self fulfilling prophecy giving terrible service cause you think your table will tip poorly cause now they actually will. :rolleyes2

We’re a little obsessed with the Mickey rice krispy treats!
Here’s what we ordered.


Okay I would have to have like 5 toppings on mine! :laughing: Select one!


(Yes, I wore my birthday button on two nights out of fourteen, neither of which were my actual birthday. JUDGE ME. :laughing:)


An old woman walked past us, and the way Jamie moved his arm made her think he was going to throw his candy ball at her!
She let out a little yelp and everything!
It was so funny, we all laughed about it, but Jamie felt so bad :laughing:

:rotfl::rotfl2::lmao: That poor old woman!

“Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight?”
“The same thing we do every night, Pinky.



I used to LOVE Pinky and The Brain!!

Okay where is this University of Candy Science and how do I apply??????

Also, I can’t decide whether I love these dolls or hate them…
Someone decide for me please.


You hate them. Trust me. Those things are CREEPY AF! And they are $49.95?! Errrr.....


There were lots of really cool phone covers in D-Tech, I decided I was going to buy one this trip for sure!


So. Many. Phone. Covers.
Our PeopleMover stopped right before Carousel of Progress, and I was LIVING.

This is too funny!! I am so with you. I love it when the Peoplemover stops because it's like you get an excuse to take a break and just sit there! I guess that whole ride is kind of a relaxing breatk lol but even moreso when it stops!!

I'm loving reading about your trip and that there is so much more to it!! The Poly looks like such an awesome place to stay..I love visiting there and I can't imagine how nice it must have been to call it "home" for a while!
I find it weird that she has her own parade float, in Boo To You at least. It's pretty random, but I do think she's quite cute.

It is weird. Most people don't have a clue who she is.

Too busy running up and down the stairs at your hotel :thumbsup2


I don't know what a turnpike is :laughing: something on the roads over there, right?!

Turnpike: an expressway, especially one on which a toll is charged.

So you waited until Ruby and the kids had fallen asleep, then you crept out into the night to visit Madame Leota at the mansion... And you rode it 3 or 4 times in a row... ;) :laughing:

This is correct. Except I told Ruby what I was doing, so that makes it okay.

Booooo! Join the September 2016 club! Ie. @BibbitybobityLu and myself.. :grouphug:

Okay... you have no idea how tempting that is!
But I do believe I'll be in Banff with Ruby in September (at least that's the plan.)
But if she cancels.... I already have the leave booked, so... :confused2
oh thank god, I got my Katie/Jamie fix.

I am selfishly wanting you continue because we arrived 3 days after you for a week and I want to know where I ALMOST ran into you.

Seriously your reports are a delight. Well worth the wait.
Did I know you were going back this summer..?! (Sorry if my memory is just bad) - are you staying at the Beach Club?!?! Yay! That's one of my favourites!! :lovestruc
I had posted it in my TR at the end of January - but it is very possible that it could have been forgotten. I don't think I'm planning on doing a PTR but I will definitely do a TR!
There aren’t many people in the world who would be excited to be stuck on a broken down ride.
But I am one of the few.
Our PeopleMover stopped right before Carousel of Progress, and I was LIVING.

It wasn’t for long though, and after a couple of minutes we were back on our second Tomorrowland tour of the day.

Oh gosh with a view like that, it would hard to be upset!
This time we nailed it!!!!

Huh, I thought we’d paid for a theme park view room, not a crotch view room.
Ok, that's cool too I guess.


I mean, I know Disney puts on a lot of shows, but I didn’t know we’d be getting our own… “private show”…
We took our snacks onto the balcony (the crotch party had sadly moved on), and we enjoyed Dream Along With Mickey again!
They don’t pipe the music into the Poly, but the show is so loud at the Magic Kingdom you can hear it over the tiki music anyway!
That is so cool! Gosh, a TPV really seems amazing, since you have the most perfect views of everything!
We started off with some DELICIOUS bread.
Warm pineapple bread with macadamia butter to be exact.
Omg, it was fantastic, and it was the size of my head!
I love that bread! I could eat that all day:rotfl:
Overall, we were both pretty underwhelmed!!
There are so many good reviews of Kona, so I will give it another chance some day, hopefully today was an off-day.
Also, we had breakfast here later in the trip that was really good!
I'm sorry you weren't a huge fan for Kona, it could have just been the night...
Soon we were on a bus to Downtown Disney Springs!
That is a perfect name for it! Thanks Katie! :thumbsup2
(Yes, I wore my birthday button on two nights out of fourteen, neither of which were my actual birthday. JUDGE ME. :laughing:)
"A very happy unbirthday to you!":laughing::laughing::laughing:

Then we went into Marketplace Co Op! Ie, the best shop ever.

Such a beautiful shop. I think that is one of the best additions DTDSprings::yes::
Goodnight world.
What a great first day!
Yes! You guys really had such a successful and wonderful first day!:goodvibes
Can't wait to read more! :wizard:
I released my inner vampire for the picture.


(“Your boy has a jawline for dayyyyys.”)
(…Comment if you know that reference!)

This picture is great haha! and i am pretty sure that is from AHS.... i only know from tumblr though haha

There aren’t many people in the world who would be excited to be stuck on a broken down ride.
But I am one of the few.
Our PeopleMover stopped right before Carousel of Progress, and I was LIVING.

I would love to be broken down here too. Two of my favorite rides :thumbsup2



You guys look like you ready to rumble, I would trust you to save the world. :worship:

, I thought we’d paid for a theme park view room, not a crotch view room.
Ok, that's cool too I guess.


I mean, I know Disney puts on a lot of shows, but I didn’t know we’d be getting our own… “private show”…

Better than no view at all :rotfl:(I felt the urge to use the dancing banana emoji here but i didn't want to be inappropriate.)

Here are our first plates. The sausages wrapped in bacon were UNREAL.


OMG the bacon wrapped sausage looks sooo good!

I took the opportunity to creep on the bungalow deck.
Those swing chairs hanging from the roof look DIVINE.


If I ever win the lottery the first thing I would do is stay in one of the Bungalows :love:...one day

We took our snacks onto the balcony (the crotch party had sadly moved on), and we enjoyed Dream Along With Mickey again!
They don’t pipe the music into the Poly, but the show is so loud at the Magic Kingdom you can hear it over the tiki music anyway!

If I only had a dollar for every time "come join a party, a castle party" was stuck in my head. I'd be staying in on the bungalows by now


(ETA: I think I love the outfits, but hate those dead lifeless eyes :laughing:)

These are super creepy. And prince Eric looks like he could play in a EMO band with his hair :rotfl2:
I am so loving your trip report. I just finished reading it through. I know I'm a little late to the party but it's only day two of Disney World so I know there's still a lot to come. I so appreciated seeing all the Disneyland Paris pictures. Don't know if I'll ever make it there but after reading your report I sure would like to go.
So glad you've discovered Goofy's Candy Co! It's definitely worth forcing your family to :thumbsup2 Those rice crispy treats are life changing :lovestruc Did you run in the WDW marathon weekend?! Congrats! (And congrats if it was a non-Disney race too, of course :laughing:) I'd love to do RunDisney event one day! How did you find it? I think they looks really fun. I'd like to do the 10k that goes through the Epcot resorts area because I love it around there :goodvibes I bet the Boardwalk gets slippy if it rains though! :crutches:

I ran the half marathon this past January. I was glad I did it and trained crazy hard for it. They're addictive though, there are so many to choose from that's it hard not to sign up for another one. The races are so early in the morning it still leaves you time for the parks so a definite win/win, plus you get to see the castle like this.


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The workmen weren’t around for long, thank goodness.
It was an awkward experience, to say the least!


Before we went to the lounge we agreed that we wouldn’t actually get anything to eat, since we had a dinner reservation at 6:45pm.
So naturally, we got two plates each :laughing:

:rotfl2:Yeah, that pretty much impossible to walk away from that spread without trying something. The fruit alone looks amazing.


At 6:40pm we made the short walk to the Great Ceremonial House to get dinner at Kona Café!

Oh, yay! Haven't heard much about Kona for dinner. Sorry it wasn't great for you but I'm glad to hear your review. I think we'll just do Kona for breakfast when we're there.

On the way over we worked on our proposal for Disney, regarding opening a Yorkshire-themed resort.
So instead of the CMs greeting you with “Aloha!” they’d greet you with “Ey up love” and offer you a can of cider. And they’d all wear flap caps.
And Arctic Monkeys would be playing instead of tiki music.

That sounds perfect! Arctic Monkeys are one of my fave bands. :thumbsup2

WE, however, ARE aware of the tipping culture in the USA (as many are in fact), and we always tip 20%+ in restaurants.
But this guy was attending to all of the surrounding tables much better than us (like keeping their waters topped up and engaging in conversation), so we were pretty certain that he just expected a bad tip from us, so he wasn’t trying to give us good service. :confused3

Sorry you had such bad service. I would have had a hard time not proving his assumption and tipping a lower amount. But I'm kind of a jerk. :laughing:

While we waited for our treats a CM gave me some free candyfloss (/cotton candy)!
I love Disney freebies, but I really don’t like candyfloss :laughing: it was still a lovely gesture though!

We've never been there. Your treats make it a must try. I hope we visit when they're giving out cotton candy. Sammy told me recently that he's afraid he'll never have cotton candy again because I won't take him to the circus. :lmao:

An old woman walked past us, and the way Jamie moved his arm made her think he was going to throw his candy ball at her!
She let out a little yelp and everything!
It was so funny, we all laughed about it, but Jamie felt so bad :laughing:

:rotfl:Poor Jamie. I'm one of those people who screams when people surprise me on the street.

The resemblance is uncanny. ;)

Also, I can’t decide whether I love these dolls or hate them…
Someone decide for me please.

Hate the. Definitely hate them.

Okay, first I'm giving a warning that I'm typically more of a TR lurker and kind of new at this multi-quoting thing so please bear with me!

From your ticker it looks like you're going back this year though?!

I am actually going back although I just realized that I still had my old ticker from last year as my signature! I just fixed it, so thanks for the accidental heads up ;) But I'm going back for a girls' weekend (short trip) as a mini bachelorette party with my maid of honor/best friend/fellow Disney fanatic and I'm sooo excited!!

We rode on the left track today, there were a lot of dips that left my stomach behind, which is always fun right after lunch..

Okay, when we were there in October we rode Space Mountain twice and I'm pretty sure we rode both sides... is there really a difference? Because my first ride I loved it and my second ride, it felt so different and less fun!! I just figured I was crazy! (Which is probably still a little true:rolleyes1)

I released my inner vampire for the picture.

I am loving the inner vampire picture... just beautiful.:thumbsup2


So. Jealous.

And my mood was only made better by coming home to this beautiful lobby :lovestruc

Aaaaand jealous again! My ultimate Disney vacation dream is definitely to stay at the Polynesian... My now fiance proposed to me on the beach there during fireworks in October!! Holds a special place in my heart.:love:

Jamie was happy because the Arsenal – Spurs football (soccer!) match was starting, and he found a site to watch it online.

I had to laugh at this! When we were there in October, we had to leave MK early enough one night to catch the Penn State Nittany Lions game (football!)... Disney doesn't trump my fiance's love for his football team.

But this guy was attending to all of the surrounding tables much better than us (like keeping their waters topped up and engaging in conversation), so we were pretty certain that he just expected a bad tip from us, so he wasn’t trying to give us good service. :confused3

Ew, not cool!:sad2:

Warm pineapple bread with macadamia butter to be exact.

This looks the same as the bread they serve at Ohana for dinner! We ate there on our last trip and it was sooooo yummyyy. I still dream about this bread along with the dessert they served... Of course, I basically had to be rolled out of the resort because I was so stuffed. Totally worth it though!

We’re a little obsessed with the Mickey rice krispy treats!

We got these on our last trip too and I'm pretty sure it's thanks to you! I remember reading your previous trip report before we left and you had a picture of them and they just looked sooooo goooood!! One of my guy's favorite treats on our trip and he has already requested another one the next time we go. I knew there was a reason I read these trip reports.:thanks:

Can't wait to read more about your trip!! (And I think I survived the multi-quoting process, although it did take me a minute or two.)
LOL that gif is EXACTLY what he was doing :rotfl: I wish the video was a little brighter but you can kinda see it :laughing:

Don't we all dance like that on Under The Sea?? ;)

You have a very brave 6 year old. Or maybe I'm just pathetic... NO! It IS scary!!!!! Go Jacob you little daredevil.

I suppose he is quite brave...he also wants to do ToT, EE, and RnR!! I don't know if he'll be tall enough for RnR but definitely he can do ToT and EE. I didn't do ToT until I was almost 20! He's definitely braver than I ever was :rotfl:

Clearly a typo, they mean barbecued three toed skank :rotfl:

I think that makes more sense...and definitely a sign I would want hanging in my home :thumbsup2:rotfl2:

UGH it's so nice. The hub grass is one of my new (more specific) happy places, I just want to sit there and drink Starbucks and eat nutella waffles all day every day forever and ever


That sounds like the greatest plan EVER!!

Also, in December you'll be able to sit there and listen to the christmas music and that is just :lovestruc

You have no idea how much I can't wait for this to happen :love::love: Laying in the hub grass in the middle of MK with Christmas decorations and music all around me...that is my happy place!!

I almost retook a different sorting hat quiz the other day but then I thought, who am I trying to kid?! #PuffAndProud :thumbsup2

Best to just own it...and you own it very well :flower3:

I released my inner vampire for the picture.


Is that you or The Countess? I couldn't tell ;)

(“Your boy has a jawline for dayyyyys.”)
(…Comment if you know that reference!)


GaGaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....she slayed this season! I am a fan for life now :lovestruc

There aren’t many people in the world who would be excited to be stuck on a broken down ride.
But I am one of the few.
Our PeopleMover stopped right before Carousel of Progress, and I was LIVING.

Doesn't everyone wanna get stuck on Disney rides? Especially the PeopleMover? No? Just us Disney freaks? Well that is A-OK ::yes::



When I think of a galactic hero, that's the face I think of! :rotfl:

Great picture of ya'll!! :goodvibes

And my mood was only made better by coming home to this beautiful lobby :lovestruc


That could even put Voldemort in a good mood!
"Blast! That midget in glasses has foiled my plans for world domination again! Avada Kedav-....oh look, it's the Poly lobby. How lovely!"


Jamie was happy because the Arsenal – Spurs football (soccer!) match was starting, and he found a site to watch it online.
He connected his laptop up to the TV and we relaxed and watched the game.
Jamie is an Arsenal fan, and they won 2-1, so he was EVEN happier.

For the briefest of moments I was very impressed because I though Jamie followed American basketball AND that he was a San Antonio Spurs fan. But alas! Just soccer...typical British stuff. Womp womp ;) :rotfl:

Huh, I thought we’d paid for a theme park view room, not a crotch view room.
Ok, that's cool too I guess.


Is this an option when booking your resort? I don't remember seeing "crotch view" on the list :scratchin

I mean, I know Disney puts on a lot of shows, but I didn’t know we’d be getting our own… “private show”…


Lucky girl :rotfl2:

Something cool I noticed from the bed I was sitting on was that you can see the Contemporary right through the window, and without moving, you can also see the Grand Floridian reflected in the mirror!



I cannot explain why these two pictures make me so happy but they JUST DO. I love the MK area resorts so much!! :worship:

At one point, without saying a word or giving any reason, Jamie decided to do this…


Just when I think your boyfriend is normal he goes and does something like this :lmao:

We will just blame it on "Disney Euphoria" which is a completely legit reason!

Nom nom nom!!! I love cheese and fruit...I think that might be one of my favorite food combinations ever. Well, that and sushi. This looks soooooooooooooo yum!!
Me eating all the cheese and fruit that the Poly concierge has to offer:

We sat right in the window and admired the amazing views!


I can't get over those views!! So perfect!!

On the way over we worked on our proposal for Disney, regarding opening a Yorkshire-themed resort.
So instead of the CMs greeting you with “Aloha!” they’d greet you with “Ey up love” and offer you a can of cider. And they’d all wear flap caps.
And Arctic Monkeys would be playing instead of tiki music.
I don’t know if that means anything to those of you across the pond, but it would be great, trust me.

I have no idea what ANY of this means but I am just gonna assume it's British and awesome so let's make it happen :thumbsup2

As soon as our waiter came over he asked if we were from England, but he didn’t exactly seem, like, interested in us or anything.
When we said yes he was abrupt and his face was deadpan…
After the meal we both agreed that we thought it might be regarding British people not tipping… :confused3
Tipping in the UK is 10% if your service is really good.
If the service is “meh” it’s not uncommon to tip less than 10%.
So maybe it's common for British people to be bad tippers in the USA, not because they’re rude, but because they’re plain oblivious to the difference.
(Although some might argue it’s rude to not read up on appropriate tipping before you travel.)
WE, however, ARE aware of the tipping culture in the USA (as many are in fact), and we always tip 20%+ in restaurants.
But this guy was attending to all of the surrounding tables much better than us (like keeping their waters topped up and engaging in conversation), so we were pretty certain that he just expected a bad tip from us, so he wasn’t trying to give us good service. :confused3

UGH...that is terrible!! I will never understand why people (especially in the service industry) make assumptions like that! It's so very rude! Sorry you guys experienced that :sad2:

While we waited for our treats a CM gave me some free candyfloss (/cotton candy)!
I love Disney freebies, but I really don’t like candyfloss :laughing: it was still a lovely gesture though!

Candyfloss makes me think of candy you use to floss which seems a bit counterproductive if you ask me :scratchin Counterproductive but delicious! :hyper:

You are both so lovely :rotfl:

“Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight?”
“The same thing we do every night, Pinky.


Pinky and the Brain!! hahaha this is a fantastic recreation of them! :rotfl2:

Also, I can’t decide whether I love these dolls or hate them…
Someone decide for me please.


Some of them are cute but the stepsisters and stepmother from Cinderella look downright terrifying!! :scared1: The Little Mermaid and Mary Poppins/Bert ones are cute...but not $49.95 plus tax cute :scared:

Great updates!!!

Also...are you planning your next trip yet??? :teeth:
I released my inner vampire for the picture.



(“Your boy has a jawline for dayyyyys.”)
(…Comment if you know that reference!)

I love AHS! You know you can get it one a t-shirt right?


Something cool I noticed from the bed I was sitting on was that you can see the Contemporary right through the window, and without moving, you can also see the Grand Floridian reflected in the mirror!



Pretty cool!


At 5pm we went back to the lounge to see what kind of appetiser offerings they had out.





Before we went to the lounge we agreed that we wouldn’t actually get anything to eat, since we had a dinner reservation at 6:45pm.
So naturally, we got two plates each :laughing:
HEY, at least our intentions were good.

Club level looks incredible!

As soon as our waiter came over he asked if we were from England, but he didn’t exactly seem, like, interested in us or anything.
When we said yes he was abrupt and his face was deadpan…
After the meal we both agreed that we thought it might be regarding British people not tipping… :confused3
Tipping in the UK is 10% if your service is really good.
If the service is “meh” it’s not uncommon to tip less than 10%.
So maybe it's common for British people to be bad tippers in the USA, not because they’re rude, but because they’re plain oblivious to the difference.
(Although some might argue it’s rude to not read up on appropriate tipping before you travel.)
WE, however, ARE aware of the tipping culture in the USA (as many are in fact), and we always tip 20%+ in restaurants.
But this guy was attending to all of the surrounding tables much better than us (like keeping their waters topped up and engaging in conversation), so we were pretty certain that he just expected a bad tip from us, so he wasn’t trying to give us good service. :confused3

That's really disappointing that you'd get lesser service just because of his preconceived tipping ideas. We don't tip really in Australia either but I always tip 20% in the States unless the service is terrible.

While we waited for our treats a CM gave me some free candyfloss (/cotton candy)!
I love Disney freebies, but I really don’t like candyfloss :laughing: it was still a lovely gesture though!


(Yes, I wore my birthday button on two nights out of fourteen, neither of which were my actual birthday. JUDGE ME. :laughing:)

No judgement whatsoever! People who get worked up over birthday buttons need to get a life
It was now 1:30pm, and we were heading to Tomorrowland for our final fastpass, and our final mountain of the day!

Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
'Till you find your dream.

Whoops! Sorry..,

I released my inner vampire for the picture.


Possibly Katie's best picture... ever.

(“Your boy has a jawline for dayyyyys.”)
(…Comment if you know that reference!)

Haven't seen a single episode from any season.

Must rectify that some day.

Jamie suggested we ride the PeopleMover again while we wait (isn’t he perfect).

Perfect? Sure! So far he seems to be doing all the right things, so...

Our PeopleMover stopped right before Carousel of Progress, and I was LIVING.


It wasn’t for long though, and after a couple of minutes we were back on our second Tomorrowland tour of the day.

A stall for a few minutes = awesome.
A stall for several minutes = great.
A stall for an hour = well, I made the best out of it.
A stall for a day = I want a refund! I want unlimited FPs!
A stall for a week = dead from dehydration. Sad, really.

Fastpass kiosks people.
They are the future.


This time we nailed it!!!!



Totally intense face.

On the way to the hub we stopped for a couple of PhotoPass pictures!

What the heck happened to your hair?!?!?!?!

(Disclaimer: Splash Mountain hair!!!)

Oh. Thank goodness! I was totally gobsmacked there.

We were just going crazy on the way back, I don’t know what came over us, maybe we were over-excited.
On the monorail Jamie was doing a series of impressions and just kept getting louder and louder, to the point where I had to grab his face and put my hand over his mouth :laughing:

:laughing: If you can't have fun at WDW, you can't have fun anywhere.

We took a quick walk out to the marina to explore a little and get our bearings.

So... you were lost, huh?

Jamie was happy because the Arsenal – Spurs football (soccer!) match was starting, and he found a site to watch it online.

And are you a fan? Or what did you do while he watched?

Huh, I thought we’d paid for a theme park view room, not a crotch view room.
Ok, that's cool too I guess.

Pixiedust! Usually you have to pay extra for that.
In the form of dollar bills stuffed in the waist band.

Something cool I noticed from the bed I was sitting on was that you can see the Contemporary right through the window, and without moving, you can also see the Grand Floridian reflected in the mirror!


At one point, without saying a word or giving any reason, Jamie decided to do this…


Uh... about that "perfect" rating we gave him...

And then this…

Yep. "Perfect" rating now gone.

nom nom nom.

Before we went to the lounge we agreed that we wouldn’t actually get anything to eat, since we had a dinner reservation at 6:45pm.
So naturally, we got two plates each :laughing:

Naturally. You were only fooling yourselves.
But at least you limited yourselves.

Here are our first plates. The sausages wrapped in bacon were UNREAL.

It has the magic ingredient, so...

I took the opportunity to creep on the bungalow deck.

It would've been better if you saw someone creeping back at you.

We got a second plate each and took them back to the room.

Uh... forget that whole "limited yourselves" comment.

We took our snacks onto the balcony (the crotch party had sadly moved on),

Ran out of dollar bills, huh?

On the way over we worked on our proposal for Disney

No way!!! Congrats!!!!

regarding opening a Yorkshire-themed resort.

Oh. Well, that's okay too I suppose.

So instead of the CMs greeting you with “Aloha!” they’d greet you with “Ey up love” and offer you a can of cider. And they’d all wear flap caps.


I don’t know if that means anything to those of you across the pond, but it would be great, trust me.

All right. I trust you.... Wait...

As soon as our waiter came over he asked if we were from England, but he didn’t exactly seem, like, interested in us or anything.
When we said yes he was abrupt and his face was deadpan…

But this guy was attending to all of the surrounding tables much better than us (like keeping their waters topped up and engaging in conversation), so we were pretty certain that he just expected a bad tip from us, so he wasn’t trying to give us good service. :confused3

That's totally not right. You should provide your best service to everyone equally.
It's a self fulfilling prophecy if you say "They won't tip well, so I'm not going to give them good service."

Don't you just want to leave a note or tell him:
"We tip really well. But your service was so lousy that we won't."

We started off with some DELICIOUS bread.
Warm pineapple bread with macadamia butter to be exact.
Omg, it was fantastic, and it was the size of my head!

It was? Let's see!


Huh! You're right!

Well, I hate to tell you this, because I know there are a lot of Kona lovers out there.
But the food wasn’t great today :sad2:

To bad. Although I think yours might be the first review of Kona from a non-breakfast standpoint.

We left Kona and bought some milk from Moana Mercantile.

Made me think of Moaning Myrtle.

The sky was unbelievable tonight. It was deep purple and red!

That's probably from the Smoke on the Water from the fireworks.


We had Goofy’s Candy Company on the brain!

Never been.
Soooooo want to.

Something I was prepared for (thanks to the Disboards) was that they’re now only covering half of the treat in toppings!
We were a little disheartened at first, but it turned out we actually PREFERRED them one sided!

You know... I get that.


While we waited for our treats a CM gave me some free candyfloss (/cotton candy)!
I love Disney freebies, but I really don’t like candyfloss :laughing: it was still a lovely gesture though!

Have you seen the video of the raccoon who tries to wash his cotton candy?

(Yes, I wore my birthday button on two nights out of fourteen, neither of which were my actual birthday. JUDGE ME. :laughing:)

I will!!
I find you... Cute and innocent.

Seriously... don't care.

I gave the candyfloss to Jamie and as we were looking around the store, he subconsciously crushed it into a little ball?!


:laughing: What the heck was he doing?!?!?

An old woman walked past us, and the way Jamie moved his arm made her think he was going to throw his candy ball at her!
She let out a little yelp and everything!
It was so funny, we all laughed about it, but Jamie felt so bad :laughing:

Oh, no! Jamie, the terror of Disney Springs!

Katie has legs for days.

:laughing: Perfect!

Also, I can’t decide whether I love these dolls or hate them…
Someone decide for me please.


The three at the bottom right are obviously evil.
The rest are merely soulless zombies.

Then I showered, got into bed, and we both fell asleep by 10:30pm, without even eating any of our rice krispy treat!!!
That’s how you know you’re exhausted.

:eek: You. Didn't. Eat. Them???? :faint:

What a great first day!



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