Everything You Do, CELEBRATE YOU! - Polynesian - Club Level - TPV

Just got caught up... I love reading your trip reports! Plus, it's helping with my Disney withdrawal. I was there in mid-late October and I'm ready to go baaaack!:rotfl2:
(My lack of Disney tantrum)
Oh My Goodness! I finally got here to catch up! What have I been doing? I have even fell wayyyyyyyy behind on my TR! ...anywho...You first day had started off wonderfully! Great weather, great magic, great rides, great lunch! :)

have a book called The Hidden Magic of Walt Disney World by Susan Veness, which says that the cherubs on the ceiling of Be Our Guest restaurant are in fact the faces of the Imagineers and their children as infants.

Pretty cool!

I have this book as well and it is amazing! So many details that you would never think to look for or realize! :)

Can't wait for more!
BWAH HA HA HA!! I haven't even finished reading this update but I have to thank you for always making your trip reports so entertaining! I love reading along! :) Now, back to read the rest... oh, and the club level breakfast and the room they have it in at the Poly look awesome!!

I love this comment! Thank you!! Sometimes I read my posts back and I wonder if people "get me", you know?! I think, "do I sound ridiculous writing that? Maybe I should keep that one to myself.." :laughing: But I'm so glad you enjoy it! :hug:

Phone picture or not, it's fantastic! Did you have a new camera you were shooting with?

Thank you! I took a handful of pictures with my iPhone (6) which is new, but the majority of photos were from the same camera as last year, my trusty little point and shoot! Honestly, this is me with a camera in my hand:


:laughing: So I'm glad you think they look good!!

I am obsessed with this photo! I am going to try to recreate this. Beautiful!

See meme above :thumbsup2

Did he diet to achieve this?

Haha, dieting all year JUST to be able to get in Zurg's cage... I honestly wouldn't put it past him!!!! That competitive streak is really something! :laughing: But really, our best guess was that he's slimmed down slightly because he stopped going to the gym, so he'd lost some of his chest/back muscles this year (don't tell him I told you that :thumbsup2 )

I don't know. My kids aren't scared by the spookiness of the Haunted Mansion as much as the sudden drops of Splash Mountain. I can't get them to ride SM but they have no problem with HM. :confused:

Ha! Aidan and Sam are braver than me!!! You'd never get me on Haunted Mansion at their age :laughing: Splash is pretty daunting though I guess, especially as a smaller kid when you don't feel very secure under that lap bar.. Maybe that's it? :confused3

Do they discourage picnics on that grass?

I'm not sure! I've seen people drinking Starbucks and eating snacks and stuff there, so I wouldn't have thought so. The only thing I'd be worried about are those Ibis birds (or whatever they are) that creep around anyone with food at MK :laughing:

So smart. I love doing that. With the four of us we can try everything. :thumbsup2

Yes exactly!!! We'll order a dessert each and split them, just because I like to try everything :goodvibes

Fantastic updates as always, Katie. I really enjoyed watching your videos. You have such a talent for it.

Thank you so much!!! (again, see meme above) :rotfl: Thanks for reading!

Awesome, thanks! I thought it might be because clams look like a giant smile :laughing:


Why thank you, Kylo. Take me to the dark side.

All the good people have big hands


Oh wow he's a pretty man. :goodvibes

Again with that beautiful view from the balcony!!!! :faint::faint::faint: I love those sunrise pictures!

Good morning, gooood mornnnnning! Gah- I love that song! It's just so catchy, I'll probably be singing it to myself while I read the rest of your updates.

I've never heard of that Steamboat Willie before- really interesting tidbit!

Yum- your lunch looks delicious!

It was amazing seeing the sunrise, but I think this was the only day I was up in time :rolleyes:
I love the welcome show so much! I sing it all the time, and now I'm singing it again, THANKS! :laughing:
Annnnd now I'm hungry thinking about Be Our Guest sandwiches... so DOUBLE THANKS! :thumbsup2 We love that lunch, but we've never done dinner there. Maybe we'll give it a shot next time, but I'm just so obsessed with that turkey sandwich!

Joining in on your trip report! Your use of gifs are always on point :D




:laughing: And thanks for reading :goodvibes

Poor Goofy seems to get drunk more often than not lol.


Ha! I guess Goofy is definitely THAT member of the group! Funny, I always thought it would be Donald...



I'm a little late to the party, but I'm here now! I'm loving this trip report and am totally jealous yall got to stay club level at the Poly!

Yay! :welcome: Definitely not late to the party, there's still loads of updates to go! I'm so glad you're enjoying it so far :goodvibes ahh I know, I still can't believe we actually got to stay in that room! There's not a lot that can ever top that! :lovestruc
I love this comment! Thank you!! Sometimes I read my posts back and I wonder if people "get me", you know?! I think, "do I sound ridiculous writing that? Maybe I should keep that one to myself.." :laughing: But I'm so glad you enjoy it! :hug:

You don't sound ridiculous at all! I love your sense of humor and your updates never fail to make me laugh! I wish I had the talent for writing trip reports like you do, but alas, I don't so I'll just continue to enjoy yours! popcorn:: :hug:
Sleeping Beauty castle (take 2) is insanely amazing.

I think it might be my favourite Disney castle.
(Although I haven’t seen the other Sleeping Beauty castle in person yet.)

Photo’s do not do it justice. I’m always amazed at how much taller it seems when you’re stood in front of it compared to in photos. It is ginormous.
It’s pretty “out there”, but in my opinion it’s both whimsical and elegant – and the perfect amount of both.


WOW!!! This makes me SO excited to visit Disneyland Paris and super bummed we aren't anytime soon LOL! It's SO on our list (along with the one in Japan, and the new one that's opening in China!). Your photos of it are amazing!!!

I've seen the one in Hong Kong (here are pictures: http://www.adashofluxury.com/disneyland-hong-kong/) and the one California, and they are NOWHERE NEAR as amazing as this one looks! For both of them we were laughing at how CLOSE we had to get in order to get a good photo and not have it look so tiny in the back! So opposite of the castle in Florida (even though that's Cinderella's), and by the looks of it here too!!! This seems to be the one they modeled after Neuschwanstein Castle I'm guessing? Since it's in the mountaintop? That, we are actually going to see this summer, but secretly, I'm wishing we were heading over to Disneyland Paris instead LOL!

Great TR so far, excited to read more!!
Hello dearest pkondzi, I'm going to reply to both your replies at once, because I'm super efficient and practical like that :thumbsup2

You know, of course, what really stands out here.

You have an alarm that sounds like a mooing cow???

YES I do. My alarm used to be the tune from Fantasmic, but obviously, I tend to associate my alarm sound with pure hatred from being torn away from my bed, so I had to change it. Now I just hate cows, but at least I still like Fantasmic. :laughing:


Thanks I know I am. :cutie:
Oh fine, yes the sunrise was beautiful !! :laughing: Sadly I was only up in time to see it this one morning

How Katie forecasts the weather.
Can see castle = nice day.
Can't see castle = fog.
Can't see castle and face wet = rain... or fog and last day and crying.
Can see bottom of castle but not top = cloudy.
Can see castle and is living in it = dreaming.

This is spot on :laughing: particularly the last day crying :sad2:

How stoked were you that you could just run down the hall and hop on a monorail?

SO stoked!!!!! I feel like we've been completely spoiled with transportation the last couple of years. Between walking into Epcot at the Beach Club, to hopping on a monorail from the Grand / Poly, it's scary to consider relying solely on buses again.. (which we'll be doing this year!!) Maybe you could hook me up with one of those VIP bus passes? Since you didn't get me anything for Christmas. Yes? NO?! FINE.

Whoops! They waited for you but didn't reserve a prime viewing spot???
What's with that?

Right??! I genuinely feel like the Welcome Show always waits for me, but I guess the later I am, the more people arrive... This year I'll get there an hour early and hopefully they'll just play me a preview showing and let me right in.

I like those little videos you make.
But what cracked me up was two things.
1. You get off the monorail and Jamie's in front of you. Immediately after, you're in front.
I can just hear you "Move, Jamie! We're going to miss it! Oh, just get out of my way!"
2. Afterwards you're in the park and zooming by people left and right.
Girl on a mission!

And... what the HECK happened to that bird at the 3:25 mark????

Thank you!! I really don't know what I'm doing when I'm editing those videos though. The extent of my skills is just matching the clips to the beat of the music :laughing:
Bahaha EXACTLY. We are both super fast walkers, just naturally without even trying. (Our time at Disney is spent darting in and out of people :laughing:) But when it's day 1 and there's a welcome show to get to, you know I'm going to be practically running down that ramp!!!

:lmao: I actually lol'd so hard, I snorted!
Hang on... I'm going back up to listen to that again... BRB.


:rotfl: Good! I like to think I know a lot about Disney but I had no clue! But looking at before and after pictures, it looks like the hub grass is built upon an extension of the bridge - so there actually wasn't really anything to remember being there.. *phew* Disney expert title restored (hopefully) :thumbsup2

Saving the public from evil... it's Gorm Girl!
She'll freeze the bad guys with her dull blank gaze!
Watch out! The dullness rubs off!

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: This is me!!! :laughing:

Those Buzz pictures have made me really paranoid that my resting face is just a blank, lifeless stare...


Aww... Cute pic of you two.


Ah. So he got out from behind the bars then.

Unfortunately........ I jooooooooke!

"Well, sir. I was going to fillet her and serve her as a surprise delicacy to my guests. But instead I think I'll just have her stuffed and nailed to the front of my boat."

Until she took off her make up


"Keep smiling! OMG, what did I get myself into! He's going to nail me to his boat!"

:rotfl: Exactly!

All right! Best ride in WDW!

Is Haunted Mansion really your favourite in the whole of Disney?! I feel like I know you a little better now :goodvibes

What?!?!? I didn't know that! I thought when they took the original one out, they didn't replace it!
Crap! Crap! Crap!

Well, guess I'll just have to go back now.

Whereabouts is it in the queue?

Yes you do need to go back!!! I honestly couldn't tell you where it is.. I think it's just before you go into the building (don't quote me though) - I do know that it's right by a bin (trash can?!), and it's on the right hand side as you're walking through the queue!

Had that happen to me too.
And it's a bit awkward.

Yeah it's kinda weird when no one laughs at the jokes on the Jungle Cruise, I feel bad for the poor skipper. But on the other hand, it felt like we had a better bond with the skip, because she was basically directing the jokes to only us, and she was reacting to our reactions, you know?!

"Excuse us folks, you're going to have to vacate the area. The Little Katie is on her way and she'll need this entire space. Thanks for understanding."

Ok ok, I didn't want to sound big-headed, but this is really what happened. princess:

You laugh. But it was actually Minnie.
She's a lush.

She does look like she's staring right at someone in the crowd as she holds that dress up... Naughty girl :laughing:

So I'm not sure I understand.
Do you like it?


Yep. Definitely liking him more and more.

I need to occasionally remind him to keep his humour "disney-friendly" :thumbsup2

You seem to have many, many obsessions.
I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to limit yourself to no more than six obsessions per day.

I never have anywhere near 6 obsessions a day in my real life... Can I store the spare obsession labels throughout the year and use them all up when I go back to Disney?!

I checked All Ears recipes and they only had two from BOG (neither was the Turkey sandwich)

Boo you All Ears!!! But thank you for looking pkondzi! And thank you for reading!! :goodvibes
I can't wait to see more of your trip report! I'm planning on staying at Poly for our honeymoon this September. Your pictures are making me so excited!! :woohoo:

I have to say.. your pictures and the quality of them are flawless. I love how clear they are! What kind of camera do you use? And did you edit them by any chance or is that how they are normally? I may need to invest in a new camera.. :scratchin
No. No. NO!

You're porn name is (first name) your first pet and (last name) the street where you grew up.

Mine would be Bonnie Brierdene which isn't as sexy as Meatball Martin Luther King JR Boulevard :laughing:

Mine would be BRIAN WOODHOLM....!!!!! :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: I don't think you can get much sexier than that :thumbsup2
I imagine a porn star with that name looking like Del Boy :rotfl2:


Honestly I was waiting/hoping that you would say he got stuck. Is that mean? It would make for a great story!:rotfl2:

Not gonna lie, a tiny part of me hoped he would too :rotfl:How embarrassing would it have been if Disney had to dismantle their Zurg cage to get him out :rotfl: We couldn't show our faces there again!

I have never agreed more with anything in my life. Disney's motto is "hey, do you like this parade? well it's gone now!" (i.e. Spectromagic)

YES! You are exactly right. I'm happy they're keeping the parks fresh, but something about "send us your selfies with the hashtag..." just really makes me cringe!!! And the main theme song sucks too :laughing:

Okay so this happened to us this year. Normally my sister and I duck at the end, allowing our parents to get soaked. But unfortunately my dad noticed that our boat was dragging in the back, so every hill we hit, the front sort of divebombed in the water, drenching us in the front row :confused3 No bueno!

Right?! Something was just off about it, we noticed for example, when you go down that first drop and head straight into the indoor "how do you do" scene, the boat would push a tidal wave of water forward, so much so that the boat in front would fly up, and the water would crash over the frog and bird and the rest of the set! It looks like it will cause a lot more water-related ware and tare! :confused3

Love the new update, can't wait to see more!

Thank you!! And thanks for reading :goodvibes More is coming up very soon!

Hey I can always be counted on to lower the tone! :thumbsup2

This is way too cute. Also, Tom Hiddleston is in a new BBC drama called The Night Manager, also starring HUGH LAURIE. Yes please :lovestruc

Agreed. But also this Granny is my spirt animal:


That Aldi advert was so good! :rotfl: Did you see the Christmas spoof they did of the John Lewis advert?! LOL.

I haven't seen any of AHS:Hotel yet!! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: My life is so incomplete! Is it good??

It's pretty good! It's just man-candy left right and centre. The storyline was slightly weak though. Well it was alright, it just felt like they were making it up as they went along, you know?! Maybe it's just me, but I like to be mind-blown at the end of a series when all the loose ends are tied up to an epic conclusion, AHS hotel was just a bit random! TO SUMMARISE. Watch for the beautiful men, not the plot :thumbsup2 :laughing:
Speaking of being mind-blown, I've almost finished Prison Break! (Yes, I'm 10 years behind on this one :laughing:) have you watched it?! It's gooooood :goodvibes

I think because we have a lagoon view they only have those views on the first and second floor which is super sucky. :sad1:

Yes... Because you have a lagoon view... And you have great self-control, and you definitely haven't upgraded.


And I bring plenty of rude innuendos too :laughing:

This is why we love you :hug:

LOL... AWESOME!! That is all I have to say on that one.

Haha! I'm glad you enjoyed that one :goodvibes

Oh poor goofy. That could secretly be why his name is goofy.

Of course! He acts the same way I act after a couple of drinks :thumbsup2


Loving this trip report! You and your boyfriend are so cute together - definitely two peas in a pod! Glad you two were able to visit for quite a while!

Hey, thank you!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it :goodvibes:goodvibes I guess we're lucky that we're quite similar personalities, and he's not "too cool" for Disney! :goodvibes Yeah it's great spending 2 weeks there! I listen to some podcasts and stuff where they've mentioned "crazy British people who want to visit for two weeks" :laughing: but it's totally normal for everyone here to go for that long :thumbsup2 Pretty much everyone you come across in the UK who has been to Disney will go to / have been to Disney for 10 days+ , maybe because the flights are quite long / expensive? I don't know, but I'm not complaining! :goodvibes Thanks so much for reading!

My goodness - breathtaking!

Hey girl! I need to come catch up with your TR! I'll be there as soon as possible :goodvibes

Thank you, I couldn't believe the colour of that sunrise!

Buzz is probably thinking "Oh no, not these two again, they steal all the celebrate 999,999 points buttons!" :rotfl2:

So true!!! We had 3 each last trip :rotfl: but we didn't actually pick up ANY this year! :sad2:

Nicely done!:thumbsup2:rotfl:

Thanks! Although being good at Buzz is quite a useless talent :rotfl2: I wish there was a real-life situation I could apply that skill to.. :confused3 :laughing:

Ok, I totally see your point. I guess they could have thought of a better way to showcase Ariel in front of her ride. Maybe they are implying that technically she is "under the sea" because when you walk into the ride you technically are. And if she is "under the sea" then she is swimming, since she is still in mermaid form, and she is leading the ship!
That is my best shot at it!:rotfl2:

You could be right! Although maybe just having her sat on a rock (like at Beach Club Villas) would avoid the confusion :laughing:


WOW. I had never heard anything about this before, but the next time I'm there, I will definitely look in person. From your picture, I think I can kind of see it, but it seems like it would be better in person.

It's really cool once you spot it for real! And as I was trying to point it out to Jamie I had other people stopping to see what I was talking about :goodvibes yes, yes everybody, I'm very smart :thumbsup2 :laughing:

Oh yes, I always do the same!::yes:: Sing Alongs on rides in Disney is a must!:laughing:

How do they come up with such catchy tunes?!

Hate to sy it but I have never been on the Jungle Cruise before, something I must try...some people say it can be very corny, but honestly I think that's what makes it so fun!

Oh yes girl, you must!! It is corny, some people think it's dumb, but if you can appreciate the cheesy jokes I think you'll enjoy it! The jokes are actually the main reason I ride it! Otherwise it's just some naff animatronics. Yes yes you should try it :goodvibes

YUM! When I read that line I said to myself "I know what Katie ordered!:rotfl2:

I am very unadventurous and predictable!!!! :laughing: I can hear that turkey sandwich calling out to me from the kitchen :lovestruc

Wow Katie, a wonderful start to a day at MK, can't wait to read more!:hyper:

Thank you girly! More coming very soon :goodvibes

Urgh. :sad2: That is the worst.


For reals.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! That is a view :love:


Not all clams are happy though...:rolleyes1


Bahaha I thought the exact same thing @pkondz did, I'm sure there are some clam-dudes who would not be complaining :rotfl: (I like the term "clam-dude", but I don't know how I will apply it to real life experiences... Suggestions are welcome.)

What happened there?!?!?!

He blames the gun / sitting on the right, he will not take responsibility for a Buzz-fail :sad2:

No you are so not alone in this. I remeber the first time I was going to go on HM I must have been like 4 or 5 and we got to nearly the front of the line (it was really busy and we had been waiting for fourty minutes) and then I freaked out and made my mum leave the line...all the way back the way we just came! I didnt actually get the nerve to go on until I was like 9 and then I had my eyes shut the whole time! :rotfl:

I wasn't scared :rolleyes1

Hahahah, it's kids like you that make me scared to have children :rotfl: "We've queued an hour! You WILL ride Haunted Mansion, and you WILL enjoy it." :laughing:

Oh my Jesus what is that thing?! How does it jump like that?! Do turtles have knees? WHAT IS HAPPENING.

Total VIP hub! :laughing:



Thanks friend!

Let's be honest they all seems to be a little tipsy Minnie seems to been on the hooch! :laughing:


She's has absoltely no shame lifting her dress up in front of a big crowd of people..


Okay you would definitely get kicked off Splash Mountain if you guys were doing that. And people say I'm the bad influence! :sad2: :rotfl:

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:I refuse to believe anyone has heard that song and interpreted the lyrics correctly, I have a home video of Splash from the 90s and my family are going "Show me your WHAT?!" :laughing:
Hello dearest pkondzi, I'm going to reply to both your replies at once, because I'm super efficient and practical like that :thumbsup2

I'm all right with that.... and yes. Yes you are.

YES I do.


My alarm used to be the tune from Fantasmic, but obviously, I tend to associate my alarm sound with pure hatred from being torn away from my bed, so I had to change it.

Well, of course. My alarm is either whatever the radio station is doing at that time, or just a generic beeping.
And I hate the generic beeping.

Now I just hate cows, but at least I still like Fantasmic. :laughing:

Haters gonna hate


Thanks I know I am. :cutie:

Yes. Yes you are.

Whoa. Deja vu...

Oh fine, yes the sunrise was beautiful !! :laughing: Sadly I was only up in time to see it this one morning

I never see a sunrise at Disney... too busy running to the next thing.

This is spot on :laughing: particularly the last day crying :sad2:

I know.

SO stoked!!!!! I feel like we've been completely spoiled with transportation the last couple of years.

Huh. Oddly enough... so do I.

it's scary to consider relying solely on buses again.. (which we'll be doing this year!!)

Busses are great! You never have to wait more than 5 minutes for one. Usually you don't wait at all!

Maybe you could hook me up with one of those VIP bus passes? Since you didn't get me anything for Christmas. Yes? NO?! FINE.

Done! Pick up your pass at the third turn off on the turnpike.

Right??! I genuinely feel like the Welcome Show always waits for me, but I guess the later I am, the more people arrive... This year I'll get there an hour early and hopefully they'll just play me a preview showing and let me right in.

I can see that.
Katie. Standing by herself in the middle of the square. In the dark. No one around. Just the sounds of a few crickets (none of them Jiminy.)

Get Jamie to video it.
I would prefer it if you ran around in circles.

Thank you!! I really don't know what I'm doing when I'm editing those videos though. The extent of my skills is just matching the clips to the beat of the music :laughing:

They look good to me!

We are both super fast walkers, just naturally without even trying.

Ditto. It was a bit of a shock to have to slow down so much for Kay.

(Our time at Disney is spent darting in and out of people :laughing:)


"Scuse me. Coming through. Passing by. See ya."

But when it's day 1 and there's a welcome show to get to, you know I'm going to be practically running down that ramp!!!


:rotfl: Good! I like to think I know a lot about Disney but I had no clue! But looking at before and after pictures, it looks like the hub grass is built upon an extension of the bridge - so there actually wasn't really anything to remember being there.. *phew* Disney expert title restored (hopefully) :thumbsup2

Uh, huh. Sure. You just made that up, right?

Those Buzz pictures have made me really paranoid that my resting face is just a blank, lifeless stare...

You forgot the drool running down from the corner of your mouth.

Unfortunately........ I jooooooooke!


Until she took off her make up


Still hot.

Nothing that a little wax and some mascara can't fix.

Is Haunted Mansion really your favourite in the whole of Disney?! I feel like I know you a little better now :goodvibes

I shall answer this question with a ... true story.

10ish years ago, Ruby & I took the DDs to Disney (my first time staying on site too!) They were 4 and 8 at the time. Bed time (if memory serves) was around 8 or 8:30 I believe. It was a great trip. The girls had a wonderful time. (Magic Carpets... Seven. Times. In. A. Row.... <shudder> I still have nightmares.) I firmly believe that if you say you're going to Disney for your kids... than do that! And stop yelling at them for not doing everything you want them to do!! (Sorry. Rant over.) On that trip, here is a partial list of rides that I did not do:
Star Tours
Space Mountain
and... HM.

First time staying on site (POR) remember?
After another successful day in a park, we got back to our resort and both girls crashed hard. You know what they say, There's no sleep like a Disney sleep. The DDs were no exception to that rule. Ruby is an early sleeper too, so she was going to bed too.
So. Evening EMH at MK...
Once everyone was settled in, I took a bus back to MK, walked by MSEP with hardly a glance and made a bee line for... HM.
Rode it 3-4 times in a row (zero wait... awesome) then headed back to the resort.

Does that clarify my position a bit?

Yes you do need to go back!!! I honestly couldn't tell you where it is.. I think it's just before you go into the building (don't quote me though) - I do know that it's right by a bin (trash can?!), and it's on the right hand side as you're walking through the queue!

One always needs to go back.
Unfortunately, I don't see a trip in the near (or even distant) future.
Well... maybe distant.

Yeah it's kinda weird when no one laughs at the jokes on the Jungle Cruise, I feel bad for the poor skipper. But on the other hand, it felt like we had a better bond with the skip, because she was basically directing the jokes to only us, and she was reacting to our reactions, you know?!

So basically a private tour.
That's the way I'm going to look at it anyway.

She does look like she's staring right at someone in the crowd as she holds that dress up... Naughty girl :laughing:



Just making sure.

I need to occasionally remind him to keep his humour "disney-friendly" :thumbsup2

Aw... Where's the fun in that??

I never have anywhere near 6 obsessions a day in my real life... Can I store the spare obsession labels throughout the year and use them all up when I go back to Disney?!

You're going to do it anyway, aren't you.

Boo you All Ears!!! But thank you for looking pkondzi! And thank you for reading!! :goodvibes

Anytime Katie. Anytime!

Mine would be BRIAN WOODHOLM....!!!!! :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: I don't think you can get much sexier than that :thumbsup2
I imagine a porn star with that name looking like Del Boy :rotfl2:


Mine rocks.


Smokey Glen.


Bahaha I thought the exact same thing @pkondz did, I'm sure there are some clam-dudes who would not be complaining :rotfl:

::yes:: I see all these clams crying out "Pick me! Pick me!"

(I like the term "clam-dude", but I don't know how I will apply it to real life experiences... Suggestions are welcome.)

I see it more as... "Hey! Don't have a clam dude. I have a fast pass for this ride. I'm not cutting the line."

Oh my Jesus what is that thing?! How does it jump like that?! Do turtles have knees? WHAT IS HAPPENING.

OMG I'm loving this TR so much!! I just got all caught up today! DLP looks beautiful! I didn't realize it was so small, that you could walk to everything. I had to Google map it to see what it looked like.
2 weeks at the Poly! I can't even imagine ever being so lucky!

Hey, thanks!!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it :goodvibes Yeah DLP is about the same size as Disneyland Resort in California, maybe a bit smaller, so it's nice for a quick visit! You can probably do most of it in 2 days if you plan it right, so it doesn't have to be a super expensive trip! And I still can't believe I got to stay in that amazing room at the Poly, I'll treasure that experience forever!! :goodvibes Thanks for reading! :hug:

OK I am going to give this quoting thing a whirl. :bored:(Still new at this DIS stuff)

Hey! And :welcome: to the Dis!!! You've learned about quoting and multi-quoting faster than I did :laughing:

:thumbsup2 Ahh great video!

Thank you!! I honestly have no idea what I'm doing, I tend to click all the buttons until it eventually does what I want :laughing:

This is why Disney amazes me. I can't wait to go back and point this out to my family!

It's a great find, even better in person! I love that they add things that are so subtle, so many people walk past that hidden Steamboat Willie every day!

:boat: Ahhh Splash Mountain is by far the BEST!

YES! Yes it is!! We should be friends :laughing:

I finally had the opportunity to eat at BOG this year! Ahhhhmazing!

Ahh it's so beautiful isn't it! And it's so nice to have lunch items that aren't burgers and hot dogs :thumbsup2

Can't wait to hear more!!

Thanks! It's coming up soon!

You could always use both, like this: "We parked our lorry/truck in the car park/parking lot and walked through the subway/underpass to the pub/bar where we ordered some chips/fries." Maybe a bit awkward, though.

This is what I'm going to try to do, I don't want people to have to google things that I say, that's waaay too much effort :goodvibes

September seems less crowded and less expensive, but the one time I went in September, a hurricane kept everyone in their hotel for a whole day while the parks were all closed and it wasn't safe to be outdoors. Glad your September trips have gone well.

Oh my! That's awful. We anticipate bad weather in September, I think we've been pretty lucky so far. It rained more on this trip than on our 2014 trip, but still nothing close to a hurricane *touch wood!!!*

Yes! Going to WDW April 8-21, including a family reunion and some solo time and looking to meet up with a few Dis'ers at various times. Also planning to go again this fall, tentative dates Oct. 29-Nov. 9.

Yay! A Flower and Garden AND Food and Wine trip in one year! Awesome Sauce! Your April trip will be here before you know it :goodvibes

I just want to give you a big thanks. Love your trip reports and thanks to you I discovered Goofy's Candy Company. I saw your visit on your last trip report and forced my whole family there to get make your own rice krispies last week. Nothing better than after my race eating a giant rice crispy dipped in chocolate.

So glad you've discovered Goofy's Candy Co! It's definitely worth forcing your family to :thumbsup2 Those rice crispy treats are life changing :lovestruc Did you run in the WDW marathon weekend?! Congrats! (And congrats if it was a non-Disney race too, of course :laughing:) I'd love to do RunDisney event one day! How did you find it? I think they looks really fun. I'd like to do the 10k that goes through the Epcot resorts area because I love it around there :goodvibes I bet the Boardwalk gets slippy if it rains though! :crutches:

Awesome report! I'm signing on!

Yay thanks!! And :welcome:

Hi again! I just got all caught up. I can hardly believe what an awesome room you had at the Poly! I need to put a room like that on my Disney bucket list.

I know!! I'm still in disbelief, I loved that room so much :lovestruc Maybe I'll decorate my bedroom like that just to reminisce, although the view of my apartment block courtyard wouldn't be quite the same :laughing:

I would imagine happy as a clam also looks similar to this:

This is exactly my expression at Disney :laughing:

I love the welcome show so much :sad::sad::sad:

Me too! It makes me slightly teary..


He's got the moves!!! :dancer:


LOL that gif is EXACTLY what he was doing :rotfl: I wish the video was a little brighter but you can kinda see it :laughing:


Mind. Blown. I seriously never heard of that before!! I definitely need to check that out when I am there in Dec!

Yes you do! It's even better in real life :goodvibes

I mean...not to make you feel bad...but this ride is one of Jacob's favorites. He's 6. And rode it the first time at 2 1/2.
Just saying :rotfl:

You have a very brave 6 year old. Or maybe I'm just pathetic... NO! It IS scary!!!!! Go Jacob you little daredevil.

Well who wouldn't want a sign that says "barbecued three toed skink" - and for the record, I read that as skank at first :blush::rotfl2:

Clearly a typo, they mean barbecued three toed skank :rotfl:

This is EXACTLY what I plan on doing next trip!! Have myself a nice little rest in the hub!! Because I am all about that #hubgrasslife :thumbsup2

UGH it's so nice. The hub grass is one of my new (more specific) happy places, I just want to sit there and drink Starbucks and eat nutella waffles all day every day forever and ever


Also, in December you'll be able to sit there and listen to the christmas music and that is just :lovestruc

No please, tell us how you really feel :laughing:

:rotfl:I HATE IT.

Oh Katie :rotfl: That's definitely the 'puff in you coming out :thumbsup2;)

I almost retook a different sorting hat quiz the other day but then I thought, who am I trying to kid?! #PuffAndProud :thumbsup2

Oh my gosh...could you be any cuter?! I'm loving your report! am subbed in!

Thank you!! I'm so glad you're enjoying it :goodvibes and :welcome:!!


Coming right up my friend! Let me reply to the rest of these comments, then watch this space :thumbsup2

This is me every morning in Disney! Waking up slightly cranky because it's early, and then realizing that it's fine because I'm in Disney!:cheer2:

Exactly! You can sleep when you get home!!!

Comedic gold right here. :rotfl2:

:rotfl: thanks! :goodvibes

The Kiss the Girl scene is the best! I love the storks holding open the vines when you first enter.

I agree, that's definitely my favourite part :thumbsup2

Once again, comedic gold! :rotfl:

Haha, thanks again! I'm glad you're enjoying it!

My husband thinks the line is "pretty good, show us your balls." :sad2:

Love your report!!
That's what we think too :rotfl2:

That's what my family used to sing too!! :rotfl:

Even better :rotfl2::rotfl2:

@TheLittleKatie please be sure to tell Jaime about this so he can sing it that way as well :rotfl:

Oh jeez, do not encourage him!!
Hey girl! I need to come catch up with your TR! I'll be there as soon as possible :goodvibes
Hey Katie! Great, take your time, I'm not going anywhere!:goodvibes
So true!!! We had 3 each last trip :rotfl: but we didn't actually pick up ANY this year! :sad2:
Which should give you more reason to have to book another trip!:rotfl::thumbsup2
You could be right! Although maybe just having her sat on a rock (like at Beach Club Villas) would avoid the confusion :laughing:
I love that statue! I can't wait to admire it when I'm at the BC this summer!:goodvibes And I agree, if they had a statue like that at MK, maybe with a bit more detail, that would make more sense...:rotfl2:
You ate the whole city of Philadelphia??? On your bagel?

Apparently! Don't you call that Philadelphia?!

Just got caught up... I love reading your trip reports! Plus, it's helping with my Disney withdrawal. I was there in mid-late October and I'm ready to go baaaack!:rotfl2:
(My lack of Disney tantrum)

Yay thanks! I'm totally there with you girl, Disney withdrawals are the WORST. It may be a first world problem, but it's a problem nonetheless :thumbsup2 From your ticker it looks like you're going back this year though?! :cheer2: Thanks for reading!

Oh My Goodness! I finally got here to catch up! What have I been doing? I have even fell wayyyyyyyy behind on my TR! ...anywho...You first day had started off wonderfully! Great weather, great magic, great rides, great lunch! :)

I have this book as well and it is amazing! So many details that you would never think to look for or realize! :)

Can't wait for more!

Don't worry girl, I never have time to post these days! I will be over at yours to catch up as soon as I can though, I miss your stories! The Hidden Magic book is great isn't it! I just wish it had some visuals, but anything I find interesting I've been searching for in google images, and putting a picture to the fact makes it even better!

You don't sound ridiculous at all! I love your sense of humor and your updates never fail to make me laugh! I wish I had the talent for writing trip reports like you do, but alas, I don't so I'll just continue to enjoy yours! popcorn:: :hug:

Thank goodness! Noooo I'm sure your writing would be entertaining! Anything related to WDW is entertaining to most of us here :goodvibes

WOW!!! This makes me SO excited to visit Disneyland Paris and super bummed we aren't anytime soon LOL! It's SO on our list (along with the one in Japan, and the new one that's opening in China!). Your photos of it are amazing!!!

I've seen the one in Hong Kong (here are pictures: http://www.adashofluxury.com/disneyland-hong-kong/) and the one California, and they are NOWHERE NEAR as amazing as this one looks! For both of them we were laughing at how CLOSE we had to get in order to get a good photo and not have it look so tiny in the back! So opposite of the castle in Florida (even though that's Cinderella's), and by the looks of it here too!!! This seems to be the one they modeled after Neuschwanstein Castle I'm guessing? Since it's in the mountaintop? That, we are actually going to see this summer, but secretly, I'm wishing we were heading over to Disneyland Paris instead LOL!

Great TR so far, excited to read more!!

I really enjoyed those pictures of Hong Kong Disneyland, thanks for sharing! Mystic Manor looks amazing!! I'm really intrigued by that concept of a guy and his pet monkey bringing things to life! I just figured it would be the same as all the other Haunted Mansions, but is the story completely different? I can't wait to get out there some day! DLR is still my priority though, so it probably wont be any time soon :confused3
Wow have a great time visiting Neuschwanstein Castle! Germany right? I love Germany!! I've never seen that castle though. Although I did visit Mont Saint-Michel, which is what the kingdom from Tangled is themed from! I bet there are so many cool places around the world that Disney has used as inspiration :lovestruc

MORE! Please soon!!!

Your wish is my command!!!! pixiedust:

I can't wait to see more of your trip report! I'm planning on staying at Poly for our honeymoon this September. Your pictures are making me so excited!! :woohoo:

I have to say.. your pictures and the quality of them are flawless. I love how clear they are! What kind of camera do you use? And did you edit them by any chance or is that how they are normally? I may need to invest in a new camera.. :scratchin

Yay you will love the Poly!!! What a perfect place to spend your honeymoon :goodvibes
Thanks so much, my camera is actually just a little point and shoot!!! It's a Sony Cyber Shot DSC-HX20V (to be precise :laughing:) It's funny, we bought it because it was a "display model", so it had been sat in a cabinet for a while, and didn't have a box or charger, so it was cheaper than half price!! And we just bought a charger online also for super cheap, making it an absolute steal! And it's a great, easy little camera too. I have absolutely no photography skills at all, so I do think the pictures come out pretty darn good, all things considered! I don't really edit them at all, I give them a slight saturation boost to make them a bit more vibrant but that's it. Actually, I used to host them on photobucket, but then I moved everything to Flickr because I noticed how much better the upload quality was, so I guess there are a number of things to consider :goodvibes

Haters gonna hate


I find it weird that she has her own parade float, in Boo To You at least. It's pretty random, but I do think she's quite cute.

I never see a sunrise at Disney... too busy running to the next thing.

Too busy running up and down the stairs at your hotel :thumbsup2

Done! Pick up your pass at the third turn off on the turnpike.

I don't know what a turnpike is :laughing: something on the roads over there, right?!

You forgot the drool running down from the corner of your mouth.


I shall answer this question with a ... true story.

10ish years ago, Ruby & I took the DDs to Disney (my first time staying on site too!) They were 4 and 8 at the time. Bed time (if memory serves) was around 8 or 8:30 I believe. It was a great trip. The girls had a wonderful time. (Magic Carpets... Seven. Times. In. A. Row.... <shudder> I still have nightmares.) I firmly believe that if you say you're going to Disney for your kids... than do that! And stop yelling at them for not doing everything you want them to do!! (Sorry. Rant over.) On that trip, here is a partial list of rides that I did not do:
Star Tours
Space Mountain
and... HM.

First time staying on site (POR) remember?
After another successful day in a park, we got back to our resort and both girls crashed hard. You know what they say, There's no sleep like a Disney sleep. The DDs were no exception to that rule. Ruby is an early sleeper too, so she was going to bed too.
So. Evening EMH at MK...
Once everyone was settled in, I took a bus back to MK, walked by MSEP with hardly a glance and made a bee line for... HM.
Rode it 3-4 times in a row (zero wait... awesome) then headed back to the resort.

Does that clarify my position a bit?

So you waited until Ruby and the kids had fallen asleep, then you crept out into the night to visit Madame Leota at the mansion... And you rode it 3 or 4 times in a row... ;) :laughing:

One always needs to go back.
Unfortunately, I don't see a trip in the near (or even distant) future.
Well... maybe distant.

Booooo! Join the September 2016 club! Ie. @BibbitybobityLu and myself.. :grouphug:

Mine rocks.


Smokey Glen.



I can top both of those - mine would be Fishy Leanne. :rotfl2:

Fishy!!! That is not ok. :laughing:

That is me after just a few hours of sleep from feeding my son. LOL. Or after a ton of sugar, bored at work... well lets be honest. I am just uncoordinated and accident prone all the time.

:rotfl: Aren't we all! No? Just you and I? ::yes::
I love that statue! I can't wait to admire it when I'm at the BC this summer!:goodvibes And I agree, if they had a statue like that at MK, maybe with a bit more detail, that would make more sense...:rotfl2:

Did I know you were going back this summer..?! (Sorry if my memory is just bad) - are you staying at the Beach Club?!?! Yay! That's one of my favourites!! :lovestruc


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