Aladdin's final performance on January 10, 2016

I am sick to death of Frozen everything in the parks. Now it's shoving out the best stage show Disney has ever presented! And why? Solely because Disney wants to promote the upcoming Frozen sequel. This crappy decision is all about $$$$$$$$. Don't they ever make enough of the filthy green?? Do they give a damn what the average Disney fan thinks -- not just princess-obsessed 6 year old girls? No one is clamoring for the replacement of Aladdin!

What next? Frozen Mansion? Frozen Pirates (those AAs will reall move)? Frozen freakin' Mountain? How about a big Frozen Splash? Sounds like a fun thing to experience on your vacation?

I've only read page one of this thread, but it seems that most people in this thread agree with me. This decision stinks. I say voice your displeasure on Disney's web site. Is Disney going to listen this time?
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Agreed. That whole period of time that included The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Lion King, Pocahontas, etc., was very strong -- not just because there were memorable characters and stories in those movies, but the songs were mostly great. I thought that I would at least like the songs in Frozen even if I thought the story was just okay, and... I didn't. :guilty: If I never hear "Let it Go" again, I will not miss it.

ETA: Well, I suppose it could be worse. Disney could have decided that it was a grand idea to replace Aladdin with "Marsupilami: The Musical."

I really dislike this Broadway-esque style of song Disney is including now in many of their movies (I think it started with Tangled?) It's like they're trying to pre-package a property that could easily be translated to stage, but at the price of creativity and true heart in much of the music. Now many songs sound like run on sentences put to a tune :p

Like this little excerpt from a Frozen song:

" We’re not saying you can change him
’Cause people don’t really change
We’re only saying that love’s a force
That’s powerful and strange
People make bad choices
If they’re mad or scared or stressed
But throw a little love their way…"

HOW is that a song?! :lmao:Can you compare that to any of the songs from Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, or Little Mermaid and tell me it's just as good!

Anyway, sorry for the ramble! Still Harumphing big time about Aladdin leaving.
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Wow I'm really annoyed at this. Not only because I love the Aladdin show but I am sick to the back teeth of Frozen. It's nowhere near as good a film as others and the songs are stupid. Listening to things like Belle, Friend Like Me, Colours of The Wind and many many more - the Frozen soundtrack doesn't have one song that stands out. I am sick and tired of it becoming everywhere in the parks. The attraction is a stupid idea over in World Showcase at Epcot, they've already taken the Muppets spot in DL. Every time I watch a YouTube video the Main Street band and the pianist are playing Frozen songs. I know it has its fans and that's absolutely fine but when it is everywhere you turn. I am sure there are more people who are sick of it now then who love it. I am dreading the second film. It's a tough time being a Disney fan.
I am sick to death of Frozen everything in the parks. Now it's shoving out the best stage show Disney has ever presented! And why? Solely because Disney wants to promote the upcoming Frozen sequel. This crappy decision is all about $$$$$$$$. Don't they ever make enough of the filthy green??

The thing is, the mania is dying IMHO. And Disney seems to be oblivious.

Just look at the post here of little girls suddenly announcing they hate Frozen.

I'm a pin collector. The Disneyland Paris Frozen releases were all horrible. The Frozen event last Christmas sold out in under half hour. Pins were easily getting triple digits resale value. Now the pins for Frozen Summer which started in May? They sell so bad that the CMs are putting them on trade boards now...
I'm not totally against this, but they should remove Frozen from some of the other venues like the sing along and fantasy faire before opening this. And I also don't know how well Frozen translates to a full blown Broadway style production. In that respect BatB and Lion King would seem better suited.
How about Beauty and the Beast! I mean that movie was the first (and I think only....) animated movie to ever get a best movie Oscar nomination. It won the Oscar that year for best original score, so you know the music is stellar. It would be easy enough to do in that theater since it is on Broadway. I think I will write them with all this ;)
My only guess about why not BatB is they have a big production for this in FL, along with Lion King. I'm glad DL has different shows in that aspect.
My choice would be leave Aladdin alone or if it must be replaced choose something else.
Heck, UP could be wonderful in a stage show.
Tangled was a much more entertaining movie than Frozen, to me. I'd love to see a stage show of it.
Merrida is a very inspiring character, Brave would be another show I'd watch.
Alice in Wonderland would translate to a stage show well too
The list is really endless but Disney is stuck with putting Frozen as the only choice these days
I am also hoping Muppets 4D returns - or - even better - an updated Muppets attraction film!

I'm pretty sure it if does it will be "The Muppets do Frozen".

Maybe the whole Hollywood area should just be re-done as Arendale??? Or however you spell it! I joke of course, but it seems as if that might be happening no?

Actually, that would be Norway in EPCOT at WDW....soon to be Arendale/Norway. Although, I have to admit we are kind of looking forward to the Frozen dark ride.

My only guess about why not BatB is they have a big production for this in FL, along with Lion King. I'm glad DL has different shows in that aspect.

Big rumor is that BATB is getting the ax in Florida. That has been the rumor for awhile, but a casting notice just went out for a Villains show to be located at DHS so it looks like the rumors are probably true. We do love the BATB show, but it is not the quality of Aladdin. (The Lion King show at WDW is just a revue, it doesn't tell the story at all).
Big rumor is that BATB is getting the ax in Florida. That has been the rumor for awhile, but a casting notice just went out for a Villains show to be located at DHS so it looks like the rumors are probably true. We do love the BATB show, but it is not the quality of Aladdin. (The Lion King show at WDW is just a revue, it doesn't tell the story at all).
That is said to go in a different theater that is currently being built/completed

I didn't mean to indicate that BatB or Lion King were equal to Aladdin (Nemo too) just that the movies have shows and I'm not surprised they aren't doing additional versions at DL
Not happy about this at all. We love Frozen, but we also love other Disney movies and the Aladdin show was something I was really excited about getting to see on our first trip to DL next year. My Frozen-loving kids are not happy either.
I'm not totally against this, but they should remove Frozen from some of the other venues like the sing along and fantasy faire before opening this.

Actually I disagree. If they did that then it would be seen as a loss, something taken away. But if they add an awesome show first, and then start removing some of the other frozen stuff Frozen lovers will be mollified. In short, it will be seen as an addition because presumably the show will be better than current Frozen offerings.
first off, I'm sad to see the that the Aladdin show is ending. I usually try and see it one or more times when there for multi-day visits.

second, as others have stated, I'm concerned that Frozen will not have the wide appeal that they hope for.

one thing that I hope will come out of this change is that Disney will go back to their original plan for the theater and change the shows on a regular basis.

I don't recall if they had planned a set schedule, but a different show every 2-3 years or 3-4 years seems reasonable and there is no reason that Aladdin couldn't rotate back in every few cycles.

on different note, I have only seen parts of Frozen a couple of time so I am not sure if I have seen the whole movie. is Olaf a strong enough character in the story that he could take over the "Genie" roll and bring in current events?
on different note, I have only seen parts of Frozen a couple of time so I am not sure if I have seen the whole movie. is Olaf a strong enough character in the story that he could take over the "Genie" roll and bring in current events?
Maybe but his character is generally not really all that bright, since he's a snowman and all. For insteance, his love of all things summer and not getting what would happen to him if he were to be around come summer. And how he never realizes Sven wants to eat his nose, he thinks Sven is trying to kiss him. He's a bit too gullible to pull off the current event humor that Genie does.
His character would be funny in a whole different way
Some thoughts:

- we're lucky and will be seeing Aladdin in 3 weeks (squeee!)

- my kids (10 & 8 year old girls) love Frozen - mostly Olaf - and would be overjoyed to see a show. I don't saturate them at home with Frozen stuff (not saying anyone else here does or that it's wrong to do so), so they don't get it all the time. We have the movie, and that's it. No toys even though they've asked for the dolls.

- I'm trying really hard to show my girls that liking 'boy' things is okay too - I'm A HUGE SW/Avengers/IJ fan. HUGE. I've loved SF stuff since forever and I'm trying to show the girls that there's no such thing as something ONLY for boys or ONLY for girls.

- I agree that Disney needs to bring some strong male characters into their fold, without making them jerks, 'evil' or stupid. Kristoff hinted at it, but certain characters have irritated me ever since I started reading the stories to my kids. Things like:
  1. why is it that King Stefan and King Hubert are the ones planning Aurora and Phillip's wedding (in the book)? Where are the mothers of the bride & groom? They're not dead, at least Aurora's mother isn't. We never see Phillip's mother at all!
  2. why is Li Shang so shortsighted he can't see his 'man' is a woman? I was in the military and one of the tenets of leadership is "Know Your Men (people, whatever)". Bad leadership, dude.
  3. why are princes/marriageable men shown as vapid and vain, or stupid and boorish? Naveen, the Scots in Brave, Gaston & the Beast in BatB... you get it. I understand they're showing a side of human nature, but enuogh is enough. That's what I loved about the live action Sleeping Beauty - the prince wasn't a moron.
Anyway, just a few observations from my ivory tower :laughing:
The thing is, the mania is dying IMHO. And Disney seems to be oblivious.

Just look at the post here of little girls suddenly announcing they hate Frozen.

I'm a pin collector. The Disneyland Paris Frozen releases were all horrible. The Frozen event last Christmas sold out in under half hour. Pins were easily getting triple digits resale value. Now the pins for Frozen Summer which started in May? They sell so bad that the CMs are putting them on trade boards now...

That reminds me of when they put American Idol in WDW...just when the show was on the decline. Good job being way behind the curve, guys. Now that show is already closed.

They tried to get rid of Aladdin a couple years ago, too. They were going to replace it with a Toy Story musical, but the uproar and backlash from sites like this was so strong that they backed down. This move would make sense if Aladdin was playing to empty houses, but that's not the case. It always plays to full and enthusiastic crowds.

Disney doesn't give a damn how beloved and popular Aladdin is, all they care about is promoting their latest frickin' franchise. It's a disservice to the fans to get rid of a much loved show just to try to goose the box office on their upcoming sequel. It's lazy minded to assume that everyone is drooling for anything Frozen when all we want is a frozen dole whip.

Coming soon, Disney's next nighttime spectacular: Frozentasmic!
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I am kinda looking forward to a new show in the theater. Aladdin has had a good run. But as with most things, new isn't doesn't always mean bad.

New doesn't always mean good, either.

But I'll tell you what, if Disney does go ahead with this, then the new show had better be damn good! Otherwise, it will look like crap compared to Aladdin!
I'm so sad. My husband and I have only been to Disneyland once and that was back in 2008. Of course, Aladdin was closed the week we were there so we didn't get a chance to see it. We're headed back in February and this was up high on my list of Must-Do's but I guess... not. :(
This is what happens with the consumer products big wig running the resort. Look at Big Hero 6. Big box office hit, and not so much as a parade float. But it probably wasn't a huge merchandise mover so it's ignored. As long long as frozen is moving merch, which it is, its presence in the parks will continue, which is annoying.

Right. What does a consumer products bigwig know about the parks? Two things: didley and squat.
We got to see the show on our trip in June. We loved it. I'm just sick it's going away, and we won't be back out there to see it either way.
I am one who does enjoy Frozen but realize it doesn't need to be everywhere and permeate everything.
The Sing A Long was a great show, very entertaining. I think it should be left alone and leave Aladdin alone too.
Who is it that really believes that this much Frozen is needed? Someone who never enters a park

The bolded above is an excellent way to describe Disney decision makers.


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