Official 2016 Princess Half Marathon Thread

Great job @Anisum !!

I have posted about this elsewhere, but I managed to blow my back out on Friday (on the Disney Fantasy of all places)...not sure where or how I did it, but I have been out of commission since then. :worried: I did run the Castaway Cay 5K that morning, though! (Not where the back injury husband thinks I just twisted oddly or something later that day. Let me tell you...if that's how I injured myself, that was a HELLUVA twist I did. :crazy2:)

ANYWAY...the spasms stopped a few days ago and now I'm not sore, just mostly stiff, to the point where I feel like I need to start moving more again to loosen things up. So today was my first form of exercise since the CC5K - 1.8 miles on the treadmill. Mostly walking with three 1-minute bursts of running thrown in, and it went pretty well! :) I have the Disneyland 5K + Dumbo Double Dare coming up in a month (in fact, the 10K is 1 month from today!!) so I'm focusing on building back up very slowly to get ready for that race weekend. I'm extremely paranoid that I'll re-injure myself, so I'm planning on yoga tomorrow and, assuming I feel good after that, a short run on Friday (with run/walk intervals shorter than what I normally do). I'll reassess from there. Sigh. :upsidedow

Hope everyone's having a good week! :)
Great job @Anisum !!

I have posted about this elsewhere, but I managed to blow my back out on Friday (on the Disney Fantasy of all places)...not sure where or how I did it, but I have been out of commission since then. :worried: I did run the Castaway Cay 5K that morning, though! (Not where the back injury husband thinks I just twisted oddly or something later that day. Let me tell you...if that's how I injured myself, that was a HELLUVA twist I did. :crazy2:)

ANYWAY...the spasms stopped a few days ago and now I'm not sore, just mostly stiff, to the point where I feel like I need to start moving more again to loosen things up. So today was my first form of exercise since the CC5K - 1.8 miles on the treadmill. Mostly walking with three 1-minute bursts of running thrown in, and it went pretty well! :) I have the Disneyland 5K + Dumbo Double Dare coming up in a month (in fact, the 10K is 1 month from today!!) so I'm focusing on building back up very slowly to get ready for that race weekend. I'm extremely paranoid that I'll re-injure myself, so I'm planning on yoga tomorrow and, assuming I feel good after that, a short run on Friday (with run/walk intervals shorter than what I normally do). I'll reassess from there. Sigh. :upsidedow

Hope everyone's having a good week! :)

OH NOES!!! I missed hearing about that. Well take care of yourself, girl. It sounds like you have a good plan in place to reacclimate your poor body. Try not to overdo it and I hope that time will take care of the healing. :goodvibes
OH NOES!!! I missed hearing about that. Well take care of yourself, girl. It sounds like you have a good plan in place to reacclimate your poor body. Try not to overdo it and I hope that time will take care of the healing. :goodvibes
Thank you!! Still feeling good and anxious to get back to training!! My husband will keep me in line. :)
Though I will say, it was quite humerous. I mean, I'm sorry it happened to you, cause I'm pretty sure it sucked majorly to have a concussion and still be trying to train- but just the way you wrote that last line had me cracking up!


Apparently DH and DS heard a thud; I had passed out and had fallen (luckily I was halfway down already b/c I was stretching my back), and as they came to the door I had somehow sat up, then I remember hearing *someone* say "ouch". That was me. So I was sitting up and already talking before I had woken up. They asked if they could come in and I tried to cover myself (I'm a really modest person) and said yes.

Gotta say, the one with the head injury should not be in charge of deciding on a hospital visit! Dh let me call the shots, and while I don't know what they would have done for me, I wish I'd gone. I don't think they keep you overnight anymore (when I was 4 and chose to climb a jungle gym and hang upside down from the center while wearing a dress and *tights*, they had me overnight) and it all turned out OK, but it still feels wrong to not have gone.

We only went .4 past what it was called for. However, later in the day I got very ill. I prepared for my run, but I walk dogs for living and did NOT hydrate then.. talk about sick!

.4 is significant at the beginning! I got rid of my running journal (seemed like such a great idea but was NOT working for me) so I don't know how much more time or miles my situation involved, but .4 is a decent amount. I'm really sorry you were ill after dog-walking. :(

I am curious, for items we buy at the Expo, how do you pay? Do you use your Magic Band or is it credit card/cash instead? With all the outside vendors I was guessing no MB, but you never know. Just want to make sure i bring with me what I need! TIA.

They sell MBs so they better take 'em. ;) For the official stuff, they take it all. For vendors, it's like any running expo.

If you want the official rundisney stuff, go there first (even before getting the bib/shirt if it's important). Get what you want before they run out, then go through the expo fully and see what else you might want along with getting bib/shirt.
Finally passed 6 miles for the first time all year! We ended up doing 8.2. The pace was super slow, because we needed to make 3(!) bathroom stops for some of the ladies in our group, but I couldn't believe how the miles whizzed by. I'm usually a solo runner, so having the distractions of running with others was a nice change. Do you guys mostly run solo as well, or in a group? I think I'm going to continue to run with them on my long run once a week.

I generally do my runs solo because my friends and I all run at very different paces. I will go out occasionally with a friend and run at her pace (about 3-4 min/mile slower than my norm) and I'll admit it's really hard. I do like running with someone else though because it makes the run go by a little easier.

Forgot to add - Congrats on the run! Just thinking about 8 miles right now makes me nervous!
Great job @Anisum !!

I have posted about this elsewhere, but I managed to blow my back out on Friday (on the Disney Fantasy of all places)...not sure where or how I did it, but I have been out of commission since then. :worried: I did run the Castaway Cay 5K that morning, though! (Not where the back injury husband thinks I just twisted oddly or something later that day. Let me tell you...if that's how I injured myself, that was a HELLUVA twist I did. :crazy2:)

ANYWAY...the spasms stopped a few days ago and now I'm not sore, just mostly stiff, to the point where I feel like I need to start moving more again to loosen things up. So today was my first form of exercise since the CC5K - 1.8 miles on the treadmill. Mostly walking with three 1-minute bursts of running thrown in, and it went pretty well! :) I have the Disneyland 5K + Dumbo Double Dare coming up in a month (in fact, the 10K is 1 month from today!!) so I'm focusing on building back up very slowly to get ready for that race weekend. I'm extremely paranoid that I'll re-injure myself, so I'm planning on yoga tomorrow and, assuming I feel good after that, a short run on Friday (with run/walk intervals shorter than what I normally do). I'll reassess from there. Sigh. :upsidedow

Hope everyone's having a good week! :)

That sucks! I'm glad you are feeling better today. I hurt my back on the job like 15 years ago and sometimes if I just twist wrong, or do something that should have nothing to do with it, like putting on my socks(!) will reinjure it. Makes me super paranoid sometimes. I am believing you will be 100% recovered before Disneyland! :)
That sucks! I'm glad you are feeling better today. I hurt my back on the job like 15 years ago and sometimes if I just twist wrong, or do something that should have nothing to do with it, like putting on my socks(!) will reinjure it. Makes me super paranoid sometimes. I am believing you will be 100% recovered before Disneyland! :)
Thanks! Funny, now that you mention it, my original back injury was also 15-16 years ago, too (in my youth I was convinced I'd be an Olympic gymnast someday...NOPE). Amazing how it can follow you around like that...

Still planning on yoga this evening, though now I feel like I am catching a body is not cooperating lately!
Wow! I say 5 miles on the treadmill is at least equal to 8 outside, because of the mental toughness you need to stay on the treadmill that long! Congratulations!!

Thank you!! For some reason, my treadmill runs have been going better than my outdoor ones. I used to HATE the treadmill but lately we've been friends. Maybe when the heat dies down and I can get miles outside i'll change my mind.
April & October are almost always my best running months (sometimes May, too), because the weather is just perfect for it. I lovingly refer to October as "Runtober" because that's usually when I get to log most of my miles after taking it easy during the heat of the summer.
April & October are almost always my best running months (sometimes May, too), because the weather is just perfect for it. I lovingly refer to October as "Runtober" because that's usually when I get to log most of my miles after taking it easy during the heat of the summer.


This is one of my favorite Anne of Green Gables quotes about October. It really is a great month!!
April & October are almost always my best running months (sometimes May, too), because the weather is just perfect for it. I lovingly refer to October as "Runtober" because that's usually when I get to log most of my miles after taking it easy during the heat of the summer.
Here in Oklahoma, lovely Octobers and even Novembers. I'm hoping it will be much cooler in September too. It can be 80 degrees here, but the humidity will just suck the energy out of you. I've been enjoying the treadmill too.
Here in Oklahoma, lovely Octobers and even Novembers. I'm hoping it will be much cooler in September too. It can be 80 degrees here, but the humidity will just suck the energy out of you. I've been enjoying the treadmill too.

In Ohio, we've had cooler temps with low humidity...feels like October in August! It's been good running weather lately.

(And...I've seen The Pride of Broken Arrow at BOA Grand Nationals numerous times...y'all have a great High School marching band!)
I love running when the temps are in the 40s... my DF makes fun of me but I love to run in the cooler weather. I feel like I get overheated easy so having the cool breeze seems to help. When were at WDW in February for the princess, it was so chilly on that Friday before the race and I was so hoping it would carry over into the weekend. It did not.

Was anyone else at the parks that weekend? On Friday night it felt like we had MK to ourselves. We watched the 2nd MSEP from Frontierland and there was almost not one around us. It was AWESOME!
I love running when the temps are in the 40s... my DF makes fun of me but I love to run in the cooler weather. I feel like I get overheated easy so having the cool breeze seems to help. When were at WDW in February for the princess, it was so chilly on that Friday before the race and I was so hoping it would carry over into the weekend. It did not.

Was anyone else at the parks that weekend? On Friday night it felt like we had MK to ourselves. We watched the 2nd MSEP from Frontierland and there was almost not one around us. It was AWESOME!

We did DHS on Friday, and AK on Saturday. On Friday, I wore a dress with leggings, a scarf and a hoodie (I had to throw a second hoodie on during Fantasmic!), and I was still a frozen popsicle by the time we got back to the resort. Saturday wasn't so bad, I was in jeans & a tank top, with a cardigan over it. We didn't do Epcot or MK until after the PHM, and the weather was much more cooperative for long park days, even though there were a few showers on our MK day.
Speaking of parks, what does everyone do on race weekend? No parks? Half park days? I am trying to plan , but don't want to plan too much. We are doing the 5 K and the 10 K. I did take everyones advice and decided to do the pasta the night of the 10 K instead of staying out late the night before. Where do you all eat before the 10K?
Here in Oklahoma, lovely Octobers and even Novembers. I'm hoping it will be much cooler in September too. It can be 80 degrees here, but the humidity will just suck the energy out of you. I've been enjoying the treadmill too.
Here in GA we don't start getting good weather until October. It can run through November and even December. Usually the early mornings and evenings are cold but the daytime temps are perfect. However, I've had to wear a coat for trick or treating and the same year wore a t-shirt on Thanksgiving. You just never know.
Speaking of parks, what does everyone do on race weekend? No parks? Half park days? I am trying to plan , but don't want to plan too much. We are doing the 5 K and the 10 K. I did take everyones advice and decided to do the pasta the night of the 10 K instead of staying out late the night before. Where do you all eat before the 10K?

My tentative trip itinerary is post #1520 on page 76 (it's kinda long), so long story short: we only plan for DHS & AK during the race weekend, since we've done those parks enough to know what we like, what we don't like, and how to tour them in a half day so as to save our legs from getting overtired. Right now, the plan is to just have QS dinner back at our resort the night before the 10K, unless dbf changes his mind and wants pasta, then we'll hop on over to one of the resorts that has the QS create-your-own pasta (POR, ASMusic, etc) after we're done at AK. It closes at 5pm that night, so it should be pretty easy to figure out our dinner plans and still be able to get to bed early that night.


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