Has anyone been 'kicked out' at closing time?

You may not be "kicked out" of the park, but the attractions will start closing. Please don't be that person that lingers 2 hours after closing time.

I don't get why so many people don't understand how rude they are being. The park is closed, the Cast Members would probably like to go home. How many of you would like it if someone showed up at your job and kept you a few hours past when you were supposed to leave? I work retail, and I can tell you it is not fun with it happens. And if you are strolling around someplace that is officially closed you look like a jerk. They may smile at you, but inside they are thinking Geeze, I would like to leave already!
Me and hubby had dinner at Liberty Tree Tavern on the night of a MNSSHP in 2013. We weren’t going to the party, and had to be escorted off the park when we were done - but we didn’t feel rushed at all. CM’s weren’t pushy or impatient. One of them walked a group of us out and was very friendly and sweet even after probably walking that same route over and over that night. It was pretty funny though, us non-partiers taking the “walk of shame”…
Rather than join the throng heading to the bus stop, we decided to hang back at closing time for the Magic Kingdom. We found a seat in front of the Hall of Presidents and watched the crowd heading out. We felt like we were being kicked out when three CMs came down the street loudly saying, "Everyone go home! We want to go home!" I was a little taken aback by their behavior and don't know if we encountered three rogue CMs or if that was/is an acceptable way to clear the park.

That being said, we usually close out Epcot. In earlier years we walked around World Showcase after official closing time. But in recent years it appears (at least to us) that CMs block access around the lagoon. They seem to steer everyone toward the exit without allowing guests to enter the Showcase (if my description makes sense). I certainly don't want to make CMs have to stay later than they should, but in the olden days it was a pleasant and beautiful walk around the Showcase and was much more enjoyable than enduring the large crowds at the bus stop.
Rather than join the throng heading to the bus stop, we decided to hang back at closing time for the Magic Kingdom. We found a seat in front of the Hall of Presidents and watched the crowd heading out. We felt like we were being kicked out when three CMs came down the street loudly saying, "Everyone go home! We want to go home!" I was a little taken aback by their behavior and don't know if we encountered three rogue CMs or if that was/is an acceptable way to clear the park.

That being said, we usually close out Epcot. In earlier years we walked around World Showcase after official closing time. But in recent years it appears (at least to us) that CMs block access around the lagoon. They seem to steer everyone toward the exit without allowing guests to enter the Showcase (if my description makes sense). I certainly don't want to make CMs have to stay later than they should, but in the olden days it was a pleasant and beautiful walk around the Showcase and was much more enjoyable than enduring the large crowds at the bus stop.
Working at Disney many years ago, when you closed everyone had to clean their station and then assist with closing of the park. We used to encounter people arguing that they want one more ride, people hiding in restrooms, kids making out, prolls passed out on benches (either exhausted or very drunk), etc. We just walked in groups slowly towards the entrance asking everyone to exit the park. We wanted to go home too but there were always those visitors who insisted on just walking around not wanting to leave. We had a lady once sitting on the toilet for about 45 minutes. Eventually we had to call security to ask her to leave. She thought we will just ignore her if she stayed there. Also the parks always have workers in there at night doing maintenance, cleaning, deliveries, landscaping.
Every time we've been to MNSSHP we sit and watch the CM's trying to herd non-ticketed party goers toward the exit. Its interesting to watch people's (both the CM's and the patrons), reactions. Every year we see lots of guests get REALLY testy.

That is one of my favorite parts of MVMCP. Sometimes it appears innocent, but I really get a kick out of the folks that intentionally try to hide out, only to get caught. Funny stuff.
The only time I have felt 'rushed' out of a park is after MNSSHP because the stores and restaurants close right at 12:00. However, CM's weren't rushing us out...I had just wanted to shop at the end of the night and didn't realize that they do close right when the party ends. I assumed it would be like every other night, but now I know that is not the case!
That's handy to know! Thank you!
I don't get why so many people don't understand how rude they are being. The park is closed, the Cast Members would probably like to go home. How many of you would like it if someone showed up at your job and kept you a few hours past when you were supposed to leave? I work retail, and I can tell you it is not fun with it happens. And if you are strolling around someplace that is officially closed you look like a jerk. They may smile at you, but inside they are thinking Geeze, I would like to leave already!

I've always wondered and still do what time CMs are actually scheduled to get off work when they are working a closing shift. Disney doesn't officially close at parking closing time if the stores, etc are still open after park closing time since we see the difference at parties where they close shop at the same time.

Buses still run what 2 hours after closing time and the shops are still open so obviously they don't expect everyone to leave immediately. Since they spent have that expectation don't they schedule CMs to get off after that expected time?

Anyone here with first hand official experience? When do cms get off after closing? If the park clears out before that time do you get to leave immediately or do you sti have to stay and do other things (cleaning, stocking, etc)?
I have taken my time to get out of Magic Kingdom a few evenings. Not specifically trying to stay late just not in a rush to get in line for the buses. On normal nights the staff seems happy to have you there and never seems to rush guests out. On evening extra magic hours everything is boarded up right at close and they are a little more serious about you leaving, which is completely understandable.
We left Coral Reef long after closing in 2010 (It was a terrible meal, service wise, and shouldn't have taken that long, but whatever.) We wandered towards the bus stop at a leisurely pace, taking photos and lingering. No one said anything to us. It was us and one other couple from the restaurant on the bus.
This isn't a park close, but last December, we were the last family allowed onto the Maharajah trek at AK (they closed the gate right behind us). There were a few CMs, including a management-type, who strolled along slowly a ways behind us and closed gates as we passed through them. They weren't rushing us at all, and if we stopped to look at something, they'd stop and chat as well, but they were definitely ensuring we didn't double-back on the path.
I've always wondered and still do what time CMs are actually scheduled to get off work when they are working a closing shift. Disney doesn't officially close at parking closing time if the stores, etc are still open after park closing time since we see the difference at parties where they close shop at the same time.

Buses still run what 2 hours after closing time and the shops are still open so obviously they don't expect everyone to leave immediately. Since they spent have that expectation don't they schedule CMs to get off after that expected time?

Anyone here with first hand official experience? When do cms get off after closing? If the park clears out before that time do you get to leave immediately or do you sti have to stay and do other things (cleaning, stocking, etc)?
If you are closing, you clean your station, assist with closing if asked and change into your street clothes. You leave your work clothes there to be cleaned. By the way to those who thinks its ok to wander around the park after hrs, you are holding up many employees from going home. We used to get really pissed off when we encountered those visitors. How would you like it if someone shows up at your work and kept you from going home, just wandering around the office.
I've never heard of this either, and we've been in the parks after close many, many times.

We were asked by security to start wrapping it up in the Arrowhead Stadium parking lot about an hour after the Rolling Stones concert last Saturday, but that's a different topic.

Hey there fellow Kansas City patron!
You may not be "kicked out" of the park, but the attractions will start closing. Please don't be that person that lingers 2 hours after closing time.

My experience in MK, DHS and AK is that they will NOT let you linger. I was with a friend having terrible knee issues. She needed to stop and rest very often. We were lingering behind the crowds in all three mentioned parks and we were told politely but firmly by CMs that we would have to start moving (and keep moving) to the park exit.
If you are closing, you clean your station, assist with closing if asked and change into your street clothes. You leave your work clothes there to be cleaned. By the way to those who thinks its ok to wander around the park after hrs, you are holding up many employees from going home. We used to get really pissed off when we encountered those visitors. How would you like it if someone shows up at your work and kept you from going home, just wandering around the office.

But what time was your scheduled closing shift over? Same time as park closing, an hour later, two hours later....?
But what time was your scheduled closing shift over? Same time as park closing, an hour later, two hours later....?
Well I remember closing was at 11:00 And I was scheduled until 11:30. They were really strict about the time you left and would make you leave early if you left late one day which happened a lot. If you were notorious for leaving late you will be suspended for a day and written up. I remember a co worker being fired for doing that too often even though it was out of her control.
Usually not (especially if you are near a gift shop). But one time we did get rushed. We had just missed Expedition Everst by about 2 min on an early AK close night. We decided to take a few pictures right by the big drop when a CM pointed us to the exit and told us to move along. It was maybe 5 min after closing. But then we could hear a large group, and about 100 people from the NY Film School (or similar name) were ushered into the queue line for a private ride. Once we got to the hub around the tree, no one was in a hurry to push us along.

That's the caveat: If there is a special event going on in the park (conference/group special access, after hours party/event, press event, etc), the CMs will herd a bit more forcefully than usual.
Every time we've been to MNSSHP we sit and watch the CM's trying to herd non-ticketed party goers toward the exit. Its interesting to watch people's (both the CM's and the patrons), reactions. Every year we see lots of guests get REALLY testy.

If you don't have a party ticket get out I don't know why it's such an issue
Working at Disney many years ago, when you closed everyone had to clean their station and then assist with closing of the park. We used to encounter people arguing that they want one more ride, people hiding in restrooms, kids making out, prolls passed out on benches (either exhausted or very drunk), etc. We just walked in groups slowly towards the entrance asking everyone to exit the park. We wanted to go home too but there were always those visitors who insisted on just walking around not wanting to leave. We had a lady once sitting on the toilet for about 45 minutes. Eventually we had to call security to ask her to leave. She thought we will just ignore her if she stayed there. Also the parks always have workers in there at night doing maintenance, cleaning, deliveries, landscaping.

I'm so sorry for you...did you guys mostly go home on time or did these incidents make you stay later?
I'm so sorry for you...did you guys mostly go home on time or did these incidents make you stay later?
Really depends what day of the week you are there and when during the year. Winter was the best when it was freezing. There were low crowd and everyone rushing out of the park to get into warmth. Thursday,Friday and Saturdays were the worst nights to work and in the summer the park did not close till midnight. The restaurant workers had it the worst because there were always tables just sitting around sipping coffee staying for hrs and they could not just tell them to leave. Disney did not really care about its employees because they knew there was always someone to hire. I remember them making me work till close and having me open the following day. Those were the 5 hrs of sleep nights. Happened a lot.


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