Jiminy's June 2015 W.I.S.H. Weight Loss Challenge!! Any and All welcome to join!!

QOTD for Tuesday, June 23, 2015:

Do you have an INSPIRATION BOARD (either IRL or online like Pinterest)? What kind of things INSPIRE YOU to get healthy and fit?? Please share one piece of inspiration advice, an inspirational or motivational quote, or a picture!!
Love fruit smoothies but I try to "count" them if they have a lot of fruit (even though fruit is considered 0 on WW)... I always try to throw in some greens as well (usually baby spinach or kale).... they muddy up the color but you don't even taste them and they add a lot of fiber and nutrition. I also like to add a 1/4 of a ripe avocado for the creaminess and healthy fats!

And great minds think alike...... I brought veggies and hummus for lunch. Sometimes it is cold veggies but today is warm.... leftover sauteed and steamed veggies from the weekend.... the garlic hummus makes a nice "sauce" when warmed up

I'm not on WW, I'm on MFP so I definitely track each thing thrown in there. Next week I plan on throwing in some spinach! I'm still trying to figure out what I like. This particular smoothie is too acidy/citrusy for my taste. I prefer more of a berry flavor.

And I've never thought about hummus warmed up...that would be delicious over warm veggies. Yum!
Hey! Where is everyone? Guess I posted later than usual today!

Since I wasn't working at school today, I made this a busy WW work morning, so I've stayed busy, but of course, that doesn't help get any housework done!

Off to make lunch and start prepping for tonight's meeting! TTYL.....................P
So, I'm thinking of what my July goal should be... My criteria for a "goal" are:

1) It must be a measure of controllable behavior, not outcome; ie.: I can control the number of steps I take but, I can't control how well my body will respond in lost pounds on any given day.

2) I prefer a goal that can be exceeded; An accumulated step count goal can be exceeded but, to not drink sodas for an entire month (31 days) would start at 100% and would only fall from there if slip-ups were to occur.

3) It should be something that I can spread out thru the month; have a daily target but allow for the "not-good" days to be compensated for on "better-than-expected" days because, let's face it, we can't really count on EVERY day to be a "good" day.

4) All-or-nothing goals are from the devil and will not be considered.

My June goal was to achieve a set number of accumulated steps and, I am on target to exceed my original goal.

Next month, I want to add another behavior-based goal. I'll want to keep/increase the step goal but, I'm afraid that I may, at some point, consent to surgery to relieve the plantar fasciitis in my left foot. If that happens, I'm sure it will cause a step goal to be jettisoned during recovery.

I was considering maybe adding a total accumulated minutes of plank exercises. Like an HOUR for the entire month, which works out to about 2 minutes per day; starting with four 30-second planks spread out thru the day at the beginning of the month and, if I can, progressing to a single 2-minute daily plank during the last days of the month. However, this could also be affected by the usefulness of my foot.

Something that would not be affected by foot pain (or the treatment thereof) would be setting a water-drinking goal. I'm thinking that I could commit to drinking a total accumulated ounces of water during the month - for me, approximately 88oz per day multiplied by 31 days. (Please don't tell me that's too much. I know it would be for some people but, I know from my own experience that my body works better and feels better when I consistently drink about this much.) I also figure that if I'm on the hook for this many ounces of water, I couldn't possibly continue drinking sodas because, seriously, where would I put them...

So, injury or no injury, do you have any ideas for behavior-based exceed-able goals?
So, I'm thinking of what my July goal should be... My criteria for a "goal" are:

1) It must be a measure of controllable behavior, not outcome; ie.: I can control the number of steps I take but, I can't control how well my body will respond in lost pounds on any given day.

2) I prefer a goal that can be exceeded; An accumulated step count goal can be exceeded but, to not drink sodas for an entire month (31 days) would start at 100% and would only fall from there if slip-ups were to occur.

3) It should be something that I can spread out thru the month; have a daily target but allow for the "not-good" days to be compensated for on "better-than-expected" days because, let's face it, we can't really count on EVERY day to be a "good" day.

4) All-or-nothing goals are from the devil and will not be considered.

My June goal was to achieve a set number of accumulated steps and, I am on target to exceed my original goal.

Next month, I want to add another behavior-based goal. I'll want to keep/increase the step goal but, I'm afraid that I may, at some point, consent to surgery to relieve the plantar fasciitis in my left foot. If that happens, I'm sure it will cause a step goal to be jettisoned during recovery.

I was considering maybe adding a total accumulated minutes of plank exercises. Like an HOUR for the entire month, which works out to about 2 minutes per day; starting with four 30-second planks spread out thru the day at the beginning of the month and, if I can, progressing to a single 2-minute daily plank during the last days of the month. However, this could also be affected by the usefulness of my foot.

Something that would not be affected by foot pain (or the treatment thereof) would be setting a water-drinking goal. I'm thinking that I could commit to drinking a total accumulated ounces of water during the month - for me, approximately 88oz per day multiplied by 31 days. (Please don't tell me that's too much. I know it would be for some people but, I know from my own experience that my body works better and feels better when I consistently drink about this much.) I also figure that if I'm on the hook for this many ounces of water, I couldn't possibly continue drinking sodas because, seriously, where would I put them...

So, injury or no injury, do you have any ideas for behavior-based exceed-able goals?

Let me think on it and I'll give you some feedback!


MOrning all! Is it my imagination or does the Dis have some new avatar type thingies next to the name of each board? They are fun! Maybe I just haven't noticed them before, but I pride myself on being pretty observant. WISH has a LOVELY lime-green Mickey head!!

Off to post the QOTD! And I think one of my quote posts from last night vanished into the atmosphere.... but I'm thinking I never hit "post reply" and it just disappeared when the computer shut down. ........................P
QOTD for Wednesday, June 24, 2015:

Do you know what day it is? That's right, it is......


Here is a day for you to talk about what YOU want to talk about....... share what YOU want to share...... ask ANY QUESTION that has been burning in your mind!! So..... WHAT'S UP? How have you been? Any struggles? Any victories??? TELL US!!
Here is a day for you to talk about what YOU want to talk about....... share what YOU want to share...... ask ANY QUESTION that has been burning in your mind!! So..... WHAT'S UP? How have you been? Any struggles? Any victories??? TELL US!!

First, yesterday's QOTD: I actually have 2 pictures of myself that I look at fairly often for motivation. One is me from the summer of 2012, when I was much smaller. I was never -skinny- by any means, but I was much smaller than now (size 12/14 vs. size 18) and that's what I'm trying to get back to. The other is me currently, in my wedding dress. I'm unhappy with the way that one looks, so I use it as my "get up and do it" motivation. The problem with using the first picture is that I get so frustrated because I was that small and if I hadn't let it go, I wouldn't be scrambling now! Haha.

Today's QOTD: I have just been WIPED this week. Oh my goodness. I didn't even post here yesterday (I read everything though!) because I just didn't have the energy. I don't know what's going on! I haven't been getting up and getting on the treadmill in the mornings this week, so I'm kicking myself for that. But last night I went to bed at 8:30 and fell asleep pretty much immediately, and I still had trouble getting up this morning. It was 6:15 before I finally forced myself to get out of bed. Definitely cannot keep going like this. I think 95% of it is just "that time" and it'll clear itself up in a day or two. But I sure am noticing a difference in how I feel overall from not walking or doing weights. I haven't been too bad about eating, thank goodness (though yesterday we did splurge and have some leftover red velvet cake from the shower... But it wasn't as good as we remembered it being on Saturday and it all got thrown out this morning!) ... No gains yet, but no losses either, and I don't have time to plateau right now. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get in two sessions a day on the treadmill for the rest of the week to make up for the last few days. We shall see...

ETA: Just realized today is the 24th, so it's exactly 4 months until my wedding (more importantly, 4 months and 1 day until DISNEY!!).... Which means tomorrow begins the "3 months and X days" countdown, so basically I'll be off somewhere hyperventilating. 3 months sounds so much sooner than 4 months! And my to-do list is SO, SO LONG. ugh.
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Morning all! I am realizing that one of the posts that vanished was the PROGRESS POST!! Grrrr!:crazy2: Sorry about that.... I'll figure it out again today and get it on there! I think, like I said, that I forgot to hit "post reply" and then I walked away and things went bye-bye!

Home doing housework today and DD will be here soon! Excited to have a few days with her. I think we will FINALLY have my birthday celebration this weekend!

Off to post the QOTD!..........P
QOTD for Thursday, June 25, 2015:

Now that summer vacation has started (for me and my DS at least), I am thinking about FUN STUFF that I like to do with my "spare" time. I enjoy organizing, being crafty, and scrapbooking.

What are your favorite HOBBIES when you have time to spare???
:wave2: Morning! I was starting to wonder if we were still using this thread... I was afraid I'd missed a memo along the way! Haha.

What are your favorite HOBBIES when you have time to spare???

I LOVE to craft! Anything and everything. It's a little less fun at the moment because all my crafting time is spent with wedding crafts, and those are much more "this has to get done" than "oooohhhh I think I'll make this today!", but I still enjoy it nonetheless! I also love photography but I haven't had much time or opportunity to get out and photograph anything lately.

Dragged myself out of bed and onto the treadmill this morning... Only got in 20 minutes, but it was 20 minutes more than I would've if I'd stayed in bed! The plan is to jump back on when I get home this afternoon and squeeze out another 20 - or maybe 30! Followed by some weights. I tried on a pair of pants this morning that I haven't worn in months, and they aren't even the least tight! Granted, I don't know if that's because I'm actually smaller, or because we moved back in April and I kind of forgot that I owned them.... LOL. But it was a good feeling all the same! Much better than if I'd tried them on and they HADN'T fit.

Happy almost Friday, everyone!
Hello everyone!!

We had our work excursion yesterday and I ended up walking a lot! The good news that I got through it without any flare up of the back pain. So, I have decided that I am going to declare myself fit for exercise again! I think I might start a Jillian Michael DVD today. Not sure what I want to do as I think I need to backtrack a bit from where I left off before vacation. But can't wait to get some real exercise done again!

QOTD: Does trip-report writing here on the DIS count?? It certainly takes up A LOT of time and commitment.
What are your favorite HOBBIES when you have time to spare???

I love writing! I do it during my lunch break at work and at home after work. I also consider Disney trip planning a hobby :earsboy: I'll plan trips that I won't have the money to take for years! But it keeps me going from one trip to the next.
Call for July Coaches!

I am going to start the new thread for July soon so that it is ready for the start of the month. Since we seem to have an active group at the moment, I think it would be nice to continue with the daily Question of the Day. However, I can't commit to doing that for a full month myself! So, in the past we used to have coaches that would help out the hostess (that would be me) for one week at a time. I hope we will find some volunteers! Don't be shy, even if you are new to this. Coaching is easy, just post a new question every weekday and one for the weekend. There is a thread with archived qotds which you can have a look at to get an idea of what kind of questions to use, but it is really up to the coach, what they want to post. I think it is a great opportunity to get some discussion on topics that are important to you at the moment, even to get ideas and tips on how to deal with your current issues.

So, the coaching schedule for July will be:

Wednesday July 1 - Sunday July 5
Monday July 6 - Sunday July 12
Monday July 13 - Sunday July 19
Monday July 20 - Sunday July 26
Monday July 27 - Friday July 31

Just let me know (here on the thread or via conversation) if you would be willing to take over one of these periods and which ones would be best for you!

I a looking forward to having lots of enthusiastic coaches taking part in July!!
I love writing! I do it during my lunch break at work and at home after work. I also consider Disney trip planning a hobby :earsboy: I'll plan trips that I won't have the money to take for years! But it keeps me going from one trip to the next.

I love fantasy trip planning as well!! :thumbsup2
I also consider Disney trip planning a hobby :earsboy: I'll plan trips that I won't have the money to take for years! But it keeps me going from one trip to the next.

I have a feeling that this is going to be me! I don't know what I'll do with myself come November 1st, when the wedding and Disney trip are over and I won't have a billion things to get done every day. I know it'll be years before we're financially able to go back (DH2B is planning to go back to school to finish his degree after the wedding and we're hoping to be able to buy a house in 2017), but that doesn't mean I can't plan for Disney now, right? Lol. Maybe we'll get to go again sometime in 2018...
Where in the desert are you at? It's pretty miserable here in Gilbert but I manage ok as long as I am out before 9 am. I have a cloth diaper/rag that I soak in water before I head out and tie on my head like a do-rag. I helps keep me cool and since it's white it helps reflect some of that sun off my head. I've tried hats but they just make my head sweat more. The other thing I do is walk after 7 pm if it's not one of those really hot days.

I used to have Netflix and stream the workout videos from it. Also, I hear youtube has a few as well to view.

Checking in . . . I live in the Vegas area and I work 5:00am - 1:00pm
I am now walking for 50 mins. 3-4 times a week at an indoor track for FREE!
Not my ideal but its close to home and I am getting my fitness in!!
Thanks to all of you . . . love the inspiration on this board!
I actually don't have any tips for this issue, as I've yet to pull myself back up! I have motivators for losing the weight (like I can't sit AND breathe at the same time in my wedding dress! :rolleyes1 :rotfl:) but haven't made much progress yet and have a hard time bouncing back when the scale doesn't change because it's so discouraging. So I allow myself one splurge night because I'm discouraged... which turns into more because, well, if I've already had one... And I wonder why I even bother getting up and wasting time on the treadmill or walking outside, because it's hard and hot and not making a difference. So I'm excited to see others' tips on this! I've tried putting pictures around of myself from when I weighed less as goals, or hanging the clothes I want to fit back into in plain sight so I can keep my goal in mind, but when you're making changes and they aren't working, it's really frustrating!

Squeezed in 20 minutes on the treadmill before work this morning. The plan is to fit in a 30 minute session with Daily Burn when I get home and do some weights sometime before I go to bed. Hopefully that will get accomplished. I'll be ok with just getting the weights in, but I feel like I need to ramp up my cardio.

We've got our first wedding shower this Saturday, so I'm really worried about staying on track... DH2B's family is hosting a couple's shower, and because it's the in-laws I don't want to not eat their food! But on the other hand, I don't do well with large groups of people focused solely on me in a setting like that, so I probably will be too anxious to eat haaaahaha. We'll see how it goes! Maybe I'll step up my game this week in anticipation. I didn't get in any treadmill time yesterday but I did mow the yard yesterday morning, so that counts, right? LOL.

Love it. I will have to read through the thread some night. Perhaps tonight later. I have unexpected time off this morning but got a few things to get done. Not to mention now that they know my client is not home they may find me someplace to fill in. LOL If its close I might do it. Keep losing 4 hours a shift a time. Second client to go to hospital this week. Nature of the job I know. I'm going to have to start looking more for full time work at one location. My car is being funny(not so funny, but acting up) so I don't wanna go far and I'm so fearful it will break down each time I go out. And in 110-115 temps we've been having daily its not good timing at all.

My weight is back about 6 lbs from my mini goal of breaking out of the 300s for good. I was just under it a few weeks ago. But eating hasn't been great and I keep missing walks. So hoping I can get in and start the gym tomorrow. I need this for myself. Just hate to get into the commitment of cost. They expect you to stay a year at least. By out is $58 I think so not horribly much. But I may do it anyway. The other one is closer and has pool/hot tub though. However they have higher start up though my friend told me she refused when they gave start up and they waived it off. lol I may go to that one if they would do that for me too. hehe I love having pool and hot tub available.


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