Jiminy's June 2015 W.I.S.H. Weight Loss Challenge!! Any and All welcome to join!!

Congrats on finishing grad school! Do you mind if I asked what you were learning and where you went to school? DD will be looking into grad schools next spring probably and it is nice to hear some feedback.

Thanks! I received a Masters in Social Work from the Wurzweiler School of Social Work in NYC. What does your daughter plan to study?
What kind of PROGRESS are you striving for today??
To do better than yesterday! I was only able to get 12.5 minutes on the stationary bike (but I also mowed the lawn and weeded the garden). So today I'm hoping for at least 13 minutes on the bike and another chance at serious physical activity while getting practical chores done at the same time.
To do better than yesterday! I was only able to get 12.5 minutes on the stationary bike (but I also mowed the lawn and weeded the garden). So today I'm hoping for at least 13 minutes on the bike and another chance at serious physical activity while getting practical chores done at the same time.

THIS. My progress goal for today is to do better than I did yesterday. I did great yesterday... Until dinner. We got home from work super late and didn't feel like doing anything, and none of our prepared food sounded good. So we had Chili's for dinner. :-( I've beaten myself up all night about it! But today I want to do better.
Thanks! I received a Masters in Social Work from the Wurzweiler School of Social Work in NYC. What does your daughter plan to study?

She just finished her sophomore year of undergrad in Marine Biology.... not sure what grad school will look like quite yet.

To do better than yesterday! I was only able to get 12.5 minutes on the stationary bike (but I also mowed the lawn and weeded the garden). So today I'm hoping for at least 13 minutes on the bike and another chance at serious physical activity while getting practical chores done at the same time.

I too really prefer a good workout that also accomplishes something! Yard work, washing the car, etc.... the best!

THIS. My progress goal for today is to do better than I did yesterday. I did great yesterday... Until dinner. We got home from work super late and didn't feel like doing anything, and none of our prepared food sounded good. So we had Chili's for dinner. :-( I've beaten myself up all night about it! But today I want to do better.

That is a terrific goal for today! What kind of a choice did you make at Chili's? Maybe it wasn't as bad as you think???


Lunch is delicious today.... I made lentil soup again (since the weather got cold again) and used red lentils instead of the usual green/brown.... but they turned golden yellow when cooked.... actually makes a prettier soup than the green lentils. The green lentils tend to look rather muddy when done.

And I'm looking forward to my melon dessert (cantaloupe). DH bought three at Costco this weekend and I cut up two last night and they are INCREDIBLY sweet!!

Off to look like I am working! ;) ...............P
Newbie here . . .

I would like to drop the few (4) pounds I gained.

Walk 30-45 a day (5-6 days a week)
Track on my WW app daily
Try one new fitness/exercise routine a week

Work hours are changing for the summer ~
was 7:30am - 4:00pm
now 5:00am - 1:00pm

I live in the desert and usually walk outside at 5:00am because it is coolest at that hour.
Now I will have to walk at 3:30am ???
Note ** I really hate to walk on a treadmill inside!

Any suggestions regarding new fitness routines (no gym membership) would be most welcome!
So, there were timbits and kit kat minis at work today. As well as a 240 calorie hot chocolate (Whhhhhaaaat?) that was guilt tripped on me by a coworker (it was a take it or sneakily dump it down the sink situation). Sigh. Goodbye lovely dinner I planned, hello egg white omelet.

Planning to go to the gym later tonight to work off all the sugar.
Good for you on passing up the timbits and kit kats! Thank your co-worker for the Hot Cocoa and mention that "In the Summer I usually drink "Insert Beverages here". "What can I pick up for you next week/time I go get mine?" This way you are being gracious and she just may get the hint.
I would love to join. My goal for June will be to lose 10 pounds, I am currently using MFP (would love new Disney friends) to track calories and exercise and in addition Sat, Sun and Monday I bike on the recumbent bike 10 miles (1 hour) and as a family a few weeks back we started walking between 3-5 miles 5-7 days a week. However if the weather is bad I bike instead of walking. I started trying back in October 2014 and had lost 40 lbs before I fell off for 3 months during a rough time at work and gained some of it back. I started back again May 1st and am currently 2 pounds away from being back at that 40 lb total loss.

The past couple weeks have been rough for me because it seems like I am losing little to nothing, but I am trying to stay the course and hoping to see results again soon. Oh and I also started measuring last week in hopes that maybe I am losing inches even if the scale hasn't been showing it so much.
She should probably meet with her academic advisor as soon as possible. That way if there are admission tests that are required she can begin preparing now, so she'll have lots of study time before testing day. Also her advisor may have valuable insight into the programs and what they offer.
My progress for today is to eat a balanced dinner. I didn't have a good dinner last night or the day before. I am planning on a grilled veggie burger with lots of veggies on the side. I'm also hoping to get some time today to work on a meal plan for the next few days.
What kind of PROGRESS are you striving for today??

The progress I'm striving for today is ... sticking to plan. I plan all my breakfasts & lunches (and most of my snacks - but I don't really control my dinners).
So far so good - I had planned on a waffle with cherry sauce (really just cut heated cherries because I don't know how to make a sauce) for breakfast, which I had, and a veggie wrap for lunch, which was delicious! I had coffee, which was not on my plan, but it's okay because I don't put sugar in the coffee and a little milk never hurt anyone!
My plan is to have a fruit for snack later today ... thinking either melon or an orange. Or maybe I'll have leftover "grilled" veggies instead.

A day off today .. Started by making my 17 yo a fabulous grilled cheese before school and she only ate half ( of course) before I could even think about eating it I fed it to the disposal (a tragic waste) but just saved myself lots of calories and bad calorie start to the day - just whipped up a fruit smoothie and then I'm off for a walk ... It's this kind of mindset that I need to keep the momentum going !!! Good luck everyone !!!

Good job staying away from temptation! It's definitely hard to let something yummy go to waste, but it's more important to stay healthy!

Today I am striving for another day of tracking under my belt. I am starting my fourth day today. :) I am making it easier for myself when I can--for instance last night I had a veggie burrito bowl (7 million ingredients ;) ) and I used the Chipotle veggie bowl to make it easier to log. I figured if anything the Chipotle bowl was probably higher in calories. :)

That's the one thing I truly hate about tracking - it's so hard to track more complex home-made food - I also usually go with the closest fast food equivalent. Veggie burrito bowl does sound really yummy, though - well worth tracking the easy way!

When I go to the grocery store tonight, I am going to buy some healthy foods

That is the best way to start! If you already have it in the house, it's easier that running out and buying the healthy food, then having to cook it.

I used to be SO GOOD about bringing my sneakers and getting outside during my lunch/breaks but lately I've fallen away from the habit! Time to get back to it!!

Yes! Get back to it!!

I have a great recipe for grilled zucchini hummus wraps that is delicious... pretty simple but so good and it gets my DS to eat veggies!

I've seen so many recipes for veggie hummus wraps ... except that I don't like hummus. I mostly just improvise - cook some veggies, throw them in a tortilla. Today I drizzled a little basalmic vinegar over the veggies, which added a little taste - but really, the veggies have enough taste on their own!
When I'm in charge of dinner (on the rare occasion when my parents aren't home), I like to make roasted cauliflower because that's one of the few veggies my brother eats. I try to get him to eat veggies more ... it doesn't work. But thankfully I like roasted cauliflower and corn (one of the other veggies he eats), so I can feed him some healthy food that I'll also eat ... as long as I don't do it too often.

I live in the desert and usually walk outside at 5:00am because it is coolest at that hour.
Now I will have to walk at 3:30am ???

Can you walk in the evenings after work? Or is it not cool enough then? It's definitely hard when your schedule changes and your new schedule and the weather make it hard to get outside!

My progress for today is to eat a balanced dinner. I didn't have a good dinner last night or the day before. I am planning on a grilled veggie burger with lots of veggies on the side. I'm also hoping to get some time today to work on a meal plan for the next few days.

Sounds like a great plan! I love veggie burgers, and veggies with the veggie burger is a great way to have a healthy dinner!
Newbie here . . .

I would like to drop the few (4) pounds I gained.

Walk 30-45 a day (5-6 days a week)
Track on my WW app daily
Try one new fitness/exercise routine a week

Work hours are changing for the summer ~
was 7:30am - 4:00pm
now 5:00am - 1:00pm

I live in the desert and usually walk outside at 5:00am because it is coolest at that hour.
Now I will have to walk at 3:30am ???
Note ** I really hate to walk on a treadmill inside!

Any suggestions regarding new fitness routines (no gym membership) would be most welcome!

Where in the desert are you at? It's pretty miserable here in Gilbert but I manage ok as long as I am out before 9 am. I have a cloth diaper/rag that I soak in water before I head out and tie on my head like a do-rag. I helps keep me cool and since it's white it helps reflect some of that sun off my head. I've tried hats but they just make my head sweat more. The other thing I do is walk after 7 pm if it's not one of those really hot days.

I used to have Netflix and stream the workout videos from it. Also, I hear youtube has a few as well to view.
New to these threads, but would love to join in!

Goals: Lose 6 pounds and start C25K this month!

*avoid white foods - white flour, sugar, potatoes/corn (starch)
*eat lean proteins!
*fluid intake - I really suck at this, would like to get to a consistent 70 oz daily of water or calorie free water beverage (I love Vitamin Water Zero)
*continue walking kiddo to and from school until school is out
*start C25K - precursor: move treadmill from garage to basement. DH promises this will be done this weekend

I think that will get me there!
Walked at lunch today again and my GOODNESS it's hot. It was 65 when I walked yesterday because of a cold front, and there was a wonderful breeze. Today it was 95 and sunny and no breeze at all! All I could think my whole walk was that I don't know how people do crowded Disney World in temps like this! :rotfl:

I see lots of people use My Fitness Pal... I use LoseIt, but don't particularly love it or hate it... Tell me about MFP! Maybe I'll switch over, especially if you can link up with other people.

On a semi-related note, I got an email from Amazon that my FitBit was delivered today! Can't wait to get home and try it out. :banana:
I'm the slacker of the group. Every group needs one though, right? :o

Monday: I walked to the soundtrack of Wishes and SpectroMagic and 2 songs from another Disney soundtrack. I might have even been singing along. ;)

Tuesday: My knee didn't feel 100% so I walked the same route as Monday (it's 1.8 miles) but to slower songs from a different Disney soundtrack.

Wednesday: I didn't walk at all because when I came down the stairs in the afternoon I felt my knee slip. :scared: I decided to rest it.

Today: I'll walk the same 1.8 miles this evening but slowly and with my knee brace on. I was sedentary, more like a sloth actually, all winter so it's just a matter of building the strength back up.

Food is my biggest problem. I'm hungry all the time and when I'm hungry I have next to no willpower. I think if I saw some progress on the scale it would help but that needle isn't budging. I lost 25# two years ago that has stayed off, 5# last month that so far has stayed off and I want to lose at least #12 more by October. I think it's doable, it's just finding something that works for me.
Good FRIDAY morning all! You made it through your first work week of our June challenge!! Congrats for still being here with us!

Well..... just when you thought it was safe...... along comes.... #nationaldoughnutday

national doughnut day.jpg

You didn't hear it from me, but apparently Krispy Kreme and Dunkin Donuts across the country are giving away free doughnuts! We all know that doughnuts and their kin (croissants, turnovers, coffee cake) are not exactly a HEALTHY morning choice. But sometimes we want/need something quick and easy and yummy in the morning!

What is your go-to quick "grab-and-go" breakfast? Maybe it is not even traditional breakfast food?

Don't forget I'll be looking for your progress for your first week.... give me a percentage toward goal.... it is up to you how you want to figure it out. I'll keep taking progress posts and PMs until Sunday afternoon at which point I plan to post our PROGRESS in bright shining colors!

Off to work 4th grade field day.... I don't anticipate having any computer time today............P
What is your go-to quick "grab-and-go" breakfast? Maybe it is not even traditional breakfast food?

Well to be honest I plan out "grab and go" breakfast every day because I know my weakness and if I don't grab something to take to work I will swing by McDonald's for breakfast and that does not help at all. So this week it was Balanced Breaks by Sargento, I grabbed one package on my way out each morning and ate it at work. Last week was Yoplait Yogurt. Sometimes I will keep Oatmeal at work (love the cranberry steel cut oats) so I don't have to think about it, but after a winter of oatmeal I needed to change it up :)
Good FRIDAY morning all! You made it through your first work week of our June challenge!! Congrats for still being here with us!

Well..... just when you thought it was safe...... along comes.... #nationaldoughnutday

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What is your go-to quick "grab-and-go" breakfast? Maybe it is not even traditional breakfast food?

And there are 6 boxes of Krispy Kreme in our breakroom right now!! These people are trying to destroy me. :teeth:

I make up protein smoothies every morning before I leave the house, but if we're running late, we keep some of the pre-made shakes in the fridge and I'll grab one of those. If we're out, I usually don't have anything. I have to really force myself to eat a breakfast. On the weekends, it's usually scrambled eggs or the pre-made protein shakes.
And there are 6 boxes of Krispy Kreme in our breakroom right now!! These people are trying to destroy me. :teeth:

I make up protein smoothies every morning before I leave the house, but if we're running late, we keep some of the pre-made shakes in the fridge and I'll grab one of those. If we're out, I usually don't have anything. I have to really force myself to eat a breakfast. On the weekends, it's usually scrambled eggs or the pre-made protein shakes.
There are Donuts here as well, I have told myself not one will pass my lips....but I'm scared. My Grab and Go is a quick fruit smoothie with protein powder in it. Precut the fruit (beginning of week ) and throw 1/2 cup into the blender with the protein powder and water.
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