Should This Woman Have Her Life Ruined Because She Posted a Stupid Photo on Her Own F

I live here and I don't find it disrespectful (with FOUR grandparents buried in a National Military cemetery). I think people look for things to become outraged over and it's getting out of hand. Everyone is offended about something thing lately. So kindly speak for yourself and not the rest of (or even most of) us.

Sorry, I won't speak for you again. I do agree that people are offended easily, but this person doing this, just shows a lack of class, and no wonder our society is going to crap. No respect, no manners, and a lack or breeding/parenting. If I had done that, and my dad and uncles all fought in WWII they would have been embarrassed and angry with me. It is now, all about me and what I feel and I should be allowed to do, never thinking about other people.

ETA, so are YOU speaking for the rest of you or just yourself when you ask me to not speak of "the rest or or even most of us" ?
Did you miss the point that it was a trip paid for by her employer, ie donors.
So. If difference between that and someone.not on the company dime doing something questionable.
Sorry, I won't speak for you again. I do agree that people are offended easily, but this person doing this, just shows a lack of class, and no wonder our society is going to crap. No respect, no manners, and a lack or breeding/parenting. If I had done that, and my dad and uncles all fought in WWII they would have been embarrassed and angry with me. It is now, all about me and what I feel and I should be allowed to do, never thinking about other people.

ETA, so are YOU speaking for the rest of you or just yourself when you ask me to not speak of "the rest or or even most of us" ?

I'm speaking for myself. :thumbsup2
Just because you don't find it disrespectful does not mean the rest, or even most, of us do not find it disrespectful. So kindly speak for yourself. Are you having a bad day?

Not at all. How's your day going?
Ms. Stone's employer, the LIFE Foundation, has disabled veterans as clients, I believe an attorney could easily use the behavior of these two employees as an example of an atmosphere which is disdainful/disrespectful/uncaring of those same veterans, if an accident occurred. Unfortunately, in this highly litigious world, employees' actions reflect on their employer.

even if an accident didn't occur. What about the day to day interaction with the clients? I'd be concerned about her behavior towards them.

I feel like she just proved she isn't suited for her job.
Bolding is mine.

What she did is not minor. She left the people she should have been watching. As the parent of an autistic teen that will soon be an autistic adult, this woman used an appalling lack of judgement when she left them unattended. She is not the person that I want taking my son on a field trip. And if she did this, what else is she doing with those people? How often does she leave them unattended? How often is her judgement so bad? What happens if there is an emergency? Is she capable of making the right decision or will she make another appalling one? Yes, it may seem extreme to some of you to think this way but when you have a special needs child (adults are children too!) you HAVE to think this way. Someone left her in charge of their kid and she decided to go play. That is NOT acceptable. And THAT is why she should lose her job.

Speaking as another parent of a special needs child, this is also what I find most troubling. I realize that nobody is perfect, but she seems to be either woefully insensitive or actively malicious, and I don't think people like that should be in positions of power over the least empowered and most defenseless amongst us. While I think the fact that she did it at a cemetery was in extremely poor taste (regardless of whether it is a military cemetery, a tradition cemetery, or a cemetery where I have loved ones buried), it is the fact that she seems to take pride in her behavior that concerns me.
Sorry, I won't speak for you again. I do agree that people are offended easily, but this person doing this, just shows a lack of class, and no wonder our society is going to crap. No respect, no manners, and a lack or breeding/parenting. If I had done that, and my dad and uncles all fought in WWII they would have been embarrassed and angry with me. It is now, all about me and what I feel and I should be allowed to do, never thinking about other people.

ETA, so are YOU speaking for the rest of you or just yourself when you ask me to not speak of "the rest or or even most of us" ?

I get what you're saying, I do. We also need to understand that stuff like this has been going on for years in our society. Only recently has it become exposed, if you will, because of social media. So while you say our society is going to crap, well maybe you're right but I have a feeling it's been going that way and folks have been doing things like this for years without as many people seeing it due to our previously facebookless society.

I'd like to know how old she is.

Edit: I'd like to add that probably 70% of people I've ever worked with are complete idiots who shouldn't be working their job for a multitude of reasons. But they're all still employed and employable.
Speaking as another parent of a special needs child, this is also what I find most troubling. I realize that nobody is perfect, but she seems to be either woefully insensitive or actively malicious, and I don't think people like that should be in positions of power over the least empowered and most defenseless amongst us. While I think the fact that she did it at a cemetery was in extremely poor taste (regardless of whether it is a military cemetery, a tradition cemetery, or a cemetery where I have loved ones buried), it is the fact that she seems to take pride in her behavior that concerns me.

I sooo much agree with this. If she doesn't have enough judgment to realize how inappropriate this is, she's not someone that I would want working with someone I cared about who was handicapped in any way.

I cannot even begin to imagine how I would feel if I had a loved one buried there. As someone upthread said, I wonder how she would care to spend some time with the families of those buried there and explain why it wasn't a big deal at all.

As an aside, I can see why a picture might be humorous if someone was inadvertently doing something like smoking in front of a no smoking sign without realizing it and someone else caught a picture of it. But to do it yourself is just sophomoric which leads me to believe even more that she lacks judgment.

And, yes, if she worked for me and had done this on a trip sponsored by my company, she would be fired along with her boss who took the picture. Further, I agree with those who stated that her losing a job due to her own actions isn't "ruining her life". Maybe in the long run it will help her grow up.
I just can't fathom how something like that can pop up in your brain as a good idea. As she was on a work funded trip they have every right to fire her. And I hope they do. Disgusting!!!!
I get what you're saying, I do. We also need to understand that stuff like this has been going on for years in our society. Only recently has it become exposed, if you will, because of social media. So while you say our society is going to crap, well maybe you're right but I have a feeling it's been going that way and folks have been doing things like this for years without as many people seeing it due to our previously facebookless society.

I'd like to know how old she is.

Edit: I'd like to add that probably 70% of people I've ever worked with are complete idiots who shouldn't be working their job for a multitude of reasons. But they're all still employed and employable.

YOu are probably right, we just see it so much now with Facebook. People are now free to publicly announce how stupid they are. lol
1) didn't read the article but if she was on a work sponsored trip then yep, she should get the boot.

2) have no problem with the picture. I really think nowadays people participate in "one upmanship" just to get their you tube viral, their fb post more hits etc etc. If this was 20 years ago, a time when she knew she wasn't going to get an ounce of publicity, this would not have even popped in her head.

3) Every thing anyone does now seems to be offensive. Look at the title of the article. Some how I highly doubt that her life is "ruined". every thing is overblown. ruined is becoming a crackhead, getting arrested and not being able to pull yourself up.
3) Every thing anyone does now seems to be offensive. Look at the title of the article. Some how I highly doubt that her life is "ruined". every thing is overblown. ruined is becoming a crackhead, getting arrested and not being able to pull yourself up.
That remains to be seen. Several "Fire Lindsay" pages have popped up on facebook and other sites. People are suggesting raping her, killing her, etc. They have posted personal information (her phone number), her job's phone number; address, etc.

She did something extremely stupid and insensitive. She apologized for it. She'll probably get fired for it. That is where it should end. But now it seems, people want more than this woman to be out of work. They want blood.
Some people just don't think. I had an acquaintance on my facebook and earlier this year she was posting something about her husband, it sounded like he cheated. She said alot of nasty stuff. Then she posted "you are all my friends, you better not use this for your next gossip session". Well, you put it all out there!
Wall-E1 said:
That remains to be seen. Several "Fire Lindsay" pages have popped up on facebook and other sites. People are suggesting raping her, killing her, etc. They have posted personal information (her phone number), her job's phone number; address, etc.

She did something extremely stupid and insensitive. She apologized for it. She'll probably get fired for it. That is where it should end. But now it seems, people want more than this woman to be out of work. They want blood.

But the thing is, Walle, we suffer from short term memory. Three weeks tops and we won't remember her name. She'll probably collect unemployment and by the summer time go on merrily on her way.
But the thing is, Walle, we suffer from short term memory. Three weeks tops and we won't remember her name. She'll probably collect unemployment and by the summer time go on merrily on her way.
Yes, I understand that, and I'm sure by next week the facebook crowd will be outraged by some new picture or viral video. Until then, I just hope that some "patriot" who now knows where she lives doesn't dispense justice on her. It only takes one nutcase.
Yes, I understand that, and I'm sure by next week the facebook crowd will be outraged by some new picture or viral video. Until then, I just hope that some "patriot" who now knows where she lives doesn't dispense justice on her. It only takes one nutcase.

And people should try and remember that before they post something on-line for all to see. Not that it would excuse anyone who did something, but have some common sense people!
That remains to be seen. Several "Fire Lindsay" pages have popped up on facebook and other sites. People are suggesting raping her, killing her, etc. They have posted personal information (her phone number), her job's phone number; address, etc.

She did something extremely stupid and insensitive. She apologized for it. She'll probably get fired for it. That is where it should end. But now it seems, people want more than this woman to be out of work. They want blood.

Wonder if the people suggesting harm to her will get fired? We should probably look up their employers and let them know what their employees are up to.


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