Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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I forgot to tell you all....I took BEFORE pics today. Since I've put on weight I have not allowed many pictures to be taken of myself. So, today before heading to the pool I had my DD6 take some pictures. SCARY!! But I know it'll be changing soon and I'll hopefully be able to post some BEFORE and AFTER pics at some point!!
Congrats to all the losers! Glad I finished 4th though i probably won't make it at all this week as I gained quite a bit on sunday and monday

Walked 5 miles so far today including almost a 1/2 mile jogging before it got too hot! Going to be walking another mile to the lake in 90 minutes for a playdate. My deck says 97 degrees and the weather station locally says 91. I'm grumpy and the kids are being impatient! It will be a quick trip to the lake if this keeps up.

Trying to think of ways to cool the house even more using curtains/blankets in the hallway/stairway. I'll have to run to the hardware store later to find one.

Time to make myself some lunch, probably just a smoothy and make the girls something. ALso want to make my coffee cake!

Stay cool and hydrated!

Great job getting your exercise in :cool1:

Shelby--sending good thoughts your way for good test results. The waiting is so hard, I can only imagine.:goodvibes

Lisa--thanks for suggesting subsonic. I have it on now. :) I wish I could do it at work, but we have a pretty strict internet policy. Hope the doggie is doing better.

Yea for Thursday, Maria! Hope your run is great!:goodvibes

Thanks Cam! That was the perfect thing to say.:goodvibes I have been flirting with lower and lower numbers in my head, which is not a good thing. I am going to stick with the goal I set for now. I had a small aha moment about all this yesterday, which I'll save for another time.

Hope you have a great time at the concert!

Welcome Bill! I have found the more I post, the more I stay on track. Hang in there, you can do it!

Glad everything is fixed Tracey! Try to stay cool.

Hope today is better.:hug:

Today is a new day. Hope you are able to get back on track!

We are terrible about unpacking. It's not unusual for it to take several weeks for everything to get back to it's place when we get home.

My ds wore jammies until high school. Now he just sleeps in his boxers. Stay cool!

Here's to good weigh ins this week!

Eating out kills my weight loss. Even if I'm making reasonable choices, the salt is awful. Hope this week is better, but it sounds like you had fun with your DS!

Fingers crossed for "new" clippies!:goodvibes

Congrats to all the Losers--especially Tricia!

I start my off week today. They started interviewing to fill my position yesterday, so hoping to be in my new job and regular schedule in a couple of weeks! Mike and I ran after work yesterday--the temp at 6:15 was 95.:scared1: We went slow--the slowest run since we've been running together, but I am happy to say we ran the entire 4 miles!!!! Felt like this was a break through, because we're training for the Wine and Dine, and there is a good possibility it will be HOT! We walked at the beginning and end for a total of 6 miles. Today I did strength and 3.2 on the elliptical.

QOTD--I love the music from Spectromagic--it's my favorite parade!

Hope everyone has a great day. I'll check back in later!

Great job with your run.

Hello Everyone! I feel SO FAR behind! :confused3 We left on Friday and did not get home until late Monday. I spent Tuesday working on a million things I needed to get done and did not get on here. So now it is Wednesday and HERE I AM! I am not even going to try to go backwards with all the posts, I am just going to start fresh.

I have GAINED weight and am not real happy. I tried hard with prepping all the fruits and veggies for the weekend and felt that for the most part I did a good job. I did not expect to gain the 4 pounds that I did. I know that it is going to take a better dedicated plan and I just haven't done that yet. My exercising is really suffering and I need to get on it again. I did not even do the COW at all this week and I am the one in charge of that...what was I thinking? :headache: So, I am going to do some journaling tonight and get a new plan in place to motivate myself AGAIN. Do we all see a pattern here???:rolleyes1 I feel like I am traveling in circles but at least I keep traveling and I am not giving up yet.

I need to finish getting all the COW records updated so if you did not reply for last week (COW 5), please send those numbers in. This was our LOWEST participation week with the COW so I am going to really encourage you all to take a new look at the COW when I post tomorrow.

It is good to be back and be our thread again because I am obviously going to need some support (and a good old kick in the behind) from all of you as I recover from the long holiday weekend! :rolleyes1

Later -

Thanks for organizing the COW. I'm sure that you will lose that small gain very quickly.

Wednesday QOTD: What is your favorite Disney song? You know the one that plays and you can't help but think of your last Disney vacation.

I also love the monorail warning, but "I Just Can't Wait to Be King" reminds me of Mickey's Philharmagic, which I LOVE!

Congratulations to all the losers this week, and especially to Tricia! :thumbsup2

I do want to say (and not just because I didn't lose this week :rotfl: ) Congratulations for everyone who is here/still here. Everyone is a winner just for making the commitment to this journey.

Shelby -- I'm sorry you have to wait for test results. Sending you lots of :goodvibes and pixiedust:

Taryn - Congratulations on the new baby!!! There is nothing as wonderful in this world than a new little bundle! :cloud9:

Me? I'm hanging in. Nothing new. Saw the orthopedic specialist today and I'm still on crutches and in the brace, though the brace can now be set for 0--90 degree range of motion. I can also start PT on "land" instead of only in the pool. My formerly very pronounced and strong quad isn't "firing" right, so my running days are further off than I'd like to think. :sad1: But, I am going to start trying to do more and see where that gets me. I'm not supposed to push it so much that my knee swells up but I am allowed to try to do whatever I can stand, pain-wise. :rolleyes1 I am dying for the chance to do some cardio and may even try to ride a recumbent bike tomorrow at the gym if I can make that work with the brace before I do my upper body workout with a friend (my first at the gym since my surgery 6+ weeks ago!) :scared1:

Maybe if I shake up my routine a bit my body will give up a pound or two. :sad2:

Good luck with changing up your routine, but don't injure your self further by over doing it.

Evening Everyone!

I feel so behind on the thread. I have read through, but that's the best I can do. The heat is wearing me out. I didn't sleep well last night because I kept waking up feeling really hot and now I'm exhausted. I even napped earlier today for over an hour!

Today was an okay day. I got up later than usual, but still with enough time to workout for 45 minutes on the Wii. I did 2 more 10 minute Free Runs this morning. I'm not sure if I'll do the same tomorrow. I may decide to sleep in and take the day off. Plus, I'll probably go to Zumba class tomorrow night. That or swim for at least 30 minutes, like I did this evening. I am determined to have a good loss this week. Thanks for all the cheering!

Eating today wasn't great. By falling asleep until my parents woke me up for dinner, I didn't get to make any requests. They were really sweet though and cut the fat off my piece of steak before they put it on my plate. Not sure why they served me, but I did appreciate it. I'm hoping all the exercise I did today plus all the water I've been drinking will help balance things out for the day. I really, really want to at least stay at the weight I was this morning for Friday's weigh-in. I should probably go drink a bit more water. I've already had 9 glasses for the day, but with this heat, another 1 or 2 shouldn't hurt.

Have a great day tomorrow! :)

Your doing great. Keep your chin up :goodvibes
Thursday's QOTD: What Walt Disney World Beverage is not to be missed? I'd like to broaden my horizons and I've heard mention of frozen Maragritas, what else is out there that you just can't pass up?
CC - you are doing great with your exercise! So proud of you, girl!

Jen - welcome back, hope you can get back to your happy place soon!

Bree- oh la la, a little rendevous on the calendar,eh? Sounds like a
great motivator, sorry you had so much trouble with the bank stuff.

Shelby - the good thing about Shred is that it's over quick! Hope you enjoyed it!

Pinkle - "You'll be in my heart" makes me cry every time I hear it!

Cam - congrats on the new range of motion! Be careful, don't push too hard! AND we :love: Mickey's Philharmagic. I know we watched it 3 times on our trip, maybe 4. I daresay it's my favorite attraction in all of WDW!

Where can I get a "por favor" ringtone? DH got the new hat with the saying on it, we :lovestruc that spiel! (When we were looking into DVC, being on the monorail was a huge part of the draw to BLT. In fact, DH would have NEVER agreed to buy in if that property wasn't there.)


Today's QOTD: Lapu Lapu (fruity drink served in a pineapple) in Ohana. I'm sure you can walk up to the bar and get one. OH my goodness yum and strong!! (Dh likes them, b/c I drink it and get chill, and he can eat for hours without me bugging him! :laughing:)

Morning everyone! I worked in DD1's room from 9-3 yesterday. :scared1: I do this about every 3 months, Anyway, I got a lawn trash bag of trash out, cleaned EVERY drawer and her closet, reorganized her shelves and bulletin board, her hair accessories.... shampooed the carpet. OMG. I didn't do any other exercise, with all the running up and down the steps, and the 45minutes of pushing the shampooer... my arms are achy this am!

I need to vent a bit, feel free to skip, but I am on the edge of losing it.

I shared last challenge that my Dh will have to go to 3rd shift for 3 months. Well, it starts Sunday. He came home and talked about it yesterday, and honestly, I lost it. I am VERY thankful he has a job, and they regard his expertise enough that they want him to do the training for the new 3rd shift they are starting. I am VERY thankful that it is only 90 days. I am VERY thankful that it is starting now, so at least a bit of it will be before I go back to work. (I start back on August 3, the kids come back August 11). I just need to keep telling myself the things to be thankful for, as I started the stress eating last night.

I am just feeling the stress that all of you single moms go through on a daily basis, but I honestly don't know how I will handle being totally responsible for getting DD2 to his parents before work(45 minute drive round trip, he usually takes her on their days as it is on his way to work), staying for 9 hours a week at gymnastics with the 1.5 hr. round trip drive, getting any housework done. I could do it, no problems, except for my Master's classes and the work I need to do! The mornings are my class work time, as is the time DD1 is in gymnastics, plus a night of classes. Hopefully my fall semester won't start until after Labor day, so it would only be one month of dealing with that.

Basically, he is trying to problem solve, but it depends a LOT on relying on other people, some of them I don't know! My mom can't do it, she can't drive at night, and my in-laws pretty much won't, they hate staying at gymnastics. My Daddy would have. He did a lot of pinch gymnastics driving for me. I miss him sooo much.

DH totally blew up at me, said he would look for a new job. I guess he overreacted as much as I did. He totally didn't get why I was stressed, then he just shut down and got all quiet and moody in a remorseful way, and refused to talk. It's not his fault, he didn't volunteer. But that didn't make it any easier. I hope he doesn't go to work and do something stupid today!

And in the really selfish back of my mind, I wonder how all this will effect my stress level, exercise, and posting time, which are all crucial to my weight loss.

Sorry for the book, I just need to vent, and you were a "captive" audience!

Too hot to run already! Sweat is pouring off me just sitting here! I don't know what we'll do today, it's our last "off day". My class starts tomorrow evening, DD goes back to gymnastics next week, I have a few extra workdays for curriculum development next week, DH will be on 3rd... Oh yay.

Have a great OP day everyone, stay out of the heat, and drink your water!
Thursday's QOTD: What Walt Disney World Beverage is not to be missed? I'd like to broaden my horizons and I've heard mention of frozen Maragritas, what else is out there that you just can't pass up?

Welsh Dragon at Rose N Crown! It's a strange green drink but so good and refreshing! It's OJ, pineapple juice, melon liquer, and a splash of creme de menthe! It's a strange green color! We figured out the recipe and make them at home now! I think I'll have one this weekend! Thanks for bringing it up!

Walked 2 1/2 miles and ran a half mile! Felt good and it was all me time! Not getting the extra walk in this morning but will do WATP this afternoon!

Walking paid off 2 fold as one of my neighbors wants a massage today so she's coming later this morning!

Time to shower and get ready for work!
I need to vent a bit, feel free to skip, but I am on the edge of losing it.

I am just feeling the stress that all of you single moms go through on a daily basis, but I honestly don't know how I will handle being totally responsible for getting DD2 to his parents before work(45 minute drive round trip, he usually takes her on their days as it is on his way to work), staying for 9 hours a week at gymnastics with the 1.5 hr. round trip drive, getting any housework done. I could do it, no problems, except for my Master's classes and the work I need to do! The mornings are my class work time, as is the time DD1 is in gymnastics, plus a night of classes. Hopefully my fall semester won't start until after Labor day, so it would only be one month of dealing with that.

And in the really selfish back of my mind, I wonder how all this will effect my stress level, exercise, and posting time, which are all crucial to my weight loss.

Taryn - :grouphug: I am so sorry for you.

First of you all tell me...feel free to vent away here. We are all here to support one another. It sounds like this is going to be a very stressful time for you and it is way better for you to get it all out instead of letting the stress build.

Second, I am sorry that you and DH overreacted. It is so hard when you feel like you have no control over a situation. You have no control over all you are going to be responsible for and he has no control over the fact that he will be on 3rd shift. I hope that the two of you can talk it out again soon. My DH and I have been struggling with this overreacting based on the stress of a situation and it is no fun. I am learning that he is as stressed as I am and we have to really work to have productive talks with one another.

Finally, it sounds like it is all very overwhelming for you with the schedule, your schooling and everything you will have to do. My situation of being without a job is different but still very overwhelming. I sat down and made a list of all my concerns, brainstormed at ideas and left room for DH to do the same. I also made up a schedule of what my days will look like once school starts - substitute teaching in the day, tutoring and a part time job in the evenings, getting my kids places, etc. I also shared this with DH. We talked about how long the days are going to be for both of us if I end up working a part-time job to make up for having to substitute and how the whole family is going to have to adjust their expectations a bit. Writing it all out really helped us both and while it is still totally overwhelming, I feel like I am taking steps to regain some control over things again.

Since yours is a bit short term, I would also suggest you set some rewards for yourself as well. Maybe make a countdown chain too so that you can see how close you are getting to the end.

Finally, it is not selfish at all to be thinking about all you have done to get healthy and lose weight. You have worked hard and deserve to be able to keep going with it. Try to be creative...I run at my kid's dance studio - will it work for you to exercise while DD is at gymnastics? Try to build something EVERY DAY into your schedule because it is important and the exercising will help the stress.

Again, I am sorry you have to go through this. :grouphug: You can do it though are a STRONG person who has accomplished so much here. It will not be easy but that is why we are all here for you!

He's out there, just hang in there. Maybe a new pair of shoes would be lifechanging for you, too. ;)
I'm thinking running shoes though, not glass slippers.;)

Meh, you just need a nice guy! :goodvibes I figure a Prince isn't going to replace the roll on the toilet paper or take the trash out for you. :laughing: You need a regular, nice guy for that sort of stuff.
:rotfl: that is so true, and honestly what I would love to meet, but they all seem to be changing the toilet paper rolls for some other women already.

Oh, I love that CD! All those versions of the song are great! I used to have it, but then I lent it to someone and I can't remember who... suffice it to say that it was a long time ago. I think it is gone. Thanks for reminding me... I think I will have to find it somewhere again - maybe time to order it on amazon!
I had it on tape, and found it at the library and made an illegal cd copy on my computer. It is a great cd.

Mike and I ran after work yesterday--the temp at 6:15 was 95.:scared1: We went slow--the slowest run since we've been running together, but I am happy to say we ran the entire 4 miles!!!! Felt like this was a break through, because we're training for the Wine and Dine, and there is a good possibility it will be HOT! We walked at the beginning and end for a total of 6 miles. Today I did strength and 3.2 on the elliptical.
:worship::worship::worship: Nice job!! I'm sure it's a relief to know you can do it since you never know how hot it will for the w&d. I will think of you when I feel like I can't run any further this morning. It's only 80 here so far and we'll head out in a few minutes.

I have to modify my response to part 2 of the COW this week. I just finished chatting on Facebook with my first "grown-up" boyfriend. Turns out he lives about an hour from Port Canaveral. We made tentative plans to get together to catch up the day before my cruise next year. Ummm, the last time he saw me I was 20 years old and weighed between 150 and 160. That's 50 to 60 pounds lighter than right now! Talk about motivation... :scared1:

But he did cheer me up immensely, and I'm glad for that.

Now, I just have to remember our chat every morning when my alarm goes off at 6 am! I think that's just what I needed to get my butt outta bed!

"Talk" to you guys tomorrow!

Whoo hoo!! Maybe you should buy some new shoes before your vacation. That is definitely a great motivator. Is he single too?

I have GAINED weight and am not real happy. I tried hard with prepping all the fruits and veggies for the weekend and felt that for the most part I did a good job. I did not expect to gain the 4 pounds that I did. I know that it is going to take a better dedicated plan and I just haven't done that yet. My exercising is really suffering and I need to get on it again. I did not even do the COW at all this week and I am the one in charge of that...what was I thinking? :headache: So, I am going to do some journaling tonight and get a new plan in place to motivate myself AGAIN. Do we all see a pattern here???:rolleyes1 I feel like I am traveling in circles but at least I keep traveling and I am not giving up yet.

I need to finish getting all the COW records updated so if you did not reply for last week (COW 5), please send those numbers in. This was our LOWEST participation week with the COW so I am going to really encourage you all to take a new look at the COW when I post tomorrow.

It is good to be back and be our thread again because I am obviously going to need some support (and a good old kick in the behind) from all of you as I recover from the long holiday weekend! :rolleyes1

Later -
Welcome back!! It is so hard not to fall off the wagon during all the fun events of summer. I know you can get back on track, and you will lose those pounds before you know it. The cow is such a great motivator too, and I'm determined to stick with it from here on out too. We can do this!!!:cheer2:

I am so excited, my 30 Day Shred arrived today so tomorrow morning, if you hear someone whimpering...that'll be me. :laughing: I am SO excited to get started!! When I exercise regularly I don't eat bad things because I feel like it undermines all the hard work!

Got my DVD and my hand weights...I am READY!!!!!!!! :banana:
Whoo hoo!! Have fun!!

Thursday's QOTD: What Walt Disney World Beverage is not to be missed? I'd like to broaden my horizons and I've heard mention of frozen Maragritas, what else is out there that you just can't pass up?
Definitely the margaritas at the stand in mexico, I think the strawberrry one is my fav. I had an awesome raspberry-rum frozen drink at Coral Reef that was delicious. I'll be taking notes on everyone else's drinks since august will be so hot, I'll need some relief. ;)

[I need to vent a bit, feel free to skip, but I am on the edge of losing it.

I shared last challenge that my Dh will have to go to 3rd shift for 3 months. Well, it starts Sunday. He came home and talked about it yesterday, and honestly, I lost it. I am VERY thankful he has a job, and they regard his expertise enough that they want him to do the training for the new 3rd shift they are starting. I am VERY thankful that it is only 90 days. I am VERY thankful that it is starting now, so at least a bit of it will be before I go back to work. (I start back on August 3, the kids come back August 11). I just need to keep telling myself the things to be thankful for, as I started the stress eating last night.

I am just feeling the stress that all of you single moms go through on a daily basis, but I honestly don't know how I will handle being totally responsible for getting DD2 to his parents before work(45 minute drive round trip, he usually takes her on their days as it is on his way to work), staying for 9 hours a week at gymnastics with the 1.5 hr. round trip drive, getting any housework done. I could do it, no problems, except for my Master's classes and the work I need to do! The mornings are my class work time, as is the time DD1 is in gymnastics, plus a night of classes. Hopefully my fall semester won't start until after Labor day, so it would only be one month of dealing with that.

Basically, he is trying to problem solve, but it depends a LOT on relying on other people, some of them I don't know! My mom can't do it, she can't drive at night, and my in-laws pretty much won't, they hate staying at gymnastics. My Daddy would have. He did a lot of pinch gymnastics driving for me. I miss him sooo much.

DH totally blew up at me, said he would look for a new job. I guess he overreacted as much as I did. He totally didn't get why I was stressed, then he just shut down and got all quiet and moody in a remorseful way, and refused to talk. It's not his fault, he didn't volunteer. But that didn't make it any easier. I hope he doesn't go to work and do something stupid today!

And in the really selfish back of my mind, I wonder how all this will effect my stress level, exercise, and posting time, which are all crucial to my weight loss.

Sorry for the book, I just need to vent, and you were a "captive" audience!
:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry you are facing all this stress. It will be tough, but you will get through it. I'm sure you've thought of it all, but are there any other gymnastics parents you could maybe have take your dd one or 2 times a week? I'm also thinking, you should let the housework go. It will be for a short time, and if that is something you can handle, don't worry about the house. It's easier said than done sometimes. Hang in there, Taryn. We are always here to listen, so vent away. I'm sure you husband is upset too about having to put you through this, and not being able to help. Those men just want to fix everything, and make it all right, and he can't, so i'm sure he's just frustrated too. Hang in there. We are here for you.:hug: :hug:An extra hug on your daddy, and knowing he would be able to help if he could.:hug: It's so hard.

I'm off to run/walk before michael turns on another tv show. :rotfl: Have a great day!!:)
Taryn :grouphug::grouphug: I can't imagine what you are going through. I have onlyl had to do the single mom type living for a week during the summer when life is easier. Could you find someone who can help with driving your daughter to gymnastics besides grandparents. Maybe someone from the class. I have never had to depend on grandparents since we are a distance from both. Good luck.

Haven't been on in a while. I will be on a lot starting tomorrow since I am coaching this up coming week.

It has been too hot here. We are a strange household. We have no air conditioners any where in the house. we do get by with a lot of fans. I think we would blow all electrical circuits if we put some in. We are also home all summer and we go in and out of the house all the time. It is just easier not to have them except for weeks like this.

Yesterday was a real trip for me. I took my parents to Stroudsburg Pa. Since my grandmother died my mother and her sister have gotten together for lunch once a month. It has expanded to include my father's sister and a cousin of my mother and then spouses or friends. Some times it includes my aunt's kids and grandkids.

My youngest sister was taking my parents for the year and a half she was unemployed. When she got a job last Aug a concern of a few of us was who was going to take my parents to this monthly meeting. One of my sisters owns her own business and she has been doing this for the past year. Since I am off during the summer I was going to volunteer to due Aug but I am taking a course. So I was aksed to do thismonth and my sister will take next month.

The restaurant they picked was undergoing renovations. they sent us to another one next door. That place told us that they couldn't fit 9 people so go next door which was really attached. They would not set up a table for us since the entire party was not there. When the rest of the party go there they wanted us to sit at bar stools. Picture 80 year olds trying to get up on bar stools, one of them weighs over 300 pounds. The waitresses were so unhelpful we decided to go to another restaurant across the street. I went ahead and talked to the waitress/hotess. She was so helpful. She asked a couple of guys who hadn't gotten their food to move so we could have too tables with a bench. She was great. My mother paid the bill and I wanted to give her a little extra. Let's just say I made her day because I gave her much more than I thought I was going to give her.:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

But just picture herding around 8 80 year olds. One with a walker and one with a cane who is slower than molasses in january.

Had yoga last night and it was a little different than I have been doing. Really worked some muscles last night but I forgot to take some advil before I went to bed.

Will be back later. Have a great day everyone.
:rotfl: that is so true, and honestly what I would love to meet, but they all seem to be changing the toilet paper rolls for some other women already.

:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm so sorry you are facing all this stress. It will be tough, but you will get through it. I'm sure you've thought of it all, but are there any other gymnastics parents you could maybe have take your dd one or 2 times a week? I'm also thinking, you should let the housework go. It will be for a short time, and if that is something you can handle, don't worry about the house. It's easier said than done sometimes. Hang in there, Taryn. We are always here to listen, so vent away. I'm sure you husband is upset too about having to put you through this, and not being able to help. Those men just want to fix everything, and make it all right, and he can't, so i'm sure he's just frustrated too. Hang in there. We are here for you.:hug: :hug:An extra hug on your daddy, and knowing he would be able to help if he could.:hug: It's so hard.

Hey Kathy - I would love it if my DH would replace the toilet paper. The thing only seems to work for me around here! I wish there were other gymnastics parents, but we are the only ones in our area, the others live close to the gym, or on the other side. If I can keep up with laundry and dishes, I will feel successful! Thanks for actually reading that diatribe! I guess I have a tendency to blow things out of proportion, maybe it won't be as bad as I think. If I can convince DH to go to bed as soon as he gets home, maybe one night a week he can get up and stay with DD2, and I can take DD1 to the gym, go to a track and run, and work on class stuff without trying to occupy the little one. I'd be back before he had to leave.... We'll have to get in a groove, somehow.

Taryn :grouphug::grouphug: I can't imagine what you are going through. I have onlyl had to do the single mom type living for a week during the summer when life is easier. Could you find someone who can help with driving your daughter to gymnastics besides grandparents. Maybe someone from the class. I have never had to depend on grandparents since we are a distance from both. Good luck.

It has been too hot here. We are a strange household. We have no air conditioners any where in the house. we do get by with a lot of fans. I think we would blow all electrical circuits if we put some in. We are also home all summer and we go in and out of the house all the time. It is just easier not to have them except for weeks like this.

But just picture herding around 8 80 year olds. One with a walker and one with a cane who is slower than molasses in january.

:lmao::rotfl2: I needed that visual image for a laugh today!!!!! And I can NOT imagine no A/C right now, although our central air is only upstairs. Our downstairs stays fairly cool with fans, as long as I don't cook or do laundry! Great excuse!;) Thanks for the encouragement. Somehow, just putting it out there helped me not to stress as much!
QOTD.......frozen margarita ..........I haven't tried a lapu lapu....I am looking forward to one is Sept. (can't even imagine the calories! :scared1:)
It's going to be another hot one in Ontario. I am working 12hours today in the a/c.....I would much prefer pool floating. :laughing:
Thursday's QOTD: What Walt Disney World Beverage is not to be missed? I'd like to broaden my horizons and I've heard mention of frozen Maragritas, what else is out there that you just can't pass up?

OMG! A LapuLapu. Definitely. I'd go to the Poly JUST to get one. Unfortunately, many times by dinner time they are out of pineapples. But if you can get one, it is fabulous!!! :cutie: Often, I'll only take a sip or two and DH drinks the rest and then I eat the alcohol-infused pineapple. Oh, happy times!!! :banana:

Taryn -- I'm sorry you are so stressed. I'm glad, at least, that you have a couple of weeks to adjust and to hopefully figure out some of the logistics. I WISH I lived closer so I could at least offer to help once in a while. :hug:

Shelby -- Cannot wait to see your before and after pictures! I'll bet your "after" pics will be taken a lot sooner than you think. :goodvibes

I'm swamped at work, but since I do so much better when I've checked in here, I wanted to at least say "hi" and WISH you all a lovely day. I also wanted to report that despite the ridiculously complicated planning it required and the logistical nightmare of getting there and in the building and then through the shower, etc. afterwards, I did, in fact, go to the gym today to do a 20-30 minute uppper body workout. Tonight is water PT, so that will be the most exercise I've had in more than 6 1/2 weeks. :dance3:

Have a great on-plan day, everyone! :grouphug:
CC - you are doing great with your exercise! So proud of you, girl!

Jen - welcome back, hope you can get back to your happy place soon!

Bree- oh la la, a little rendevous on the calendar,eh? Sounds like a
great motivator, sorry you had so much trouble with the bank stuff.

Shelby - the good thing about Shred is that it's over quick! Hope you enjoyed it!

Pinkle - "You'll be in my heart" makes me cry every time I hear it!

Cam - congrats on the new range of motion! Be careful, don't push too hard! AND we :love: Mickey's Philharmagic. I know we watched it 3 times on our trip, maybe 4. I daresay it's my favorite attraction in all of WDW!

Where can I get a "por favor" ringtone? DH got the new hat with the saying on it, we :lovestruc that spiel! (When we were looking into DVC, being on the monorail was a huge part of the draw to BLT. In fact, DH would have NEVER agreed to buy in if that property wasn't there.)


Today's QOTD: Lapu Lapu (fruity drink served in a pineapple) in Ohana. I'm sure you can walk up to the bar and get one. OH my goodness yum and strong!! (Dh likes them, b/c I drink it and get chill, and he can eat for hours without me bugging him! :laughing:)

Morning everyone! I worked in DD1's room from 9-3 yesterday. :scared1: I do this about every 3 months, Anyway, I got a lawn trash bag of trash out, cleaned EVERY drawer and her closet, reorganized her shelves and bulletin board, her hair accessories.... shampooed the carpet. OMG. I didn't do any other exercise, with all the running up and down the steps, and the 45minutes of pushing the shampooer... my arms are achy this am!

I need to vent a bit, feel free to skip, but I am on the edge of losing it.

I shared last challenge that my Dh will have to go to 3rd shift for 3 months. Well, it starts Sunday. He came home and talked about it yesterday, and honestly, I lost it. I am VERY thankful he has a job, and they regard his expertise enough that they want him to do the training for the new 3rd shift they are starting. I am VERY thankful that it is only 90 days. I am VERY thankful that it is starting now, so at least a bit of it will be before I go back to work. (I start back on August 3, the kids come back August 11). I just need to keep telling myself the things to be thankful for, as I started the stress eating last night.

I am just feeling the stress that all of you single moms go through on a daily basis, but I honestly don't know how I will handle being totally responsible for getting DD2 to his parents before work(45 minute drive round trip, he usually takes her on their days as it is on his way to work), staying for 9 hours a week at gymnastics with the 1.5 hr. round trip drive, getting any housework done. I could do it, no problems, except for my Master's classes and the work I need to do! The mornings are my class work time, as is the time DD1 is in gymnastics, plus a night of classes. Hopefully my fall semester won't start until after Labor day, so it would only be one month of dealing with that.

Basically, he is trying to problem solve, but it depends a LOT on relying on other people, some of them I don't know! My mom can't do it, she can't drive at night, and my in-laws pretty much won't, they hate staying at gymnastics. My Daddy would have. He did a lot of pinch gymnastics driving for me. I miss him sooo much.

DH totally blew up at me, said he would look for a new job. I guess he overreacted as much as I did. He totally didn't get why I was stressed, then he just shut down and got all quiet and moody in a remorseful way, and refused to talk. It's not his fault, he didn't volunteer. But that didn't make it any easier. I hope he doesn't go to work and do something stupid today!

And in the really selfish back of my mind, I wonder how all this will effect my stress level, exercise, and posting time, which are all crucial to my weight loss.

Sorry for the book, I just need to vent, and you were a "captive" audience!

Too hot to run already! Sweat is pouring off me just sitting here! I don't know what we'll do today, it's our last "off day". My class starts tomorrow evening, DD goes back to gymnastics next week, I have a few extra workdays for curriculum development next week, DH will be on 3rd... Oh yay.

Have a great OP day everyone, stay out of the heat, and drink your water!

3 shift is hard for everyone involved. Thankfully it is only 3 weeks. Try to cut back as much as possible on extra activities and multitask. That's all you can do. I'm sure it will be difficult for DH to sleep during the day, especially if anyone is home. We've been there and done that :hug:

Taryn :grouphug::grouphug: I can't imagine what you are going through. I have onlyl had to do the single mom type living for a week during the summer when life is easier. Could you find someone who can help with driving your daughter to gymnastics besides grandparents. Maybe someone from the class. I have never had to depend on grandparents since we are a distance from both. Good luck.

Haven't been on in a while. I will be on a lot starting tomorrow since I am coaching this up coming week.

It has been too hot here. We are a strange household. We have no air conditioners any where in the house. we do get by with a lot of fans. I think we would blow all electrical circuits if we put some in. We are also home all summer and we go in and out of the house all the time. It is just easier not to have them except for weeks like this.

Yesterday was a real trip for me. I took my parents to Stroudsburg Pa. Since my grandmother died my mother and her sister have gotten together for lunch once a month. It has expanded to include my father's sister and a cousin of my mother and then spouses or friends. Some times it includes my aunt's kids and grandkids.

My youngest sister was taking my parents for the year and a half she was unemployed. When she got a job last Aug a concern of a few of us was who was going to take my parents to this monthly meeting. One of my sisters owns her own business and she has been doing this for the past year. Since I am off during the summer I was going to volunteer to due Aug but I am taking a course. So I was aksed to do thismonth and my sister will take next month.

The restaurant they picked was undergoing renovations. they sent us to another one next door. That place told us that they couldn't fit 9 people so go next door which was really attached. They would not set up a table for us since the entire party was not there. When the rest of the party go there they wanted us to sit at bar stools. Picture 80 year olds trying to get up on bar stools, one of them weighs over 300 pounds. The waitresses were so unhelpful we decided to go to another restaurant across the street. I went ahead and talked to the waitress/hotess. She was so helpful. She asked a couple of guys who hadn't gotten their food to move so we could have too tables with a bench. She was great. My mother paid the bill and I wanted to give her a little extra. Let's just say I made her day because I gave her much more than I thought I was going to give her.:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

But just picture herding around 8 80 year olds. One with a walker and one with a cane who is slower than molasses in january.

Had yoga last night and it was a little different than I have been doing. Really worked some muscles last night but I forgot to take some advil before I went to bed.

Will be back later. Have a great day everyone.

Good to see you again. I'm sure your parent's greatly appreciate all the effort that you and your siblings put into getting them to their monthly visits.

I am making a list of all the yummy beverages. We leave in 6 days for our trip, I need to know where to refuel ;)
Well I think I am finally packed. Tomorrow we fly to Orlando to board the 7 night Carnival Dream. We will be stopping at Cozumel, Costa Maya, Belize and Isla Roatan. After the cruise we will be visiting Disney and staying at Old Key West for 7 nights. It's a long trip and I hope it goes real slow. I do not want time to fly.
Thursday's QOTD: What Walt Disney World Beverage is not to be missed? I'd like to broaden my horizons and I've heard mention of frozen Maragritas, what else is out there that you just can't pass up?

Mmmmm....I have had a frozen margarita in Mexico when we had dinner there last Sept. It was booze free though because I don't drink. (don't like the taste of alcohol!) It was SOOOOOOOOO good!!!

Shelby - the good thing about Shred is that it's over quick! Hope you enjoyed it!

I'm going to do it in a few minutes. Wish me luck! LOL I'm sorry you're so stressed. I hope everything works out okay!!!

It's going to be another hot one in Ontario. I am working 12hours today in the a/c.....I would much prefer pool floating. :laughing:

Ontario, huh? My hubby and I were just discussing taking the kids there. He used to go there every Aug to go fishing with his friend and his friend's dad. They had been doing that since they were like 10! I took the kids camping and he said he wouldn't want to go where we went because of the big spiders we saw. So, last night when he mentioned Ontario we googled spiders that are in the area of Ontario and holy moly...:scared1: they were HUGE!! Do you guys get a lot of big spiders???? (I know, silly question) :laughing:

Shelby -- Cannot wait to see your before and after pictures! I'll bet your "after" pics will be taken a lot sooner than you think. :goodvibes

I hope you're right because those pictures were down right SCARY!!! I still can't believe I had them take pics of me in my bathing suit! :scared1: It's something no one needs to me!!!

So....I'll be doing my 30 Day Shred in a bit. I'm waiting for DH to leave for work otherwise I know he'll come walking in right in the middle and interrupt me.

I'm also headed to the pool to swim for a bit today and then off to the eye Dr. I have something going on in the inner corner of my eye, sure hoping it's not a stye developing. I've never had one before so I don't know what the heck it is!! I could either get an appt today or the week of the 19th. Figured I better nip it in the bud because on 7/21 my friend and I are going to Manhattan to see Harry Connick Jr! :cloud9:

I'll check in later after Jillian has kicked my butt. :yay: Hope you all have a great day!!! :grouphug:
Thursday's QOTD: What Walt Disney World Beverage is not to be missed? I'd like to broaden my horizons and I've heard mention of frozen Maragritas, what else is out there that you just can't pass up?

Ya know, I really got nothin'. I've had the rainbow margarita from the margarita stand at the Mexico pavilion at Epcot but, honestly I didn't much care for any of the flavors except for the normal lime layer. I enjoyed the beer sampler once at that micro-brewery place over at Boardwalk. Other than that, I think I've pretty much survived my WDW trips on water and diet coke. :rotfl:

Taryn: I know that 3rd shift can be tough on everybody. My dad worked swing shift when I was growing up, so my mom was pretty much on her own most of the time for parenting responsibilities. She did great on her own, but when she needed to she was able to swap responsibilities with a close friend of hers - my "other" mom. Of course, as a kid, this was my "normal" so I never knew to be stressed about it since I didn't have anything different to compare it to.

In my adult life, DH worked on-air at a radio station for several years, so we did go thru more than a year of him working the 7-midnite shift (while I worked the usual 8-5). We weren't parents at the time, but it was still pretty hard on us since we only saw each other when I went home on my lunch hour and for about 30-45 minutes in the evening.

The point is, it's all survivable. Being particularly averse to change in my own life, my way of dealing is to try to accept the change as my "new normal". (This is how I adjusted to becoming a first-time parent in my 30's, but that's a different story altogether.) Even if this is a temporary change, you will make yourself nuts if you only concentrate on how much longer you have to deal with it. But, if you are able to find the "normal" in it, I think you'll do just fine. And, when your DH's schedule goes to days again, you'll find that you'll appreciate your new, new normal even more. :)
Yesterday I ran to the grocery store with the kids... it was 100 degrees out and my DS-5 was shivering. When we got into the store, I grabbed a thermometer and took his temp. It was 103. He felt bad all day so I took him to the immediate care after dinner... he has strep. I have to try to keep the little kids separated today because DD-3 has a history of febrile seizures when she gets sick. :(

I haven't been running in almost three weeks. I couldn't run when my step-daughter was here because her mom accused me of using my step-daughter as a babysitter so I could run. So, I skipped running to keep peace between my husband, his ex-wife and their daughter. She is finally gone and I can start running again. I have 10 days before my surgery to run because I won't be able to run after my surgery for several weeks. I hope the weather cools down because this chick doesn't run if it is over 90 degrees. :)

My all time favorite show starts tonight. Big Brother 12. I cannot wait. :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

Taryn ~ :grouphug: :grouphug: Big ole hugs for you.

Thursday's QOTD: What Walt Disney World Beverage is not to be missed? I'd like to broaden my horizons and I've heard mention of frozen Maragritas, what else is out there that you just can't pass up?

That's a tough one. I don't drink alcohol (6 years, 8 months and 20 days) and I don't drink pop/soda/soft drinks... the iced tea at Disney is crap and the water isn't great either. :confused3
Well I think I am finally packed. Tomorrow we fly to Orlando to board the 7 night Carnival Dream. We will be stopping at Cozumel, Costa Maya, Belize and Isla Roatan. After the cruise we will be visiting Disney and staying at Old Key West for 7 nights. It's a long trip and I hope it goes real slow. I do not want time to fly.

Have a fabulous trip!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Yesterday I ran to the grocery store with the kids... it was 100 degrees out and my DS-5 was shivering. When we got into the store, I grabbed a thermometer and took his temp. It was 103. He felt bad all day so I took him to the immediate care after dinner... he has strep. I have to try to keep the little kids separated today because DD-3 has a history of febrile seizures when she gets sick. :(

Hope your DS feels better soon! That sounds miserable. I also hope you are able to get out and enjoy a few runs.

I have had a good start to the day. I went out running this morning (only 2.85 miles but it was a start and I didn't have time for more because I had to tutor), had oatmeal for breakfast (haven't been eating my breakfast) and am on my 2nd big jug of water. We are planning on going to the Mall of America this afternoon so I know I will get a bunch of walking in today as well. We are planning on eating dinner there and I will have to pick carefully because I need to be back on track.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Jennz--are you doing ok? I haven't seen your name in a while. Hope everything is good.:goodvibes

jenanderson--welcome back and have fun at Mall of America!

Shelby--wow, pictures in a bathing suit. Good for you. You will like having those pictures down the road as a reminder of how hard you have worked. I don't even recognize the person from December.:)

Thursday's QOTD: What Walt Disney World Beverage is not to be missed? I'd like to broaden my horizons and I've heard mention of frozen Maragritas, what else is out there that you just can't pass up?
Don't remember what it was called--but at the France kiosk, I think it was a cosmo slushie. Oh my goodness. Very yummy.

Taryn--:hug: I agree with Kathy, men like to fix things and that's probably where your dh's frustration is coming from. Mike gets like that. As for the whole situation--I was supposed to go to grad school when my ds was a baby and then back to work. I had a really sick kid and a husband who works all the time. (Yesterday he was at work at 6:45am, home at 5:30, had a conference call at 8:00pm when we were at the ballpark and another one at 9:00 which he skipped--not everyday is like this, but we will have months at a time where he is very busy.) When ds was in preschool/early elementary DH worked 2pm to 2am M-F. We had no help except for friends who gave me a break sometimes. Anyhow, the point of all this is, you can't do everything. I couldn't do everything. I just couldn't. Your kids are only little for a short period of time and your health is too important, so those should be a priority. Can you take a break from grad school until things get back to normal? Can you hire a house cleaner to even come in every other week for a few months? Can you push your younger daughter in a stroller during gymnastics? maybe borrow a jogging stroller. At the end of the day, all you can do is the best that you can do. Hang in there.:hug:

Welsh Dragon at Rose N Crown! It's a strange green drink but so good and refreshing! It's OJ, pineapple juice, melon liquer, and a splash of creme de menthe! It's a strange green color! We figured out the recipe and make them at home now! I think I'll have one this weekend! Thanks for bringing it up!

Walked 2 1/2 miles and ran a half mile! Felt good and it was all me time! Not getting the extra walk in this morning but will do WATP this afternoon!

Walking paid off 2 fold as one of my neighbors wants a massage today so she's coming later this morning!

Time to shower and get ready for work!
Tracey--that drink sounds pretty good!

I'm thinking running shoes though, not glass slippers.;)

:worship::worship::worship: Nice job!! I'm sure it's a relief to know you can do it since you never know how hot it will for the w&d. I will think of you when I feel like I can't run any further this morning. It's only 80 here so far and we'll head out in a few minutes.
:rotfl: You go girl--I would rather have running shoes and a good man who appreciates good running shoes!

It was a relief to know we can run in the heat. It was brutal, but I felt ok afterwards. Last year in October when we were at WDW they had record breaking temps everyday. I am hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. Someone on the W&D thread said earlier that they think they might not start it, if it's too hot, but I don't know what that means.:confused3

Dona--loved that story! What a memory you will have of that afternoon!

Cam--Yea for going to the gym!!! I'm so excited for you.:goodvibes

Well I think I am finally packed. Tomorrow we fly to Orlando to board the 7 night Carnival Dream. We will be stopping at Cozumel, Costa Maya, Belize and Isla Roatan. After the cruise we will be visiting Disney and staying at Old Key West for 7 nights. It's a long trip and I hope it goes real slow. I do not want time to fly.

Hope you have an amazing trip!!!!:goodvibes

Anne--:hug: I hope you get in a run soon. I know how scary those high temps are. DS routinely ran 104-105 temps up until middle school. It had to do with his genetic disorder. He nerver had seizures, but he would start vomitting, and so could get no medicine down. People did not understand why we were so cautious about having him around anyone who might be sick. Hope everyone is healthy soon.:goodvibes

Good afternoon everyone. Today was supposed to be an off day, but I went to the Y and did the bike. Does anyone else have trouble taking vitamins? I have to have a completely full stomach or I feel like I'm going to heave. I try to take a multi-vitamin a couple times a week, in case I'm missing anything from being a vegetarian, but I'll tell you this morning I thought I had eaten enough, and still got so sick to my stomach. Yuck! It's supposed to rain tonight, so hoping for a couple of cooler days coming up.

Have a great day!
Yesterday I ran to the grocery store with the kids... it was 100 degrees out and my DS-5 was shivering. When we got into the store, I grabbed a thermometer and took his temp. It was 103. He felt bad all day so I took him to the immediate care after dinner... he has strep. I have to try to keep the little kids separated today because DD-3 has a history of febrile seizures when she gets sick. :(

Oh no!! Hope he is feeling better and that your DD doesn't get it!!! :hug:

I just did the Shred. Oh my gosh, I'm sweating profusely but I feel GREAT!! Now I'm off to get more exercise in the POOL!!!:)
Yesterday I ran to the grocery store with the kids... it was 100 degrees out and my DS-5 was shivering. When we got into the store, I grabbed a thermometer and took his temp. It was 103. He felt bad all day so I took him to the immediate care after dinner... he has strep. I have to try to keep the little kids separated today because DD-3 has a history of febrile seizures when she gets sick. :(

I haven't been running in almost three weeks. I couldn't run when my step-daughter was here because her mom accused me of using my step-daughter as a babysitter so I could run. So, I skipped running to keep peace between my husband, his ex-wife and their daughter. She is finally gone and I can start running again. I have 10 days before my surgery to run because I won't be able to run after my surgery for several weeks. I hope the weather cools down because this chick doesn't run if it is over 90 degrees. :)

My all time favorite show starts tonight. Big Brother 12. I cannot wait. :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

Taryn ~ :grouphug: :grouphug: Big ole hugs for you.

Thursday's QOTD: What Walt Disney World Beverage is not to be missed? I'd like to broaden my horizons and I've heard mention of frozen Maragritas, what else is out there that you just can't pass up?

I hope DS is okay....not exercising after surgery is fristrating. Hang in there and watch what you eat! :thumbsup2

That's a tough one. I don't drink alcohol (6 years, 8 months and 20 days) and I don't drink pop/soda/soft drinks... the iced tea at Disney is crap and the water isn't great either. :confused3

Oh no!! Hope he is feeling better and that your DD doesn't get it!!! :hug:

I just did the Shred. Oh my gosh, I'm sweating profusely but I feel GREAT!! Now I'm off to get more exercise in the POOL!!!:)
Good for you! I'm eating lunch (salad) before I have to get back to work. Exercising in the pool sounds like a better idea
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