Black Bear Sighting?


May 11, 2010
I'm a member of the lines app on the iphone and someone posted that there's been a black bear sighting at FW. A google search does not bring up anything, but someone had mentioned that there was something on their cabin's table when they came back from the parks. Um... what?! :eek:

I'm planning to (well... maybe not after this?!) tent camp. Flying in with the tent, so no car to lock food up in. Is this too dangerous? Should I re-evaluate??

The current food storage plan was to put all foods in one (or 2) large styrofoam coolers-- should I plan to fly with hard cooler?

I've seen the original Parent Trap about 100 times... don't want to wake up to baby black bears licking my toes!!!

Any advice would be appreciated. I was getting excited, but now my tummy feels a little sick!! :/
I live in Ontario, Canada and camp with bears nearly every time I go. Bears are attracted to you food, not to you. A hard cooler will not deter them, nor will a car for that matter. The safest bet when camping is to put you food into a hard cooler, in the trunk of your car. Bears have relatively the same eyesight as humans, so if they car see it in your backseat, they will want in. Having car insurance is also recommended :)

I'm not sure if black bears are as far south as Florida, but if you don't have a car, and are tenting, I would suspend your food from a tree, and if thats not an option, put in on the edge of your campsite. I wouldn't worry as much though. I don't think the mouse likes bears in his park.

Just some thoughts from your northern neighbour. Have fun and enjoy.
I'd pack heat, those bears can be dangerous. That's why Disney doesn't let the press report on it.
I'm extremly skeptical about black bears at the Fort. I've been with Disney for over fifteen years and worked at a number of different locations. The latest position takes me everywhere at all times of the day. I've seen all of the other animals many times but never a black bear. Not saying that they're not there, but I'll believe it when there's some sort of proof other than heresay. And that goes for Elvis too.
I'm extremly skeptical about black bears at the Fort. I've been with Disney for over fifteen years and worked at a number of different locations. The latest position takes me everywhere at all times of the day. I've see all of the other animals many times but never a black bear. Not saying that they're not there, but I'll believe it when there's some sort of proof other than heresay. And that goes for Elvis too.

so you'd believe there were bears if Elvis told you?
Just read Wildlife Sighting

My DW was reading this thread last night. When I asked it if worried her to wake up with a big snake laying in bed next to her? She replied (with a smile) that she does not worry about it on any other night, so why would the Fort be any different.

I was not sure how to take that answer, but I was kind of insulted.:confused:
We had the same black bear come back twice here in So. Florida and never had any problem with bear attacks. I didn’t want to scare anyone. This post is why I never posted anything about it when I spottedthe bear back in January.
I'd pack heat, those bears can be dangerous.

You'd have to be packing some serious heat! Shooting at a black bear just makes them mad. You shouldn't try shooting a black bear with anything less than a moose rifle. I don't know about the types of guns Americans hunt with, but I'm sure someone will comment.

Besides that, I'm pretty sure that I don't want to be camping at Disney with my kids beside someone "packing heat":scared1:
When I spotted the Black Bear I ran looking for a Mickey Musket but could not find one anywhere
I think I remember reading and seeing a picture on TCD's latest trip report about a sign posted at Fort Wilderness regarding the black bears and if you spot one to call security.

Here's the sign he posted:
Well, I must say this thread is moving along at a nice pace, and we have had some good discussion. Yes?

So, it seems like it would be a good time for my next post.

One of the things I always do when visiting the Fort is to read the bulletin boards. There is a bulletin board at each comfort station. There are also bulletin boards at both trading posts. The thing about these bulletin boards is that there is a fascinating lack of consistency. There might be a very important announcement posted on one of the boards, but not on any of the others. Some bulletin boards have stuff on them that is over a year old. Others are pretty much up to date. I wonder who is in charge of the bulletin boards? Well, whoever it is, he or she is not a stickler for details.

I found this surprising tid-bit on the Meadow Trading Post bulletin board (I had to take my photo at this angle to avoid a bad glare):


What is this?

A bear?

In Fort Wilderness?

Have we heard about this before now?

Note the letter is dated January, 2010.

I have seen some trip reports posted relating to visits after January, 2010.

But, I don't think I've seen a mention of a black bear sighting. In fact, this is the first that I have heard of a black bear ever being seen at the Fort.

So, that raises two important questions:

1. How come nobody told us about this?


2. Does anybody have a bear costume I can borrow?

Has anyone seen a bear at the Fort?

This one doesn't count:


I'd pack heat, those bears can be dangerous.

You'd have to be packing some serious heat! Shooting at a black bear just makes them mad. You shouldn't try shooting a black bear with anything less than a moose rifle. I don't know about the types of guns Americans hunt with, but I'm sure someone will comment.

Besides that, I'm pretty sure that I don't want to be camping at Disney with my kids beside someone "packing heat":scared1:

Well..... just so you'll know "Concealed Carry" is legal in the
state of Florida.
I'd pack heat, those bears can be dangerous. That's why Disney doesn't let the press report on it.


I have a portable hair dryer, is that enough heat? Maybe bring a politician, they create enough hot air to either drive the bear away or bore it to death. :lmao:
yes, there are bears in Florida!

We spent 4 years in Alaska before moving here to Florida and I just had to laugh when riding down the road and saw a "bear" sign...yellow sign with a bear on it! I thought these people were crazy but yes, they are around...just don't see them often. Personally, I'd rather see a moose again!
We got the black bear notice yesterday in our cabin. We asked the wagon driver about bears during our ride last night and he said he'd heard rumors of there being bears a couple times on property but hadn't actually seen one. Black bears are protected in FL and are very skittish so the chance that you will see one is very rare.
Ah well... my whole camping experience went from joke, to dare, to I might actually be excited about this... So I guess a little bear scare won't deter me.

So the tips I think I'm hearing are:
Put all your food in a cooler and place it on the edge of the campsite at night.
Don't eat in the tent!
Call security if I do see a bear.
Bring my Mickey Musket (but don't shoot the bear with it, that would just make him angry) (not that I blame him...)
Don't walk around in my bear suit if my tent is next to GatorDad! (I kid, I kid)

Let's say worst case scenario: that I'm walking back to the campsite with my Mickey Mouse flashlight and see two bear eyes staring back at me. Do I run? Not run? Turn off the light? Lift the light over my head and roar? Slowly back away? Get on the ground? Of course, step one would be wet myself... (TMI?)

I'm not trying to scare anyone-- just want to be prepared!!
Let's say worst case scenario: that I'm walking back to the campsite with my Mickey Mouse flashlight and see two bear eyes staring back at me. Do I run? Not run? Turn off the light? Lift the light over my head and roar? Slowly back away? Get on the ground? Of course, step one would be wet myself... (TMI?)

I'm not trying to scare anyone-- just want to be prepared!!

Turn off the light and close your eyes, the bear will be instantly out of sight. Fire the Mickey Musket in the air to warn the rest of the campers. Gatordad will then wet himself. While he is in the comfort station cleaning up and bragging about how he single-handedly fought off the bear you go to his camper, drink his beer and lock him out with the bear. Get a good night's sleep. No more bear problems.


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