Anyone Reading "Cast Member Confidential" Yet?

Sorry, those folks have hurt me and hurt my friends too many times. It starts with something innocuous like keeping a book unfavorable to Disney out of the local Barnes and Noble to "protect the children" and before you know it real damage gets caused.

My ethics teacher always said.."don't just evaluate what's happening NOW, look ahead to see where it will lead".
I know.......but.........ya cant have all Yin and no Yang.
I know.......but.........ya cant have all Yin and no Yang.

I think this is the perfect thing to tell the poster that wants the book banned, labeled or somehow censored.

There is a huge difference between giving your opinion and telling others what they are allowed to read.

If you dont wish to read the book....dont read it. If you dont want your children reading a parent you have that right. Make sure they dont read it.

Censorship is wrong.
I think this is the perfect thing to tell the poster that wants the book banned, labeled or somehow censored.

There is a huge difference between giving your opinion and telling others what they are allowed to read.

If you dont wish to read the book....dont read it. If you dont want your children reading a parent you have that right. Make sure they dont read it.

Censorship is wrong.

Very well said, Kevin.

I have a real problem with people who are hypocritical.
I have started a petition for people who are concerned that Cast Member Confidential isn't the image of Disney that we want in the media. The cover has colorful animation that is attractive to children.

Please help me! I'm not trying to get the book banned. I just want a warning label or something, maybe wrap it in a plastic. If nothing ese it will be a message that we respect the values that Walt Disney stood for.

Please take a moment to sign up if you believe like I do that this book is harmful to the community.

Thank you!

I have taken a moment to actually read your petition and find it irresponsible and outrageous.

It doesnt surprise me that you are also advertising Ann Coulter's blog on your petition.

While I can not speak for Disney, I'm pretty sure that they have a rather powerful legal department and dont need you to protect their image or the values for which Walt stood.

Even if you motive were to "protect" Disney's image....I have to question how this book might be "harmful to the community".

Censorship is wrong.
I think this is the perfect thing to tell the poster that wants the book banned, labeled or somehow censored.

Censorship is wrong.
I agree. but my point is that there has to be that type of person or people around if only to make sure we dont slip into complacency. i know this is a pretty broad comparison..but...the Third Reich got its foothold that way.............they annexed Austria, Moravia a couple other small places. no big deal........then they invade Poland and everybody finally wakes up..........everybody was all like....what the **** just didnt just happen, it had been happening......... they did it quietly....if they had been all up in our faces sabre rattling we could have seen it more clearly...............DISCLAIMER: i am in no way inferring that the poster who wants this book taken of the market is a Nazi or has any association with dont even............................
I have a real problem with people who are hypocritical.
i dont think the poster is a hypocrite she seems pretty engulfed by her beliefs. a hypocrite would lead you to believe they feel one way while really feeling the opposite.
I agree. but my point is that there has to be that type of person or people around if only to make sure we dont slip into complacency. i know this is a pretty broad comparison..but...the Third Reich got its foothold that way.............they annexed Austria, Moravia a couple other small places. no big deal........then they invade Poland and everybody finally wakes up..........everybody was all like....what the **** just didnt just happen, it had been happening......... they did it quietly....if they had been all up in our faces sabre rattling we could have seen it more clearly...............DISCLAIMER: i am in no way inferring that the poster who wants this book taken of the market is a Nazi or has any association with dont even............................

You jumped all over a poster for bringing inter-racial marriage into this discussion and you're comparing this discussion about the requested banning of a book that someone doesnt "approve" of to the Third Reich?

Are you kidding?

Are you really comparing the atrocities associated with the Third Reich to a book that disparages Disney. Is it the complacency over this title what worries you?

Are you suggesting that unless we remove the offending title, that disgruntled Cast Members are going to annex Fantasyland?

No one is being complacent. As a matter of fact, we're doing exactly the opposite of being complacent. We're standing up for your rights to read what you want to read and not have someone with an agenda tell you that you cant because he or she doesnt agree with it.

The only ones trying to remove anyone's rights is the poster who posted the ridiculous petition and the 49 other people who signed such ridiculous trash.

Censorship is wrong.
Are you kidding?

Are you suggesting that unless we remove the offending title, that disgruntled Cast Members are going to annex Fantasyland?


Censorship is wrong.
hate to say it but you totally misunderstood me......i am on your side........i DONT want a book removed from the shelves.........i was making a comparison to history. back then people did not really see the bad. everything was hunky dory till it wasnt. i was saying that we are better off today because people like that are up in your face shouting about the stupid things and we can better deal with it. sometimes the written word does not convey thoughts well. dont get your grapes up:rotfl2: i do however think that a bloodless coup in fantasyland is an interesting idea.:)
hate to say it but you totally misunderstood me......i am on your side........i DONT want a book removed from the shelves.........i was making a comparison to history. back then people did not really see the bad. everything was hunky dory till it wasnt. i was saying that we are better off today because people like that are up in your face shouting about the stupid things and we can better deal with it. sometimes the written word does not convey thoughts well. dont get your grapes up:rotfl2: i do however think that a bloodless coup in fantasyland is an interesting idea.:)

Life has changed.

News is instant.

We're supposed to learn from our mistakes.

Having a different opinion is fine.

Telling me that I'm not allowed to form an opinion because you feel the need to protect me (and Walt's memory????) by removing that on which I might have an opinion is censorship and....

Censorship is wrong.
i dont think the poster is a hypocrite she seems pretty engulfed by her beliefs. a hypocrite would lead you to believe they feel one way while really feeling the opposite.

hypocrisy |hiˈpäkrisē|
noun ( pl. -sies)
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

The poster is using her freedom of speech to attempt to silence another's freedom of speech. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

She is directly interfering with Chris Mitchell's freedom of speech by attempting to ban his book (which, I will agree, is HORRIBLE. As a Cast Member, it makes me MAD). Seems pretty hypocritical to me.

People have every right to disagree with what Mitchell has written...that is their freedom.
which, I will agree, is HORRIBLE

I agree, the book is awful......but EVERYONE should have the right to make that decision for themselves.

SupercaliSal and friends should not have the right to say you can NOT read what you want to read, no matter how much they disagree with what is written.

Once that precedent is's a very slippery slope. How long before they want this site closed down in the name of "protecting Walt's memory" or family values or whatever other trash is being spewed?

Censorship is wrong.
hypocrisy |hiˈpäkrisē|
noun ( pl. -sies)
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

The poster is using her freedom of speech to attempt to silence another's freedom of speech. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

She is directly interfering with Chris Mitchell's freedom of speech by attempting to ban his book (which, I will agree, is HORRIBLE. As a Cast Member, it makes me MAD). Seems pretty hypocritical to me.

People have every right to disagree with what Mitchell has written...that is their freedom.
hypocrite.............someone who pretends to have admirable principles, beliefs or feelings but behaves otherwise....................the poster does not conform to any part of this definition.she is NOT pretending to have admirable priciples and if she did she would have to be behaving contrary to them. she is not, she is very staunch in her belief. she would be a hypocrite if she said all this stuff and then went and bought the book and holed up in her room reading and enjoying it. THAT is a hypocrite..................:teacher:
I ABSOLUTELY agree that SuperCaliSal does not have the right to decide what anyone should or should not read, but I think she does have the right to have her very silly petition. That in and of itself isn't censorship. Even if she took it to her bookstore and they agreed to pull it from their shelves, that still really isn't censorship. Bookstores have the right to stock their shelves pretty much with what they want. However, if someone in goverment forced them to remove a book from their shelves, then that would be censorship.
I ABSOLUTELY agree that SuperCaliSal does not have the right to decide what anyone should or should not read, but I think she does have the right to have her very silly petition.

I agree 100%.

Just as you and I have the right to deem it silly.....well....actually....I deemed it ridiculous trash.
AJ12345 You are offensive on so many levels! First of all, Im a man. Second of all, I put my name first on that list, which now has almost 50 signatures online. AND I took a clipboard around my neighbrhood and got enough people to sign it that they are no longer carrying Castmember Confidential at Urban Think in Orlando. AND they were going to have the writer come in for a reading/signing but now they are canceling him!!

This is a terrific victory for my community!

I urge more people to voice their concerns in their comunity. Its just incredible what we can do when we put our minds and our magic into it!




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