Football players, Jiminy Cricket's fat brother, and some tipsy tourists...DONE! p.9

The Boardwalk looks like a place my parents would love. I love the decorations. Too bad about the view.

I'm looking forward to seeing how your mother did at 7:00 am. :laughing:
I'm joining in! DH & I just got back from a trip with my parents and his, and it was so funny how hard it was to get them out the door on time in the morning! They are always up at least an hour before we were up, but they were never ever ready on time. It drove us crazy! What a role reversal... Looking forward to reading more. :goodvibes
I'm joining in! DH & I just got back from a trip with my parents and his, and it was so funny how hard it was to get them out the door on time in the morning! They are always up at least an hour before we were up, but they were never ever ready on time. It drove us crazy! What a role reversal... Looking forward to reading more. :goodvibes

Thanks for joining in! I'm usually not a morning person, unless I am at Disney!! And um, is that Taylor Hanson as your display picture?!

Joining in! The BWI looks absolutely beautiful!!!

It was amazing! I'm so glad we stayed there. Welcome and thank you for joining!
So Friday was going to be our Animal Kingdom/DHS day. I wanted to get an early start because we had a lunch reservation at Sanaa for 11:45am, which didn’t leave us much time in the park. AK is pretty small and since my mom doesn’t like big rides, I knew we could do it if we started on time. I set my alarm for 7:00am before bed and my mom asked hopefully if we really needed to get up that early. I went to bed a little nervous after telling her that yes, we DID need to get up that early!

When my alarm went off I jumped out of bed to go head into the shower, but the bathroom door was closed and the lights above the sink were on. What?! My mom came out and said that she got up at 6:30am!!! I was SO proud. So when she asked if we had time to grab coffee and something to eat for breakfast before leaving, I couldn’t say no. After we got ready we went to the Boardwalk Bakery to fill up our mugs with coffee and used snack credits to get a bagel for me, and a muffin for her. We sat outside on the Boardwalk and it was a little chilly and cloudy, but still an adorable area to soak it all in.

We hopped on the bus to AK and when we got there I took a picture of the gorgeous tree! There was a line for the photopass photographer so we decided we’d stop on the way out.



We walked straight to the safari and had an AWESOME driver. He was hilarious and threw in a little adult humor, which had the whole car laughing. Had some great shots of giraffes and elephants, but no lions.
Also, the little Thompson’s Gazelles were chasing each other and leaping into the air. The driver said he had never seen that before and it was the best safari he’s ever gone on so far in four years. It was SO cute and everyone was laughing because these things would literally just go BOING! Into the air! Here are some pictures from the safari:






After the safari we went to the Festival of the Lion King show. I had seen this years ago but for some reason skipped it on the last few trips. It was amazing and of course I had a few tears in my eyes. I don’t know why it makes me cry!

Maharajah Jungle Trek was up next. Tigers are my favorite zoo animal so that is why I love this so much. Luckily we were able to see the big kitties but they were just sleeping. I want to snuggle up next to them so bad!



They remind me of my dog (I know, they are CATS), so of course I started to miss our little guy, Andy. They look nothing alike, see?


We then decided to head back to the front and get our pictures in front of the tree. The photographer had a gift wrapped and was having people pose with it, but honestly we thought the poses he was having people do looked kind of cheesy. When we got up there he handed us the gift and I gave it back to him and said we just preferred us with the tree in the background. He looked so sad and asked us if we were really sure we didn’t want to hold it. After we left (how the heck do I put the Photopass pictures from online into my TR?) we felt bad for him and hoped we didn’t hurt his feelings. Did he make that just for his pictures? Or do all the Photopass people have it? My mom said we should’ve just posed with it and if it looked cheesy it would’ve just made the pictures more memorable and funny. I still feel bad for not just holding the present!

We got on the bus to AKL and the driver told me that Kidani was the first stop. We were a little early so we walked around the lobby before checking into the restaurant.




I had switched my ADR’s around a few times but I always had Sanaa in the mix somewhere after seeing a great vegetarian review on the boards. It was a lot of booking and canceling, and it started to get confusing.

But as soon as we got in the elevator and I pushed the button that said Sanaa, I started to worry that I had canceled the wrong day’s reservations….


I love your Animal Kingdom pictures! I don't think those tigers want anyone snuggling up next to them. LOL.
Ok, so here we go................we were at AK on Friday also! Rode EE three times in a row. Well Lauren did, I rode once with her; Amanda's nurse the other two times.

Also saw Nemo for the first time; and caught the Lion King show - one of our faves.

I'm telling ya - we were at the same places alot of the time this trip. Can't believe I didn't see you!
Love the AK update! Glad you had such a good safari driver. And that's funny how the Tommies were chasing each other!
I love your Animal Kingdom pictures! I don't think those tigers want anyone snuggling up next to them. LOL.

But they are just so cute!!

Ok, so here we go................we were at AK on Friday also! Rode EE three times in a row. Well Lauren did, I rode once with her; Amanda's nurse the other two times.

Also saw Nemo for the first time; and caught the Lion King show - one of our faves.

I'm telling ya - we were at the same places alot of the time this trip. Can't believe I didn't see you!

Wow. And that day at AK it seemed practically empty so I was sure I'd be able to spot you. I can't believe Lauren rode EE three times! I wouldn't have even gone on it if I was with people who wanted to ride because last time I was on it I got really bad motion sickness. It's too bad because it is such a cool ride!

Love the AK update! Glad you had such a good safari driver. And that's funny how the Tommies were chasing each other!

Thanks! It was hilarious, everyone in the car was laughing so hard. You should've seen these guys. I'm hitting myself for not taking video :sad2:
good update!!!!!!!

When I see the Lion King show, I get major major chills..never did cry though!

Can't wait for more :)
Early mornings on the Boardwalk are so peaceful!

you actually got to do quite a bit for being at AK for such a short time!:thumbsup2

Oh oh...nice cliffhanger!
Thanks for joining in! I'm usually not a morning person, unless I am at Disney!! And um, is that Taylor Hanson as your display picture?!

I'm so with you on the morning person thing! I still wasn't the happiest waking up so early, but darn it, I was making it to rope drop if it killed me! :rotfl:

And yes, it is Taylor Hanson. :love: I'm a fangirl at heart, but I control myself better now at 24 than I did at 12. :laughing:

ETA: OK, so now I read your latest post to get all caught up! The photopass pictures with the present, they put Stitch jumping out of the present, same as when he is supposed to be coming up out of the ground. Cute, but not that great. We did a few group pictures at the tree, then he handed me the present for one last pic.

Your safari ride looks awesome! We got hardly any decent pictures because we were in the very LAST row and it was so bumpy I came off of my seat a couple times! So DH had a hard time getting good pictures. Oh well.

I absolutely adore your tiger pictures! I love the big cats, they remind me of my two kitties at home. We saw a lion at the MGM in Las Vegas playing with a ball and kicking it with her back paws the same way my cat Callie does, it was too cute!
good update!!!!!!!

When I see the Lion King show, I get major major chills..never did cry though!

Can't wait for more :)

Thanks girl. It reminds me of the Broadway show which was also amazing!

Early mornings on the Boardwalk are so peaceful!

you actually got to do quite a bit for being at AK for such a short time!:thumbsup2

Oh oh...nice cliffhanger!

Hahaha thanks...It was NOT so nice when I was freaking out in the elevator LOL

I'm so with you on the morning person thing! I still wasn't the happiest waking up so early, but darn it, I was making it to rope drop if it killed me! :rotfl:

And yes, it is Taylor Hanson. :love: I'm a fangirl at heart, but I control myself better now at 24 than I did at 12. :laughing:

ETA: OK, so now I read your latest post to get all caught up! The photopass pictures with the present, they put Stitch jumping out of the present, same as when he is supposed to be coming up out of the ground. Cute, but not that great. We did a few group pictures at the tree, then he handed me the present for one last pic.

Your safari ride looks awesome! We got hardly any decent pictures because we were in the very LAST row and it was so bumpy I came off of my seat a couple times! So DH had a hard time getting good pictures. Oh well.

I absolutely adore your tiger pictures! I love the big cats, they remind me of my two kitties at home. We saw a lion at the MGM in Las Vegas playing with a ball and kicking it with her back paws the same way my cat Callie does, it was too cute!

Ohhh OK, thanks for explaining the present!! Also, I actually was obsessed with Hanson when I was dad videotapes Christmas every year and that year when we were going to bed he was filming it and you can see my wall literally COVERED in Hanson pics! Taylor was my favorite and I always liked Zac too but he was my best friends favorite so I couldn't like him. :lmao: OK well fast forward to this fall when I finally was able to see them in concert...OMG. It was THE best concert I've ever been to. Maybe because I waited for 12 years to see it or maybe because I didn't know what to expect, but seriously it was amazing!! I can't wait for the new album - I love their new music!
I loved your DAK update. I love that park. It is so hot when we go in September that we never seem to be able to stay for the parade. Next year, it's a must for me.
Just got caught up on your TR. How exciting about the football players! That would be so cool. My husband would love that. He's a huge college football fan! MVMCP looked like a lot of bad it was rainy/drizzly. Can't wait for more and a review of Sanaa!
Wow, cool Safari pics! That ride is definately a hit or miss. Either you'll have a great ride with lots of animals out or a not-so-good ride with not very many animals out.

HEY- you need to leave a warning before you post any elevator pics! :laughing: I'm claustrophobic!

Wow, the lobby looks neat!
Aww, I love the giraffe's nobby knees.. hehe
How can you leave us with that cliff hanger???
Oh.. and I thought I was the only one obsessed with Hanson when I was 11, now I don't feel so bad :rotfl:
I loved your DAK update. I love that park. It is so hot when we go in September that we never seem to be able to stay for the parade. Next year, it's a must for me.

I don't think I've ever seen the parade either!!

Just got caught up on your TR. How exciting about the football players! That would be so cool. My husband would love that. He's a huge college football fan! MVMCP looked like a lot of bad it was rainy/drizzly. Can't wait for more and a review of Sanaa!

Thanks!! Yeah my mom and I were thinking how if my dad and brother knew this would be going on they'd would've come for sure!

Wow, cool Safari pics! That ride is definately a hit or miss. Either you'll have a great ride with lots of animals out or a not-so-good ride with not very many animals out.

HEY- you need to leave a warning before you post any elevator pics! :laughing: I'm claustrophobic!

Wow, the lobby looks neat!

Hahahaha you crack me up. I will warn you next time!

Aww, I love the giraffe's nobby knees.. hehe
How can you leave us with that cliff hanger???
Oh.. and I thought I was the only one obsessed with Hanson when I was 11, now I don't feel so bad :rotfl:

Another Hanson lover?! I'm loving this!


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