MM Warriors Part Deux (As of October 27)

You'll never believe what I am doing this afternoon. A neighbor and I that are in charge of the Neighborhood Watch have organized a cookie exchange for early December the last couple of years. I invited her over today to go through my new Martha Stewart Cookie cookbook and she's bringing some of her own. Hope I don't launch into cravings, but so far, so good. I bought stocking stuffers at Cost Plus yesterday and didn't feel the urge to sneak into the bags. I found I could walk around the store looking at all the treats in a very detached mode. Amazing!

Good for you! I still buy icecream for hubby and am not having it call to me at night :laughing: When I read that Tom is going off plan for the holidays and planning to just try to eat reasonably, I thought OH OH. I've tried that before and it's a very slippery slope..I hope he does well.
Good for you! I still buy icecream for hubby and am not having it call to me at night :laughing: When I read that Tom is going off plan for the holidays and planning to just try to eat reasonably, I thought OH OH. I've tried that before and it's a very slippery slope..I hope he does well.

Good for you, Barb! And Nell, too! We're learning a lot about ourselves and putting ourselves into the driver's seat. It's a new feeling for me. We still enjoy food, but it doesn't call to us to be 'bad'!! I know what cookies taste like and I can imagine them in my head, but I can also take the next step and know how I would feel afterward, so at this point, it isn't worth it. I think our sushi excursion will be the only cheat for the T'giving holiday and that's just cheating on the kind of rice and if they put any thickener in the sauces. I'll call ahead and see what I can find out. Probably just have one piece of the questionable rolls and stick to one I like called Lion King, which is just baked fish with soy sauce. I'll drink tons of little cups of green tea, though!:dance3:This is me and Tom and John-Paul at sushi!
Hello everyone,
Thank you for all the well wishes and the prayers!!!

I am back on the some what normal routine now. Yes I was very ill, I have had strep throat in the past, but this time it was one of the worse I have had in a long time. I am so glad to be able to eat and not cry now! I did my best at staying on program. I did eat something every 5 hrs. so I think I will be ok on that note.

Honeygram's computer is now sick :rotfl: she will have it back in a few days, so she will repost then. She wanted me to let everyone know she was thinking of you all and can't wait to get back to us.

:welcome: Sweetface glad you are joining us here, I know this is a late welcome but better late than never!

Pony: have a question your thanksgiving dinner sounded good to me! hehe you mentioned gravy, are you making it out of wheat flour? what do you think,,, wheat flour butter turkey drippings does this sound like legal gravy? I know the fat count would be up but would actually be legal I think?? I know we can have a cheat meal but I really have done so good at staying on program, even being so sick think I managed to eat something in time, so don't want to go over board on that meal... that is what I was thinking anyways on my end of it hehe just searching for ideas here, any suggestions would be most helpful!!

Thanks again to everyone's well wishes and prayers, the baby and I are feeling much better! My energy lvl even came back strong too so that is nice!
Good for you, Barb! And Nell, too! We're learning a lot about ourselves and putting ourselves into the driver's seat. It's a new feeling for me. We still enjoy food, but it doesn't call to us to be 'bad'!! I know what cookies taste like and I can imagine them in my head, but I can also take the next step and know how I would feel afterward, so at this point, it isn't worth it. I think our sushi excursion will be the only cheat for the T'giving holiday and that's just cheating on the kind of rice and if they put any thickener in the sauces. I'll call ahead and see what I can find out. Probably just have one piece of the questionable rolls and stick to one I like called Lion King, which is just baked fish with soy sauce. I'll drink tons of little cups of green tea, though!:dance3:This is me and Tom and John-Paul at sushi!

That is a great way to put it. The driver's seat. I like it. I have no power over having this physical problem, and I have no power over my mind wandering the direction it always has... etc. But I have been empowered with a way that works to manage this. For years I've gone to support groups where I've been frustrated because others followed a certain way to get better and it didn't work for me no matter how much I put into it. It made me feel like I must be an awful person, and I think I was judged that I wasn't really trying or else it would work for me. Knowing that my L&P as well as my endocrine system likes to behave badly is such a relief! I now have a way to manage it!
That is a great way to put it. The driver's seat. I like it. I have no power over having this physical problem, and I have no power over my mind wandering the direction it always has... etc. But I have been empowered with a way that works to manage this. For years I've gone to support groups where I've been frustrated because others followed a certain way to get better and it didn't work for me no matter how much I put into it. It made me feel like I must be an awful person, and I think I was judged that I wasn't really trying or else it would work for me. Knowing that my L&P as well as my endocrine system likes to behave badly is such a relief! I now have a way to manage it!

OMG, Nell and Lisa, Did you ever try Weight Watchers? I must have started there at least 5 times in the last 30 years. EVERY time, I was STARVING all the time and the weight loss would creep along. I blamed myself for no self control. The ladies at the meetings were mostly successful and happy to be there. I felt like an alien :sad2: Then came Atkins and low carb. That did work for me but never for too long because the weight loss would slow down and I'd get too bored with the food choices. MM has given us all of the puzzle pieces. How cool is that :cool1:
Good afternoon everyone! Sorry I've been sort of MIA. Just busy.

Melanie, glad your feeling better. I had strep once, and it laid me flat on my back. The only thing I could "eat" was iced tea for about a week!

Nell, I think as far as Met B goes, we aren't the norm. I notice also that when I don't eat every 5 hours, I do tend to gain a couple pounds.

Ok, got an awesome goodie for us. Found it on LCF and just gave it a whirl.
Here goes:
1/4 cup golden flax flour, or almond flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 packet splenda (more or less depending how much you want to use)
dash of s/f syrup (I used the chocolate)
1 tablespoon baking coco
1 egg
2 tablespoon butter, melted

Mix everything really well into a mug or a square tupperware/rubbermaid container. Microwave for about 1 to 1 1/2 minutes.
It makes a tasty muffin! Not sure of the net carbs, but without the coco and made with the flax, it is 1/5 net grams. I believe the almond flour will add 2 net carbs. My coco said 2grams.
I didn't have flax or almonds, so I ground up some pecans. Then added about a spoonful of the flax with the ground up pecans to make 1/4 cup.
I didn't like the butter in it. Tasted too buttery for me. I may try it with either coconut oil or maybe olive oil.
I'm thinking this could possibly be a freebie. Anyone???
Alot of people on LCF use the different flavors of syrup. Some have done the banana and added a few walnuts to it. Some use vanilla. The original had cinnamon in it.
Someone else had melted a square or two of the Dove chocolate in it in the microwave.
It is really moist too.
Kate, continuing to pray for your niece.
Catch up with you all later
Hello everyone,
Thank you for all the well wishes and the prayers!!!

I am back on the some what normal routine now. Yes I was very ill, I have had strep throat in the past, but this time it was one of the worse I have had in a long time. I am so glad to be able to eat and not cry now! I did my best at staying on program. I did eat something every 5 hrs. so I think I will be ok on that note.

Honeygram's computer is now sick :rotfl: she will have it back in a few days, so she will repost then. She wanted me to let everyone know she was thinking of you all and can't wait to get back to us.

:welcome: Sweetface glad you are joining us here, I know this is a late welcome but better late than never!

Pony: have a question your thanksgiving dinner sounded good to me! hehe you mentioned gravy, are you making it out of wheat flour? what do you think,,, wheat flour butter turkey drippings does this sound like legal gravy? I know the fat count would be up but would actually be legal I think?? I know we can have a cheat meal but I really have done so good at staying on program, even being so sick think I managed to eat something in time, so don't want to go over board on that meal... that is what I was thinking anyways on my end of it hehe just searching for ideas here, any suggestions would be most helpful!!

Thanks again to everyone's well wishes and prayers, the baby and I are feeling much better! My energy lvl even came back strong too so that is nice!

Welcome back! I'm so glad you're feeling better. I'm not sure how Pony plans to do gravy. I have Thick'N'Thin Not Starch which works great for thickening soups, gravy etc without adding carbs. I'm not sure how available it is, I have to order it online.
Good afternoon everyone! Sorry I've been sort of MIA. Just busy.

Melanie, glad your feeling better. I had strep once, and it laid me flat on my back. The only thing I could "eat" was iced tea for about a week!

Nell, I think as far as Met B goes, we aren't the norm. I notice also that when I don't eat every 5 hours, I do tend to gain a couple pounds.

Ok, got an awesome goodie for us. Found it on LCF and just gave it a whirl.
Here goes:
1/4 cup golden flax flour, or almond flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 packet splenda (more or less depending how much you want to use)
dash of s/f syrup (I used the chocolate)
1 tablespoon baking coco
1 egg
2 tablespoon butter, melted

Mix everything really well into a mug or a square tupperware/rubbermaid container. Microwave for about 1 to 1 1/2 minutes.
It makes a tasty muffin! Not sure of the net carbs, but without the coco and made with the flax, it is 1/5 net grams. I believe the almond flour will add 2 net carbs. My coco said 2grams.
I didn't have flax or almonds, so I ground up some pecans. Then added about a spoonful of the flax with the ground up pecans to make 1/4 cup.
I didn't like the butter in it. Tasted too buttery for me. I may try it with either coconut oil or maybe olive oil.
I'm thinking this could possibly be a freebie. Anyone???
Alot of people on LCF use the different flavors of syrup. Some have done the banana and added a few walnuts to it. Some use vanilla. The original had cinnamon in it.
Someone else had melted a square or two of the Dove chocolate in it in the microwave.
It is really moist too.
Kate, continuing to pray for your niece.
Catch up with you all later

Yum. Instant chocolate cake :love: I'm thinking with the almond flour and the cocoa it needs to be a 5x5. Even with flax and cocoa it's still 2 for the cocoa..may need to be a 5x5 since it's over 2 grams. Anyone else?
Yum. Instant chocolate cake :love: I'm thinking with the almond flour and the cocoa it needs to be a 5x5. Even with flax and cocoa it's still 2 for the cocoa..may need to be a 5x5 since it's over 2 grams. Anyone else?

On step one yes I agree with your Barb. But with flax it will only be 2 carbs, so you could have 3 more carbs during the five hour period. I used to like to keep mine 5 carbs together to keep track of it, but not everyone does it that way. On step two it could be added to the total count and make sure it's all under 20 per five hour period. As well as over 11. If the dinner carb was fruit, then you could also have this for dessert. It sounds really good. I would probably use coconut oil as it's a good supplement for thyroid disease.

Thank you Kathy for sharing it with us. It sounds easy and delicious! Plus, thanks to Lisa we now know the chocolate will help us avoid cancer. And the flax helps with stuff too. So it's actually healthy for us to indulge in this!

Melanie, I am so glad your feeling better! It's great to see you again!:hug:
Barb, I'm with you. I must have done WW 4-5 times too and never got to goal while watching all these other women earn their lifetime memberships and wondering what I was doing wrong. I feel like I've had a lifetime of reminders that I'm fat and obviously too irresponsible to stick to a weight loss plan. I still remember being taken to a doctor when I was about 15 for a glucose tolerance test..which turned out normal. She told me that if I couldn't maintain the right weight for my age and height, I shouldn't be allowed to get a drivers license as I was too irresponsible. Can you imagine that? At that time I was doing sports 2-3 hours a day and walking to and from school. I was in great shape....but I was Met B. No abnormal labs just the extra fluff. With Metabolism Miracle, I finally have the hope of not feeling condemned to a life of fatness and failure. It surely is a Great Blessing!

Barb, Also I'm not dissing the Northwest...I have a lot of family that live there and I love to visit them. I have a sister in Port Angeles, a nephew in Buckley, another sister in Gresham, Oregon and nieces and nephews scattered around. Most of them love it up there. I don't mind the rain..most of the time I like it. I would, though, have a hard time not seeing the sun for weeks on end. I find I need a glimpse of it most days. It sure is beautiful up there with all the green and the magnificent, snowcapped mountains.


Feast upon the Words of Christ
Thanks Barb and Nell.
I just checked the cocoa, and it's 3 grams and 1 fiber per tablespoon. Thankfully I only used 1 teaspoon and a bit more of the s/f syrup. I know some were omitting the flavorings, using the almond flour and using for sandwich bread. I'll try that later and let you know how it is. I'll get the specifics and post it in the recipe forum. I'll let you all know when. There are endless ways to use/flavor this recipe!! I'm so excited!! I'm thinking maybe some"creme' de menth" muffins!!
Carol, I'm sorry for those things happening when you were growing up. If we had known then what we know now....
I remember being the chubby kid too. We delivered papers 6 days a week, either walked or rode bikes. It took us almost 3 hours. But I was never thin considering all that exercise. Now I know why. Even when I slip up, I get right back on track. I am so happy with the way I'm looking and feeling. There is no going back for me.
Here is yet another idea for the muffin " leave out the cinnamon and splenda and substituting poultry seasoning and a bit of salt. I cubed the muffin while still warm and used it for stuffing with some slices of turkey breast and a little gravy. It's so moist it really tastes like STUFFING! I hardly got to eat any of it because the whole family wanted to try it. Big thumbs up all around."

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, thought this may interest you all too.
Here is yet another idea for the muffin " leave out the cinnamon and splenda and substituting poultry seasoning and a bit of salt. I cubed the muffin while still warm and used it for stuffing with some slices of turkey breast and a little gravy. It's so moist it really tastes like STUFFING! I hardly got to eat any of it because the whole family wanted to try it. Big thumbs up all around."

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, thought this may interest you all too.

That sounds great! The possibilities are endless! Now I'm thinking grated cheddar cheese and a little garlic and onion powder :woohoo:
That sounds great! The possibilities are endless! Now I'm thinking grated cheddar cheese and a little garlic and onion powder :woohoo:

Someone over there did it and said it was "THE BOMB"!

I would love to put the link here for you all to read all 12 pages. It is so helpful with all the ideas!!
If someone knows if I can, I'll be happy to link it.
Forgot to tell you also, if you want buns, just microwave it in a round container. People doubled this and put into a loaf pan, sliced it up, toasted it or grilled it for sandwiches no problem.
I am so psyched about this!!

Some people put all the dry ingredients into "serving sized" zip lock bags and when they want/need one, just pull out a baggie, add wet ingredients and presto!!

I personally didn't like it all flax. I tried it this morning. A little too grainy for me, which is why I am going to use 1/2 and 1/2 flours. And it will keep the carb count down a bit too.
Someone over there did it and said it was "THE BOMB"!

I would love to put the link here for you all to read all 12 pages. It is so helpful with all the ideas!!
If someone knows if I can, I'll be happy to link it.

I can't remember if we can do links here or not. Has anyone tried? :confused3
Carol, I can relate to the doctor's response with you. I had a doctor put me on amphetamines to lose weight when I was in sixth grade. With me I shake my head, but I noticed what the doctor said to you made me really angry. I think I'm more protective of friends and loved ones than I am of myself. I'm glad your on this path with us now and getting well.

Barb, I never really got into the weight watchers. I tried nutra system, doctor's programs/dietitians and twelve step programs. I can relate to how you felt. The only time a nutritionist believed me that normal calories didn't work for me when I actually got desperate enough to go to an impatient program for people with eating disorders. Since my food was watched like a hawk and was locked in, she saw it for herself. All she could say is I might be one of those rare people that needed an enormous amount of exercise in order to lose weight. I hope the knowledge Diane has is able to get to more dietitians now.
I can't remember if we can do links here or not. Has anyone tried? :confused3

Yep, we can. If someone doesn't know how to make a link, just copy the long address at the top of the page. It starts with http:/www and so on. After you get the whole thing copied, paste it into a reply here. After you hit the submit reply button, it should turn into a link.
Ok, here is the link. And you link a page just as Nell stated. Go to the top where the address is, right click and chose copy. Then come here, right click in your response area, and chose paste, and there ya go :thumbsup2

I am on page 8, and there are sooo many variations of this little baby!! I'm going to try the plain one later. Since I'm using it as a 5x5. So around 8 I'll try it again.

Here is a link of it "in the processes." They used it for meatball sandwiches.

Also, someone added 1-2 tablespoons of pumpkin and said it was great also!!


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