Geriatric MM Warriors!

Wow, very quiet here yesterday. Must mean everyone was out having a fun with their families. Well, I'm up a little bit earlier than usual as I'm waiting for the furnace man to come and install my new furnaces. Typically, I have a couple hours of peace before the little babies wake up and I can get a little bit of work done, but not today. Once my 4 year old heard me awake, he came trotting down the stairs, I can tell it's going to be a crabby day.

Is everyoen on here reading the Flylady page? It's funny when I was about 10 years younger I used to follow her and I forgot how much better I felt about my organizational skills. I'm going to get back into "HER" routine. I'm very excited. Already have the shiny sink, need to get those routines in place.

Well, better get my first load of laundry going before I have to start working this a.m.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful morning!
Good Morning! Cindy, looks like its just you and me up early today!! Sorry the babies didnt give you an hour of "just me" time though! For me, its the dog on my stomach begging to be let outside at 7:30!! Once he decides its NOW, there is no changing his mind.

Nell - I see your note that says try this...but no site to try?

Lisa - thanks, I guess I wont worry about it then! I would still like to try to invesitigate and make sure that none of the other stuff I am already taking will have any long term type interactions.

Bev - if you maake a new thread today, PLEASE dont forget to post a new link for us computer-challenged folks!! Thanks for doing it too!

Poor Ken ( he would laugh to hear me call him that) is having a tough time with the jet-lag, meetings, etc and the time change. When he is in China we are 12 hours apart, so its easy to remember that 9am there is 9pm here, now in London it is 5 hours difference , so 9am there is 4am here!! I told him to just call when he gets the chance and not worry about the time...OMG, I am willing to get up in the middle of the night and talk to a man...I am in sorry shape here!!:laughing:

Just occured to me that this is my last week back on step I am going to have to start planning NOW for my step 2 re-entry! Wow, I sound like a rocket coming back from the moon..."Pony is now re-entering the earths orbit"

Going to figure on just staying with the strict eating schedule I have gotten used to now...3:30am snack, 8:30 breakfast, 1:00 lunch, 5:30 dinner and 10:30 snack....just have to add the darn 11-20s at those times and keep some emergency crackers around in case something goes terribly wrong! :scared1:
Good Monday everyone!! :wave2:

I only had time to jump online a couple of times yesterday, I laugh at myself about the fear of getting too far behind you all. I love the slow days when I'm busy, I don't feel like I'm missing out on as much! ::yes::

Robin, you're so funny talking about Ken, it's so sweet! Ah! Step two still worries me, I'm like you, life would be so much more simple if we could just live on Step I. :tilt:

Lisa, I'm jealous, your day sounded absolutely wonderful! I got out a little bit yesterday with my mother and middle DD. There is a few new antique shops in little small towns around here, we hit them all then a few of our local favs. Stopped for lunch at a little whole in the wall place and had a nice dinner salad for lunch. All of our best food places always seem to be mom and pop dives! lol I wonder why that is?

Gena, huge :hug:'s Remember to take care of yourself!

Nell, you are adorable!

Cindy, I remember those days, praying my kids would give me a couple extra hours of time to get things done. I'd work like a crazy fool downstairs as quietly as I could. I hope your day goes smoothly and is peaceful!

Gads! DS just came in and told me his dad told him to help me paint the kitchen, ceilings and all!..but..but...but!! He's alreading pulling things from the walls. lmao! :eek:

You all have a great day!
Well Good Morning MM Friends. I finally made it! Thanks for inviting me Robin and Lisa. I missed you guys. Believe it or not, I've been with you all since the beginning and I felt so lost without you. I enjoy the bits and pieces we share of our personal life as well as the mm tips. You all don't know how much you've helped me with this journey. I know that a few of us are going through right now and I would like to extended a prayer for each of you.

I'm a little excited that tomorrow will be a month on step 2 and I will be measuring to see if I'm having any progress....keep your fingers crossed for me. I don't think I've lost any additional inches or weight since starting step 2, but who know's... Well, it's a typical Monday at work and I better get busy. I'll try and drop back in later. It's so good to be here and I look forward to sharing with everyone.
Good Morning Met Miracle Warriors! :banana:

I have been MIA - work has totally taken over my life at point - H1N1 has been declared a state of emergency this morning; our agency has been one of the leaders in 1st responders and we participated in a mass vaccination on Saturday. Took almost a month of pre planning to get everything in order but what a success it was. We vaccinated over 2k people on Saturday in a 7 hour period. No complaints, no drama and everyone was so pleased at how well things went. Totally exhausted but a very successful event.

This is the 1st of many - we will be holding mass vac clinics every other Saturday until the 1st of 2010 and reassess to see where we are then.

Hope everyone is doing well - there is NO way I can keep up with you gabby gerties :rotfl: but it's nice to see everyone continuing to support and lift each other up. :dance3:

I don't know how I screwed up my first couple of weeks on Step 2 but I did...and have been really watching my intake and trying to get this phase right. Hope everyone is rockin' this plan and keeping on track! :cheer2:

I just had bloodwork done last week, can't wait to see the results.

Home is peaceful and calm. I have reclaimed my home and it's wonderful :woohoo:

Have a wonderful week!

Sunnee princess:
Welcome Stwill! We are so glad to see you finally made it! Things are cozy, warm and comfortable here, so settle in, check out all our cool new smilies and keep in touch!!

Pam - I agree, its hard to keep up sometimes with the posts, but much easier now that we have the smaller group. Have a good time painting! OMG you are too brave!!

Sunnee - good to see you, even if its just once in awhile! Sounds like you have quite the project going with the H1N1 thing...we are inundated with it here in the Virginia schools, and have had several cases at work too...seems like our holiday decor at work is going to be Huge bottles of hand sanitizer everywhere! LOL, doc wants me to get the vaccination, but there just isnt any available here yet and the schoolchildren will be the first to get it...I dont want the nasal thing either, so am hoping the injectable will be available soon. Those adults who have had it here at work said it was a tough couple days, then they felt better, but Nationwide has a policy that anyone who has it must stay home for an entire week. They are doing whatever they can to prevent spreading it around.

I will post from work later if I have a chance! Have a great day!
Welcome Stwill! We are so glad to see you finally made it! Things are cozy, warm and comfotable here, so settle in, check out all our cool new smilies and keep in touch!!

Pam - I agree, its hard to keep up sometimes with the posts, but much easier now that we have the smaller group. Have a good time painting! OMG you are too brave!!

Sunnee - good to see you, even if its just once in awhile! Sounds like you have quite the project going with the H1N1 thing...we are inundated with it here in the Virginia schools, and have had several cases at work too...seems like our holiday decor at work is going to be Huge bottles of hand sanitizer everywhere! LOL, doc wants me to get the vaccination, but there just isnt any available here yet and the schoolchildren will be the first to get it...I dont want the nasal thing either, so am hoping the injectable will be available soon. Those adults who have had it here at work said it was a tough couple days, then they felt better, but Nationwide has a policy that anyone who has it must stay home for an entire week. They are doing whatever they can to prevent spreading it around.

I will post from work later if I have a chance! Have a great day!

Did I tell you about my daughter's experience in getting tested for Swine? I'm not going to repeat myself if I did, just let me know if y'all wanna hear the details...funny but felt bad for her!:sick:
Pam: Your day sounded lovely too! I love Mom and Pop food, stores, everything. I tend to like to support local commerce – the little guy. I guess it’s good to teach others to help you paint! I’m too much of a control freak and hubby is Tom Sawyer – made a mess the first time (probably on purpose) so I kicked him out 31 years ago and he’s never held a painting implement again!

Stwill: It’s great to see you! Good luck with the measuring! I know I’m smaller, but it’s so slow that I can’t always tell from the last time on the tape measure if there’s been progress. Somehow I can tell more from clothes. Is it the same with you?

Sunnee: How wonderful to see you, too! Take good care of yourself while you are giving of yourself to the masses. We’re indebted to you!

Cindy: I don’t remember hearing about your daughter being tested.
Jocelyn: That wasabi fish sounds wonderful. Do you think they use the raw macadamia nuts? I’ve used them quite a bit for different recipes. I wish I could make this raw pie with macadamias, dates and orange juice for the crust. I freeze it with bananas. So good, but not MM!

Pony: My aunt and uncle received discs of all their old slides as a gift from a daughter this past year and it’s all they could talk about! She ‘stole’ them out of their garage. What a great idea. I should do the same thing.

Kathy: You could do a show on bargains! Coupons, ripped dirt, keep ‘em comin’!

Laura zapped herself!!! Oh, my.:wizard:

I woke up feeling thinner again and my pj's are looser, but I weigh the same. Scales should be banned from the planet. Maybe I was made of air??

None of us told Beverly when we preferred to start a new thread, probably because we are so grateful to her we don't care when it is, but I guess we should reply somehow?? Thanks, Beverly! Whenever is best for you is fine with me!:tink:

:lmao: Somebody zapped me but I didn't do it!!
Well Good Morning MM Friends. I finally made it! Thanks for inviting me Robin and Lisa. I missed you guys. Believe it or not, I've been with you all since the beginning and I felt so lost without you. I enjoy the bits and pieces we share of our personal life as well as the mm tips. You all don't know how much you've helped me with this journey. I know that a few of us are going through right now and I would like to extended a prayer for each of you.

I'm a little excited that tomorrow will be a month on step 2 and I will be measuring to see if I'm having any progress....keep your fingers crossed for me. I don't think I've lost any additional inches or weight since starting step 2, but who know's... Well, it's a typical Monday at work and I better get busy. I'll try and drop back in later. It's so good to be here and I look forward to sharing with everyone.

stwill, good to se you :hippie: Keep us posted on how step2 is going for you.
Pam: Your day sounded lovely too! I love Mom and Pop food, stores, everything. I tend to like to support local commerce – the little guy. I guess it’s good to teach others to help you paint! I’m too much of a control freak and hubby is Tom Sawyer – made a mess the first time (probably on purpose) so I kicked him out 31 years ago and he’s never held a painting implement again!

Stwill: It’s great to see you! Good luck with the measuring! I know I’m smaller, but it’s so slow that I can’t always tell from the last time on the tape measure if there’s been progress. Somehow I can tell more from clothes. Is it the same with you?

Sunnee: How wonderful to see you, too! Take good care of yourself while you are giving of yourself to the masses. We’re indebted to you!

Cindy: I don’t remember hearing about your daughter being tested.

So Tuesday she came home from school with a stomach ache and her face was completely white. I told her to go upstairs, take a shower and hop into bed. I didn't hear from her until the next morning and I went in her room to give her water and stuff at night but no real response from her so I called the doctor because word went around that 200 kids were sick from school and some had swine. Since she has a pre-existing condition (asthma) they wanted her to come in so we scheduled her visit for 4:00. We got into the room and the doctor said it was either swine or he was going to treat her for a sinus infection. He pulled out this LONG swab and told her he was going to have to put it in her nose and it would go down her throat a little bit. She looked at me with HUGE eyes and said “I don’t think so”. :scared1::scared1::scared1: So he proceeded to put this LONG swab in her nose and she started grabbing for anything she could get her hands on. I went over to her and she squeezed my hand so hard. He had to keep it in her nasal cavity for 60 seconds. I think it was the worst 60 seconds of her life. Wait til she has kids!:dance3:

Anyway, we joke about it and she says she can still feel it!
I sent an updated Card list. If there is anyone who would like to have addresses for cards, but doesn't want to post their personal info in a list on the internet, email me and I will add your email address on the receiving list. That way you can correspond via regular mail if you prefer.
Good Monday Morning!

I've been missing for a couple of days. Pooped myself out Saturday cleaning house and then yesterday had problems with my computer freezing up :badpc:

Lisa, your front porch looks so festive and pretty. Good job!

Cindy, what a good Mom you are, your kids punkins are great.

Nell, thanks for the address list. Did you do a final? I wanted to make sure I got the final list.

I did some cooking yesterday. Made Pony's crockpot chicken and cheese soup stuff for lunches this week. I ended up adding bell pepper strips, green chilies and onion instead of spinach. Dumped in cumin, cilantro and red pepper flakes. Turned out pretty good. I also made some candied pecans using erythritol and ThickNThin not starch. Those didn't turn out so great. The ThickNThin causes a kinda gummy stuff to form in your mouth when eating the pecans. Big waste of money for the pecans :sad2:

I'll drop in later :hug:
So Tuesday she came home from school with a stomach ache and her face was completely white. I told her to go upstairs, take a shower and hop into bed. I didn't hear from her until the next morning and I went in her room to give her water and stuff at night but no real response from her so I called the doctor because word went around that 200 kids were sick from school and some had swine. Since she has a pre-existing condition (asthma) they wanted her to come in so we scheduled her visit for 4:00. We got into the room and the doctor said it was either swine or he was going to treat her for a sinus infection. He pulled out this LONG swab and told her he was going to have to put it in her nose and it would go down her throat a little bit. She looked at me with HUGE eyes and said “I don’t think so”. :scared1::scared1::scared1: So he proceeded to put this LONG swab in her nose and she started grabbing for anything she could get her hands on. I went over to her and she squeezed my hand so hard. He had to keep it in her nasal cavity for 60 seconds. I think it was the worst 60 seconds of her life. Wait til she has kids!:dance3:

Anyway, we joke about it and she says she can still feel it!

If it makes you feel any better I would rather have a baby then to have someone stick something in my nose that goes into my throat:sad2:
Cindy: My son got horribly sick - he lives in Portland, OR - so I made him go to the emergency room. They did that swab to him and he said it hurt, but your description really brought it home for me! Yikes! Thankfully, he didn't have swine flu and began to recover the next day but his dad and I were just about to pack the car. It's no fun when they are away from you and sick. I can handle most of the separation anxiety until he gets sick - then no way!
Good Morning Met Miracle Warriors! :banana:

I have been MIA - work has totally taken over my life at point - H1N1 has been declared a state of emergency this morning; our agency has been one of the leaders in 1st responders and we participated in a mass vaccination on Saturday. Took almost a month of pre planning to get everything in order but what a success it was. We vaccinated over 2k people on Saturday in a 7 hour period. No complaints, no drama and everyone was so pleased at how well things went. Totally exhausted but a very successful event.

This is the 1st of many - we will be holding mass vac clinics every other Saturday until the 1st of 2010 and reassess to see where we are then.

Hope everyone is doing well - there is NO way I can keep up with you gabby gerties :rotfl: but it's nice to see everyone continuing to support and lift each other up. :dance3:

I don't know how I screwed up my first couple of weeks on Step 2 but I did...and have been really watching my intake and trying to get this phase right. Hope everyone is rockin' this plan and keeping on track! :cheer2:

I just had bloodwork done last week, can't wait to see the results.

Home is peaceful and calm. I have reclaimed my home and it's wonderful :woohoo:

Have a wonderful week!

Sunnee princess:

Glad to see you Sunnee!!!:cool1:


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