Jon and Kate Plus 8, Official Thread-Part 3

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No amount of money is worth the damage that the show has caused. No one should have celebrity thrust upon them without their consent.

Especially 8 little kids..

I'm so "over" Jon & Kate and their "marital" woes - I don't care who did what, where, when, or why.. That marriage is dead in the water..

Stop the show - these kids have been exposed to way more than any children that age should have to endure.. They're not "cash cows" - they're human beings..
This picture really speaks a thousands words doesn't it.


yes, that Kate just got a pimped out scooter! I'd love to know what they gave her! :moped:
Thanks for the info. Even though I do realize it's a produced reality show, sometimes it gets forgotten. Doesn't mean anyone that doesn't realize this is dumb..just means it's easy to get caught up and think we know what is going on, but really? We don't. It's all up to TLC. I bet Kate and John didn't even realize it would get out of control like just snuck up on them. Yes, I realize they could quit now, but things have changed since the begining and with contracts, mortgages, car loans, it may not be as easy as we as armchair quarterbacks think. I doubt it would even be easy for them to get jobs in their fields..what hospital or office wants paparazzi in their lobby? And in the begining there would be.

Everyone needs to remember that this is produced reality. I have some insight into how reality shows work (friends with someone who was on a reality show). The only way that a show is successful is if the people involved are "titled". This happens sometimes before the show is even taped. Example-"the bad girl", "the cheater", "the strong one", etc.

Everyone is fine with their roles initially. Then comes season two. They see themselves on tv and realize they don't like to be viewed so one dimensionally. The producers promote or edit only what continues these titled personalities. They believe people have started to identify with the person. The viewer wants the character to ask a certain way.

The viewers, producers, and the other people in the show expect the same behavior/personality from the cast. People start to feel suffocated by these personas.

I think this divorce issue is two-fold. You have Jon rebelling against his reality show personality. You also have the producers driving this story. Drama creates viewers. It's that simple.

I doubt all the people who pledge not to watch will actually stop watching. Society always loves a train wreck.

My heart has always been with this kids. I am not a frequent viewer, but I have caught the show. No amount of money is worth the damage that the show has caused. No one should have celebrity thrust upon them without their consent.
Ya know I was thinking Kate & 8 might be a fun show to watch! 'cause who would Kate blame for things not being right if Jon isn't around. Oh yeah I forgot it would still be Jon's fault and then we would have to hear her saying how she had to do everything alone. And some people might buy that because she will now only hire babysitters etc who don't want to be on screen.
I must have missed a whole bunch of pages. What work do the Gosselin children do? I think the most (other than play and have fun and hit each other and go fun places) I have seen them do is put their plates in the garbage. Once I did see them put away their toys in the cellar.

They earn ALOT of money for their parents by being spectacles. Just by being unfortunate enough to have been born sextuplets, they have become a freak show that people want to watch on TV. Sponsers pay their parents huge amounts of money to push their products while displaying the children like a freak show. So I guess the answer to your question of what work they do is, they are like carnival freaks. People pay money to watch their lives. It is sickening that they have a mother that not only allows it, but profits greatly from it.
I don't think if they stop filming the show that will make the reporters go away anytime soon. In fact I think it would make reporters worse then usual people would really be wanting to know the lastest scoop on them.

As far last night for me Jon came of as cold and uncaring. He really didn't seem to care about the kids birthday party in the least:sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2: I think Kate was really angry but who wouldn't be with everything that is happening right now. I find it funny that people claim those kids are being worked to much :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:. My kids would love that kind of work,
I was going to comment on this, but there is no way to coment, without it quickly becoming about religion, which we are no longer allowed to discuss. I think it's unfair to have this quote IMO, and have to sit my fingers so I don't get points LOL. It is interesting, but there is no way I can say anything about what it says.

here's an interesting spin on things from an evangelical point of view .. I'm not sure if it's allowed to be posted, though. if it needs to be removed, please let me know. I don't want to create any issues ..
I don't think if they stop filming the show that will make the reporters go away anytime soon. In fact I think it would make reporters worse then usual people would really be wanting to know the lastest scoop on them.

As far last night for me Jon came of as cold and uncaring. He really didn't seem to care about the kids birthday party in the least:sad2::sad2::sad2::sad2: I think Kate was really angry but who wouldn't be with everything that is happening right now. I find it funny that people claim those kids are being worked to much :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:. My kids would love that kind of work,

Remember this party wst the party for the cameras and Jon doesn't want to do the show anymore. They already had a family non- show party so... If my kids have 2 parties, family and the 1 for friends DH wouldn't be at the party for the friends.
You really made a harsh comment in your last post.
Can you please go back and delete it.
This is a family board.
Comments like the one's you made about Kate,
will get this thread locked.

Ok, even though I still feel that way about her, I took out the part that might offend any good people that come from the same humble dwelling beginnings yet don't pimp out their kids for money, and I took out the part about her hair that might offend roosters that do not smoke crack.
I guess I was looking for what work they do. My kids would have loved that work.
If you want to call it a freak show, I'd be interested in when it became that. It's had very high ratings from the beginning and people have loved the show. It's only recently, since Jon started getting his kicks in bars that it became something else.
I'm thinking the kids profit as well as Jon, not just the mom.

They earn ALOT of money for their parents by being spectacles. Just by being unfortunate enough to have been born sextuplets, they have become a freak show that people want to watch on TV. Sponsers pay their parents huge amounts of money to push their products while displaying the children like a freak show. So I guess the answer to your question of what work they do is, they are like carnival freaks. People pay money to watch their lives. It is sickening that they have a mother that not only allows it, but profits greatly from it.
Remember this party wst the party for the cameras and Jon doesn't want to do the show anymore. They already had a family non- show party so... If my kids have 2 parties, family and the 1 for friends DH wouldn't be at the party for the friends.

Mine would be. I would be mad if he wasn't. I didn't hear anything about the family party:confused3
Remember this party wst the party for the cameras and Jon doesn't want to do the show anymore. They already had a family non- show party so... If my kids have 2 parties, family and the 1 for friends DH wouldn't be at the party for the friends.

We just had DD's 3rd birthday party. One was a little party with me, DH, and DS. The other was a backyard party for her playgroup friends. DH did not attend that one because it was during the day and I don't expect him to use a vacation day for it. He did go get the pizza (non-organic ;) ) because he works from home and used his "break" time. :)
Did anyone else think that it was odd that Kate was worried about ruining her make up, when she started crying during the interview :confused3 :confused3 :confused3 :confused3 :confused3
One funny observation from last night. When the kids were at the table eating runts that Kate gave them, DH walked into the living room and stopped to watch for a second. He said, without missing a beat, "I hope those runts are organic." :lmao:
Exactly. ITA. Jon wants to have his cake and eat it too. It kills me that he is all offended by the tabloids ... sorry, you wouldn't be IN the tabloids if you weren't out with another woman at 2am. And seriously, who goes to another man's house and lays out in his yard in a bikini with his eight kids running around? That was just totally bizarre to me.

I told my DH when we were watching it that he made a big mistake by leaving a bar with another woman at 2am. It doesn't matter if you are on TV or not that's not a good idea for anyone married. It just brings trouble....even if it's innocent.

Jon said it is about choices. I think he knows he screwed up and he's paying for it now.

A part of me thinks it's overplayed for TV too. Like ok we'll talk about how this is all falling apart and then next year we can be on magazines talking about how we saved our marriage and how happy we are together. (sorry reality TV just isn't much on reality anymore, so I'm a little skeptic)

I did watch some of the marathon they had and they had moments where they laughed together and looked at each other. It was good to see. I really hope it comes back to that. If not then I hope they can be good loving parents for the kids.
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