Lindsay and Chris PJ! WP/Italy Isola/AAR...Disneyland Paris Honeymoon added 7-19

I'll mail you some Toni. Maybe I'll do a little kit complete with martini glass!

:lmao: I would appreciate that! Or I can break into your wedding and steal some mickeyroni and then leave. Either way it all works out. :rotfl:
When I last left you we were just driving back to Franck's for the rest of the PS.

We chatted a little bit in the car. Mark (who used to DJ at Pleasure Island) had a lot of questions about what they are doing with that area now so we talked about that a little.

We got to Franck's and Mark went to fetch my binder from the car and then we were able to begin.

Us sitting in the room

First they brought out the cake and we discussed flavors. We sampled all of the flavors and we decided that the bottom layer is going to be chocolate with rasberry mousse, the middle is going to be marble cake with white chocolate and the top is going to be yellow cake with cannoli cream.

Then we discussed the cake style. I had originally been obsessed with the Happily Ever After cake (and based my whole theme around HEA)

HEA Cake

But then I saw this cake in Francks and I LOOOOVE that too.

So we talked to Diane about combining the two designs. Caryn and I are going to pick out crystals to put on the bottom and then mail them to the bakery so we'll have crystals and HEA!

Then we talked about busses and transportation. We aren't going to have a limo for us. I'd rather have the pictures of us walking and if it rains, I know that people will have cars over at the Grand that we can use just in case.

Then we were done until floral and we had about an hour for a break. We decided to walk over to the Grand. Caryn had never walked the path before and she wanted to see it.

Before Caryn can post her warped version of what happened next here it is. We walked over to the WP where we took these pictures.


As we were heading toward the Grand Chris was playing on the internet using Caryn's stupid iPhone. So I asked him several times to stop because I wanted to talk about what we had just discussed with Diane. He wasn't really talkative during the PS and I wanted to make sure that he was okay with everything. Well he wouldn't get off that phone and I started to get MAD. This is the only time we are ever going to get to do this and he needs to be focusing on the wedding and not on the dumb phone. So he finally gives the phone back to Caryn and we were able to discuss. (I'm sure Caryn will chime in with a Bridezilla version of this tale)

We sat in a hammock on the beach and Caryn and Mark sat on a swing.

Then we walked back for the floral part of our day.
Oh that cake is beautiful!!!! I love the crystals. The cake flavors sound so yummy, now I want cake!!!
Beautiful cake and the flavors sound yummy! You and your sister are so sister would have drove me nuts by now. :rolleyes:

The menu sounds so good!! so did you decide on both the chicken and the mahi-mahi??
Yes, the menu we picked comes with both, so we are going to keep both.

After our walk, we started the floral part of our PS.
First we talked about centerpieces. I showed Laura this photo of the WP and said that I wanted to re-use the centerpieces for the WP.

(I stole this pic from someones TR... thanks someone!!!)

So she said that we can do that for centerpieces and have 3 cylinders with rose petals and candles on each table.
She also talked to Caryn about the aisle runner and we are going to have the petals on the sides like in the pic too.

We discussed putting led candles on the tables for cocktail hour and I thought it wasn't necessary but Chris liked them... so we've added them for now.

We are going to have black linens and bright pink napkins. We also added black chair covers with a pink ribbon.

We are going to have this overlay on the sweetheart table and on the cake table

Then we talked about my bouquet and the bridesmaids bouquets.
I gave her this inspiration picture for my bouquet. (I stole this off the dis too, I think... it's been in my "flower favorites" file for a while now...)

Laura said that she would do something similar to this with bright pink flowers. I also have the lace from my mother's dress to wrap with the stem and she told me that they will put any charms I want on the stem when they drop my flowers off (I have my grandmother's blue ring, my grandfather's cameo-which broke at Caryn's wedding, which is why I'm not wearing it- and also a picture of my cat)

The bridesmaids are going to carry flower balls which will be a combination of these two pictures.


Laura said that there are a lot of different pearl ribbons to pick out for them.

Chris's bout is going to be a white rose with pink tips and a crystal, the stem will be wrapped in black. The guys will have pink roses and the ring bearers and flower boys are going to have mini bouts with spray roses.

That was the end of our PS. We started our tasting at 9 and we didn't leave until after 3. It was a looong day.
We left Franck's and headed over to Wide World of Sports to pick up our race packets. It was crowded, but not unmanagable. We got our packets, tested our chips and then went over to the Expo. We were really hoping that the running skirts people would be there, but they weren't.

We went back to the hotel and dropped off our bags and then went to the food court to have dinner. Caryn and I each got the "marathon carb option" that was being offered. It was not good. I don't recommend it. Then, we all hopped in the car and went to MGM. We rode Twilight Zone and then saw that there was an hour wait for RnR. We decided that since there was also an hour wait for Toy Story Mania we'd wait and ride that again.

After that, we went back to the hotel to sleep and get ready for the race the next day. We had everything laid out and set the wake up call for 3am! :scared1:

Coming up: Race day
It sounds like everything is going to be just beautiful! Can't wait to read more!
I love everything that you picked out. The linens are great and the I love the colors. I also LOVE that last cake with the crystals. So pretty. :goodvibes
Lindsay that cake is beautiful! It is going to look awesome and the cake choices yummy! I love the color combinations and table settings! It really is going to be so pretty! :yay:
Hi, Lindsay

All your wedding choices are wonderful! Especially your choice of groom! You know I have loved Chris since I met him last year at Mark & Caryn's wedding. So let him play with Caryn's iPhone if he wants to!!!:rotfl:

As for the pics of Mark early in the am, all I can say as his mom is that he has never been a morning person. Ever. That's why he's a DJ! As for trips with him, as a 37-year veteran of those, I can only say, welcome to my world!:scared1:

It's been great hearing about last week's adventures. I can't wait to hear Caryn's version . . .

Nana Katz
I am in love with that cake beyond in love. And the kissing ball you have shown is what I have been dying to make my jbm!
Sounds so exciting Lindsay! I haven't been over here in a while so I haven't been able to see what you have been planning. I am now starving after seeing your pictures.

Did you meet any DISers at the race?
Oh that cake is beautiful!!!! I love the crystals. The cake flavors sound so yummy, now I want cake!!!
I am obsessed with the crystal cake. Caryn suggested that we buy ribbon from David's bridal to put under the crystals.

It sounds like everything is going to be just beautiful! Can't wait to read more!
I hope so! More coming right up!

I love everything that you picked out. The linens are great and the I love the colors. I also LOVE that last cake with the crystals. So pretty. :goodvibes
I really like the linens, and I was going to do every other table, but they are pretty pricey.... So Diane suggested the sweetheart table and the cake table.

Lindsay that cake is beautiful! It is going to look awesome and the cake choices yummy! I love the color combinations and table settings! It really is going to be so pretty! :yay:

Hi, Lindsay

All your wedding choices are wonderful! Especially your choice of groom! You know I have loved Chris since I met him last year at Mark & Caryn's wedding. So let him play with Caryn's iPhone if he wants to!!!:rotfl:

As for the pics of Mark early in the am, all I can say as his mom is that he has never been a morning person. Ever. That's why he's a DJ! As for trips with him, as a 37-year veteran of those, I can only say, welcome to my world!:scared1:

It's been great hearing about last week's adventures. I can't wait to hear Caryn's version . . .

Nana Katz

Maybe we don't need to hear Caryn's version. She traumatized the Dunkin' Donuts lady.

Loving the trip report so far !!!

Linz xxx :)

I am in love with that cake beyond in love. And the kissing ball you have shown is what I have been dying to make my jbm!
I'm a huge fan of flower balls. I think they are fab!

Sounds so exciting Lindsay! I haven't been over here in a while so I haven't been able to see what you have been planning. I am now starving after seeing your pictures.

Did you meet any DISers at the race?
We didn't meet any at the race, but we met up with a few afterwards.... That part of the TR should be up shortly.
Lindsay- I love the wedding cake and the flowers.. you and Caryn look so much alike... Miss you
Saturday Jan 10

*I apologize for not having a lot of pictures. Neither of us brought our cameras to the race (I didn't want to carry it while I was running)*

Our wakeup call came at 3am. I really didn't sleep well at all that night. It might have been nerves, it might have been the fact that I was in a different bed... I woke up every hour or so.

So the wakeup call comes and we get out of bed, get dressed and get ready to go. Chris and Mark were mad that we turned one light one because we needed to see. It was COLD. COLD COLD COLD. So I made sure that I had my Future Mrs. sweatshirt to wear and my gloves.

Chris took this picture of us just before we left the room.

(I guess at 3am we can't expect him to be a great photographer)

We left the room at about 3:30 amd walked over to get the bus to the marathon. There were 6 busses waiting to transport the people from our hotel!! We got on the bus and they were playing that new Indiana Jones movie, which was kind of creepy that early in the morning. We got on our way and we were dropped off at Epcot. While we were walking to the tents where we were penned until we could go to the corralls we got a lot of compliments on our running skirts.

Did I mention that it was cold? It was. There was an 80s band playing and after walking around for a little while we decided that the best place for us to be was huddled amongst the shirts in the merchandise tent to keep warm. (A friend of ours said that the low in Orlando that night was 34 degrees. You could see your breath) Anyway. We sat in the tent for close to an hour while Caryn whined at me that we should have taken a later bus and it wasn't necessary for us to be the first ones there. Point taken Caryn. Understood. Next year we won't come so early. :rolleyes1

Finally, it was time for us to walk over to the corrals. We were in Coral E Wave 2. It was a pretty long walk from the parking lot in Epcot to the corrals. At least 15 minutes. That was okay. I needed to get warm. We got to walk backstage where we saw an old Backlot tour car, a Jungle Cruise boat and the Epcot Christmas lights.... Also, we also got the joy of seeing men peeing. Yes. That's right. On the way to the corrals there were literally lines of men standing by the trees peeing. What we didn't realize is that this would be something we would see for the entire race.

We get the the corall and it is CROWDED. :crowded: We were packed in there like sardines. They had a video screen and this wimpy girl talking about how she can't believe we all woke up so early. I tried to ignore her by stretching. I got a good stretch in and then it was almost time to go! :yay:
The actual professional runners got to start 15 minutes before the characters. They had the characters count down and then they shot off fireworks and played the song from the commercial, which I thought was really fun and cool! 2 1/2 minutes later, the announcer person announce that the professional runners were at the HALF MILE MARK. Yep. They were keeping a 5 min mile pace.:eek: Caryn and I didn't do that.

Finally it was time for us to start. That was when we saw Speedo Man. (Caryn calls him Naked Man, but as he was not naked, I will be refering to him as Speedo Man). He was wearing sneakers, a red speedo (and not the full bodysuit that Michael Phelps wears... just the breifs) and a hat. Did I mention it was COLD????? And that's all this guy was wearing. Some very amused ladies behind us took pictures. I can't imagine how this guy didn't get frostbite. I didn't see him from the front, but a very amused man asked where he pinned his bib. :lmao:

It was still dark when we started running and there were a lot of people on the sidelines cheering us on, which I thought was awesome. They didn't have to be there, it was cold, it was obsenly early and there they were, cheering for everyone. As we were running under the monorail, the drivers beeped at us. (I thought that was cool) We ran on World Drive and took the exit to get to the Magic Kingdom parking lot. We got on that road road (about 2 1/2 miles) when we saw the first few people PASS US at about the 7 mile mark. HOW COOL!!! So we all cheered for them. They were awesome! (Seriously, I can't run 1 5min mile.... let alone 13) The first woman was the 4th person in that group. There was a high school marching band playing and some high school cheerleaders. :cheer2: We ran through the parking gates (where you would give the person your money to park) and up past that Richard Petty driving thing. At this point the sun had come up and a lot of people started complimenting our skirts. One guy heard us talking with another girl about our skirts and shouted out "This is not a fashion show ladies!" Which I thought was pretty amusing. We ran through the parking lot and up past the contemporary. Then we ran up to TTC and there were tons of people cheering for us there too!

After TTC we ran backstage in MK and entered Main Street. On Main Street there were tons of people. At this point Caryn and I had gotten pretty warm, I took my gloves off. But it must have still been pretty cold becaue everyone was wearing heavy coats. We ran up the path to Tomorrowland and down by Cosmic Rays. At the teacups you could stop to take your picture with Alice (we didn't). We had been "wogging" this whole time (walk/jog=wogg) and we wogged around the Pooh ride and up past the Carousel. We made sure that we ran through the castle. We came down the path and then over the bridge, past Hall of Presidents and through Frontierland. We exited the MK at the gate by Splash where the parade floats go. Backstage there was the pirate ship float with Capt. Jack Sparrow and you could take a picture with him too.

We ran out and passed some buiding that neither Caryn nor I could identify. We decided it was the Scientology Center of Disney (In reality it was the Reedy Creek FD, but it wasn't the cool building that was red... it must have been their offices). We wogged up past the Grand and the WP. Then past the Hess station and up towards Epcot. (This is where the people passed us WAAAAY earlier that morning). We ran up the exit ramp to Epcot (which was awful. At this point we were at 10 ish miles... it was slanted and uphill. Not okay) Anyway, once we got up the ramp we turned around and looked back and saw a sea of people just leaving MK. At that point we both felt good and realized that we weren't going to get swept. We were really surprised that there were so many people behind us because we walked a lot.

I was REALLY tired at this point, so I was walking more than Caryn would have liked... but I made sure I was running a little bit each mile. We finally got backstage to Epcot and entered the park by the bathrooms that are near the Art of Disney store. WE WERE ALMOST DONE!!!!! We ran around the fountain and up the path to the world showcase, we went around the big planter (where they put the christmas tree) and back around, we exited Epcot by the bathrooms near Guest Relations. Less than a half mile to go! Caryn and I decided that we were going to run the rest of the way. We ran into the parking lot and there were people cheering in the bleachers. We made sure our bib numbers were straight. We smiled and RAN ACROSS THE FINISH LINE. WE WERE DONE!! :woohoo: :yay: :cheer2:

There were people with food so I got a banana :banana: to eat which was the best thing I could have done. I would have fainted if I didn't eat something. We got our medals and went to go find Mark and Chris. After about a half hour we found them (note to self, next year bring my cell phone) and Mark took a picture of us with our medals. (Caryn, please post that). We went back to the car and headed back to the hotel.

Sorry this was so long and had no pictures... next update will have more!!
WOW What a great description of the marathon!! I'm so proud of you! I could never have run that! Congratulations!!!
Lindsay I love your floral choices and the cake is beautiful :)
ok, let me put my spin on things here...

so when we left off we were going to the floral appointment...lindsay had some really bad pikz that she was threatening to give to laura kidd. so i hid them.

the floral appointment went really well and it didn't take that long. i like everything that she picked out, i now have a ton of projects to do...the menus, programs, aisle runner etc. lindsay DID choose to have fire on the floor, so lets hope that my clumsiness doesn't burn down the wp...

after the ps was totally done (6 long hours later) we went to the marathon expo. i was disappointed. it was a lot smaller than i had expected. we got our race packets, checked our chips (they ended up giving us black chips which is weird since i'd bought us yellow commemorative chips...) and got our goody bags with our super cool free marathon shirts. i was super starving so we headed back to the AS Movies food court to carbo load. lindsay complained the entire time (shocking) but carbo loading is important. this was our last meal before the race, it was 5pm...

while at asm mark and i took this lovely pic and lindsay and chris were SUPER jealous of it...

we went to mgm and road ToT, my fave ride ever, then we went to toy story mania. omg. i am so in love with that ride. i even beat lindsay!

self pics in mgm...


when we got back to the room, i needed conditioner so mark and i went to the as music gift shop, lindsay called and said that there weren't any safety pins in her race packet, so i picked those up too. mark discovered the arcade in the lobby and had to play donkey kong...


the donkey kong game was in the "old people section" with the pacmans. he had a blast.

then it was time to go to bed. lindsay was freaking out because she couldn't find batteries for her garmin, so she ran down to the as movies gift shop and they had them. then we all attempted to go to sleep, but she kept waking us up!!!!! how rude.

at 3am, that magical phone call came through and we got dressed and ready for the big race.


now. when i say it was cold, it was COLD. like idiots we didn't bring any throw away clothes and that just made it so much worse. next year i'm wearing a snow suit. my hands didn't warm up until mile 10 (for schizzle...) and it was a 13 mile race. i was thrilled. really. i've never run in long sleeves and i kept my shirt on the entire time.

we walked most of the race, which would have been fine, but i didn't train that way and so now i'm sore. that course is BORING. there are long stretches of NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING. we saw some lady cheat which really p'd me off. glad she got a medal. ohhhh, lindsay forgot to tell you about Mr. Incredible. that dude TOTALLY should not have been wearing that outfit. i thought i might have been deliriously imagining him, but unfortunately i wasn't...

about the men peeing on trees...1000's of trees were defaced this weekend at's just a shame, but pretty funny. i have to say...

by the time we got through EPCOT i absolutely could not take walking anymore, so i made lindsay run the last 800m or so. we crossed the finish line and some girl had the gall to ask me to LIFT MY LEG in order to cut my chip off. i almost fell over. that's just craziness. i just ran 13 miles, you've been sitting on your butt all morning and you expect me to LIFT MY LEG? uh no. bend over girlie. DISCLAIMER: i truly do appreciate all the time and energy of the race volunteers, but that girl made me mad because she was mean.

i had some free food and powerade which was amazing. i had instructed our men to meet us at the a-c tent after the race. well, they didn't follow directions and so we had to hobble all over creation to find them. when we finally did mark took this pic,


then we went back to the hotel, took a mini nap and ate. i was STARVING.
Wow! You guys are awesome! DF and I have been running some. He dosen't run much but can walk. I about died after running 5K for the first time last night! I'm suprer impressed! WTG!
Hi lindsay!!! I've been lurking in your planning jornal for a little while and thought i should finally come out and say helloooo. I LOVE those two cakes and think they'll look awesome together. Also, do you remember Megan's friend Stephanie that she's beens friends with since forever? I'm her sister Ashley :goodvibes I'm not sure if you remember me or not but i know we've definitel met lol.


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