Project Runway Season Five -MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!

I wanted Korto's to win so that I could buy it. I have no use for a blue evening gown and a grandma sweater/jacket. Oh well.

And Kenley, you can stop crying now. Joe's was hideous. If they keep up the week-delayed eliminations, either Suede or Joe is gone next week. I'm not sorry to see Miss Leatha go. I think it was her time. She couldn't really compete with the rest of these fools anyway. On talent alone, I'd say Joe and Suede should go next, then Blayne/Jerrell/Kenley. I'm thinking this is Korto FTW. The runway show is next Friday (I think). Are we going to discuss the real time results here, or wait until the show airs? I don't want to spoil anyone.
I wanted Korto's to win so that I could buy it. I have no use for a blue evening gown and a grandma sweater/jacket. Oh well.

And Kenley, you can stop crying now. Joe's was hideous. If they keep up the week-delayed eliminations, either Suede or Joe is gone next week. I'm not sorry to see Miss Leatha go. I think it was her time. She couldn't really compete with the rest of these fools anyway. On talent alone, I'd say Joe and Suede should go next, then Blayne/Jerrell/Kenley. I'm thinking this is Korto FTW. The runway show is next Friday (I think). Are we going to discuss the real time results here, or wait until the show airs? I don't want to spoil anyone.

Oh, HELL yeah, we're going to discuss the real time results! I'm not going to be able to go without dishing it with you!
Yay! So we'll set aside next Friday to watch the Getty images stream in and we can not only see who makes it to Fashion Week, but also who we think will win. BTW, I accurately called the win for Christian last season after seeing his collection and knowing Posh was the judge.

I have a co-worker who loves PR as well, and we'll be viewing the collections and discussing them at work.
Yay. Got to see my Keith again, and see Wesley ironing without a shirt again.

I wasn't surprised that Mr Tan got auffed, but I was surprised by Terri. I thought for sure it would have been Kenley. I thought Terri's was good (both versions).
YOU were surprised? Probably not as surprised as Terri was!!! :teeth:

Since Heidi's comment on Terri's design included "poorly constructed", probably that's why Kenley wasn't aufed - while her design wasn't necessarily avant-garde, it was well-made. Although, given her decision to ignore Tim's suggestions - combined with Leanne taking his advice in last week's challenge, and winning :), I wouldn't have been surprised at all if Kenley had been dumped.
I thought Jerell's dress was boring, predictable and dated. I don't think he should've won, or even have been in the top 2.

Sorry, I<3EvilQueen, but I think Keith is a self-absorbed, drama-causing eejiot. I was really upset to see Terri go home and really don't think she should've. Her dress was in the middle of the pack in my opinion, but was not one of the worst two. Keith threw her under the bus by taking a nap and not helping, but Terri was the one who got yelled at for not being able to work with someone with different points of view.

Plus Terri works in Columbus, so I like her. ;) :thumbsup2
I definitely think that the win should have gone to Leanne or Joe. Korto's was good but didn't seem "avant garde" enough to me. I thought Jarell's was a hot mess. In Tim's Take, Tim notes that Jarell was a good "showman" at the party with the past designers, and that contributed to the win. As doing this kind of P.R. IS a part of being a top designer, I have to admit that it's a valid criteria for the win. Lots of designers are famous for much more than their clothes, and as long as it sells clothes, they're successful.

I kind of wish they could have eliminated all four of the bottom group. There was nothing spectacular in the bunch, and a lot of really tragic crap. Apparently there was as much drama between Jerry & Suede as there was between Terri & Keith, but it got edited out.

I'm hearing rumors of all six of the designers left showing in the tents at Bryant Park tomorrow.
Spoil sport! Telling me those rumors! It's not nice! LOL.
I didn't like very many of the designs last night, I thought over all that Korto's was the most original, but not conceptual enough I think. If she would have done a better job like you said of P.R. she might have won, I just don't think that's in her personality.
Spoil sport! Telling me those rumors! It's not nice! LOL.

It's not going to make much difference if I tell you the rumor now, or you find out when we start discussing the online images from the Bryant Park show tomorrow, is it?
It's not going to make much difference if I tell you the rumor now, or you find out when we start discussing the online images from the Bryant Park show tomorrow, is it?

*plugs ears and closes eyes* LALALALALALALALALALALALALALA I'm not looking, I'm not looking! ;)
You should probably stay out of this thread tomorrow (or we can create an all new one just for SPOILERS of PR Finale/Fashion Week). ;) I didn't agree with the decisions last night. I know that the previous designers picked Jerell, and that's why he was safe, but I would have put him in the bottom. Joe, Leanne, and Korto were all better. I thought Suede's was worse than Terri, and Suede's been in the bottom a few times. After the way Kenley back-talked Heidi and Nina, I thought she was a goner. I guess not. I saw Tim's Take as well, and thought that it wasn't fair that Terri got 100% of the blame for "not working with her partner." What was she supposed to do, drag him out by the rat-tail?

Should be a nice runway show tomorrow (Suede, Jerell, Kenley + Joe, Korto, Leanne). I'm thinking that Suede/Jerell go next in either order, Kenley's out 4th, and the F3 is Korto/Leanne/Joe. Just my guess.
I saw Tim's Take as well, and thought that it wasn't fair that Terri got 100% of the blame for "not working with her partner." What was she supposed to do, drag him out by the rat-tail?

I think they were both acting like passive-aggressive tools. HOWEVER, Terri should have stepped up and taken responisiblity for the look, not tried to blame it's shortcomings on Keith. Korto also had a partner who wasn't a lot of help (Kelly got sick, it's not shown in the edit) and was still in the top four with a garment that was pinned together! But she owned her look and what happened to her.

Should be a nice runway show tomorrow (Suede, Jerell, Kenley + Joe, Korto, Leanne). I'm thinking that Suede/Jerell go next in either order, Kenley's out 4th, and the F3 is Korto/Leanne/Joe. Just my guess.

As much as I don't think Suede, Jerell, or Kenley are finalist caliber, I am intruiged by what kind of whack-a-doodle looks they'll send down the runway. I think it's between Korto & Leanne for the win. Not sure why Joe is still there. Should be a good show from a pure spectacle point of view. From a "fashion" perspective, I rather doubt it.

I kind of wish we could see what Stella would have done for a Bryant Park collection.
I think it's between Korto & Leanne for the win. Not sure why Joe is still there. Should be a good show from a pure spectacle point of view. From a "fashion" perspective, I rather doubt it.

I agree. I generally like both of them and their designs. I don't know how "innovative" or "fashion forward" they will be, but they should be able to at least complete a collection. Kenley has the potential to have a nice show, Jerell and Suede's will probably be over the top, but I have no idea what Joe will do. I guess we'll see tomorrow.

And I didn't like Terri placing all the blame on Keith, but again, we only get shown a few minutes of the judging sessions that last for hours. Her look wasn't great, but I don't think it was worse than Suede's. And Kenley's was boring AND had nothing to do with her sign.
This was just posted on Project RunGay:

Remember, tomorrow's show will have the finalists as well as the decoys, so you won't have to worry about any spoilers. All six remaining designers will be showing in Bryant Park tomorrow.

Which confirms it, as those lucky queens are actually going to be IN THE TENT tomorrow morning!

I'm hella jealous.
Did you see who the guest judge is? Want to know? I'm hella disappointed. Fashion icon my @ss!
Yeah, I know. And couldn't they have at least picked someone who is batting at least .500 as far as time spent on the Best and Worst dressed lists. I'm actually excited to see Leanne's collection. She's really grown on me lately, probably because she seems to be a dork like me. :)
Well, if the shows are running on time, the first runway show should have just started.

I wonder how long it will be before we start seeing images on getty.

the project rungay boys are there live and twittering updates to their blog.

bravotv has Daniel Vosovic and Nick Verreos twittering to their site and afterelton has someone twittering on their site.

Wow. LOTS of crackberry action in the tents today!
I'm loving the twitter page. I'm also logged into Getty and waiting for the first images. They normally start popping up about an 30-60 min after each designers show. We will be here a while since there are 6 freaking designers.


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