The "Why I didn't speak to my sister for a week" trip report *** Now Complete :)

I've been planning our little family trip down to the minute detail, and yesterday my parents just informed me that they're coming to WDW the SAME TIME as us in October with my sister's 3 kids. OH YEAH!!!! Somehow I thought of you, Marina. :scared1:
Is it me, or is the butterfly/flower thing catching on ? :rotfl2: That's so fetch !!!!

HA! :lmao:

Oh my, just because of this TR ? That's making me feel very guilty YET very amused at the same time. But I can't blame you. We love Disney too much and it just costs too much money to take risks like that. Hope you have a great time at FQ !!!!

Oh, don't feel guilty, as I thank you for bringing me to my senses! You need to go back to Disney in late October/early November so that we can meet up for half a drink since I can't hold my liquor either. :rotfl:

Looking forward to the next installment!
Great installment! I hate that CMs wasn't more entertaining for you, since it was supposed to be a party! But glad you found your wallet and cell phone! Whew!
Your lucky you didnt wake up on the bathroom floor with a shamrock tattoo on your wrist not knowing what happened in the past 6 hours...:rotfl: and Im not even the smallest bit Irish. Tequila can kick some serious butt.

Hey - I will get a shamrock tatoo if it gets me the hotel rate you got!;)
we leave wed.eve for our trip...I sent my sister this link....I told her if you act like this I am going to tape you in the suitcase and throw it under a bus...she loves the trip report too.....keep going
I am so, so, sorry for everything you and your mom went through (and feel so, so guilty for how hard I've been laughing at your TR). I've done trips with a high-maintenance (although very generous) mom and self-absorbed SIL, but nothing anyone has ever pulled was even remotely on the scale of what you endured.

I hope you get an absolute dream of a vacation to make up for this one.
Your Sis' attitude reminds me a lot like my sis. We can't even go to the mall without her complaining of being tired, having a headache, ect. We were planning a trip this fall, a week before my other trip. It didn't work out but I'm afraid I would have had a lot of the same problems as you.

Yep Jess is the same. Trip to the mall ? Try a trip to the store accross the street. Good thing it didn't work out (hope you don't mind me saying that).

Your TR cracks me up! Seriously, it's nice to see that you maintained a wonderful sense of humor about everything!

Had to. But honestly it's a whole lot easier to laugh about it now than it was back then. Darn, it took me a couple months before I could even bear to think about this trip.

Great update. I so don't envy you. Please tell us it gets better.

I can't lie on the DIS !!! They'd throw me out and bury me with old refillable mugs.

DD thinks the exact opposite. We always see LOTS of French people

I'm so sorry :(

and British people, and Spanish people.... we seem to attract lots of nationalities when we visit.

This is one of the best - and scariest - trip reports we've ever read. We don't typically vacation with my family anymore because there are too many of us and we have a few like your sister. Of course, DH has been known to act like your sister - and we HAVE dumped his sorry butt. He 'comes for the food'! So, we left him home for 2 trips and he has promised to behave for our December trip. We'll see....

Good for you for dumping DH ! I wish I'd have had the guts to do it sooner on our trip. But even when we dumped them, she managed to annoy me (you'll see what I mean by that later).

I normally don't pay people too many compliments, it's not my nature. But I have to say that you are a great person for putting up with that Biatch. All the crap she gives you and you are still buying stuff for her. I would have lost it on Day 1 and we'd be having our own vacations!

You definitely need a make up trip. Better yet, only invite Alex, she seemed to be having a good time. That would show your sister for sure!!!

Awww thanks :hug: Alex would never go on vacation without Jessi though, and to be honest we have very little in common and I wouldn't want to anyway. I may take her to Disneyland Paris though - somebody needs to hold my hand on TOT !

I was just wondering if "flower" and "butterfly" sound the same in French as they do in English?:lmao:

Nope. Isn't it a shame ? That's why I enjoy these words so much in English and use them profusely. :lmao:

LOL !!! Thank you... I think ?

Your lucky you didnt wake up on the bathroom floor with a shamrock tattoo on your wrist not knowing what happened in the past 6 hours...:rotfl: and Im not even the smallest bit Irish. Tequila can kick some serious butt.

Okay, I *have* to know all about this. A shamrock tatoo ?? Lemme see!

If anyone deserves a do-over trip it is you! I hope you have something planned sans the sister!

Yup. In two weeks and three days. Not that I'm counting.

I was so excited to see your updates. I can't imagine how angry I'd be if I'd worked as hard as you did to take your sister to Disney only to have her behave the way yours did. I'd be incredibly resentful for a very long time. You and Grumpy deserve a "just the two of you" trip asap.

Two weeks and three days. Did I mention that already?

I couldn't agree more. Or maybe a nice trip to Disneyland in California. We have a pretty good park out here. And a lot of the good neighbor places are within walking distance too.:goodvibes

California is next on our list of places to visit. Not just for Disneyland, but I'm dying to see Alcatraz. Ever been?

It can only get better, right?:rotfl:

If you say so :)

You've reeled in me and several of my Disbuds on this TR. Great job so far! I can't believe some of the things you've had to put up with. You should apply for sainthood.

Oh, some of my girls who haven't posted have requested that you update your title when you've written an update. They don't wanna miss anything!:goodvibes

Thanks, will do !!!

Just saw you updated :) I just can't believe all you and Grumpy had to put up with!!! Thank goodness your Poly trip is just about here!!:dancer: :dance3: :dancer: I'm sure you are counting down the days! :yay:

Two weeks and three days. Seventeen days. Four hundred and eight hours. Twenty four thousands, four hundred and eighty hours.
Not that I'm counting.

I guess I'm lucky. I just came back from 6 days at WDW with my sister and niece and we had a great time. I've also traveled with another sister many times and haven't had any major problems. I think the OP must have a lot of patience to put up with the things her sister pulled on a vacation that was given to her.

Phew !!! You don't know how happy I am to finally see someone who had a good time on vacation with a sibling. See guys it DOES happen. :goodvibes:

I've been planning our little family trip down to the minute detail, and yesterday my parents just informed me that they're coming to WDW the SAME TIME as us in October with my sister's 3 kids. OH YEAH!!!! Somehow I thought of you, Marina.

You did ?? I wonder why. Run, Forrest, RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!

Hey... you do have a bit of Southern in ya don't you?!?! ;)

I reckon I been workin' on me twang, sweetie.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEE your signature !!!!!!

Oh, don't feel guilty, as I thank you for bringing me to my senses! You need to go back to Disney in late October/early November so that we can meet up for half a drink since I can't hold my liquor either. :rotfl:

I'm game !!! Don't know when I'll be able to go back to WDW this upcoming year though, but when I do.... DISmeet,baby!

we leave wed.eve for our trip...I sent my sister this link....I told her if you act like this I am going to tape you in the suitcase and throw it under a bus...she loves the trip report too.....keep going

This had me rolling on the floor laughing!!!!! Have a great trip!!!

Oh I never thought it possible but girl you dont seem to have any magic on this trip.... you sure your sisters not working for a villian?
I am so, so, sorry for everything you and your mom went through (and feel so, so guilty for how hard I've been laughing at your TR). I've done trips with a high-maintenance (although very generous) mom and self-absorbed SIL, but nothing anyone has ever pulled was even remotely on the scale of what you endured.
I hope you get an absolute dream of a vacation to make up for this one.

Hey you know, it sounds bad so far, but still we were in Disney. And not at home working in a gas station. So, it wasn't a nightmare or anything. But I sure had hoped it'd go better than this.

Awesome updates!! I really enjoy your writing style. I am sorry to hear that Jess is still giving you problems, you are alot calmer than I would be. Can't wait to read more of your exciting journey.

more :cheer2: more:cheer2: we want more:cheer2:

I've never posted on a trip report before, but this one is great!! I check back everyday to see if anything new has been posted. I love this TR!!! Keep up the good work!!!!!

OHH.. And I LOVED the butterfly and flower references!!!!!:rotfl2:

Your report has been so entertaining. Thanks for all of the laughs. It can be so difficult traveling with others. I can't wait for the next installment.

I have never read a TR before yours. I check back several times a day to check for updates.

I am praying that things got better the next day, but not counting on it. You are a wonderful writer, and cant wait for the next update

Another devoted fan here - I almost don't want your trip to end, I am loving the story so much!:lovestruc

I just found your TR. I understand your frustration, when you love Disney as much as we do you want everyone to experience it and enjoy it as much as we do. If she can't get with the program ditch her I shared your adventures with my bff and we were rolling and fuming right along with you. Can't wait for the next update.

This is so hilarious in a terrible sort of way! I read your double and a half trippie and was glad to find this one. I have laughed out loud so many times tonight and now I am all caught up! Makes me kind of glad to be an only child.

Great installment! I hate that CMs wasn't more entertaining for you, since it was supposed to be a party! But glad you found your wallet and cell phone! Whew!


You are making a bad situation sound so funny. I have really enjoyed reading your report. I had a friend recommend your thread. I feel your pain.

Really enjoying your report, but oh my goodness - I thought my brother was annoying but I will willingly keep him now, whn compared to your sister!!!!!!!!:goodvibes

Thank you all for reading and commenting :) I'm working on the next installment now but my pics are lost somewhere in photobucket. Grrrrrr....
I can't believe this isn't titled "Why I never spoke to my sister again"

You are a saint!

Late comer to this report, but OMG, how you didn't kill her is beyond me. Last year we did a big family trip of eight people and at one point or another I wanted to kill each of them except my 1 y.o. niece. Next trip just DH and I, can't wait.
Ashamed to say I have never been to Alcatraz and I only live 45 miles from San Francisco. I love going to San Francisco and doing so many of the tourist things but we have just never done Alcatraz and honestly we go to Disneyland more frequently than we do the city. There are so many fun things to do in the bay area though and any questions you may have I will do my best to answer.:goodvibes
This is better than a telenovela (spanish soap opera)!!!

Hence--best trip report evar of the most awfullest trip evar.

Thats an honor, my flowering dear.
ok now listen, you need to tell us more...its killing me....come on we all need a good laugh...this is the best
Call Britney, cause, OOPS, I did it again.
I lied to my Dear Sister. :guilty:

See today we were switching resorts - heading to CSR ! But mostly, we were going to Epcot in the morning, and no way on God's green earth was I going to miss on Soarin' and Test Track.

:idea: So, I told her the checkout time was 9am. :rotfl:

Grumpy backed me up. Oh yeah, they would totally kick us out after that time. And we couldn't get our luggage transferred and it would be a huuuuuuuge pain.

At 8.30 sharp I had all the luggae piled up next to the window in our room, luggage services tip on the table, and I was pushing everyone out the door. I passed around granola bars and stolen Chef Mickey's cookies, but Jess declined, she wasn't hungry.

We got lucky with the buses and made it to Epcot within a few minutes of opening. I had my laptop in a backpack with me, so I had to stop and get a locker. I told them to go ahead to The Land and I'll join them.

When I came out Jess, Grumpy and Alex were sitting down in front of the restrooms/locker area.

"What are you still doing here ?!"
"Jessica wants to go have breakfast."


I ask Alex "You hungry?"
"Okay then why don't you guys go to the Land, get us some Soarin' fastpasses, get yourselves some breakfast, and meet us after that at Test Track. Alex & I want to do Mission Space."

I don't even wait for an answer, hand Grumpy my AP, grab Alex's arm and start walking away.
WE ESCAPED :dance3:

Of course, that means I now have to ride Mission Space.

Green side, please. It's our first time. There is no line whatsoever, we walk right on.

We're sharing our "rocket" with 2 young kids. When the doors open and the kids don't move, Alex says the one and only English word she'll say the whole trip.


They obey.
Now Alex watches shows like CSI and Bones in full English, no subs, and she understands perfectly. I have no idea why she refused to speak English for our entire trip. Alex doesn't say much to begin with, but that was odd even for her.

Anyway, we got on Mission Space. I think I was engineer or something, Alex was Captain and damn proud of it. I didn't have the heart to tell her that even if she didn't press on the right buttons the ride would work the same way. She enjoyed the ride. I thought it was too tame - but I'm too much of a sissy to ride the orange side.

When we came out, the wait for Test Track was only 10mns. We were supposed to wait for Jess & Grumpy to join us.

Alex & I exchanged looks, then both ran in line. I LOVE TEST TRACK!!!!!! We screamed and laughed and had a ball.

After our ride and a little time in the shop, I called Grumpy's cell.

"We're still having breakfast. We'll be done soon, wait for us."

Fine. We wait. In Mission Space, which still has no line. We end up being engineer and captain again. Oh well. I have fun pressing the wrong buttons. Alex thinks I'm gonna break the ride :lmao:.

Okay, now are they gonna be moving their butts or what ???
My cell rings.

"Well, Jessica changed her mind. She doesn't want to walk all the way back there and she doesn't want to do "that car ride". We're going to do Living with the Land instead."


This coming from the girl who wanted to do the Richard Petty Experience. Good thing we saved our money!

So, what could we do ? We went back in Test Track. There was a bit of a line now but we didn't care. I got to take some pics.



Then we walked to The Land. Grumpy was waiting for us outside. Jess was sitting inside, because it was too hot out.

It was still too early to use our Soarin' FPs so we went to see the Circle of Life. Love that movie.

Then we went back downstairs and Grumpy handed me a Fastpass. Except it wasn't one. My ticket said NOT A VALID FASTPASS.

"What's this ??!"
"Oh, I don't know. But it doesn't matter right, it's a ticket."
"Yeah it's a ticket that says not valid. I think that's gonna matter."

Instead of putting my AP in the Fastpass machine, Grumpy had put in her room key. Don't ask me why, I have no idea. Now I was upset at Grumpy because I had asked her to do ONE thing and she couldn't even do it correctly.

I took the other 3 fastpasses went to a CM at the Fastpass machines, and explained the situation. She was So NICE! Gave me another FP and told me to tell the guy at the FP line that Lindy had said it was okay.

So I did, and we were allowed in. Sigh of relief.

Is it me, or is this morning going really well so far ?!

While we were waiting, I spotted the thing they use to measure kids to make sure they're tall enough to ride.

I wanted to measure Grumpy. She made it !!!!


The family behind us laughed their heads off and did the same thing. And then the family behind them. Finally, the CM had to tell us that we were ready to ride, if we didn't mind. Front row, yay!!!!

We rode Soarin', Jess loved it,we got more FPs for later. Then we went to the Seas, hoping to find Coral Reef. For some reason I thought it'd be inside the building where the aquarium and Turtle Talk is. We got lost. Then someone showed us the way.


Very nice restaurant. Very empty too. We all went to the podium and gave our name.

"Hmmm, we have a reservation for you, but it's for tomorrow, not today."
Very nice restaurant. Very empty too. We all went to the podium and gave our name.

"Hmmm, we have a reservation for you, but it's for tomorrow, not today."

OMG! I think this is one of my worst Disney fears. :scared: I am crossing my fingers that it turns out okay. popcorn::
Aaaaghh! Surely they let you in since it was early-ish....

Woo-hoo on the escape.:cool1: Wonder what would've happened if you had slipped your sister a Red Bull or something?

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
"The CM took pity on me, I think, because my margarita was very tequila-ish while Grumpy & Alex's were not strong at all. So I switched mine with Alex's, since I can't handle my liquor anyway. The last time I drank alcohol at a party, I ended up sprawled on the kitchen floor, talking to the floor, and having a mini meltdown because it wouldn't answer back."

Your lucky you didnt wake up on the bathroom floor with a shamrock tattoo on your wrist not knowing what happened in the past 6 hours...:rotfl: and Im not even the smallest bit Irish. Tequila can kick some serious butt.

I'm thinking we deserve a link to THAT trip report :lmao: :lmao:
California is next on our list of places to visit. Not just for Disneyland, but I'm dying to see Alcatraz. Ever been?

Is Alcatraz a research trip? :lmao: Thinking of sending someone for a visit? :lmao:


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